Katana70065 — Arkath Kinramu by-nc-nd

#bothan #bothans #rebelalliance #starwars #starwarsclonewars #starwarsfanart #rebellion_era
Published: 2018-12-29 05:12:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 3349; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 28
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Description It has been said that the Bothans are the best spies in the galaxy.  And while this is true, and just about every Bothan is accomplished in the arts of spying and espionage, they don't all become spies.  Arkath Kinramu is one such Bothan.  He left Bothawui as a young man to escape his father, an overbearing spy master within the Bothan Spynet.  Arkath's father pushed him to become a spy and join the Spynet.  While Arkath was not opposed to spying and espionage, he hated his father, and wanted nothing to do with his father's desires.  Thus, Arkath left his home world.  He fell in with a group of mercenaries.  While they saw him as a naive kid, he used the espionage techniques that his father had forced him to learn as a boy to give him an advantage over the other mercenaries.  In time, Arkath earned his place among the mercs.  Over the years, he rose to prominence among the mercenaries, eventually becoming the leader.  For years after he took over the mercenary band Arkath steered his group toward honorable jobs, as he detested working for crime syndicates.  

It was during one particular job that cause the Arkath's mercs to make a brief stop on Naboo, during which Arkath met an outcast young Gungan named Jar-Jar Binks.  Jar-Jar stumbled into Arkath while they were passing through the same area of a small spaceport city on the border regions between Naboo and Gungan territory.  Arkath saw that Jar-Jar hadn't eaten in some time, and invited him to share a meal.  As they ate Jar-Jar told his story of angering the Gungan Bosses because of his clumsiness, and therefore being banished.  Arkath decided he had to do something for his new friend.  Thus, Jar-Jar Binks became one of the mercenaries.  At first, Jar-Jar did little more than annoy his fellow mercs, most of whom would not let him near a weapon, let alone actually use it.  However, Arkath began personally working with the clumsy Gungan, subjecting him to daily training sessions, some often grueling and difficult.  In time, Arkath successfully rid Jar-Jar of his clumsiness.  It was at this point that Jar-Jar decided to leave Arkath's band, and return to Otoh Gunga on Naboo.  Arkath hated to lose Jar-Jar, as the Gungan had finally become a valuable asset.  Arkath allowed Jar-Jar to go, but did not dismiss him from their friendship.

Ten years later, the Clone Wars began.  Arkath kept his mercenary band mostly out of the conflict, as many of them felt that nothing good would come of it.  Given the size of the Empire, there was no shortage of work for enterprising mercenaries, so Arkath and his band had no problems finding work that kept them away from the worst of the Clone Wars.  Most of the time, Arkath's mercenaries were hired as bodyguards and/or armed escorts by senators, business moguls, and the wealthy, most of whom feared being caught in the conflict in going about their business.    However, as the Clone Wars ground on for three years, Arkath began to see a market for the espionage and spying that his species was famed for.  By the end of the Clone Wars, he and his band habitually took jobs acquiring information for anyone willing to pay for their spy services...especially the Grand Army of the Empire, who were always happy to hire spies that could not be directly linked to them.  Arkath was understandably shocked when the Clone Wars ended with the disappearance of the Jedi Order and Chancellor Palpatine seizing the imperial throne.  This was a turn of events that did not bode well for him or his mercs.

After Palpatine's rise to power, Arkath found his band of mercs was no longer able to find work with the Empire, however they were still able to keep themselves gainfully employed as there were always people and organizations willing to hire mercenaries for various jobs, ranging from armed escort to simple supply runs.  However, twenty years after the end of the Clone Wars, Arkath was approached by none other than his old student, Jar-Jar Binks.  Jar-Jar informed his old mentor that there was now an alliance of rebels that had banded together to fight Palpatine and his cruel regime, and that Arkath's spy expertise would be a valuable asset to the rebel cause.  Arkath did not hesitate to join the Rebel Alliance, as did the majority of his mercenaries.  Given the rank of General, Arkath was put in charge of the Rebel Alliance's meager corps of spies, most of whom were disillusioned Bothans who felt that Bothawui suffered under Palpatine's boot heel, though they were still members of the Bothan Spynet.  Arkath found himself in the very place his father always wanted him to be, a spy master within the Bothan Spynet.  Though he had been out of touch with the Spynet for a number of years, they other Rebel Bothans were more than willing to accept his leadership, as they knew or had heard of his father.  Never one to lead from a desk, Arkath often went out on missions himself, despite the efforts of his staff to keep him in a mostly administrative role.  Over the course of the Galactic Civil War, Arkath became privy to many secrets, such as the fact that the Jedi Order had never disappeared, but simply retreated to one of their ancient centers of learning, a planet that no longer showed up on galactic star charts (it galled him that he was never able to learn its name or location).  Arkath's spies made it possible for rebel and Jedi forces to attack Scarif and steal the plans for the first Death Star.  Some years later, Arkath's spies helped the Rebel Alliance yet again when they provided critical data that proved crucial for the Rebel Alliance and the Jedi Order's Loyalist Clone Forces to plan and execute an operation to destroy the Second Death Star, though many of Arkath's best spies died.

After the destruction of the Second Death Star, Arkath retired.  He felt he had had enough adventure, and returned to Bothawui, where he lived out his days in his family home.

Credits for this picture go to:





Davinci975   (Arkath's jacket in the first frame, which I recolored to look like Finn's jacket from Episode 7)
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