kahnac — Godzilla Ataria Unleashed - ch 43

#gamera #godzilla #godzillaataria
Published: 2021-11-06 21:00:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 6836; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 0
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Monster Free For All

“Why did you have us retreat?!” Kaiser exclaimed in anger. “We could have felled the Gojiran where he stood! He was helpless!”

“Some things are more important than vengeance, my friend.” Krystalak said. “While besting Godzilla would have been an amusing bonus, it was not our sole objective.” Kaiser gave the crystal monster a skeptical look of curiosity. “Then what was? The crystal? Surely it could not be that special compared to the Celestial Seven growing on Earth.”

“On that, you are only half right.” Krystalak said. “My master requires a pure source of Quintessence for his plans to escape this infernal realm. The Quintessence here, while powerful, is still only a finite part of the equation. Lord Astaroth requires a source from another realm entirely in order to breach the veil between this world, and that. With the power surge crystals growing on Earth, he has the necessary Quintessence for this plan.” He then grinned. “And we receive these crystals with immense power in the process. Soon we will be strong enough to eradicate humanity...and the Earth Defenders permanently.”

“But how does this help me to regain my master’s favor?”

“Patience, Kaiser. All good things to those…..who wait.”

Deep in the underground, where no man dwells, Bagan stood in the center of a submerged, ruin city, hiding in a massive cavern. The dark master smiled as he observed the familiar ruins surrounding him. All the memories of his conquest running through his mind like a video, and the screams of his victims still brought him much joy. How could he ever forget the city of Atlantis when it was once his seat of power during the Great War?

The only part he wished he could forget was how this was also the place he fell. The sight of his first, and only defeat at the hands of the Titans. Just when he was on the cusp of victory. But he brushed those thoughts aside as he went to work: filling himself with dark power, and then raising his hands to lift the city through the underground to the surface world. His will guided it to where he sought its new resting place. Eventually, it emerged as a large island erupting out of the Egyptian desert, floating high into the sky as fiery clouds, and smoke surrounded the fortress thanks to the volcano formed by the island's emergence.

The ruins of the city erupted from the floating isle, and became a mountain with a strange, four-pronged structure at the summit, whereas its base held a pair of massive doors, beckoning others to enter the newfound fortress. The pyramids of Giza were teleported to the center of the mountain, where his throne room would be, before he turned the land outside of Giza around it into a raging inferno of fire, and ash. Bagan then blackened the skies with a reddish hue, and turned Egypt into a realm of Darkness. As he took his seat, he beheld his work, and found it...perfect.

Miles out to sea, there was an island. But what was most peculiar about this Island was that it moved. Directionless, but always in motion. The GDF had detected it some time ago, and sent a research team to investigate it. What they found was truly astonishing, to say the least: a slab of stone with ancient writings that the team discovered went back to the permean era. Impossible, some thought, as no humans existed in that time.

Yet this tablet seemed to prove otherwise.

Then suddenly, the island began to shake. A loud rumbling like an earthquake began to pull the island apart. The GDF scientists were quick to escape the unstable island as quickly as possible. But when they reached their boats, they turned to see no Island at all. What they saw was the huge carapace of something large, and possibly alive. The waters then began to froth, and bubble before the Island actually took off into the sky.

The last thing the GDF forces saw before it disappeared was a gigantic, flying turtle roaring with renewed life.

The invasion was proceeding as well as intended. The human forces were no match for the Cryog as their battleships shot, and tore through everything they had like tissue paper. And their Trilopods decimated everything in their path. All the while, Krystalak had arrived in Boston, which had become riddled with lightning storms, along with Battra, and Obsidious to gather more crystals for their purposes. Or at least absorb as many as possible so that they can reach their full potential. Alongside them were three Antilocks who were tearing the city apart: the blade-spined Verocitor, the hard-shelled Belobog, and the humanoid Yamarashi. All of whom were destroying everything in sight as Krystalak watched. “I love it when everything comes together.”

“Are you certain that this plan of yours will see to humanities end?” Battra questioned.

“Of course it will, Battra.” Krystalak said. “Once Astaroth is freed from his imprisonment, and joins with Bagan, then the world shall be reborn - without humanity to defile it with their foolish existence. But first, we must gather as much energy as possible to see that reality come to fruition.”

“As long as it ends in the world’s salvation, I don’t care what happens.” Battra said.

“You will care after I tear off your wings, insect!” Spoke a familiar, rage-filled voice.

All turned to see Ghost Godzilla arrive, just in time for him to fire his atomic ray at most of the Trilopods: killing off most of them, and decimating half the city in the process. Had Krystalak not jumped into the air, Battra rose into the sky, and Obsidious be as hard as he is, they might have joined them. But luckily for them, they evaded such a fate, and were left to face the revenant who was only interested in one thing. “Where is the Destoroyah? He killed my family and clan, and now I will have his head!”

“Your dedication is admirable,” Krystalak said, “but ultimately misguided. Thanatos is with our master in another realm now. You could not reach him no matter how hard you tried.”

“Then I will force one of you to take me to him. And make your deaths as vicious as possible.” Ghost growled.

Krystalak glared at the undead saurian with unamusement as Battra flew beside him. He turned to Obsidious and bid him join their side. The creature, fully conditioned to obey, joined the Mutants side. For the moment, there was a stand-off between the Invaders, and Ghost Godzilla. Neither side made a move just yet. Then came firepower from the sky as Mothra Leo joined the battle. Seeing his nemesis, Battra swiftly took after him, and their clash began. Ghost Godzilla growled at the unwanted appearance of the moth, but shrugged it to the side as he focused on the crystal constructs. Krystalak stepped back, and commanded Obsidious to face the revenant. “Hiding behind your own forces?” Ghost asked as the remaining Trilopods joined his side. “You coward.”

“Call it however you see fit.” Krystalak said. “But this is more of a demonstration of what “Critical Mass” is capable of. Obsidious!”

As if understanding his master’s unspoken command, Obsidious called upon the stored power of the crystals already in his body. To Ghost Godzilla’s surprise, he grew a few meters taller, and his body began to glow crimson with energy. What’s more was the increase in power he could sense in this golem now. But he pushed aside any feelings of doubt, and readied for combat. Obsidious pounded his chest like a gorilla, and roared in challenge to the gojiran. He then charged him while spewing his magma stream. And while Ghost shrugged off the attack, the right hook to the face caused him to stagger. He then reciprocated with a punch to the stomach, with no seeming effect. Obsidious then began swinging his fists around trying to knock Ghost’s head off. But the shorter kaiju was able to evade four of those punches, before biting into Obsidious’ arm during the fifth. He then hurled him into the Trilopods, and blasted them again, killing the last of them. Obsidious grew angry, and tore a chunk of the ground out, and hurled it at Ghost, making him stagger before tackling him, grabbing Ghost by the tail, and then tossing across the city. But the gojiran got back up to resume the fight.

“This is why the pawns always go first.” Krystalak said to the Antilocks, who gurgled and grunted in what sounded like laughter.

Mothra Leo and Battra, meanwhile, were blasting each other, and colliding at ramming speeds. Both were intent on knocking down the other, and ending this fight as quickly as possible. And though Battra was fierce, and strong, Leo was also very strong. He proved this by ramming into Battra, and knocking him through several buildings until he finally stopped. Krystalak noticed this, and decided to stealthily do something about this. Meanwhile, Leo said to Battra, “It doesn’t need to be this way, Battra. We are not your enemies.”

“You stand in the way of this planet’s salvation, fool!” Battra roared. “That alone makes you my enemies, same as humanity.”

“To make war upon an entire world is Bagan’s way, not the TItan way.”

“What would you know, whelp?! You were not even alive during the Great War’s first age. Humans forever altered the world’s climate, and defiled the will of nature. And even today, they still alter the climate of Earth, pollute it, and gut it for its natural resources. The only way to ensure this planet’s safety is to eliminate humanity, and all who stand by them.”

“Even if it means destroying this world to do it?” Leo asked, making Battra pause as he asked, “What do you mean?”

“Don’t act so surprised, Battra: I can read the minds of the invaders as easily as I can read a humans. All those things you say humanity does? The Emperor plans to do all of that as well, with no regard for any living thing!”

“Nothing but lies to save your own life!” Battra exclaimed as he took to the air, and readied for battle. But then, something Leo said struck a cord with him. “You yourself are a divine moth, aren’t you? If that’s so, then you should have used your powers to ensure your ‘allies’ were on your side, and not simply using you for their own ends. Bagan does not care for this world anymore than he cares for you. And if you continue to blindly serve him, then the Earth will pay the-”

Leo suddenly screeched in pain as he felt his lower right wing get sliced off by Krystalak. He fell with a crash, right next to where the duo was. “That’s enough out of you, insect.” Krystalak said. He then turned to Battra, and said, “You know what to do, my friend.” Battra turned to the grounded moth, who heard what was said, and stated, “Yes...you do.” Turning to, and from the kaiju, Battra charged up his prism beams, seemingly ready to vaporize the smaller Mothra variant. But part of him couldn’t help but think of what he said. And so, in curiosity, he privately probed Krystalak, and the Cryog in the sky for the truth. What he saw made his eyes widen in horror, and betrayal. “You lied to me.” He said to a surprised Krystalak.


“It was ALL a lie, wasn’t it?!” he exclaimed.

“I don’t know what you’re-”

“Then let me spell it out for you, mutant: as a divine moth, I can read your mind.”

This caused Krystalak’s eyes to widen in shock, before they narrowed in anger. “You should have kept your nose out of it, Battra: would have spared you a gruesome death.” He then fired his crystal ray at Battra, who clashed against it with his prism beams. The two fired in a stalemate until Battra entered critical mass, and overwhelmed Krystalak. He rushed in to finish the mutant, but was suddenly stomped on by Belobog while Verocitor and Yamarashi stepped on his wings. As hard as he tried, he couldn’t escape the grasp of the Antilocks, and was left to the mercy of a now angry Krystalak. “You damn fool! I showed you the power of the crystals, and I can take it away!” He then grabbed Battra’s face, and began syphoning out the crystal energy in Battra, who was left roaring in pain. Once it was done, the experience left Battra severely weakened, and ready for Krystalak to finish him with his sharp claws.

But before that could happen, a ball of Plasma sent Krystalak flying for the second time.

To Leo’s amazement, something big was flying through the air, firing plasma balls at every Cryog ship in the sky. It even rammed the ships, and tore through some of them. In a matter of minutes, the Cryog forces over Boston were annihilated by what Leo surmised was a giant turtle. Made even more clear when this ‘turtle’ tucked in his head, and flippers so that three more rockets could shoot out of his shell. His body then spun into a saucer, and crashed into the Antilocks. Verocitor and Yamarashi were pushed back, while Belobog was knocked ONTO his back. The spinning shell then flew above Belobog, once again poked out a turtle head and flippers, then shot down at Belobog with great speed while shooting a Plasma volley into Belobog’s vulnerable underside. As the antilock burned rather quickly, the turtle flipped around, sprouted legs, and then with a plasma charged fist, drove it into Belobog, and made it explode.

Even Krystalak was shocked by this display as he witnessed the carnage unfolding. The other antilocks, and Leo, stood still and watched as fire consumed the area. Then, to their surprise, the fire began to shrink, and condense into something. That something being an emerald green turtle with clawed arms, and legs, a short tail, a pointed snout, and two tusks on his lower jaw. A harrowing roar escaped his throat as he challenged the demonic foes. Hearing this, the pair were shaken out of their stupor, and charged him. The turtle figured Verocitor to be the weaker of the two, and bombarded him with plasma balls until he fell down dead. Yaramashi was a bit more of a physical challenge, but one the turtle could handle thanks to his own power boost. He fought like a boxer who beat into the Antilock with powerful punches, and blocked each one given. When Yaramashi was finally worn out, the turtle drew out plasma blades from his wrists, and stabbed them into the Antilock’s heart. 

Even Ghost Godzilla, who noticed the turtle’s entrance even while fighting, was impressed by the skill this creature had to offer. But he quickly ducked as Obsidious took another swing at him. Deciding enough was enough, Ghost tripped up the golem with his tail, slammed him into the ground a few times, and then sent him sliding away via atomic ray. It must have been enough, because the Critical Mass disappeared soon after. The golem, however, slowly rose back up in a daze to continue the fight. Something Ghost was eager to deliver. All the while, the turtle looked to Krystalak, and spoke. “This is your only warning, foe: leave now, or die.”

Krystalak growled. “I have no idea who you are, terrapin...but you have just made yourself a deadly enemy this day. Obsidious!” he roared out, summoning the golem to him. The two then disappeared into a portal back to Astaroth’s realm. Something Ghost Godzilla was less than thrilled with as he slammed his tail into a building, and smashed it apart. When the turtle asked what was wrong, Ghost growled, got into his face and said, “What’s wrong is you just chased away my only lead to Thanatos! That crystal echidna knew where he was, i’m sure! And now he’s gone because of you!”

The turtle’s eyes widened. “Thanatos has returned?”

This earned him a confused look from Ghost. “How do you know Thanatos?”

“I fought him during the Great War many eons ago. I helped to seal him away, but….if he is back, then things are worse than I realized.”

“What are you talking about?” Ghost asked.

“Those questions can wait.” he then turned to the moths. “For now, there is work to be done.” With that, he went over to Mothra Leo, and let an aura of golden light envelope the divine moth. In moments, his missing wing was healed, and he was good enough to take flight once again. “Thank you….but please heal Battra, as well. As i’m sure you witnessed, he is on our side now.” Though a bit uncertain, the turtle nodded, and did the same for Battra. With his stamina returned, Battra awakened to see the turtle healing him. “You? I thought you were dead.”

“Death does not claim my life so easily, as it seems.”

Growling with impatience, Ghost finally stepped forth and asked, “Alright, are you gonna give me answers now, turtle? Who even are you?” The turtle stood proud, and strong as he announced himself to all present.

“I am Gamera, Guardian of the Realm of Atlantis….and I have returned.”


artwork is owned by KaijuSamurai and KingShisa08  

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ApexGuardian2022 [2021-12-08 09:04:02 +0000 UTC]

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WOLFBLADE111 [2021-11-07 01:33:42 +0000 UTC]

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RakiotTheGrand [2021-11-06 22:49:50 +0000 UTC]

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pksp5 [2021-11-06 22:23:24 +0000 UTC]

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