Kalid909 — KH-Reopened - Valenar

Published: 2013-03-08 23:06:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 4055; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 9
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Description (EDIT: Added combat theme!)

Name: Valenar Bloodmane
Alias: Valen
Age Range: 210-215. Physically, he's equivalent to 25, and would not biologically age enough to be noteworthy in ten years' time.
Height: 7'2"
Weight Range: 635-665 lbs (Made up of very dense crystalline bone matter, mass muscle, tail weight, durable scales, etc.)
Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Elemental Affinity: None. Unable to use magic of any kind due to genetics.

Weapon: Unarmed. Favors claws and teeth.
Valen will use anything he can get his hands on, and in general with fairly decent ability, if he feels it'll give him an advantage over his claws.


Rampage: Valen, when in the presence of several or more foes of noticeably weaker strength, will go on a violent "rampage". In this way, he tears throw his foes rapidly, favoring dismemberment, and periodically uses the broken body of the fallen against it's allies, often before the creature has even died.

Magical Resistance: Most any form of magic does only half damage to Valen, and dark energy does only a third of it's natural damage. Light magic, however, is not counted among these resistances in any way.

Tail Lash: Valen's tail is a heavy and agile appendage, able to be used as a weapon. He lashes at his foes who attempt to flank him, and often can break bones of moderate or weaker creatures. A hardy beast will often only sustain terrible bruises, and perhaps swept aside.

Magic Tap: Unable to use any spells, Valen seems to have a unique bond with magic all the same. If others can learn how to tap into it, they are able to empower their spells by using Valenar as a channel.

Hardy: Valen takes damage very well, and bounces back from injuries with moderate ease. Raised in an environmental where death was never a threat, or blessing in some cases, he has incredible pain tolerance, and can function under some very unpleasant conditions without complaint.

Predatory: Having taken on the mentality and habits of animals, Valen is a predator by nature, and lives to hunt and kill. This lends him enhanced senses, particularly of sound and smell, as well as being able to stalk his prey. His stalking skills, however, are no match for someone who trains in this field, but are good enough to get by common animals and the general individual. The near presence of magic, however, will almost completely nullify any chance of stealth, since he tends to glow more brightly, the stronger and closer it is.

(I hope this gives a good idea of what Valen is capable of, and what racial traits he has. )

Special Last Man Standing When badly wounded and without a clear victory in sight, Valen enters a bezerker's rage, going into a frenzy. His strength and speed increases, as mental limits are broken by this blinding bloodlust, but he also becomes far less conscious of his safety or surroundings, lending him to take more damage and pay little attention to his companions. Even after the battle is over, Valen takes several moments to come down from the rage, and will instinctively attack anything that makes aggressive or sudden movements near him, or anything that touches him.

Clothing: Minimal clothing, usually loose and easy to move in. Favors loincloths or toga-style. Prefers not wearing clothing, due to upbringing, particularly where combat is concerned, as it gives his opponent something to grip, and can get in the way at times. He will, however, simply "Deal with it" if instructed to by someone he respects, or given reason.

Father: None. (Due to being “created” rather than “born”) Has adopted his previous Arena Master, Kash, as his foster father, as he's very fond of him and greatly respects him.
Mother: Same as above. Adopted Aleesia, Kash's life-mate, as his foster mother, as she has always been kind and thoughtful of Valen.
Sibling(s): None.
Other relative(s): None.
Friend(s): Annastazija
Crushe(s): Valen is attracted to most women, due to genetic engineering.
Boy/Girlfriend(s): None as of yet.
Enemie(s): None as of yet.
Apprentice(s): Annastazija (Valen has decided to take Anna under his wing, and teach her the finer points of combat. It's a work in progress.)

Original World: The Circles of Darkness, Abyss, or what have you. A place of nine circles, manifested from the fears and nightmares of the people of the world of Doraen. It is a constantly changing, dark place, each circle greatly differing from the others. The further down you go, the worse and more terrible it gets. They are called the "Circles" because the territory the natives live on is floating circular landmasses with a hollow center. In that center, is a singular chunk of land that is home to the lord of that particular level. Master of all levels, however, is Malefarious, a draconic undead entity that is named god of the Circles. Most creatures are material and physical, bleeding beings up until the sixth circle. The sixth is a mix of material and incorporeal creatures, and from there downward, are the residence of incorporeal terrors.

Valen is a member of the booming slave population, but set apart due to how "high quality" he is. Rihk'Harr is a name meaning "mutt", and is given to any mixed bred creature in the Circles, which Valen is one of. The trafficking of slaves from other places, such as the world of Doraen, or occasionally even from their enemy territory of the Plateaus of Light, is a common way of light in the Abyss. When one dies in Doraen, they either ascend, or descend, to one of these two opposing territories, depending on the amount of positive or negative energy collected throughout their lives. This energy is collected through actions and intentions, good or ill. These deceased reform in either the Circles or the Plateaus.

In the Abyss, carnal and vile distractions are extremely popular, and make for good business. Valen comes from the sect of Gladiator slaves, those who were either born and bred, or sold, to fight and mutilate for the entertainment of the local monstrosities. The name of the game is to become the greatest at one's chosen, or forced, profession, and gain power for a better life. Death is impossible, as one will merely heal their wounds slowly and painfully, no matter how terrible they are. In the case of ultimate obliteration, the individual will reform where they "died". An Obliteration is costly and unpopular, for they give no pleasure of suffering, and the individual is "out of commission" for a lengthy stretch. Eventually, those who finally lose all hope or will, will "fade", and cease to be in the Circles. Where the go from there, is anyone's guess.

Valen was magically crafted in the Second Circle, and at the point of time he joins the KH universe against the heartless, he had managed to make it to the sixth circle. It is a symbol of his fame and his talent as a gladiator to be able to fight in the arenas of the sixth circle, as it is far more dangerous than the ones before.

Environment: The Circles have no seasons, and no sun or moon to tell the hour by. Time itself is difficult to discern, and passes very differently there than it does in many other worlds. Instead of regularly changing seasons, each circle's environment is fixed on one notion. Example; one is a frozen wasteland, and another is a scorching,volcanic landscape. A third, still, is a dark and twisted jungle-like landscape rich in brutally unpleasant plant life.

In contrast, the second World Valen ended up on, Doraen, has very earth-like seasons, years, and environments, though with far different inhabitants. The worlds of Doraen, The Circles, the Plateaus and The Plane of Magic, are all linked invisibly, and it is not uncommon for powerful wizards to be able to travel from one to the other, provided proper magical protections and such are also cast. The concept of world-travel is not unusual among the educated and magically adept, though the practice of it isn't nearly as common. So far, world travel has only been achieved between places that are unusually close to the place they are attempting to portal from.

The inhabitants of Doraen are both humans, animals, as well as mythical creatures and non-human beings. The world is vastly dependent on magic, as are all the worlds close to it, hence the invisible connection between them that allows for traveling to be practiced.

The Plane of Magic, though like The Plateaus in having no direct relation to Valen or his story in the KH universe, is important to note as the Weryn, one of the species Valen is related to, comes from there. The plane of Magic is the central hub of all magic that is neither “good” nor “evil”. Also known as “true magic”, it is the core of magic for every teleporter, elementalist mage, illusionist, and so on. The closeness of the worlds is what allows for mages to cast spells easily, as they are able to channel the magic of one another, though many, many years of study are required to do so in safety, without wearing down the barrier between worlds. Doing so would be very, very bad.
(I apologize for how long this is, I wasn't sure how much was needed, so... I tried to cover everything briefly. )

Valen's species is quite the explanation in and of itself. He is created through magic, with the intention of making an impressive gladiator slave that would sell very nicely on the market. Various species native to the world Doraen were used, as ell as races from surrounding locations; Blue Dragon, Weryn, Charr, Elven, and perhaps one or two others, though of small enough portion to not be of much note, other than to help stabilize the newly forged species physically.

Blue Dragon: (Taken from the Blue Dragons of Dungeons and Dragons) For it's loyal nature and raw primal power and various magical resistances, it is a favorite for very powerful mages seeking to create something powerful but obedient. A difficult beast to both catch and bend, it's costly but very effective for many other magical practices as well. These dragons are generally considered to be of a more evil morality.

Weryn: Powerful and potent magic users, as well as cousins to the draconic species, Weryn are playful and extremely intelligent, with natural affinity and resistance to every type of magic. Positive thinkers and very hard to offend, their base nature is to study new things and befriend anyone. Males commonly have patches of thick crimson fur, and the species as a whole has rich blue scales, and a nearly unbreakable crystal bone structure that glows continuously in the presence of magic.

Charr: (Taken from Guild Wars) Powerful, creative, but not precisely bright in general, the Charr is a living and breathing war machine. Having a terrifying feline appearance with bipedal posture, they are often comfortable both upright and on all fours, much like the Weryn. Generally bulky, strong, and very predatory, their keen senses give them a strong combative edge. They are a unified species and completely military-based, though some occasionally are exiled or willingly part from the their kin.

Elven: (Elves are a pretty common species, and generally well known, so I won't elaborate much) Known for beauty, elegance, and grace, the elf is a strange addition to the combination of species chosen for Valen's specific breed. Their use was merely to heighten natural senses, add reflexes and grace, as well as smooth out the facial features and over all body of the new Rihk'Harr breed through careful use of magic.

Rihk'Harr, a name merely meaning "mutt", is a general term for any mixed-bred creature of the Abyss. Valen goes by this title with pride. The specific species he is, however, was crafted and bred with care by a wizard immune to aging, and thus, had plenty of time to have become very powerful. Seeking to make a fortune with a steady continual profit to fund his other endeavors, the mage formed Valen's breed through trial and error. The species is known for it's beautiful red hair and fur, blue scales, and cyan crystal-like bone structure that is visible as their horns, teeth, and claws. They have powerful tails that are quite flexible, and are capable of running upright or on all fours with equal comfort. Their scales are serpentine in appearance and smooth, but are surprisingly hardened. All body hair is the manifestation of actual fur, but is often sparse due to the elven and draconic bloodlines being inherently hairless.(Save for Weryn, who's fur grows only in very specific patterns.) Eyes and crystalline portions will glow when in the presence of magic, and will glow more brightly the more powerful the magic is. This species has a consistent subtle glow from their eyes at all times, projecting just enough light for them to see by. Most other creatures would find it impossible to see anything in such conditions, however, as Rihk'Harr have excellent night vision. They are highly resistant to magic, but unable to use any spells themselves as a side-effect of the racial mix.

> Champion of the Arena (Earned through nearly two centuries of bloodshed in the Circles' Arenas)
> Mage-Slayer (A racial title, as his specific breed are resistant to magic, and are thus coined as "Mage-Slayers" due to how difficult wizards find it to kill them)

On the positive side; Valen is very laid back and agreeable, being difficult to offend and rarely can one ruffle his feathers too much, so to speak. He is very patient and forthright with helping his comrades in any way he is able, without hesitation. Valen is exceedingly loyal, earnest, and an open book, seeing no point to hiding most things about himself, and is embarrassed about little. Inquisitive and attentive, Valen is always looking to learn new things and discover the world around him. His animal-like upbringing makes him very easy to please, and his morals are particularly hazy, which makes it hard to cross them. Observant and a team player, Valen functions very well both solo and in a group, able to pick up on the behavior, strengths, and weaknesses of his enemies or allies, and compliment or extort them with his own style. Valen has little use for material wealth, and so there is not much he wants, making conflict over possessions fairly minimal. Valen's simple way of seeing the world often allows him to see solutions others miss, and have the occasional startling moment of wisdom or two due to this unusual insight. He is also prone to bouts of playfulness on occasion, particularly with children or those who have barely reached adult-hood, that might still be considered very young in his eyes, as well as animals.

On the Negative side...; Valen is very violent and takes great pleasure and pride in his ability to kill and mutilate in a gloriously horrific and efficient manner. He also sees no problem walking around wearing the blood of his enemies openly, and anywhere. One of the few things he can become offended about, and viciously so, is any attempt to demean or belittle his capabilities and talents in combat, as well as his knowledge of it. Valen is willful and stubborn, often acting on his own and taking matters into his own hands. He refuses to obey or listen to anyone he does not respect, and can be a terrible headache to try and control. Valen respects control over one's self and one's own feelings, which can also make him hard to impress, as he can often times push people to the limits of their patience under certain circumstances. Valen's animalistic nature and upbringing also comes with additional draw-backs, such as being territorial and petty. What few things he decides are his, he will guard jealously and furiously, and often times it can be over some very miniscule things, like a pillow because he likes how plush it is. Despite his intelligence, Valen looks at the world in a simple, often animal-like way, and handles it as such. Explaining things to him that one might see as culturally vital can be stressful and difficult, and Valen often will not consent to follow these "rules" without good cause to justify it. Only for trusted individuals will he consent without what he thinks to be a proper explanation.

On the more neutral side; Things that could be both good and bad, or neither, depending on whom he meets... For starters, he has no personal boundaries. At all. He is just as soon to stick his face in a strangers and sniff them as he would a friend. He also is fairly clueless about "privacy". Clothes for instance, were only worn in the Circles by the rich and powerful, and only because it showed wealth, not for reasons of modesty. This means common little courtesies like knocking before entering a room, and not walking in on someone in the shower does not even occur to him; nor is he much affected by seeing someone unclothed. Mirroring this, he's also not at all phased when the same is done to him and thinks nothing of it. Valen was created to also be breeding stock, as it was much cheaper for his creator to simply make his creations procreate to keep numbers up, rather than having to magically create every single one. This causes Valen to be incredibly interested in women of "Breeding age", roughly 16+, though he prefers females who are somewhat older in most cases. Age does not factor to him too extensively, so he only mildly takes that into account for anything, be it for breeding or otherwise. All age means to Valen, is experience and knowledge in combat and the physical maturity or degradation of the individual. He often will judge a person instead on mannerism and posture, rather than how many years they have on them.

Goals: To become stronger, and to find his way back to Derith'Kel and Alariel someday.

Due to biological design, he can not use magic.(This does not apply for magical items that function solely by themselves)
Glows when magic is near, making it very difficult to sneak about.
Has a high concentration of negative energy due to living in the Circles, making him rather weak against any harmful positive energy.(Dark magic and light magic, respectively)
Has a strong phobia of water, never having been exposed to much of it, and thus fears drowning.
Valen is unused to mortality, and so takes risks and injuries without considering whether or not they can or will kill him.(Recklessness, in essence)
Valen's resistance to magic comes back on him in a bad way, due to the fact that any healing of magical nature done to him takes twice as much energy to get the same effect.
Unless harmed, Valen has a weakness to women, and can easily be tricked by abilities relating to sensual manipulation by a female. For example; the charm spells used to turn friend against friend from his world tended to work fairly easily, despite his general mental stubborness.

As was mentioned earlier, Valen is no product of natural birth. Brought into slavery and bloodshed from his creation, the Rihk'Harr was exposed to violence and pain since he can remember. The training was brutal and terrible, since death was not something that happened in the Circles, so there was no need to take care with his longevity. Valen was always a stubborn soul, and strove viciously onward through his training, until he was old enough and competent enough to sell on the markets for a good price. Physically he would have been considered roughly an adolescent, not yet an adult. Raised and kept like a beast in various arenas, Valen knew nothing different, seeing himself and the other slaves as being separate from their masters. He was given no clothing, weapons, nor armor to supply himself with, until he proved that he was worth cheap iron. He fought with weapons often and occasionally protective gear, but as time continued to pass, and he shifted from one unpleasant master to another, he soon favored his own two hands and the sharpness of claws and teeth, without any protection to speak of. Weapons could be taken away or broken, but one's hands? They were weapons that would take being dismembered to remove from the fighter. And no armor meant the enemy nothing to hold on to, nor was there anything that could be melted by spells, which often caused molten metal to spill across his hide. It didn't take him long to decide to focus solely on unarmed combat, just as an animal should.

Valen stayed ahead with a clever wit, pairing it with his agility, strength, and endurance. However, he rarely stood out... Valen found his master to blur together in attitude, and were often inept in combat, leaving him uninspired. The male couldn't force himself to respect a power that was only an illusion in his eyes, and needed body guards to keep the slaves from rending it's flesh. In adulthood, Valen suddenly began to show impressive talent, but was almost completely uncontrollable and very difficult to manage. More than one master died at his hands who took him far too carelessly, but then, that was hardly uncommon... A bonus, in the eyes of other arena lords, getting rid of competition without even having to raise one of their own hands. “Only the strong and keen survive in the Circles”, as the saying went.

Valen's price dropped as he continued to be difficult, becoming a beast that was more trouble than he seemed worth. Valen began to see himself superior to his masters, and reveled in their fear of him, that they could not come near him without armed, trained protectors to keep him from tearing them apart... But that all changed when Kash set his eyes on the him.

Kash was a blue half-dragon, a creature of watered-down heritage mingled with some mortal race, resulting in a weak dragon-looking creature that stood and moved like most humanoids. Kash bore many scars over his body, and brandished them proudly, wearing only a kilt of fine fabrics and detailing, with generous but practical jewelry to demonstrate his success as an Arena Master. The scars, Valen could tell from knowing his own, were marks left from fighting in the Arena... The half-dragon had his attention. Kash faced Valen without fear or arrogance, but simply cool, studious confidence as he assessed the Rihk'Harr's value, determining his possible usefulness and competance.

With one nod, the half-dragon paid the slave keeper, and returned to his arena with Valen. Instead of taking him below into the pens, he instead took him into the empty central pit, surrounded by cleverly arranged seating set high to see over the massive walls that kept the gladiators inside of it. There, Kash did something quite unexpected... He commanded Valen's heavy bonds removed, and brandished a two-handed sword of fine make within his own hands. Kash fixated Valen with a firm gaze, and commanded the gladiator to fight him, and prove his worth. Valen was able to guess from looking at this confident master, reading his stance, posture, and the steely look in his eyes, that he was seasoned well beyond Valen's years. Master and slave fought, the battle becoming intense, but to the Rihk'Harr's surprise, he himself lost without hope of victory. Since that day, Valen had gained profound respect for the half-dragon, seeing him as a master who truly understood what it took to be powerful, and how to command that power with true aptitude.

As time passed, Valen won and lost fights, but his wins steadily began to increase as his master started to tutor the slave himself. The two forged a strong respect and appreciation for one another, and eventually, a strong friendship between lord and gladiator. The more victories he won, Valen began to receive rewards of many sorts that a gladiator-beast would appreciate; food, a cage that was spacious and positioned away from the others, as well as regular visits from female slaves. What truly formed their alliance, and seated Valen as the prize of Kash's whole arena, however, was when the Rihk'Harr had won the half-dragon a beautiful and very expensive female slave in a bet. The arrangement was stacked for Valen to lose, and the stakes between the rival Arena lord and Kash was that whoever lost, would sell both his stock and himself to the other, effectively destroying their careers... Perhaps permanently, a wager meant for Kash to lose.

The rival knew that Kash would never be able to resist the possibility of winning a beautiful half-dragon who was stolen from the first of the Plateaus, and trained to please her lord in whatever way they wished, be it sensual, witty word games, music, dance, or conversation. A prize indeed, but it did not blind Kash to his rival's intentions... At this time, however, Valen had no yet become famous among the Circles as a gladiator, and Kash decided to hing everything on him; a wild card, per say.

Valen won the fight, but just barely, to the sheer dismay of the opposing side. Kash proudly claimed his prizes, not allowing his own astonishment to be seen by anyone. Valen later was given the honor of being introduced to the slave Kash risked everything for, and the Rihk'Harr found himself seeing the worth his master had seen. Aleesia, as her name came to be known, had somehow kept her beliefs and her heart intact, despite what she had faced, and was full of love and life. Just as she had stolen Kash's eye, she later stole his heart, and gave her's in return. Valen was fascinated by this strange relationship that grew between them, of a sort he never knew even existed until then. Aleesia would come down to the pens now and then to see Valen and speak with him, treating him with a warmth and gentleness that perplexed and enamored him. From this experience, Valen grew an affection for her that was completely different than the shallow feelings he felt towards most women... Aleesia, to his eyes, was of a worth far beyond him, and suited his master well.

Over time, the bond of friendship became almost paternal between Valen, his master, and Aleesia, and without knowing it, Valen came to subconsciously place them as his surrogate family. He eagerly learned anything he could to get ahead, and won battle after battle in Kash's name, adoring the praise showered on him by the crowds, the thrill of blood, and the ability to bring further riches to his master. He found himself with a drive and inspiration he had never had before, and it propelled him through his battles with raw intensity.

Close to the height of Kash's career, it was not unusual for him to summon Valen to his quarters, and talk to him about many things unrelated to combat. One of which, that had begun to become common, was his talk of eventually selling his property, buying up fine items to trade, and paying a mage to send himself and his Aleesia to Doraen. There, he could finally see the beautiful places depicted in many paintings he had bought, stolen and resold from Doraen to the circles, and live a life that would be secure for himself and his love. When the height of their career had come, and Kash knew they could make it no further than the Sixth Circle's arenas, he chose to follow through with his plans for a safer future.

However, Kash did not make this choice without first considering what he could do for Valen as a last act of appreciation... When a Dread Knight female, by the name of Alariel Harrada, showed interest in Valenar, as Kash was displaying his stock for sale, that very chance presented itself. Sizing her up, the half-dragon was confident that, should Valen wish freedom, he could simply kill her, and take it whenever he desired. Selling the Rihk'Harr to her would later turn out to be an excellent move for Valen's future, as he gained a wider array of experiences and knowledge from her and her half-brother, a powerful sorcerer named Derith'Kel that Valen had met before.

During one of their many mercenary missions, battling against a powerful undead necromancer, Valen was dropped through a strong but chaotic portal with no set destination, which flung him wildly into Forza Town. Crashing into the midst of a battle between a young keyblade wielder named Annastazija, and a swarm of heartless, Valenar found himself in a new fight. After a short and violent battle that left little more than black ooze for the remains of their opponents, the girl quickly decided to take advantage of Valen's wounded state from the battle in his own world, to gain his alliance. The reason at the time had been in hopes of gaining control over him, and not becoming his next target.

She offered to aid him with both his injuries, and becoming acquainted with his new surroundings; something he easily accepted, not seeing a wiser or more convenient choice in his current state of affairs. Thus began his new life with Anna, fighting the Heartless along side the girl that would soon become his apprentice, and learning more about society and culture than he ever knew was possible... Like indoor plumbing.

Extra Notes
>Relationship/Life-mate status reserved by
>Is biologically primarily a reptile. This means that his "unmentionables" are not visible, and are hidden within a slit on his lower stomach area, near his pelvis. Since Valen is pretty much a nudist, I figured I should mention that.
>Valen's proportions are odd, compared to a common human. This is intentional, to compensate for his unusual capabilities, like running on his hands and feet comfortably.

Theme Songs (Optional)
Represents: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciPtgr… ”Follow Me” – Breaking Benjamin
Cutscene: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYeYol… "The Truth" - Two Steps From Hell
Battle: www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9P2Dc… "ULTRAnumb Instrumental" - Blue Stahli

(( I am a PG-13 roleplayer in general. I will Roleplay through chatroom, and possibly comments (Mayhaps a few notes, for paragraph style to keep from cluttering the comments with larger blocks of text). For the time being, long paragraph roleplays are not my first pick, as I am unable to write much lately. Short paragraphs, however, are fine. Scripts-style is simple and easy, and therefore it's definitely Okay! ))
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Comments: 36

Static-Foil [2014-11-20 01:58:54 +0000 UTC]

Ah! hello! Its nice to meet you! <3 His app is incredible

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kalid909 In reply to Static-Foil [2014-11-24 04:22:25 +0000 UTC]

Nice to meet you too, thank you very much!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Static-Foil In reply to Kalid909 [2014-11-25 14:54:46 +0000 UTC]

Mara: Ah . . a. . . pleasure? *squeaks, eyes wide as she greets the person, unsure of even what to take him as . . . Sure, she wasn't as new to all the worlds and their inhabitants. . . but this had definitly topped her charts*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kalid909 In reply to Static-Foil [2014-11-26 22:37:41 +0000 UTC]

Valen: *Head tilt, then smirks, fairly used to startled reactions* You're a timid one... Good to meet you. *Nods, much more fond of timidness as opposed to brazen lack of respect*

Valen sees himself as awesome, because he feels after 200 years in the arenas and pitfights, he earned it XD So when someone acts cocky, arrogant, and/or dismissive of him, it gets on his nerves VERY fast.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Static-Foil In reply to Kalid909 [2014-11-26 23:38:32 +0000 UTC]

XD I'd imagine. Ecpecially with an arena of the likes that he's been in.

Mara: *swallows at his observation, giving a soft frown. She had hoped she had put that timidity behind her after so long. But.  . . he seemed genuine in his greeting, so relaxes a little* I was told. . . .You were a fighter to be admired. Have you truly fought the centuries? *has rarely met immortals, according to what she knew*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SassyRaptor [2013-03-17 03:38:14 +0000 UTC]

He has such an awesome design! Both physically and nonphysically. Wonderful work on this! So well-fleshed-out! 8D

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kalid909 In reply to SassyRaptor [2013-03-22 08:21:27 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much, AJ, I'm happy you like him!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

X-LaLa [2013-03-10 13:20:40 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kalid909 In reply to X-LaLa [2013-03-11 15:08:21 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Atelier-Saru [2013-03-09 20:27:34 +0000 UTC]

Whoa what-
This dude looks like a bad ass. ;~;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kalid909 In reply to Atelier-Saru [2013-03-10 00:54:20 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, That was what I had hoped to achieve!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PocketFairyChibi [2013-03-09 15:13:11 +0000 UTC]

Look at that handsome beasty l3

I do love this character you have hes very interesting

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kalid909 In reply to PocketFairyChibi [2013-03-10 00:53:10 +0000 UTC]

Lol why thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

WickedMiracles [2013-03-09 02:03:14 +0000 UTC]

His attacks are so neat looking!
And his species! OMG, SO MUCH!!
He's so neat looking too! I see that chest hair!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kalid909 In reply to WickedMiracles [2013-03-09 02:07:41 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much, Mir!
I'm glad you like his descriptions so much! And yes, much chest fur, because being part feline makes him distantly related to carpets. XD lol
Distantly, since it's sorta sparse... lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WickedMiracles In reply to Kalid909 [2013-03-09 04:50:49 +0000 UTC]

LOL. I like his chest hair tho, strangely. Very cool looking and not much OCs you see with it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kalid909 In reply to WickedMiracles [2013-03-09 05:37:18 +0000 UTC]

Yes, ALL da ladies love dat chest hair.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WickedMiracles In reply to Kalid909 [2013-03-09 22:15:28 +0000 UTC]

Oh, yes.
And the chest hair is RED.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kalid909 In reply to WickedMiracles [2013-03-11 15:09:48 +0000 UTC]

Indeed. XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WickedMiracles In reply to Kalid909 [2013-03-12 07:01:43 +0000 UTC]


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Kalid909 In reply to WickedMiracles [2013-03-12 17:14:37 +0000 UTC]

It's okay, don't freak out! It's not a big deal.
Just, maybe next time, switch your status to away? Or Do not disturb, when you're not going to be using skype? XD lol That way I'm not left wondering if I should message you or not, because I don't know if you're even there. X3

Or thinking I'm being ignored. 0.0 That would make me sad. XD

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WickedMiracles In reply to Kalid909 [2013-03-12 21:39:20 +0000 UTC]

I would never ignore you!

and I will!

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Kalid909 In reply to WickedMiracles [2013-03-12 22:39:00 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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WickedMiracles In reply to Kalid909 [2013-03-13 01:14:02 +0000 UTC]

Not a problem!

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LilWicky [2013-03-08 23:19:36 +0000 UTC]

Lol. XD I just love everything, his attacks his looks his home. Even tho its SCARY. O.O
And yes. Anna will use you Valen. XD like a pet until that relationship grows to friendship and then eventually love. <3333

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Kalid909 In reply to LilWicky [2013-03-08 23:24:41 +0000 UTC]

Heheh, thank you, Wicky! XD
Poor Valen, he's so easy to manipulate if you do it right; but his awesome will eventually manipulate you instead!
That or he'll just be used, and then kicked to the curb, poor fella... XD

But yes! Eventual romance! Because he's the only guy manly enough for Anna, it seems... XD lol!

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LilWicky In reply to Kalid909 [2013-03-08 23:44:00 +0000 UTC]

He's a table flipper!! D: lol that means 2 things. XDDD
nuu! D: he's too sexy to be kicked to the curb. Maybe a strip joint but not a curb XD

Oh heck yah!! Most-to all the guys in the group are pretty boys so its nice having a big ol beast in the group XDD

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Kalid909 In reply to LilWicky [2013-03-08 23:49:54 +0000 UTC]

Lol! Strip joint... Though Valen is a dedicated nudist so... But he's a reptile in anatomy, so I think most would be brutally disappointed. XD Plus Valen wouldn't understand the point of the place anyway. 0_o lol

Lol Yay Valen! Breaking the mold! XD
Manly men are all the rage in the Circles, you know! lol

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LilWicky In reply to Kalid909 [2013-03-09 02:09:14 +0000 UTC]

He just has to stand and he'd still get the money!! XDDDD THAT'S HOW HOT HE IS. HE DOESN'T EVEN NEED TO STRIP.


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Kalid909 In reply to LilWicky [2013-03-09 02:36:22 +0000 UTC]

Lol! Oh my, Wicky, you seem to have it BAD for him, don't you? XD

Valen: *Pose*

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LilWicky In reply to Kalid909 [2013-03-09 03:11:26 +0000 UTC]


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Kalid909 In reply to LilWicky [2013-03-09 03:18:37 +0000 UTC]

LOL! Well, you have permission to fangirl, so knock yourself out drooling over him.

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LilWicky In reply to Kalid909 [2013-03-09 03:19:42 +0000 UTC]

lol I will and I shall. Even if you DIDN'T allow it, I'd still do it. 030

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Kalid909 In reply to LilWicky [2013-03-09 03:23:54 +0000 UTC]

Lol! I know you would... Your fantastically creepy like that. XD lol

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LilWicky In reply to Kalid909 [2013-03-09 04:34:35 +0000 UTC]

Do the creep *AHH* Do the creep *AHH*

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Kalid909 In reply to LilWicky [2013-03-09 04:59:02 +0000 UTC]

Rofl! XD

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