Comments: 59
tinydtk [2018-06-19 20:49:59 +0000 UTC]
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Karyl-Delta In reply to tinydtk [2018-06-27 15:46:07 +0000 UTC]
Thanks Debbie. Sorry I haven't had enough time to come into DA lately. I saw you sent me a note of the debate in your Parlamente about Stonhenge. I have to read it carefully.
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tinydtk In reply to Karyl-Delta [2018-07-12 17:22:50 +0000 UTC]
Know the feeling lol, not sure if I'm standing on my head or my feet a lot of the time at mo. U back at work yet?
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Karyl-Delta In reply to tinydtk [2018-07-13 00:58:06 +0000 UTC]
Yes. Almost two months. Horrible. You cannot imagine how hot it is here! And I word in the Madrid airport ground as a flight dispatcher. I am in the afternoon shift all the months so I have no time to do anything. I am not sewing, no making photomanips, no making scrapbooking, only taking care of my birds. I hope this stupid period of time passes soon. Sometimes I think my inspiration to make "art" has gone.
How are you?? Is everything ok??
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AStoKo [2018-05-12 20:50:25 +0000 UTC]
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Karyl-Delta In reply to AStoKo [2018-06-20 18:29:12 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much!! Glad you like it! Sorry for my late answer!
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Karyl-Delta In reply to lauraypablo [2018-05-06 15:38:27 +0000 UTC]
Gracias Laura!! Mira que me gusta el desenfoque Gaussiano pero siempre lo uso de otra manera. Para desenfocar el fondo siempre usaba el desenfoque de lente pero creo que voy a seguir tu idea!! Esta manip tuvo mucho éxito, nunca lo habría esperado.
Yo tuve dos como estos. Los albinos son realmente espectaculares!
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lauraypablo In reply to Karyl-Delta [2018-05-06 15:59:58 +0000 UTC]
A mi me gusta más el resultado del gausiano, ese es el que más uso, además del desenfoque de rectángulo y del de movimiento, el de lente la verdad nunca lo use
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Karyl-Delta In reply to lauraypablo [2018-05-06 16:03:51 +0000 UTC]
Se supone que el de lente ( o eso entendía yo) hace el mismo efecto que hace una reflex cuando tiras una foto y le quieres dar profundidad de campo. Pero tienes razón: el Gaussiano le da un toque especial a las fotos.
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lauraypablo In reply to lauraypablo [2018-05-06 16:00:33 +0000 UTC]
Sabes que yo tuve un agapormis era una hermosura y superar travieso
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Karyl-Delta In reply to lauraypablo [2018-05-06 16:02:26 +0000 UTC]
No sabía. Todas las aves psitácidas son super divertidas. Yo tengo nueve periquitos y ahora se están comiendo mi cocina porque los tengo sueltos.
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lauraypablo In reply to Karyl-Delta [2018-05-06 16:04:42 +0000 UTC]
Hay pero que lindos!! No tenes miedo que se te escapen? O les cortas las alas?que divino debe ser verlos todos juntos, me imagino el lío que deben estar haciendo en tu cocina
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Karyl-Delta In reply to lauraypablo [2018-05-06 16:17:48 +0000 UTC]
Tengo que tener mucho control y nunca olvidarme de cerrar la puerta de la terraza. Ellos no quieren irse, eso lo sé. Pero si por casualidad salieran quizá no pudieran regresar porque no encontrarían el camino de vuelta. Ahora los he sacado a la terraza, porque hace una temperatura maravillosa, y siempre me aseguro de asegurar las puertas de la jaula y los comederos con cuerdas para evitar problemas.
Oh no!!! Nunca se les debe cortar las alas a un pájaro. Hay criadores que les cortan las remeras pero yo creo que es un error porque le quitas al pájaro su medio de defensa. Hace años compre una periquito, Pitusa, que es la mamá de los cuatro de los machos que tengo. La pobre no puede volar y el veterinario me ha dicho que no entiende porqué porque aparentemente no tiene ningún problema. Yo creo que cuando era chiquita le cortaron las remeras y ella nunca aprendió a volar. Es una pajarita muy tímida y linda. Ella sale de la jaula como todos. Pues un día vine de trabajar y me la encontré en el suelo de la cocina. Se había caido del techo de la jaula y claro, no había podido volver a subir. Eran las dos de la mañana y estaba todo a oscuras. Menos mal que yo siempre miro el suelo de la cocina antes de entrar por si acaso para no pisar nada. Entonces decidí poner una escalera desde la jaula al suelo para que ella pudiera trepar cuando se cayera.
Tengo un vídeo. Voy a ver si lo encuentro y te lo subo para que lo veas.
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lauraypablo In reply to Karyl-Delta [2018-05-06 16:33:08 +0000 UTC]
Claro, tenes razón, es un pecado contarle las alas a los pájaros, sé que hay gente que lo hace, antes acá tenían canarios y sacaban muchos pichones pero con los gatos de la hdp de la vecina te imaginarás donde terminaron la mayoría, tenemos un jaulon bien grande, tenemos ganas de tener otra vez. Me encantaría ver el video!! Y todos tus periquitos, sabes que hay algunas personas que le atan las patitas pero imaginate como si fuesen esposas de esas que usan los policías para arrestar, un capo entendí porque a algunos pájaros le hacen eso.... que bonita debe ser pitusa que raro no pueda volar pero quizás es como dijiste y se las cortaron
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Karyl-Delta In reply to lauraypablo [2018-05-06 16:41:44 +0000 UTC]
Aquí está!! Lo encontré por fin!
Fíjate que nunca había oido eso de atarles las patitas. Si de anillarles, que es como ponerles una pulsera de identificación.
Los gatos son buenos amigos de las personas pero no de los pájaros me temo. Siempre hay que poner la jaula fuera de su alcance. Muy alta y alejada de mesas, sillas y cortinas por donde los gatos puedan trepar y asustarlos o comérselos. Aunque lo lógico es que la hdp de tu vecina los tenga educados. No entiendo esa gente que tiene animales y los deja asilvestrados para que hagan lo que les da la gana. Tengo una amiga que tenía varias gallinas y el perro de la casa de al lado saltó la verja y mató a varias y mordió a otras. Porque el perro es el mejor amigo del hombre pero el peor enemigo de las gallinas. Lo triste es que no era la primera vez que saltaba la valla. La tonta vecina sabiéndolo nunca lo ataba. La excusa es que era el perro de sus hijos.
Ya me cuentas que te parece el vídeo. Lo que ves en el suelo son plumones. Con todos los que sueltan me podría hacer un colchón.
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lovehurtslol [2018-03-15 00:49:45 +0000 UTC]
Total fav!
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Karyl-Delta In reply to Crocutate [2018-03-07 20:52:58 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much!!! Glad you like it!
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faryba [2018-02-28 12:35:32 +0000 UTC]
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Karyl-Delta In reply to faryba [2018-02-28 13:41:16 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much Faryba!
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faryba In reply to Karyl-Delta [2018-03-20 19:20:00 +0000 UTC]
my pleasure, my dear friend!
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Shanglon [2018-02-26 21:14:51 +0000 UTC]
This is a magnificent Artwork, full of majesty, magic and tenderness. The colours are first thing that catch my eyes' attention. We see tenderness shown by white colour of plumage and clouds and fierceness represented by dark hues and shading of clouds. A nice contrast between force and elegance. I even want to nickname it "the Beauty (the budgie) and the Beast (dark cloud that covers sunlight)" because of this contrast between white-pinkish and dark grey-bluish. The contrast truly enhances the white of budgie and thing is shown by the title as well. The green of mountains reminds me of a warm hug^^
Excellent job, these faves are more than deserved!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Karyl-Delta In reply to Shanglon [2018-02-26 21:45:20 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much for your nice words. Glad you like it. I am amazed by all those faves. It is the first time I have a lot. I remember I was watching a movie and saw eighteen and thought: it is very good, 18 in two hours. But when I finished the movie and watched it again I saw 36. I thought it was a mistake. I have to take another look to understand they were real. And the rest of the afternoon they were going up.
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AudeS [2018-02-24 13:48:40 +0000 UTC]
You did an amazing job here, Karyl. It looks quite fantastical, with those vivid landscapes on the background, instead of the bland concrete wall that the original got. It also blends together really well, the lighting remains perfectly in tune with the budgie and background, which is very impressive. It is truly a beautiful work of yours, and I think it is a perfect showcase of your skill with photo manipulation, to take different images, to create something completely new.
Also, I am male. *chuckles* Admittedly, I may should say that on my profile.
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Karyl-Delta In reply to AudeS [2018-02-24 14:18:16 +0000 UTC]
Thank you AudeS. Glad you like it!!
It is the first time I have 112 faves in a manip. As a matter of fact it is the first time I have mor than 36. A lot of people have seen this job. So thank you for you picture. We are a team!!!!
By the way I presumed you were male. When you mentioned it I didn't know why you were saying that. But out of the blue I realized why. I used the word "her" when I spoke about your picture. Sorry. In Spanish we use the same word for male and females. The word is "su" or "sus" in plural". Her picture or his picture are the same for us: Su fotografía. (Very curious in a language which difference constantly between masculine and feminine in its nouns and adjetives.). I think my mistake came because I was thinking in my albino birds when I got your pic who were females.
No problem. I am going to correct it now.
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AudeS In reply to Karyl-Delta [2018-02-24 17:36:52 +0000 UTC]
*bows* I am glad that is has been so succesful. It definitely great to see how well it did. And no worries. *chuckles* In the end it the lingual difference is certainly something we all have experienced.
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Sittingbullfan73 [2018-02-23 22:22:10 +0000 UTC]
Is this really good photography or a really good drawing?
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Karyl-Delta In reply to Sittingbullfan73 [2018-02-23 22:38:21 +0000 UTC]
It is a photo manipulation. You can see the original picture of the budgie in the explanation of the picture. The sky is another picture, the mountains another one and the branches another one. I credited them. You can see the original ones clicking in the names in blue writing up (Colac, blue and white sky stock and branches II png).
Glad you like it and thank you for the fav!
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Sonic1612 [2018-02-23 22:19:01 +0000 UTC]
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Karyl-Delta In reply to Sonic1612 [2018-02-23 22:39:45 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much! Glad you like it! And thank you for the fav!
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Karyl-Delta In reply to Sergiba [2018-02-23 19:53:03 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much Sergio and thanks for your stock again.
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Karyl-Delta In reply to Julianez [2018-02-23 18:24:35 +0000 UTC]
Gracias Julián. Más que mi pasión son mi familia. Y gracias también por el fav!!
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Karyl-Delta In reply to Julianez [2018-02-23 18:56:03 +0000 UTC]
Feliz fin de semana para ti también!!!
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mockingbirdontree [2018-02-23 16:30:48 +0000 UTC]
Brilliant, the title matches perfectly!
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Karyl-Delta In reply to mockingbirdontree [2018-02-23 18:26:19 +0000 UTC]
Thank you although I am not very original. I was thinking in Matrix when I have to choose the title. Glad to have been right and glad you like it! And thank you for the fav!!
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ManlyKaz [2018-02-23 16:06:33 +0000 UTC]
Oh gosh, this is so pretty! :0 I thought it was real at first but the background doesn't really fit the habitat for a budgie :d nevertheless, excellent edit!
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Karyl-Delta In reply to ManlyKaz [2018-02-23 18:34:41 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much. You are totally right: it is not the habitat of a budgie. But really what I pretended was to enhance the white of the bird. That's why I chose that wonderful sky in shades of white pink and blue and I placed a green mountains below. I want all my manips are fantasy but with something that makes them almost real.
Glad you like it and thanks for the fav.
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FlyingGuardianFish [2018-02-23 15:54:21 +0000 UTC]
Awww this is beautiful a wonderful gift indeed
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Karyl-Delta In reply to FlyingGuardianFish [2018-02-23 18:36:29 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much. I love to get pictures of budgies and manip the background to enhance them. Thanks for the fav as well!
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FlyingGuardianFish In reply to Karyl-Delta [2018-02-25 17:33:02 +0000 UTC]
Its a good idea : D and the bg goes so well with the budgie too
you are welcome
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