kaibutsu--sama — [JI] Natchaya Vataniyapramote

Published: 2018-07-06 12:41:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 2883; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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:^) good luck to everyone !! i hope shes a good fit hm yes

"What do you mean glitter brows for school is not appropriate? Of course it is!" 


Name and Status
Natchaya "Nattie" Vataniyapramote [ Alive ]

Age and Grade
17 [ Junior ]

Date of Birth
October 11



Super High School Level
Makeup Artist — "Being a human chameleon with the power of makeup is like having a superpower, isn't it?"
It started as just another scene of a little girl playing with her mother's makeup, trying to make herself look like celebrities she saw on her television screen. Then the little girl found social media, and like a modern Cinderella, she found notoriety overnight after joining various online makeup competitions and uploading lots of transformation makeup. The makeup became her magic wand as she keeps transforming her face and body into various works of art, slowly but surely moving from transformation to couture, from optical illusions to special effects, turning her body into a canvas and the makeup her paint.
Though Nattie started with transformation and optical illusions makeup, she mostly specializes in artistic looks for exhibitions or couture as she views her makeup as a form of art, though she's also currently studying to conquer special effects makeup using more outrageous tools, as she wants to keep developing her skills so that she can continue on working as a makeup artist as a long time career.

Special Notes

    Ethnicity and Homeland

    Thai [ Chiang Mai, Thailand ]

    Key Features

    ► Freckles
Sometimes she covers them up, sometimes she accentuates them with glitter or special effects makeup
    ► Flowers in hair
Nattie always decorates her hair with at least a flower, as a tribute to her homeland (and she just likes the aesthetic)
    ► Hair buns
Except for when sleeping, her hair always has to at least be in half buns. Otherwise her thick wavy hair is just gonna go everywhere and it's messy and she doesn't like that
    ► Extra choker
The one she wears is actually her former school's tie but worn like a ribbon choker



    ► Full make up kit, from glam to special effects. Lugs some on the makeup purse on her hip every day for "emergencies"
    ► Handphone aka her life source
    ► Scented lotion, no ashiness allowed on her skin
    ► Hand sanitizer because as a makeup artist you must be sure your hands are clean to touch people's faces
    ► Massage balm for when she's too stubborn and refuses to take off her high-heeled shoes when walking long distance and now her feet has to pay the price
    ► Sriracha sauce. Do not judge. Nattie loves spicy foods. Do not judge her for bringing her favorite sauce to the island

    Acquired From the Isle

    Gifts and Purchases



Chaotic Neutral || ESFP 

+ Sociable || Talkative || Confident || Passionate || Enthusiastic +

From the first glance, Nattie seems just like any other overly extroverted social butterfly, loving to be around other people just because that's her natural spot to be, and also because she hates being alone. A negative feedback is better than no feedback at all!, she likes to say, basically a mirror of how much she would rather be with someone she dislikes than to be with no one at all. Though she doesn't really think a lot about disliking someone, as she always tries to have a positive judgment on others until she has a reason to change her opinion, and in the meantime whether they like it or not, she gets friendly with them. And when she gets friendly with others, she's unstoppable. She will talk for hours about anything and invite them to various social functions just to go out and have fun. On the flip side, she's also a great listener if her friends ever come to her to talk about their problems.

Nattie also formed a confident personality from her work as an artist, always having to showcase herself to the world she learned quick that being confident will only make other people like her more easily, and make her life easier by extent. As someone with an excitable personality like hers it's natural for her to also be passionate about many things she has an opinion on, and enthusiastic about basically anything that happens in her life.

= Naive || Ambitious || High-spirited || Outspoken || Stubborn =

As a naturally high-spirited person, Nattie always seems like a burst of energy and loudness to everyone who sees her. Her outspoken nature causes her to always have to have a say in anything and everything, and she always feels the need to express her opinion, no matter how insignificant that opinion is. At times, her personality either makes other people hyped as well or make them tired to just look at her - it was like talking to the Energizer Bunny (or even just seeing it).

Nattie lives with the motto of see and believe. She does listen to others and believe easily whatever they tell her, but she won't form an absolute opinion on it until she herself see or experience it.

- Frivolous || Foolish || Opinionated || Insensitive || Blunt -

The other thing about Nattie is that she's not that smart, quite lacking awareness and common sense. People often say she's foolish due to her airheadedness and sometimes shallow personality, and this coupled with her tendency to laugh at basically anything even though it might not be funny makes her seem like quite the bimbo, even though she does actively try to not look stupid in front of people.

Her effort to not seem dumb is sometimes betrayed by her own tendency to always need to have an opinion on anything. She believes in her own experiences more than when other people try to influence her, even if she might be wrong, and this coupled with her need to voice said opinion might result in her accidentally saying things that might seem insensitive and harsh (though she would always apologize if other people call her out on it). Her own stubbornness makes her refuse to change her opinion unless something actually happens in front of her eyes that might make her want to change her opinion.

Being born to a single mother wasn't fun. At least not for Nattie. Her mom used to work a lot when Nattie was just a child, leaving her home alone with no one to talk to. Back then, all she could do was put on her mom's makeup and play pretend, roleplaying as different characters in different looks just to entertain herself so she wouldn't be so lonely. Oh how she despised that time, the time that she was always alone.

People are so judge-y, she learned soon when she would let herself out of the house to play with the other kids.

("That Natchaya kid, poor girl. Her mom got pregnant outside of wedlock!")
("I heard she was an accident, no way a young girl like that could take care of her kid while also keeping her career! She's too young!")

She called them out, of course, and she got scolded by her mom, of course, because you can't say rude things to older people, Natchaya!

Whatever, she thought, and she kept going out to play with the other kids as soon as school was out, and soon she learned that talking to other people was actually, really really fun. She surrounded herself with more and more friends, having fun with her group of friends and getting home later and later every night. Second grade, 5 PM. Fourth grade, 6 PM. Sixth grade, 7 PM. Her mom wouldn't mind, right? After all, she always returned home from work super late into the night. She couldn't know Nattie kept getting home later. It wouldn't hurt. She didn't know.

She was in middle school when she first started gaining notoriety as a makeup artist. That's quite wonderful!, Natchaya thought, and soon she started focusing on corresponding and interacting with other people. Other make up artists? Someone who wanted to know how Nattie did this look? A company who wanted to send her product samples? She replied to them all. It was wonderful! Something she had been working hard on, something that was her passion, and it got recognized by the world. Granted, it was just a small recognition at the time, but for the formerly lonely Nattie, it was her world. No more getting lonely after returning home! People were starting to see her potential! So many new friends to talk to! So many old friends to catch up with! Her life finally started to take a turn for the better! She started putting even more effort into her work, and gaining more recognition in return. She started joining competitions, and regardless whether she won or not, it was still exposure, and the cycle continued for a while.

But no matter how much her fame has climbed in the makeup world, it seemed like she still wasn't getting that one recognition she wanted. There was still a hole in her heart, and what made it hurt the most was that the answer was so close, yet so far. She just wanted her mom to say something about her talent.

("Mâe, look at this! My makeup look-" "Mâe is tired, Nat, sorry... I'll check it in the morning, okay?")

No matter how much Nattie tried to get her mom's attention, it was fruitless. It was either she worked way too late to the point where she would be half-asleep when she got home, or she was too busy to even talk to her. Sometimes she didn't even see her mom at all. She tried all she could - telling her in person, sending her links, giving her printed articles. Her mom would accept them and say softly that she would check them out later, but she never did. Nattie knew, because her mom never said anything. And it hurt.

She unleashed her frustration on her art. She kept on creating more and more outrageous and artistic makeup looks. She took on various jobs, from working for magazines to making looks for exhibitions. She kept on working, she didn't care. Her mom abandoned her for work, and she could do the same too to her. Nattie would say just you watch, but she knew her mom wasn't watching. She kept on working because she wanted her to start watching.

It was her second semester in high school when she presented her bank account book to her mom, and the mountain of paychecks she got from finishing various jobs.

("There you go, mâe, you don't have to work anymore. I earn enough for both of us, and a little bit more. Your job is to be my mother now, please?")

That night, they realized just how much they missed in each other's lives.

It was rough at first, almost ten years worth of catching up made it quite clunky, but soon their relationship began to repair itself. Nattie started taking her mom whenever she had jobs, and they got to finally enjoy life as a real family unit. Nattie never asked about her father, but she didn't think she would want to know either way, as she really didn't want to feel the heartbreak of being without a parent again. Being with her mom was enough. Being a well-known makeup artist, with a lot of people appreciating her art, with her mom by her side, doing something that she really loves, it was enough for her.

And maybe it was from her social media notoriety, maybe it was from winning makeup competitions, maybe it was for her awards for special effects, maybe it was one of her looks from various shows, but one day she got an invitation letter from Hope's Peak Academy, and ain't that good, good indeed.

    ► Pop culture. Ranging from music, films, to celebrities, she can talk for hours just about it
    ► Essential oils and things that smell good
    ► Fortune items
    ► Crowd
    ► Flowers
    ► Aesthetically pleasing things
    ► Vibrant colors
    ► Spicy food
    ► Sweet drinks
    ► Movie nights (specifically rom-coms)

    ► Cold weather
    ► Silence
    ► Things that are smelly
    ► Dirty things
    ► Chicken (she's had way too many bad encounters with mean chickens in the past)
    ► Anything related to ghosts
    ► Being alone

    ► Worm

    ► Cooking, a skill gained from being left alone by her mom so she had to know how to cook or else she just... couldn't eat. Her food is good stuff (because by her logic I'm the one eating it so it gotta taste good), but it's also usually spicy (because again by her logic I'm the one eating it so it gotta taste like how I like it)
    ► Super precise. Need to cut some papercrafts with very small holes? Need to pick up a needle from inside grates but you only have a small tweezers on you? Not a problem. Thanks to learning special effects that needs lots of preciseness and steady hand for detailing, if it comes to handling small and precise things, she can do it
    ► Fast runner, which is quite impressive considering she wears heels all the time
    ► Speaks Thai, English, and understands basic Spanish and French thanks to work connections

    ► Very much academically challenged (aka dumb). Her grades are generally terrible, and some things that should be common sense might not be the case for her
    ► Gullible to others' words and does not check facts in general
    ► Refuses to listen to other people and change her mind about anything after making up her mind - she trusts herself and her own experience more
    ► When annoyed, will absolutely ignore the other person and generally be uncooperative


Gift Preference

    ► 010. Lust Setsugekka — "Ahh, I love this one! It makes me so relaxed and excited and bubbly inside, it's like, what's it called? En dolphins? That chemical thingy that makes you happy? But like, in drink form!"
    ► 081. Stardust
    ► 098. Rose In Vitro

    ► 002. Ramune
    ► 011. Coconut Juice — "What do you mean I need to start drinking more water and less sugary drinks? It should be fine!"
    ► 019. Viva Ice
    ► 034. Earrings of Crushed Evil — "You never know, I think it might work!"
    ► 057. Digital Camera — "Even if the capacity is only 5 photos, that's still 5 memories with all of you I get to keep forever!"
    ► 086. Century Potpourri
    ► 106. Toy Camera
    ► 108. An An Aan — "You know what makes me so trendy? Keeping up with the trend, of course, and totally disregarding it!"

    ► 005. Hardtack of Hope
    ► 024. Brightly Colored Jeans
    ► 043. Millennium Prize Problems — "I know I'm not smart, but you don't have to mock me like that..."
    ► 066. Gag Ball — "Let me just stop you right there before you come over here with that."
    ► 100. Compact Costume — "Well, unlike this item, my transformations are a work of art! It's not supposed to be instant!"

Roleplay Sample
Nattie narrowed her eyes.
Even through her thick lashes for the day, she could see it. Her worst enemy.
Just right outside the convenience store, menacing like a cobra, stomping around the area like it owned the place, the road, and the land surrounding it.
A chicken.
"Oh you're not gonna win today, oh no you don't," she walked slowly, like a hunter walking towards its prey, but to her it felt like she was the prey. Carefully, carefully, she took off one of her heels as a makeshift weapon in case the chicken tried to attack. She still was very wary, though. She stood like that for a while, waiting for the chicken to make its first move.
You, tired of her acting like she was facing her worst enemy, threw a rock at the chicken and it ran away. Immediately, you got tackled into a hug by the girl. "Thank you! You're like, the best! I don't know if it's gonna fly towards me or not, who knows if the chicken bites me and I get like, rabies or something!"
You remind her that chickens are not mammals, they can't get rabies. Nattie had a blank look on her face, her brows raising up and her glossed lips forming an 'o'. "Well! Who knows! Now let's get inside and buy our stuff!" She immediately shook off her previous expression and replaced it with a giant smile, linking her arm with yours - completely disregarding personal space - and marched towards the store, not even waiting for you to match her steps.

    ► Her color palette is inspired by the Urban Decay Beached eyeshadow palette to keep with the makeup theme yo
    ► Inspo board
    ► Playlist (will add more)
    ► Voice: Jasmine Thompson
    ► Logos on her outfit . The left one appears on both her sleeves and the right one appears on her belt and makeup bag
    ► Orientation: Demi
    ► Will add more later shfigsdfs

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Comments: 3

sheepSODA [2018-07-14 07:36:59 +0000 UTC]

Omg i saw her name and i was like holy shit thats so freaking thai AND SHE ACTUALLY WAS THAI IM SO AMAZED.


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kaibutsu--sama In reply to sheepSODA [2018-07-14 07:53:28 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sheepSODA In reply to kaibutsu--sama [2018-07-14 17:23:08 +0000 UTC]



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