KalCity — TGB- Matteus

#francis #matteus #miria #tgb #thegoldenbutterfly
Published: 2014-12-31 20:52:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 2820; Favourites: 42; Downloads: 4
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Description 4/15/17 EDIT: He's toast.

6/8/16 EDIT: Updated his tattoo, which I've been meaning to do for a while. To be clear, the tattoo shown is his active tattoo. His inactive is just the line and the first circle.
5/28/15 EDIT: New sheet, aaand he's a soldier (for now). Tattoo is still a WIP. History is.... also a WIP now. //deep sighing
5/10/15 EDIT: New app art! Tattoo forthcoming.

I'm gonna end up with like 500 characters RIP me. (I said he wouldn't come back to the tribes but I lied again.)

True Name|| Matteus

Kit Name|| Goldy

Nickname(s)|| 'George' (Evaline)

Gender|| Cis Male

Age|| 7 years 3 months

Birth Season|| Winter

Appearance|| A dark chocolate and white Burmese with a hint of tabby striping. His white markings are asymmetrical, giving him a slightly crooked appearance. The fur on his muzzle has grown out into points, but the rest of his pelt is soft and fairly sleek. His facial features bear a roundness that suggests at European Shorthair heritage.

Power|| Secondary Void

Tribe|| Void
  • Former|| Air

Profession|| Head Chronicler
  • Former|| Bone Crafter

Mentor|| N/A


Soulbound|| Evaline

  • Cognition [Proficient]
  • Precognition [Proficient]
  • Flash-Forward, Flash-Back [Master]
  • Flash-Forward, Flash-Back II [Proficient]
  • Temporal Perception [Competent]
  • Stop-and-Go [Competent]
  • Retrospect [Master]
  • Foresight [Master]
  • Pause [Competent]
  • Blink of an Eye [Competent]
  • Choose Your Own Adventure [Proficient]
  • Through Me [Competent]
  • Prophet [Competent]
    • Name (signature move)- Description[Incompetent / Amateur / Mediocre / Competent / Proficient / Master]
Soulbond Skills||
  • Popping Through Time [Proficient]
  • Here To There [Competent]
  • We Are One [Master]
  • Clairvoyance [Proficient]
  • Clairvoyance II [Proficient]
  • Clairvoyance III [Proficient]
  • Astral Projection [Competent]
  • Temporal Projection [Competent]
  • Hide Me! [Competent]
  • Watchers [Competent]
  • Chimera [Competent]
  • Wormhole [Mediocre]
  • Domain [Amateur]
  • Gemini [Amateur]
    • Name (signature move)- Description[Incompetent / Amateur / Mediocre / Competent / Proficient / Master]

Affinity|| True Neutral

Breed|| Burmese mix

Height|| 12 inches

Build|| Where his father was large and somewhat burly, and his mother small and petite, Matteus falls almost perfectly in the middle. In fact, he seems nearly perfectly average all around. His most unique build trait is how not unique he is at all.

Scars & Injuries||
  • Long scar across his abdomen and up into the crook of his right shoulder.
  • Three long scars wrapped around his right forepaw.

  • Starstone with the ability 'Threads'.

[ Introverted; Antisocial] [ Down-to-Earth; Unimaginitive] [ Stubborn; Grumpy]

To begin with, Matteus is a reclusive cat, interacting with few and keeping generally to himself. He bestows friendship with a great deal of reservation, and trust even more rarely. Though he has outgrown his aggressive-defensiveness, he is still uncomfortable around so many cats who talk so much and are so loud. The Tribe lifestyle is still very new to him, and it will probably take quite a while for him to become accustomed to it. Bring naturally introverted does not help his case very much.

Whether he manages to relax and open up or not though, Matti is an incredibly opinionated and stubborn cat. He has his views, and if you don't agree with him, you are probably wrong or stupid. He can be downright obstinate with things, often to the point of brattiness, and strongly dislikes being told what to do. This may come from having lived so long without such specific authority figures, but is more likely just a personality sticking point. He is logical, rational, and while he is by no means unintelligent, he has trouble with inventive problem-solving. His sense of humor is faint at best, and when teased he will assume that it is a literal insult or jab, becoming quickly offended. He doesn't flirt, or understand what flirting is, and cats who attempt to woo him are generally no more interesting to him than any other cat (although probably more annoying).

One of Matti's most defining characteristics is the fact that he is 90% mute, entirely by choice. He is perfectly happy with communicating via subtle body language, and will only resort to speaking aloud if he feels that he cannot get his thoughts across any other way. He is quickly frustrated by cats who don't understand what he's trying to say, however, especially if they keep talking. When he becomes especially upset with them, he may turn away completely and simply walk off. If the cat follows them, they will earn a warning hiss, and if they persist, a smack. On the other hand, given an apology, he may decide to forgive them, as long as they are willing to try harder to understand him. He is not one to hold a grudge for very long, though he may still feel uncomfortable with the cat for quite a while afterwards.


Born to a scatterbrained, and somewhat neglectful mother, he and his siblings never has a particularly 'happy' kithood. That wasn't to say they were abused. Their mother loved them very much. She was just young and rather unstable, having deluded herself into thinking her mate would soon come back and help her raise their kits. She would often tell stories to her young ones, tales of the Golden Butterfly, but warped by her views and her confused mind. Sometimes the Butterfly was a Spirit come to wreck vengeance, and sometimes it was the Silver-Water herself, with her spy seducing Fire-tribers. Her stories became progressively more warped, as she began believing her own tales. Her kits never questioned, but silently puzzled about it sometimes as they grew older.

Due to her tendency to forget to hunt, Miria's milk ran dry more often than not. As time wore on, it became evident that they were growing weaker, and if nothing changed, they would most likely not survive. Miria began to choose favorites among her kits, pushing the others away when they were feeding. On a particular cloudy morning, the kits woke up to see that someone was missing. When questioned, Miria rounded on them with blazing eyes, snarling. Shortly afterwards, another of their littermates vanished. The remaining kits quickly learned not to ask about these disappearances, for when she didn't snap at them, their mother would fall into one of her frequent fits, which was sometimes even worse.

By the time the kits were almost two months old, the only ones left were 'Skitter', a mostly-white female, and a dark male mysteriously dubbed 'Goldy'. Their mother had begun to take them along with her when she went out, sometimes to hunt, more often to wander the neutral lands in seemingly random circles. When they saw anyone, which was rare, Miria sent her kits to hide. Occasionally she would leave them to go talk to the stranger, but generally she stayed hidden as well. During one of these outings, on an especially cold day and after a long trek, Skitter tripped and fell. She never got up. That was Goldy's first close experience with death.

When he was three and a half months, Goldy was once again out with his mother when they came upon a cat that was somewhat familiar to the kit. Miria spoke to him more often than the other cats, and sometimes she would come back with fish or other prey. On this day, Goldy watched from afar as his mother grew more and more agitated. Finally, she shouted something, turned, and ran back to where her kit was hiding. When she reached him though, she didn't stop. She ran on past him at a dead sprint, and after a confused moment, Goldy followed. However, she had desperation on her side a head start, and he quickly lost sight of her. He continued following her familiar scent trail though, and after a long, long time, he emerged from the forest onto a grassy bluff overlooking the ocean, far to the north of their home. His mother's scent trail went right to the edge of the cliff. In the water below, he could just see a very pale body drifting slowly out to sea.

In the weeks that followed, Goldy did his best to hunt for himself and survive. He was still young and inexperienced with hunting though, and he grew weaker by the day. He was starved half to death when he was found by an aging loner. The old gray tomcat took him in and nursed him back to strength, eventually becoming a sort of father-figure for the young cat. He taught the kit how to hunt and how to defend himself, and eventually his memories of his mother and his siblings began to blur. He remembered the stories, but he couldn't remember what his name had been. He and the old cat didn't really speak, communicating through body language or short sentence fragments. This was nice for the young cat, after having been raised by such a talkative she-cat with broken language.

Seven months after his mother's death, the now juvenile cat felt a strong pull, a compulsion to go back to the land of Nandryx. When he relayed this to his mentor, the old cat looked quite solemn, and then urged him to follow the feeling. Bidding a last goodbye, he did so. He journeyed back to where he was born, and was greeted with a tattoo that shone bright blue and a name whispered in his mind. Matteus was accepted into his new tribe along with several other former loners and exiles, and began his new life among many other strangers.

Living this way was difficult for the young cat, stemming partly from his inexperience with communal living, and partly from his natural inclination to introversion. As he struggled to grow accustomed to his new life, he became more and more reclusive, and resentful of the tribe cats. One night, only a few months after his arrival, he decided he couldn't take it any more. He slipped away and escaped back into the outskirts, never once looking back.

Though his shame at failing to fit in properly was strong, his desire to see the cat who had raised him was stronger. But when he finally found him, the old tom had grown ill. Nothing that would have been life-threatening in a younger cat, but at his age, it would surely waste him away until he died. By the time Matteus returned to his side, they could both tell the end was near. The eldery cat, not being one for sentimentality, merely welcomed the younger home, and conveyed that he was happy to see him once more, but that he could not stay. He shouldn't have to see his mentor die.

So Matteus bid his farewells once again, and set off to the north. He had found that the tribes existed, and also that he did not want to be a part of them. He had collected the pieces of his mother's stories, and now he would let them go. There was a world full of things to see beyond his birthright.

[Adolescence - Young Adulthood]
For many seasons, he wandered through the lands beyond the tribes. He kept to himself for the most part, not interested in interacting with other cats, and honed his solo hunting and tracking skills, learning much from the wilderness itself.

As he moved throguh his third season cycle however, a familiar tug began to grow in him, urging him to return to the land of his birth. For several weeks he continued to ignore it, adamant about not wanting to return to the tribes. But as time wore on, the sensation only grew stronger. It seeped into his dreams, calling him in the language he recognized best, a single cat, beckoning him. At last, he could ignore the dreams no longer, and his paws turned him towards the south.

It took him some time to make his way back to the land of the tribes, he had wandered so far. But when he got there, he found that things... had not changed in the least. Everything was terribly familiar, and  still nothing he wanted to do with. But the urging in his dreams was persistent, and, grudgingly, he approached the Silver Air, requesting and receiving permission to join the tribe.

[RP History]

Relationship Status|| Single (Not looking)

Sexuality|| Asexual, Aromantic
  • Attracted to:
    • Nothing

Current Attractions|| None

Past Attractions|| None

Direct Family||
??? // Adoptive Guardian // No Tattoo [DECEASED]
Francis // Father // Former Yellow-Water [DECEASED]
Miria // Mother // Gray-Water [DECEASED]
Hop, Itch, and Skitter (NPCs) // Siblings // Unknown [DECEASED]
Leto // Kit // White-Air
Sun // Kit // White-Air

Relationship Tracker|| [ X ]
Height Visual|| [ X ]

  • Quiet cats
  • Hidden places
  • Cats who understand that companionship doesn't require constant talking

  • Loud/talkative cats
  • Being asked why he doesn't speak
  • Water
  • Fish (thinks they're creepy)
  • Being ordered around

  • Ocean cliffs
  • Never finding a conclusion to his story

  • There is nothing physically wrong with his voice, except perhaps disuse. He can talk, and he knows how, but he chooses not to.
  • On very, very rare occasions, when he feels he cannot convey his message in any other way, he will speak. His voice is very soft and very hoarse.

Timezone|| EST
Preferred Medium|| Chatroom
Secondary Medium|| Skype, Google Doc
Unaccepted Medium|| Notes
Skype Username|| If you want to RP, ask me!
RP Example||
, with Pangur
Pangur had always loved the flower fields. There was an almost mystical quality about them, something that kept it blooming in all but the very dead of winter. Nearly every kind of sun-loving meadow flower could be found here, and around the edges, even some of the more shade-favoring ones. There were plants here that he didn't know the names of, and far more than he thought he could ever memorize. It was a beautiful place, peaceful and warm, and for him, full of fond memories. Of course it would be one of his favorite locations.

It also had a more practical benefit though, being the one place he knew he could always find Kato, if he wasn't at camp or out of the territory. It had taken a while, and much protesting about 'manliness', but the orange tom had finally developed a fondness for the place. It wasn't surprising for Pangur to see him there now.

He picked up his paws, moving into a trot and then a gallop, slowing only a little as he reached the other tom, and greeted him with a strong, friendly headbutt to the side. "Hey, big marigold. I thought I'd find you hanging out here with your kind!" He aimed a playful nip at Kato's good ear, pulling up just short to make it more of a gesture than an action. "What're you up to? Just sunbathing?"

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Comments: 22

holyteeth [2016-10-14 16:07:23 +0000 UTC]

trash man when are u gonna meet your Trash Son

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KalCity In reply to holyteeth [2016-10-14 20:51:54 +0000 UTC]

Lindsey was talkin and having Sun meet him too, 'at e u could ask if she wants to make it a group rp? :0

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

holyteeth In reply to KalCity [2016-10-14 21:47:04 +0000 UTC]

SURE id love a group rp

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

celvista [2016-03-20 19:37:32 +0000 UTC]

Balthazar: Hey! I know I haven't spoken to you before, but do you have a clue for the cure?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SozinThis [2015-03-28 21:59:31 +0000 UTC]

He's amazing <3 if he's opento rp's or something let me know I'd be even up for coming with some sort of epic plot or something

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KalCity In reply to SozinThis [2015-03-29 00:36:45 +0000 UTC]

He's actually 100% free for RPs right now!! meaning he has none, LOL. I'm not sure I want to throw any massive plots at him right now though, given what I have going on with my other characters OTL

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to KalCity [2015-03-29 00:38:53 +0000 UTC]

fair enough~ I can send you a starter though~ Since I have one rp going right now. one. in all my groups. LOL. So I\d lvoe if something could happen that would allow for a few rp's honestly.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KalCity In reply to SozinThis [2015-03-29 00:42:31 +0000 UTC]

omg. Yeah sure go ahead!! I'll try to reply to it with swiftness.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SozinThis In reply to KalCity [2015-03-29 00:48:12 +0000 UTC]

awesome <3 sorry for the huge wall of test that says actually very little, trying to develop her a little more now. Plus im currently re-doing her app. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Roozul [2015-03-28 21:53:46 +0000 UTC]


*whispers to Matti* Your daddy had a moustacheeeeee

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KalCity In reply to Roozul [2015-03-29 00:36:04 +0000 UTC]

pepto tribe climbing slowly to the top

Matti: *already knows this* >8I

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Roozul In reply to KalCity [2015-03-29 00:41:30 +0000 UTC]


Lazuli: *pokes* Hey you, Tom Selleck, no sass.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MagaSushi [2015-03-28 21:31:29 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KalCity In reply to MagaSushi [2015-03-29 00:35:21 +0000 UTC]

large dweeb

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ipann [2015-01-05 02:56:08 +0000 UTC]

That mustache tho 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KalCity In reply to ipann [2015-01-11 00:17:59 +0000 UTC]

He gets his inclination for facial hair from his dad (the mustache king)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheRushingWolf [2015-01-02 16:34:55 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KalCity In reply to TheRushingWolf [2015-01-04 02:59:26 +0000 UTC]

Matti: >8C

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Artistic-Twist [2015-01-01 00:29:55 +0000 UTC]

Oh god I know he's a grump but he has a GORGEOUS design I love it<3333

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KalCity In reply to Artistic-Twist [2015-01-04 02:38:34 +0000 UTC]

Omg, thank you!! pointed cats with white are my weakness... Can you tell...


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Toadfoal [2014-12-31 20:57:33 +0000 UTC]

ahaha another blast from the past!
Ngl I'm kind of enjoying the influx of old characters. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KalCity In reply to Toadfoal [2015-01-04 02:39:07 +0000 UTC]

I said I wasn't going to bring him back, but the more I thought about it the more I wanted to do exactly that.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0