kahnac — Godzilla Ataria Unleashed - ch 58

#godzilla #godzillaataria
Published: 2022-01-24 18:51:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 7018; Favourites: 32; Downloads: 3
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Ganging up

After returning to Los Angeles, Godzilla and the others told Atreus what had transpired in Osaka, and of their victory there. This gave the titans some sense of relief knowing that they defeated more of Bagan’s forces, and destroyed the last of the Celestial Crystals. Though there were some concerns about whether or not the tenebrens made off with a shard of the crystal, or not, they took this as a victory nonetheless. “Momentum has swung in our favor, Atreus. Perhaps this may be the turning point to winning this war.” King Caesar said. “I only hope you’re right, old friend.” Atreus said wearily. Then, without warning, a red and black crystal shot out of the Earth, and produced an illusion of The Emperor, himself, for all around the world to see.

“Citizens of planet Earth. Rejoice! For the time of your salvation has come. You shall be the first to experience the might, and majesty of The Anti-Life!”

Suddenly, more crystals began to sprout from the Earth, in a jagged, sharp form. All of them red as blood, and glowing with malignant energy. Atreus’ eyes widened. “By the ancients!” To make matters worse was that the titans could all sense how wide-spread this was coming. The further proof came as the projection showed the infection of crystal matter spread across the world. Seeing it was like watching an open wound bleed out. None could say a word as Bagan’s voice continued to echo as they watched the Earth explode.

“The Anti-Life has been seeded into the planet itself, connecting to the crystals that already infect your world. In mere days, all life shall be drained from the planet as corruption itself tears your world apart in a torrent so violent, nothing can survive! There will be no escape!”

They then felt the ground shake as the city itself began to crumble, break and slide into the sea. The Anti-Life crystals were triggering an earthquake. “Fall back!” Godzilla called out. “Fall back to higher ground!” The titans then began moving inland, and away from the crumbling coast. While most of them could swim, it wasn’t worth being buried underwater by tectonic plates. So all of the titans and mechas fled to the mainland where they were safe from the disaster zone. And all of them looked on as Los Angeles fell into the waves piece by piece. Godzilla was especially mortified as he saw the crimson crystals continue to spread everywhere. “Dad.” He said seriously. “What is going on? Is this really The Anti-Life?”

“I-....i don’t know.” Atreus said with uncertainty. “The Anti-Life was thought to be only a legend. I never truly expected it to be real.” His eyes then narrowed. “But I do know that the legend states that The Anti-Life has been used to bring about a brand new world.”

“Hey, that doesn’t sound so bad.” Rodan said hopefully.

“By issuing the old one’s destruction.” Atreus finished, making Rodan hiss in embarrassment, and apologize.

“Bagan wanted this.” Godzilla said. “This is why he was so set on collecting the Power Suge crystals. Somehow, they were the keys he needed to gain the power of the Anti-Life. And now that he has it, he’s using it to tear down the old world, and remake it in his image.”

“What are we gonna do?” Angilas asked.

Godzilla’s face hardened with determination. “We have to stop him, before he succeeds.”

“But that would include finding him first.” Novus stated. “And we have no idea where he could be. I mean, he clearly is operating within his fortress, The Black Citadel - which is a space station he uses as his base of operations - but it could be anywhere. Either in space, or somewhere on Earth, and we would never know. So how do we expect to fight Bagan if we cannot find him?”

Godzilla then remembered something told to him by The Seraphim. Something that ties into Bagan’s ultimate plan. “Mt. Fuji.” He said. “Mt. Fuji, that’s it! He’s in Japan to use Mt. Fuji for the last stage of his plan.”

“Hang on.” Megalon said. “How do you know Bagan’s in Japan? What makes you think he needs to use Mt. Fuji for this apocalypse plan?”

“Call it a hunch I just had.” Godzilla said. “But we don’t have time to debate over it. We need to get to Japan now, and stop Bagan before he destroys the planet.” Just suddenly, the comm disc on Godzilla’s chest activated, and started beeping. This surprised Godzilla, and the others. Godzilla knew who was calling, but he was confused as to why he was calling like this. He figured he may as well find out what else was wrong. “Yes, Tanaki?” he said after activating the device.

“Sorry to say it, but there’s more trouble afoot.”

“Don’t we have enough problems right now?”

“That may be true, but right now Krystalak and Obsidious are making things worse for my forces.”

Godzilla’s eyes widened. “Where are they?”

“Tearing apart what’s left of Seattle. The strange thing is their radiation levels are off the charts. I have a feeling they’ve reached Critical Mass. We’ve tried to handle it, but we’re no match for the two of them. Only you can stop them.”

Godzilla was silent for a few moments as he took in this information. He then huffed, and said, “Those two have gotten away with more than they deserve. No more: it ends now. I’ll deal with them, Tanaki. You just send what forces you can spare to Japan. We may need your help with this one.”

“Thanks, goji. I knew i could count on you.” Tanaki then went radio silent.

“You’re not seriously thinking of going alone, are you?” Tristan questioned.

“I have to. Right now, i’m the only one with the strength to match those two. And besides, you and the other Titans need to get to Japan now. Everything is riding on our success, but I can’t just let Krystalak get away again. Not after everything he’s done.”

“Then it’s a good thing we’re going with you.” Novus said as he and Leo came forward. “You are not the only one whose power has been enhanced. Should anything go wrong, we can assist you.”

“He’s right.” Leo said. “Besides, someone needs to keep an eye on Ghidorah, and watch your back.” This earned him a scowl from the 3 headed dragon, but it was quickly replaced by a smirk. Godzilla meanwhile merely sighed as he shook his head with his own smirk. “There’s no arguing with you two, is there.”

“You might as well accept it: we’re going with you, lad.” Novus said.

“Well, if they’re going, then i’m going, too.” Tristan defiantly said.

“No, Tristan. You can’t come with me.” Godzilla sadly said.

“But-...but i always go with you.”

“I’m afraid Godzilla is right.” Leo said. “If what I fear is true, then Krystalak and Obsidious are far too powerful for you to handle. You might not survive facing them, even with Godzilla, Ghidorah and I.”

Tristan understood what Leo was saying, but he was desperate to be with his mate. “But…you need me.” Godzilla rested his head on Tristan’s shoulder as he said. “Right now there are others who need you more. I need you to lead the titans to Japan with my Father, and our friends. Can you do that for me?”

“............Yeah. Yeah, I can do that.”

The two then parted. “Remember, this isn’t a goodbye. I’ll see you again at Mt. Fuji when the time is right. I promise.” He then licked Tristan’s face. “I love you.”

Tristan did the same thing. “I love you, too.”

With that out of the way, he turned to the direction Gaijira was in, and called out his name. “Yes, Godzilla?” he asked as he stepped forward, careful not to step on any of the titans. Godzilla then said, “Gaijira, can you carry the titans and mechas who can’t swim to Japan? The others will guide you there. Just make sure they all stay in one piece.”

“As you wish, Godzilla.” The primordial then made his way to the water, and submerged most of his body. Godzilla then told all of the titans and mechas who can’t fly or swim to ride Gaijira, assuring them it was safe. Though hesitant at first, the Titans and Mechas trusted Godzilla and did as he said. They were soon on their way to Japan, with Godzilla being the last to leave. He figured it would be faster to swim to Seattle than walk there, and he was right. He took one last glance at the upheaved land that used to be Los Angeles before diving into the water.

The human race would have to completely edit their maps to disinclude Los Angeles, and its surrounding region.

Krystalak and Obsidious were having the time of their lives.

After receiving the full power of the Celestial Seven, and reaching “Critical Mass”, Lord Bagan had commanded them to go forth to Seattle, and simply wreak havoc to draw out Godzilla. Krystalak was simply thrilled at the notion of getting to dominate Godzilla. He may have been thwarted last time, but now things were different. Anti-Life coursed through the duo’s veins - or what passes for them - and now they were more than a match for that accursed saurian. This battle would be an easy win for them.

Imagine their surprise when they saw Mothra Leo and Novus Ghidorah arriving.

“You two were not who we were expecting, and that disappoints me.” Krystalak said to the flying titans.

“Apologies, Krystalak.” Novus said. “But you needn’t worry about having to waste time on us.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“We are here to finish you should your desired opponent fail to do so.” Mothra Leo said.

Krystalak’s eyes widened. “You mean…?”

“Yes, ‘dearie’, we do.” Novus quipped. “In fact, he should be surfacing right about….now.”

As if on cue, a large collection of jagged spines swam to the shore before rising out of the water to reveal Godzilla. Roaring in challenge as he set foot on the mostly dry land. He eyed the two monsters who had been causing nothing but trouble since their conception, and he radiated with intent to kill. He was not letting either of them escape this time.

Krystalak meanwhile was ecstatic to see Godzilla here. “Ah, the King! We’re so glad you could make it. I feared our destructive spiel wouldn’t be enough to draw you out.”

“Trust me, Krystalak,” Godzilla said,”By the time i’m finished with you two, you’re gonna wish you’d stayed hidden.”

“Ooooh, bold threats.” Both Krystalak and Obsidious powered up. “Now let’s see if you can back it up.”

Godzilla made the first move by firing his atomic ray at Krystalak. The crystal monster jumped into the air towards Godzilla, but was swatted by his tail into a nearby building. Before he could finish him off, Obsidious grabbed him, and hurled him into the city. The beast then pounded its chest four times, and roared at Godzilla. It then struck him with an empowered magma beam. When Godzilla retaliated with his atomic ray, he saw that it did nothing to the golem. This must have meant the two monsters were immune to his long-range attacks. So, it was to be a brawl of muscle and claw. With a roar, Godzilla charged the Golem, and tried to grapple him. He was met with a hand lock that put the two in a fearsome reverse tug-of-war. One which Obsidious eventually won as he threw Godzilla over his shoulder, and into a damaged skyscraper.

Krystalak recovered from what Godzilla did, and was now ready to strike with a vengeance. Just as soon as Godzilla stands back up, he is met by a prism beam from Krystalak, who managed to stun the king for a few moments. He then began galloping on all fours before pouncing on top of Godzilla. He bit into his neck, and tried to tear out his throat. But Godzilla threw him off. Yet this distraction gave Obsidious the opportunity to punch Godzilla clear across the face, knocking him down. He then grabbed the saurian by the tail, and started slamming him into the ground repeatedly. At the third slam, he threw Godzilla to krystalak, who used both legs to kick Godzilla away. He then began slashing at Godzilla from left to right in a pouncing motion, all while giving Obsidious the chance to pummel Godzilla. The golem even grabbed the king by his head, and began slamming it into every building within range, before tossing him aside. The children of Astaroth then fired their respective beams at Godzilla. Disorienting him, and bringing him down to his side, seemingly knocking him unconscious.

“This is too much to bear.” Leo said in distress. “We have to help him.”

“We can’t. At least not now, not when Godzilla accepted the challenge to fight them both.” Ghidorah said.

“So you would rather see him die than aid him, is that it?”

Ghidorah gave a questioning look. “Is that a lack of faith in your friend? Or did you forget the power he used to defeat the Cryog’s monster? Now that he’s backed into a corner, he has no choice but to call upon that power again. And when he does, those two are finished.”

Leo hesitated to trust Ghidorah, but what he said made too much sense. Reluctantly, he said, “You’d better be right about this.”

“Trust me: we’re going to be in for quite a show.”

Meanwhile, Krystalak stood over the seemingly defeated Godzilla, gloating over his victory. “This is it? This is what the Emperor craves so much to obtain for himself? A puny weakling who cannot defeat the children of Astaroth! This was far too easy a victory! Lord Bagan will be disappointed when he learns how easily you were-” But then Godzilla’s spine ignited into white light. Electricity surged all across Godzilla’s body, energizing him as he opened his eyes in anger. He was then bombarded by pulses of power that struck him like lightning, before causing him to explode into a bright light that nearly blinded Krystalak, Mothra and Ghidorah. When they looked again, they saw SuperGodzilla, standing in his Godly glory once again, roaring in defiance to the Children of Astaroth. This sight made Krystalak grin. “Now that’s more like it.”

Without warning, Super Godzilla fired a volley of energy spheres from his tail that struck both monsters, and disoriented them. When Krystalak could see again, he was met with Super Godzilla already in his face, punching him hard in the gut, and making him fall flat on his face. Super Godzilla then turned his attention to Obsidious, who only roared in challenge. He then curled into a ball, and rolled towards Super Godzilla. The God King caught the ball, and then swatted it with his tail. It was here Super Godzilla then began pummeling Obsidious without restraint. And the power of Critical Mass did nothing to protect Obsidious from the painful blows he received. Finally, he was kneed in the stomach so hard, he fell to his knees. Super GOdzilla took this chance to finish the fight, and grabbed Obsidious by the head. Though he struggled to get out of Super Godzilla’s grip, he found he couldn’t. And with a single Ivory ray fired down his throat, Obsidious’ head exploded, and the golem fell down dead.

Super Godzilla roared in victory, just as Krystalak nervously got to his feet after witnessing the fight, and its end result.

Before he could even move, Super Godzilla zoomed towards him via his newfound ability to fly, and grabbed Krystalak by the throat. He was growling with righteous rage as he held the contemptuous monster in his hand. Even so, realizing he was outmatched, Krystalak tried to plead for his life. “Wait, wait!” he gurgled. “We can-....we can make a deal! If you spare my life, I-...I can tell you where Bagan is!” Super Godzilla merely smirked, and asked, “Let me guess: he’s in Japan right now, is that it?”

“No, he’s in Japa-....wait, what?!” Krystalak questioned with confusion.

“I’m not as stupid as you think I am. Especially if you think i’m going to trust anything you say at this point.”

“Please! Just….just name your price! I’ll give you anything you want! Anything!”

Super Godzilla then glared into Krystalak’s eyes, and coldly said, “I want your life, monster.” He then jutted his free hand into Krystalak’s chest, and grabbed his power core. With the monster screaming in his hand, Super Godzilla used his power to purge Krystalak of The Anti-Life’s power before he began overloading the core beyond its capacity to hold energy. Krystalak was getting ready to explode. Super Godzilla could sense this, and removed his hand from Krystalak’s chest, before hurling him into the sky. Godzilla then charged an Ivory Ray, and shot it into Krystalak, sending him into the upper atmosphere. There, Krystalak’s body completely overloaded, and exploded in a burst of cosmic light.

Super Godzilla once more roared in victory.

Soon, Mothra Leo and Novus Ghidorah were flying down towards Super Godzilla, where they observed his new form with great interest. “Not bad.It seems you have a handle on this new form of yours, now.”

“Indeed.” Leo complimented. “That was an impressive display.”

“Thanks…..but i’ll admit it’s a little hard to control myself in that form. There’s so much power behind it that it makes me….different. I’m just glad that the fight’s over, and we don’t have to see-” Suddenly, his comm disk went off, much to the surprise of the three titans. Godzilla pressed the disk node, and asked, “Tanaki? Is that you?”

“Not on your life, you infernal monster!”

Godzilla growled in anger. “I know you: you’re Gyozen. You attacked me in New York.”

“And now I intend to finish the job. Come to Osaka at once. There, you and I will settle the score once, and for all. I look forward to finally destroying you myself. Gyozen out!” As soon as the comm went down, Godzilla growled again and slammed his tail so hard a building collapsed. “Why did he have to choose now for this?”

“Actually, this could be to our advantage.” Novus said. “Osaka is in Japan, and we have a mighty need to get there now. We can deal with this “Gyozen”, then rendezvous with the other Titans in Tokyo to face Bagan. Two birds with one stone.”

“But do we have time to deal with a vengeful human when there are more important things at stake?” Leo asked

“No.” Godzilla said. “Ghidorah’s right, which I can’t believe i’m admitting. Gyozen has been a lingering problem for too long. It’s time he was brought low once and for all.”

“Then it’s off to Japan we go.” Ghidorah said, and the three of them took to the sky.

Unaware of Astaroth angrily watching them as they left.


Artwork is owned by KaijuSamurai , Dino-master and  pyrasterran

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