KaitSnoozleFace — Owl House OC 2.0

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Description Here’s an updated version of my Owl House OC; her name is Ingrid Lilith-Whispers.

First episode: I Was a Teenage Abomination
Latest episode: Hollow Mind
Voice: Ryan Reynolds (the female, not the male. Look it up if you need to)

Character information

Full name: Ingrid Lilith-Whispers
Other names: Creepy stalker girl (various)
Grim Reaper (Eda)
The Cursed Giant (Amity, formerly; her classmates)
Sweetie/Sweetheart (Raine)
Ingy (her friends and step-family, sometimes)
Freak (Amity, formerly)
Whispers (Hunter, sometimes)
Cursed_Medusa.Bomb (Penstagram)
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Species: Demon Hybrid Witch
Occupation: Hexside Student
Afflictions: Hexside School of Magic and Demonics
Emerald Entrails
Goal: To come to terms with her family curse
Home: Unnamed place with Raine, Boiling Isles, Demon Realm
Lilith Castle, Boiling Isles, Demon Realm
Tracks: Oracle
Abomination (formerly)
Relatives: Loretta Lilith (mother)
Raine Whispers (parent)
Xavier Lilith (step-father)
Silas Lilith (eldest step-brother)
Heath Lilith (older step-brother)
Preston Lilith (older step-brother)
Edgar Lilith (younger step-brother)
Unnamed grandmother
Marybeth Lilith (great-aunt)
Unnamed great-great grandmother
Various ancestors
Unnamed first dated female ancestor
Unnamed first dated male demon ancestor
Pets: Luna
Allies: Luz Noceda
Gus Porter
Willow Park
Amity Blight
Eda Clawthorne
Edric Blight
Emira Blight
Lilith Clawthorne
Jerbo (formerly)
Hunter (boyfriend)
Enemies: Boscha
Amity Blight (formerly)
The Inspector
Professor Hermonculus
Lilith Clawthorne (formerly)
Odalia Blight
Emperor Belos
Likes: Her friends
Spending any kind of time with her family (more specifically Raine and her step-brothers)
Compliments (especially from boys; which is rare for her)
Proving she’s worthy
Her palismen
Dislikes: Being picked on for being cursed or tall
The ones she cares about in danger
Her family’s curse
Getting hurt by someone she thought cared for her
Being called The Cursed Giant
The Emperor’s Coven and all it’s members (except Lilith and Hunter)
Worrying Raine
Amity’s selfish behavior
Letting down her friends and family
Her step-brothers posting embarrassing stuff on Penstagram to get back at her
A bad outcome to something she worked hard on
Darius thinking she can’t help because she’s young
Powers and abilities: Hexes and Curses
Oracle magic
Bard magic
Weapons: Lamb staff
Sprout staff (sometimes)
Quote: “You know, I think I prefer Caleb Jasper Bloodwilliams over Hunter the Golden Guard.”
“You sure? ‘Cause I can name differences between them.”

Ingrid Lilith-Whispers is a supporting character of The Owl House. She is friends with Luz, Amity, Gus, and Willow and attends the same magic school as them. She was formerly part of the abomination track, then just the oracle track, but was enrolled in a dual-track with oracle and bard after it was acceptable. Ingrid is cursed by her family bloodline.



Ingrid is a tall, slender girl with medium brown skin, pointed ears, and long straight, yet scruffy mint green hair with dark blue tips dyed, the same is with her black inwardly curled horns the rest on top of her ears but are curled under her ears. She usually obscures most of her facial appearance with a black hat with a raven feather on it and a plum plague doctor mask, only leaving one eye out. Ingrid has said that the species of demons that her family is cursed with are pretty tall, making her and all those who are cursed tall and lengthy.

When her face is shown, she has slightly squinted green eyes, large circular glasses, freckles around the middle of her face and tops of her pointed ears, gold star earrings connected to cartilage hoops by a chain, and a small fang popped out of her small dark purple lips, similar to Eda. She is also noted to have soft facial features, making her appearance seem innocent. She also has a pointed tail that sticks out.

When she goes Full Demon mode, her main appearance seems the same, with the exception that her eyes have become hollow black, her teeth become sharper with a wider mouth, and her hair raises to float above her head in a fire like formation. Her demonic features, such as horns, tail and fang also grow in size each time she transforms.


She wears a black choker with a pink oval gem, a Hexside uniform with purple sleeves and leggings before switching to purple sleeves with red leggings, to respect the oracle and bard tracks when she transfers, formerly the magenta Abomination track uniform, except the only difference is her uniforms have rips in the leggings, the sleeves are long and hang over her hands, her boots are longer going up to below her knees, similar to the ones Hunter wore during the Flyer Derby match in Any Sport in a Storm, and she wears a double studded crescent buckled belt on her waist with its “tail” sticking out. When not in school, she wears a white sleeveless top under a black jacket with the sleeves cuffed to her elbows, oversized spiked wristbands, a belted plaid skirt, white knee high socks and black knee high sneakers.


Ingrid is described as a creepy and odd witch, probably because of her facial accessories and overall creepy demeanor. At first, she seemed shy, often just standing around and staring at people, leading Amity to call her “Freak” when they first met. She also has trouble making abominations, although this is not her fault, it’s her family curse’s. Her family is cursed for all eternity by having the first-born female inflict bad luck wherever they go; this leads Ingrid to accidentally inflict bad luck and misfortune wherever she goes. However, with this, she’s still pretty good at oracle and bard magic. Ingrid externalizes her surroundings and thoughts through endless mumbling, a habit that annoys or creeps out those around her. She is seen to be rather smart, as she was able to calculate the time it took for her to get Sprout’s staff to support after dropping “Caleb’s” grip during Flyer Derby. She prefers to read at lunch, mostly either poetry or a very large paged book, rather than socialize with her friends but is noted to look at them or voice an opinion every once in a while. While she’s rather shy around others, around her friends Ingrid is very friendly. She acts more social, only a little bit, and even has a free spirited nature around those she’s comfortable with.
After meeting Hunter, she’s seen to stray closer to him and stare at him just a bit longer, ultimately freaking him out, especially from the embarrassing truth’s she was blurting out. However, he was able to help her cure this curse; leading them to become blushy and awkward since only a strong connection of love is the only known thing to lift a minor curse. However, when he saves her and her friends from Darius, she finally voiced these feelings, telling him that he’s the most interesting boy she has met and that he is odd for hanging around someone as uninteresting as herself. Hunter then tells her that she does interest him a bit, and that he prefers her with her face shown after she reveals her appearance, leading Ingrid to become excited that he complimented her. This leads them to develop a small awkward friendship, communicating through Penstagram or crystal ball chats.
Ingrid is very close to her two pets, Luna and Sprout. Luna is her staff palisman while Sprout is a palisman pet that felt a connection with her after she voiced her goals, however, only if she is unable to use Luna in a time of need, Sprout temporarily becomes her staff until she gets Luna back. Even though, she’s rather creepy, Ingrid prefers more cuter things, such as her palismen being a lamb and sprout. She also close to her Nibi, Raine, and considers them more family than her mother and her step-family. Like Raine, she has slight stage fright, but instead of getting tongue tied like them, she “shuts down”, curling up into a ball and lightly rocks back and forth until she feels ready to get up and “reboot” as she puts it.


At some point, a woman with the surname Lilith, fell in love with a demon, along with another girl. After a little competition between the girls, the demon chose the Lilith girl, making the other girl curse every Lilith in her bloodline.
Ingrid was raised by her parent, sometimes her mother, step-father, and four step-brothers. While they were born “normally”, and from a different man, she was born with demonic features, hinting that she inherited the Lilith curse and from Loretta cheating on Xavier with Raine before getting back together with Xavier. Ingrid spent her childhood learning as much as she could about magic, and best friends with Hunter as kids, when she would attend meetings at the Emperor’s Castle. Her step-brothers often tease her about the curse but apologize soon after after seeing how upset it made their step-sister. However, her mother always told her to stay indoors since “who would want to be friends with someone cursed” as she put it, this led Ingrid to be very insecure about her appearance and how she came off to others.
In second grade, she was held back for failing the entrance exam for third grade, due to her curse meddling with her a lot. This led to her being the oldest kid at Hexside entering her grade, making her fifteen, turning sixteen, while most of the other kids are fourteen, turning fifteen.
The Cursed Giant
Possibly due to being cursed, Raine and Loretta agreed to enroll her in the abomination track, even though she’s shown some an interest in oracle magic and practices bard magic. While she has difficulty making an abomination, she causes havoc on the classroom, earning her the nickname “The Cursed Giant”. However, after getting some encouragement from a stranger she just met, named Luz, she tries her best and it able to make a partial abomination. After that, Luz bumps into Ingrid, as Willow’s abomination, and introduces herself, along with Gus and Willow.
She helps out with the fake abomination plan by distracting Principal Bump with Gus by cursing the abomination glop Gus spilled. But when the principal gives chase she feels lost and anger toward Amity for what she did. After hearing of the principal’s injury due to Willow’s vines, Ingrid rushes to try and help, which the principal tries to put off as much as possible, possibly due to her curse. However, after she heals him with her piccolo, and Gus reveals that her abomination was only an illusion from a crystal ball she dropped, the principal had her transferred to the Oracle track.

Powers and abilities

* Magic: Ingrid is adept in magic. Like many witches, her connection to magic comes from a sac of magic bile that is attached to her heart. However, the sac is slightly messed up due to her family curse.
* Oracle Magic: She is a student of the oracle track, meaning she can perform mind-based magic and predictions. She can use this magic to summon spirits with a crystal ball as well as communicate with them.
* Necklace Magic: She uses her inner magic to telekinetically and telepathically do stuff
* Mind embodiment: By bumping her head, lightly, against someone else’s, she can enter the person’s mind and enter their memories from their point of view, allowing her to see the memory as the person mentally saw it, and hear their thoughts
* Bard Magic: With the leader of the Bard Coven as her parent who helps her study bard magic, Ingrid is able to use music to manipulate the world around her. This allows her to nullify spells from other witches, make things levitate and take control of any people who can hear their music. However, Ingrid is able to use her vocal cords as well as instruments.
* Instrument Summoning: Ingrid can summon and dispel musical instruments at will. While she primarily used a flute, she can also summon different instruments such as a violin.
* Flute playing: Ingrid is a skilled flute player and uses her flute to cast her bard spells.
* Violin playing: Ingrid is a minor violinist as her parent taught her to play and cast spell with it
* Healing properties: Ingrid has shown to be able heal minor injuries such as broken glasses and scratches
* Hexes and curses: Due to her family curse, Ingrid is unable to stop bad things from happening around. She can’t repress it either since that would make her demonic appearance grow until it’s taken over her body. However, she is learning to do these on command and use them in her studies
* Jinxed: Multiple unfortunate misfortune follows Ingrid and those around her, causing bad luck to either her or them.
* Full Demon form: When her emotions, mostly anger, get really bad, Ingrid transforms into a humanoid demonic version of herself. When Ingrid is comforted into calming down, she transfers back to herself, however she is noted to calm down when the person comforting her is one she cares a lot about, she transforms back a lot quicker
* Strength Enhancement: She can enhance the physical abilities of magical properties, like how she is able to make her hexes and curses stronger than some.
* Brutal Honesty Curse: When she first met Hunter, she accidentally blurted out random embarrassing things that happened to her since her family curse could sense she was nervous
* Emotional Enhancement: Even her emotions become too strong, her inner demon is let out, making her thrash around violently in the air while her emotions spill out in outraged yells
* Manifestations: After she gets an understanding of her family’s curse, Ingrid is able to stop stuff from falling on her and use those things as magic, such as water balloons, planks of wood, and lightning
* Abomination Magic: Prior to joining the oracle track, Ingrid was in the abomination track and likely has limited knowledge on abomination magic. However, her skills were mediocre and failed which led to her being labelled "The Cursed Giant".

Behind the scenes

Name and basis

The name “Ingrid” meaning “fair; Ing is beautiful” in Norse. Her name could possibly allude her facial appearance.
Lilith is derived from Akkadian lilitu meaning "of the night". It can also be a first name, meaning “ghost, night monster” with Assyrian origin. This could allude to her demonic appearance and creepy nature. Lilith is most common in Israel.


* Many people mistake Lilith to be either her middle name, or an hyphenated part of her first name
* All the embarrassing things she has accidentally told Hunter in Any Sport in a Storm:
* A bird once made a nest in her hair, and she cried
* She’s cursed
* She once spilled Apple Blood on her lap after taking a large drink then accidentally coughed, making it come out her nose
* She always pushes door labeled “pull” and pulls doors labeled “push” and it takes her five minutes to realize her mistake
* That he’s a “cute boy”
* When she hears people laughing she assumes they’re laughing at her and will have a panic attack
* She once locked herself in a closet that didn’t have a lock
* She trips multiple times when she has to present something publicly
* She tried reading a book upside down and thought it was in a different language
* If she knows people are watching her do something she forgets how to do it, even if it’s something simple
* She sunburns easily and had to do picture day with lobster red skin
* It’s revealed when she was younger, she hoped to join the Emperor’s Coven so she can work with Hunter, this was before she realized how awful they were
* Her original design had her look more like Lilith Clawthorne, where she had dark blue hair with purple tips instead of mint green with dark blue tips and her glasses looked like Lilith’s when she was younger
* Since the Lilith curse has been around for generations, it’s possible or hinted that since the first cursed Lilith, the significant other of a Lilith has been taking their wife’s surname. This is the reason why Ingrid’s surname is a hyphenated version of her parents, so she could keep the tradition even with her parents divorced
* The Lilith curse could also be inspired by the Yelnats curse from Holes, since both inflict bad luck and is being continued for generations. However, unlike the Yelnats, it is unknown if this curse can be broken
* Ingrid reveals in Any Sport in a Storm that she’s always wanted snakes as hair, like Medusa
* According to Ingrid, boys almost never compliment her
* Ingrid’s parents are divorced and have joint custody over her
* Ingrid’s skin is easy to sunburn if she doesn’t put on sunscreen
* So far, Ingrid is the only one with more than one palisman
* According to Ingrid, her horns and tail are sensitive
* It’s not revealed why Ingrid covers her face most of the time, but in Convention, she reveals that she was feeling confident, which could mean that she is secretly self conscious about how she looks
* Or this could be a result of her mother’s emotional abuse
* Ingrid is revealed to be pansexual
* Her worst fear was thought to be demons from Enchanting Grom Fright, but her worst fears are her turning into her demonic form fully, and for a negative outcome to something she’s worked so hard on
* According to Ingrid’s family history, only a strong connection of love can break a minor curse
* She also guessed that’s how her ancestors found their soulmates
* Her voice has an echoed, disoriented sound effect for when she’s in her Full Demon form
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