Stabrina — Bnha-pro: Sayaka Igarashi

#oc #rp #sayaka #bnha #igarashi #roleplaycharacter #rpapplication #bokunoheroacademia
Published: 2018-07-25 02:04:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 4616; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 0
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Ranked 8th in the entrance exam with 73 points.
Ranked 1st in the quirk assessment test with 85 points.
(6 people couldn’t participate and 4th place had to sit out on one of the tests)

▌ P R O F I L E - The Quiet

“ ... ”

    [ B A S I C · I N F O R M A T I O N ]Name :  Igarashi, Sayakaいがらし, さやか嵐史, 爽風 Meaning: storm chronicle, refreshing windAge : 15 years old
    Birthday : May 2nd
    Height : 5'3”
    Weight : 115 lbs
    Sex : Female
    Blood Type: O+ 

▌ Quirk / Air Maestro / Emitter Class
While holding her breath, Sayaka can manipulate any oxygen molecules she’s disrupted with her voice and body within the last five minutes. The temperature of the wind will heat up or cool depending on her emotions. When she’s livid, the oxygen molecules will vibrate violently causing the air to turn blistering. Normally, in battle, it’s a cold, biting wind.

if she suddenly draws in all the air she’s affected, those in the area may feel a sudden pull towards her that may pull them off balance and a sense of breathlessness. 


《 Propulsion 》
Increases Sayaka's movement speed and distance she can travel. She can propel herself forward, lengthen jumps, soften landings, and add weight behind a throw punch or kick.

《 Air defense 》
Sayaka condenses the air to blocks attacks. It is visible and looks like frosted glass. Thickness varies and size vary. If she uses this as a full body armor, she's slowed and could accidentally freeze or scald herself. By combining propulsion and air defense, she can add density and speed to her physical attacks making her a strong hand to hand combatant.

《 No Air 》
She can push out all the air in an area and keep it out with a barrier similar to 'air defense'. She can do small specific areas but it takes more focus. These no-air areas are typically large and often include her. This is a mainly a non combat skill used in rescue situations such as putting out fires or forcing a villain out of hiding.

《 Vicious Winds 》
She can shape air and shoot it towards an enemy fast enough to split skin. When she doesn't wish to draw blood, the attacks are more round in shape with a bigger surface area. 

《 Vortex 》
She can create a single tornado that starts off at twice her height and can grow quickly with time if she’s sucking things up. She can send attacks straight out from the vortex, which will cause it to decrease in size. It’s an area affect move that will harm the surrounding area and bystanders so she avoids using this.


《 Hyperventilation 》
Once she starts hyperventilating she loses control of her powers. If she was calm beforehand, her powers will come to a halt. If she was enraged before, they will remain out of control and continue to run wilder than before. This state will send her into a panic attack which only makes things worse.

《 Noise and Sound Absorbers 》
 Noisy areas or sound absorbers limit her range (Ex. fresh snow dampens sound which limits her range.)

《 Running out of useable air 》
Each time she attacks, she sends useable air out of range. she will have less air she can control and will eventually need to reset her useable air via talking/screaming. Moving around doesn’t give her much to work with though it’s enough for a single burst attack.

《 Wet 》
When she speaks for more than 1 minute and 36 seconds without a two minute interval in between, stray molecules condense over her head to cause rain. The cloud will follow her, typically dissipating after five minutes, and she cannot seem to blow it away. Besides causing an impromptu shower, this is simply an undesirable trait that has made it so that Sayaka rarely speaks and chooses to text instead.

《 Heart on her hair and all that air》

Her hair also reflects her mood, much to her chagrin. The happier she is, the more cloud-like her hair becomes, resembling an Afro. When that happens, she’ll float about an inch or two off the ground making it near impossible to walk. So she has to use her quirk to fly till her hair calms down. When upset, her hair uncurls, straightening out to look like big sagging drops of water. It also makes her heavy and slugging. Like several pounds of weights dragging her head down. When she’s angry her hair will darken and crackle. If it turns black, well, she’s the angriest she’ll ever get. The air around her also changes due to her mood. A comfortable warmth when she’s happy, a damp chill when she’s sad and when she’s angry it’ll fluctuate from freezing to blistering.

strengths :

《 Multirange 》
Sayaka’s quirk allows her to fight comfortably in any range of combat. While she prefers long ranged attacks where she doesn’t need to move, she’s been trained to fight back in close quarters, incorporating her body with her quirk.

《 Tactician 》
She not only plans things several steps in advance, she also has multiple plans for a single scenario and can easily adapt to the situation with a level head. She is quick to discern an enemy’s weakness and will exploit it if she doesn’t yet know their quirk.

《 Breath holding champion 》
In stressful situations, she can hold her breath for up to two minutes at a time. Outside of battle and in a calm state of mind, she can hold her breath for ten minutes.

《 Aikido and Jūdō》
Due to her smaller frame, Sayaka has been trained in the defensive martial arts of Aikido and Judo. These forms of martial arts use the attacker’s energy against them, thus requiring less strength on the defender.

“In aikido, specific muscles or muscle groups are not isolated and worked to improve tone, mass, or power. Aikido-related training emphasizes the use of coordinated whole-body movement and balance similar to yoga or pilates... Physical training goals pursued in conjunction with aikido include controlled relaxation, correct movement of joints such as hips and shoulders, flexibility, and endurance, with less emphasis on strength training.” - Wikipedia

weaknesses : 

《 Prolonged battles 》
Continuously using her powers for more than 10 minutes in a stressful situation will cause her to hyperventilate. The longer the fight, the shorter she can hold her breath for. Forcing her into a long battle without allowing her time to recoup is dangerous. When using her powers for casual, day to day usage like trying to get to school faster or creating a cool breeze on a hot day, there is no risk of hyperventilation.

《 sound based quirks 》
Silencing her would make it will take a long time for her to regain much of the air she'd used and would have to rely solely on what she's physically touched. She’ll need to move more and quickly which will tire her out faster.

《 Knock the wind out of her 》
A well placed hit can cut short her powers and it’ll take several moments for her to regain control.

《 Submerge her 》
There’s too little air for her to gather making it near impossible to fight back. Sure, she can hold her breath for a large amount of time, but she’s a sitting duck. The best she could do is use the air in her lungs but that would cause her to drown much quicker.

《 Communication 》
When using her quirk, she can only get a word or two out but that depletes her breath. This makes it difficult to strategize with others when a battle has started.

[ S T A T S ]

intelligence [■■■■□□]  [4]

strength ■■□□□□ ]  [2]

speed ■■□□□□ ]  [2]

technique [ ■■■■■□ ] [5]

cooperativeness ■■□□□□ ]  [2]

Intelligence: Sayaka will devour a book in a single sitting and will likely have memorized most of its contents. She’s studious and does well on tests because she works hard. She is quick thinking and can plan tactics in a high stress situation. While Sayaka may be booksmart, she doesn’t know how to tactfully interact with people her age.

Strength: She could never brute force a situation, but that doesn’t mean she can’t defend herself. Because of her small frame, she's been trained in Aikido and Judo. 

Speed: Without the use of her quirk, she’s an average jogger who can sprint in a pinch. She’s learnt breathing techniques to make her a long distance runner but by no means is she fast.

Technique: With her intelligence and control of her quirk, she is a force to be reckoned with. She’s a danger at long range and is careful to keep a distance between her and her opponent. One would think that closing the gap would give them the advantage. It doesn’t. She knows how to combine her quirk with her movements to amplify the speed and strength behind her fists and kicks. Her moves are calculated and precise to limit wastage of useable air.

Cooperativeness: Due to her lack of interaction outside of her family, Sayaka has never worked with others. She's used to being on her own. Trusting her own instincts. Solving her problems on her own. Her inexperience with teamwork is what lowers this stat. She doesn’t want to lead a team. Putting her at the lead would make her horridly uncomfortable. She’s just used to being alone and is comfortable in how she does things. This score will improve the longer she spends with people and befriending them. Also partner exercises would improve her confidence in teamwork.

▌ P E R S O N A L I T Y[ P O S I T I V E ]

    [ Focused | Organized | Hardworking | Loyal | Gentle ]

    Sayaka knows that the best way to complete a task is by being organized. Planning out every hour of the day in order to get the most out of life. She finds having a schedule and weekly planning to be rather cathartic. When she has a goal, she is laser focused and will push herself past her own limits if it means success. Even with such a tenacious nature, she is a gentle soul. When it comes to interacting with others, her touch is tender and uncertain, but well meaning all the same. Once someone has earned her trust and friendship, she is loyal to a fault. She'll readily risk her life to protect a friend simply because that's what friends do.
[ N E G A T I V E ]
    [ Perfectionist | Unforgiving | Reserved | self destructive | Stubborn ] 

    Everything needs to be in place, the dominoes must fall according to her dictation. If she's thought through a plan, she's stepped through it a hundred times. If anything fails, it frustrates her and she tends to punish herself mentally, verbally, and physically. She's unforgiving of her own mistakes and is less forgiving of repeated mistakes. This can lead into an obsessive downward spiral of self esteem. When it comes to the mistakes of others, she’s more forgiving for a first offense and will offer corrective help—whether they want it or not. But continued mistakes will often be taken as an intentional slight against her which will incur the most frigid silent treatment in existence. She's a stubborn soul who is rooted in 'this is how I do things' and follows the beat of her own drum. If she thinks she's right, it'll take a lot of evidence to make her think otherwise. Her stubbornness isn’t loud or obvious. She’s a quiet and passive person who’s stubbornness can be seen in her silent disobedience or an obvious look of “I see you speak but I’m not listening”. Despite her gentle and soft outward exterior, she keeps everyone at arm's length and holds her cards close to her chest. She's reserved with her true emotions and dislikes nosy people who see past the mask. Her grudges are eternal. Pry into her life, grudge. Hurt her, grudge. Ruin her plans, extreme grudge. It'll take a lot of work to get her forgiveness. 

[ M I X E D]
    [ Curious | Quiet | Picky Romantic | Passive | Mature ]

    Her quiet nature can easily be misconstrued as reserved or even standoffish seeing as she rarely talks. Still, she does enjoy being around people, even if she doesn’t contribute to the conversation. Sayaka has always been a rather passive soul. She isn’t one to start a fight or an argument and will only show fight back in order to defend herself. The only times she will be the aggressor is if someone were to hurt or threaten someone she cares about. She will often take a backseat in conversations, activities, even battle if she can.

    Despite all this, she’s a hopeless romantic who thinks Shojou mangas are accurate depictions of romance. Because of this she has a tendency to develop crushes, multiples, at a ridiculous rate. This could be her peers, famous people, or characters from shows and books. These crushes are to be taken lightly— even Sayaka doesn’t consider them serious. She is rather, extremely, picky with who she would consider date material as she has a list of traits she wants in a man that spans pages and often contradicts herself. If she is serious about someone she will turn red and her hair will floof into an Afro. Due to her history, she is very perceptive of others and can usually pick up when someone is lying or acting contrary to their thoughts.

    When she doesn't understand something, she's always curious to learn more. For most of her life, Sayaka has been expected to be mature and disciplined. She is used to being treated as an adult and treating her like a teenager will likely upset her. Since interactions with children or people her age were almost nonexistent, she tends to treat everyone as an adult and is confused by immaturity. 
    [ L I K E S  ]+  | Furred Animals | her immediate family | Books | Pencils | Singing | Roofs

    [ D I S L I K E S ]
    -  | Birds | Bugs | Dirt | Loud noises | Crowded areas | her grandparents *birds and bugs are no fun when you’re shooting through the air.

▌ B I O G R A P H Y❝I'm just average.❞Full History: LOCKED

Public Knowledge:
  • Sayaka and her grandparents claim she is selectively mute which is why she doesn’t talk much. It is, of course, a cover up for her “embarrassing” rain causing factor of her quirk.
  • The Igarashi family is well known for its foothold in luxury private jets and five star hotels across Japan, Korea, and China. 
  • Sayaka Igarashi is one out of four in line to be the next head of the family.
  • One of her older cousins was irrepareably injured in an accident.
  • Sayaka's parents ran a cafe that specialized in traditional japanese lunches and desserts in the city of Tomigusuku in the Okinawa Prefecture. Her father moved to Osaka alone for three years before his family followed.
  • She's lived in Kobe with her grandparents, separately from her parents and brothers, since she was a child.
  • Her mother is rescue hero, Rain Pop, who works with her siblings in their family owned agency called, Fine Weather.

    ▌ H E R O . S U I T
    Helmet: Can amplify or mute her voice. Also muffles sound as necessary so she doesn't blow out her own ears. This helps her increase her range of attack. When muted, anything she says appears written on the mouth area.

    Overall Suit: Helps her maintain average body temperatures and can withstand temperatures between 600 Celsius (fire) to -78.5 Celsius (Dry ice). The suit can convert into a flying squirrel type of suit to help with gliding.

    Soles of feet: Padded to help cushion landings.

    Back: there’s a capsule on her back that will fill with air. When she’s out of useable air, she releases the air through small pipes located at her wrists. In case of emergency landings, the backpack will dump out all the air in one powerful blast to slow her fall.

    ▌ R E L A T I O N S H I P S


    (To encourage)
    Sayaka’s red and white spotted American short haired cat that was her comfort animal. Due to moving into the dorms, she’s had to leave him at home. 

    If you thought, “that cat looks like Todoroki!” I mean. I wasn’t being subtle about it.

    Igarashi, Atsuyuki
    いがらし, あつゆき
    嵐史, 温雪
    (storm chronicle, warm snow)
    Sayaka’s father who is the third son and youngest of the Igarashi family. He has five siblings, two older brothers and three older sisters. He has a strong sense of justice and love for his family despite looking like a six foot tall thug. He can control the temperature up to a forty foot radius of himself. It’s useful since he uses his quirk to help him cook food or simply warm or chill food. He’s very useful during the hot summers and cold winters since his powers help the family save on electricity and heating. His wife will normally call him with the term of endearment “anata” But will also call him “Atsu-kun” from time to time.

    After signing the [REDACTED] their relationship became strained for years and they spent several years separated with the possibility of divorce. It was only recently that they made up and returned to their loveydovey state.

    Igarashi, Sumiharu: 
    いがらし, すみはる
    嵐史, 澄晴
    (storm chronicle, Be clear  Clear up)
    Sayaka’s mother and pro hero, Rain Pop. She is the eldest of four siblings who are all pro heroes. Her parents are retired heroes. She specializes in rescues relating to the weather. Her quirk grants her the ability to disperse the most horrific weather but she can also gather storm clouds and create torrential rains. She can also fly. She looks like Sayaka but with a perpetual pink Afro because her hair also reacts to her positive emotions. She’s a bright and bubbly lady who’s barely five feet tall. Her husband calls her “Su-ki” at home much to everyone else’s embarrassment. In public he calls her “Sumi-chi” or “Haru-chi” which is also embarrassing but less so. They’re the lovey dovey couple that’ll give you cavities. They first met in high school when she saved him from a flood. She’s six years older than him and was already a pro hero at the time.

    she left her husband, taking the children with her, to live with her parents for three years. They were on the verge of a divorce but when they met again to discuss it, ended up making up. It was difficult, but she understood he only signed the papers to protect her and their family.

    Igarashi, Arashi: 

    いがらし, あらし

    嵐史, 嵐 

    (storm chronicle, Storm)

    Her quirkless older brother by two years that she loves dearly. Despite the years of separation, they've become extremely close. He dotes on her and will threaten anyone who is mean to her or hits on her regardless of their powers. Whenever they're together he will speak on her behalf with 100% accuracy so she doesn't have to bother texting or writing her words. He helps out at the cafe as a server and receptionist.

    Igarashi, Reiji

    いがらし, れいじ

    嵐史, 玲治

    (storm chronicle, sound of jewels   Calm down)

    Sayaka's 10 year old brother. She enjoys doting on him and buying him things. At first, he thought she was scary when they first met because she wouldn't talk. He has the ability to affected the temperature and calm the weather depending on the pitch of his whistles. He wants to be a rescue hero like his mom. He helps at the cafe after school.

    Shirazaki, Setsuo(M) and Setsuna(F)

    しらざき せつお || せつな
    白, 雪央 || 雪和
    Snow, Center || Harmony/peace.

    A precious childhood friends and [REDACTED] who are six years older than her. When they are alone she is able to talk freely and for hours. This is because they can turn the rain cloud over her head into a snow cloud. This does cause a considerable build up of snow, so they are often seen outside together, bundled up.

    Setsuo is the gentler of the two twins where Setsuna is, ironically, the hot headed one. It is Setsuo who introduced her to the world of shojou manga.

    Iwashita, Atsushi

    いわした, あつし 

    岩下, 熱志 

    Boulder below, Heat/Passion Resolve 

    Sayaka’s [REDACTED] and son of a famous director and actress who is four years older than her. He can control rocks and superheat the ones he touches into molted magma. She considers him to be one of her best friends and he used to visit her every couple of weeks. His visits have become less visit after graduating high school and starting his job in show biz, but they still text a lot. 

    ▌ T R I V I A
    She carries her foldable star umbrella with her, rain or shine. It is her prized possession gifted to her by her [REDACTED].
    She always wears shorts or spanks under skirts.
    Naming conventions mimic Horikoshi Kouhei's naming style of basing names off of the person's powers.
    Her hero name will be 'Tempest' which translates to her brother’s given name, Arashi 嵐.
    She knows sign language.

    ▌ Hobbies
    She likes knitting stuffed animals.
    She knows how to make papier-mâché animals and has an odd assortment of them in her room.
    Flower arranging.
    Writing poetry that is, unfortunately, what you’d expect of a 15 year old girl.
    Petting soft fluffy animals in secret. 
    Jumping off roofs and playing chicken with the ground.

    ▌ School information

    Ranked 8 in the entrance exam.
    Ranked 1st in the skill assessment tests.

    ▌ Fights

    Sayaka vs. Hoozuki: Won
    Sayaka vs. Mariko: Won

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    Comments: 2

    pacifistpeach [2018-08-22 23:24:19 +0000 UTC]

    best girl....i love her and i hope she knows i would give everything for her tbh

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    Stabrina In reply to pacifistpeach [2018-08-29 06:17:13 +0000 UTC]

    Shhhhhhhhhhh and your boy is amazing and I love him so much ❤️❤️❤️

    👍: 0 ⏩: 0