Katsuraii — .:TPT:. Rin App

Published: 2015-09-10 05:00:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 1919; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 17
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Description woop woop my character for TPT ~(o3o)~ he's a gorgeous butt and you know it //shot

.: Basic Information :.

Name: Rin
Nickname: Messenger
Age: 5 years
Gender: Male
Soul Class: Red
Soul Shade: N/A
Inventory: Bag o' wind

.: Physical Appearance :.

Pelt Description: Black with gray facial markings.

Fur Statistics: 
●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Rough
●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Dry
●●●●●●●○○○ ➟ Smooth
●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Soft


Size: Average

Body Type: Somewhat built. A bit more slender than others. Overall, pretty average.

Scars: N/A

Accessories: N/A

Eyes: Soft sea-foam or a teal-ish blue color.

Voice: A very raw sounding voice, but also somewhat childish.
Example of Voice: Bryce Papenbrook

Scent: Dusty

Senses: [20/50]
●●●●○○○○○○ ➟ Eyesight [4/10]
●●○○○○○○○○ ➟ Touch [2/10]
●●●●●●○○○○ ➟ Hearing [6/10]
●●●○○○○○○○ ➟ Taste [3/10]
●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Smell [5/10]

General Statistics: [25/50] (+2 GUYS  +3 fav.me/d9d55ju )
●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Intellect [5/10]
●●○○○○○○○○ ➟ Charisma [2/10]
●●●○○○○○○○ ➟ Stamina [3/10] 
●●●●●○○○○○ ➟ Strength [5/10] (+1 went here)
●●●●●●●●●● ➟ Speed [10/10] (+4 went here)

.: Personality :.

Personality Traits:

[Fatal Flaw:] {Naive}

-[Naive:] Rin is very child-like in the sense that his head is in the clouds and also in the sense that he doesn't always make the right judgement. He's reckless and will take risks at times. He will also make calls that are completely one-sided, usually in his benefit. It seems like he doesn't understand how the world really works when one looks at the sort of things he does.

On the Surface:

[Positive Traits:] {Resourceful/Honest/Intelligent}

-[Resourceful:] Rin is of the creative sorts and as such can be quite handy in a pinch with his ingenuity. His capable demeanor is what makes him so reliable and able to handle himself. He's got an inventive way about him and is always searching for a way to make things much easier than they are.

-[Honest:] Except for his boastful nature and tendency to bolster his capabilities, he's probably the most honest cat you'll find. He'll tell you things how they are in the most gentle way possible. Or in the rudest way possible depending on who he happens to be talking to.

-[Intelligent:] Giving off an air of intelligence and being intelligent can be two very different things. In Rin's case, he doesn't exactly give off the aura of someone who's got a good head on their shoulders, but don't be fooled. He's observent and reflective and is usually calculating a way to help him get through the trials as fast as possible and make it to his goal.

[Negative Traits:] {Arrogant/Hot-headed/Headstrong}

-[Arrogant:] The reason his intelligence doesn't come forth as much as it would, is because of his boastful nature. As stereotypes go, "those who are dumb are blissfully unaware of how dumb they truly are" and is often linked to a bolstered ego. Inflated as Rin's ego may seem, he really does know and appreciate what his limits are.

-[Hot-headed:] Rin is always itching to get into an argument it seems and sometimes even fights! Though, he's painfully aware that he's not as strong as most, but he'll still brawl with all his might if the situation calls for it. Actually even if it doesn't call for it, if he's infuriated enough he'll find a way to get back at em.

-[Headstrong:] Rin is extremely goal orientated and will do anything to meet his goals. He's got a one-track mind and is not easily swayed in his believes. On top of which, he's opinionated, strong-willed, and selfish to no end. In most cases, if it's between what he wants and what someone else wants, his needs are top priority.

On the Inside:

[Positive Traits:] {Idealistic/Optimistic/Adventurous}

-[Idealistic:] Rin has many notions about Paradise he has fantasized about for years that may not all necessarily be true. That being said, he also has a strong idea of what morals other cats should hold true to that aren't always going to be true. Despite that knowledge, he still has the idea that those who hold morals of that standard will always win.

-[Optimistic:] It's hard to not be a pessimist growing up in the cruel world, but Rin has always had a positive outlook on his life. He somehow managed to find things that he liked in all the tragedies occurring around him. He even seems to be blissfully unaware of everything rotten going on around him, however he is sorely aware and chooses not to dwell on the negativity.

-[Adventurous:] The small dormant part in him that shone through in his decision to leave his sister and join the search for Paradise. At some time, he grew to despise sitting in the same place for long like he was forced to as a kitten. He knows there is so much to be discovered in the world, yet as the world fades away into destruction he is sure that Paradise will hold just as many adventures.

[Negative Traits:] {Stubborn/Vengeful/Trusting}

-[Stubborn:] Set in his ways like word written in stone, Rin is not someone that can be forced to believe something easily. Pushing one's own ideals onto him is not a good idea as he'll probably lash out and try to prove you wrong. If he chooses not to believe something, no matter how much it makes sense to him, he will refuse it.

-[Vengeful:] If Rin is angry with you it will be for a very long time. He can hold a grudge over something even if he doesn't really remember what it is he is angry about. Not that it matters if memory serves him, he'll still look for a way to get back at you for whatever it was you did. 

-[Trusting:] Being too trustful in the world might as well have you branded with a sticker that says "gullible" on it. Especially in the world the cats have come from and not knowing what the trials will entail could spell big trouble for Rin. He just might be betrayed and stabbed in the back by those he sees as friends.

.: Facts :.

-[Rocks:] I just think they're fascinating.
-[Puzzles:] The rush you get when you finally solve a tough riddle is the best.
-[Shadows:] It's easier for me to hide myself in dark places.

-[Sand:] It's clingy and itchy in your fur, not to mention messy!
-[Clouds:] While I like them on occasion when it's hot, constant cloud cover is rather dull.
-[Water:] I've had quite enough of water what with all those storms I've had to live through.

-[Collecting:] I used to collect rocks in my younger days.
-[Learning:] I've always loved learning new things and probably always will!
-[Searching:] I've been searching for paradise for as long as I can remember. Now I must search some more.

-[Atelophobia:] Fear of not being good enough; in this case, afraid of not being good enough to enter paradise.

● Used to be extremely selfish in his younger days, and still is to an extent
● Sometimes wishes he had been born a lighter color
● Regrets abandoning his sister

Fun Facts:
● I had already had a character lying around and decided to toss him into this group.
● He was originally going to be a NPC for another RP character that I never finished making.

Theme Songs: 
● N/A

What was your character's stance about entering Paradise? 
● Since the gate to Paradise had been something he was searching for as long as he could remember, Rin was ecstatic to finally stand in the presence of it. If he had any regrets it would be that he abandoned his sister in his search for the gates and that she was not among the cats to enter the gates.

Was your character a scholar? Did they believe in the lore found about locating paradise?
● As a cat that loves nothing more than learning (except maybe his rocks), Rin was among the few scholars that began the search for Paradise. He was simply caught up in the learning aspect of it all and began his adventure to find it with the other scholars, enamored by the lore.

.: Sexual Orientation :.

Current Mate: None
Past Mate(s): None

Sexuality: Unknown

Lover Type: Unknown

Looking For: Unknown

● Lasting Relationship - ✔
● Quick Fling - ✔
● Unsure - ✘

Finds Attractive: (Name | Tribe | Role-Player) TBA
Finds Unattractive: (Name | Tribe | Role-Player) TBA


● - 
● - 
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● - 


● - 
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Intimate Relationships:
● -
● -
● -
Kissed/Made out
Slept with
Kits were born


● -

.: Family Tree :.

Grandmother: Pandora (Mother's side), Milan (Father's side)
Grandfather: Stryker (Mother's side), Rowen (Father's side)

Father: Kuro
Mother: Freya


.: Biography :.

"In order to document the trials occurring in order to escape the fate of this world I will tell my story."

Kuro and Freya | Before Rin's Birth | The Barren

"Let me see... Where should I begin my tale? I may as well start with my mother. "

Freya was born to two cats named Pandora and Stryker. The world was an unkind place and as such the creatures had to learn to cope with the cruel environment, that included the frail little Freya. The litter was sickly and my mother's siblings died soon after birth. Sickened with the unhealthy lot that was produced, Stryker abandoned Pandora to raise the lone kitten on her own. It was difficult, needless to say, in such a harsh place. But they got by and when Freya came of age, her mother arranged for her to be taken in by a strong family in order her to survive in her old age through mateship. Freya agreed with the plan so that Pandora wouldn't have to worry about where their next meal would come from. Unfortunately, the plan fell apart when it came to light that Freya appeared to be unable to have kits of her own. Thus the family chased Freya away and her mother starved to death soon after. Months passed and Freya struggled to live on her own. That is until Kuro came into the picture. Taking pity on her, he started to care for her and soon enough Freya, who was thought to be barren, was ready to have kits of her own.

Rin | Kit | 0 - 6 months | The Early Days

"It's peculiar how miracles like that can happen in a barren wasteland like that."

Time passed and Freya gave birth to a somewhat healthy litter. I say somewhat, because one kitten was actually born dead while the other two were strong enough. After bringing myself and my sister, Echo, into the world, my mother's health began to decline. She was unable to help Kuro with the hunting and instead stayed in the den tending to the two of us. We were not allowed outside due to the unpredictable weather and our mother's unstable health. Still, the time passed rather quickly with the stories our mother told us about the great gates to Paradise. She would carve small pictures in the dirt for us with her claws that depicted her stories. Not only that, but we would dig rocks out of the ground in the den and stack them near the entrance to the den to keep the cold wind out. I never usually helped with that. I was much too busy sleeping or examining the rocks to bother with stacking them up. Echo would work until she was sore though.

Rin | Teen | 6 months - 2 years | The Stranger

"Those were the end of the good times for us."

When the two of us became 6 months of age, our mother's health had declined too much and she was soon unable to even leave her nest. Kuro was around less and less and when Freya finally passed away he didn't come back at all. It was unfortunate for Echo and me to be left alone in such a terrible place, but somehow we managed to scrape by on scraps left by others who were bigger and stronger than us. Scavengers. We became like vultures and picked off whatever was left behind. At some point we even resorted to thievery, unable to hunt for ourselves. Those were rough times, but one day while following a cat on his hunt, I got caught trying to steal his morsel. At first, he was outraged and threatened violence upon me, but then I suppose he took pity on me and decided to take me in. Echo came looking at that time and tagged along with us. The gruff old cat never gave us his name so we ended up calling him the Stranger. He gave us hunting lessons and taught us how to survive on our own and we stayed with him for a very long time. Once he was sure we'd be fine on our own he vanished and we never found him again and were unable to thank him properly for his care.


 Rin | Adult | 2 years - 5 years | The Search For Paradise

"It was around this time that a strange society of certain cats appeared out of the blue and Echo and I went our separate ways."

Truthfully, I don't think Echo ever thought much of the stories our mother would tell us. She was much too focused on building that stupid stone wall to block the wind. It's probably why she became the stronger of the two of us while I became a dreamer. Our differing ideals often led us to arguments and so I'd often slip away for weeks on end to search for Paradise on my own, returning back to her battered and worn and causing her so much grief. I always felt a bit guilty about that bit, her having to care for me when I came back half-dead, and I regret that I never had anything to show for it. Echo never cared much for my "paradise preaching", as she called it, and got fed up with my nonsense. We got into our biggest argument ever with so much bitterness between us afterwards we avoided even making eye contact with each other. So when a few strange cats came saying they wanted to look for the gates to Paradise I didn't think twice about it and left without a word to Echo, enamored by all the knowledge of paradise they had gathered. I guess I assumed Echo would go looking for the gates herself or even for the Stranger to justify my leaving her. Whatever it was that went through my head at the time, I abandoned her. Just like Kuro and the Stranger had abandoned us. Three years passed while I travelled with the Scholars of the society. I became a Scholar myself and earned the nickname messenger for my speed. Together we tracked down the location the gates would appear in and preached the gates' existence to every cat we came by, gathering a following, and many cats gathered there to escape the doom of our world and enter Paradise.


 Rin | Adult | 5 years - The Opening Of The Gate | The Beginning Of The Trials

"My lifelong goal to fin the gates had finally been realized after three years of searching. However, the gates weren't what I had expected."

Oordeel was the guardian of the gates and was furious that we cats should desecrate the realm he dwelled, calling us half-souls and revealing to us that, as mortals, we were incomplete and unable to enter Paradise. Fearful of facing the destruction of our failing world and the unfairness of being denied entrance, we scholars called error on his decision to banish them when they had done nothing deserving of banishment and so we stuck up a deal with Oordeel. He was to be the judge who would determine whether we were worthy of entering Paradise after facing his five trials. Despite everything it took to even find the gates, we had yet to experience this god's trials. No one knew what the trials would be, yet no one dared to refuse them and so we were all plunged into darkness.


 Rin | Adult | Present Time | The Quivering Forest

"This is where we are at this point in time."

I have found myself in a lush forest. The cats that had gathered at the gate are stirring around me, yet I don't know how we got here or how long we have been here for. Is this Paradise? No. We had to be tested. This. This forest was it. May the trials begin. 

.: Relationships :.

 = Family
= Respect |  = Admire
 = Acquaintance |  = Friend
= Good Friend |  = Best Friend
= Attraction |  Love |  Mate
 = Uncertain |  Uneasy
= Dislike |  Loathe/Hate
 = Annoyed by |  Jealous
= Fear | Neutral

Heart Chart TBA

[Name] ~ Sex ~ Owner  
(IR) || :bullet|| :bullet: || :bullet:
" {Role-play in progress} "

.: Role-Play Information :.

Currency: 0

Current Status: Open
Role-Play Speed: Slow xD (I suck)
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (EST) 

Documented Role-Plays: TBA
Current Role-Plays: TBA

Role-Play availability:
✔ Notes | Always
✔ Skype | Sometimes 
✔ Chats | Sometimes
✘ Forums | Never
✘ Comments | Never, only exception is group events

Role-Play ratings:
✔ G/PG | Yes
✔ PG-13 | Yes
✔ M | I tend to stay away from these topics but if you really want to then I will go into darker themes

Role-Play Sample: Excerpt from CedarClan

The kits were herded out into the clearing by the queens to listen to Thistlestar's announcement about the Shell Celebration. Redkit couldn't focus on a word he was saying though. She was to preoccupied snickering about Thistlestar's short stature compared to all the other warriors to her brother and sister. It wasn't long before the gathering of cats were scattering off to do whatever it was Thistlestar was droning on about. That included the queens and kits who were off toward the beach. Redkit didn't know what they were doing there, but she rushed ahead anyway, her sister on her heels and their brother just behind them. She wanted to be the first to the beach and she wasn't about to let her siblings beat her to it! 

Out of breath but triumphant, Redkit held her head high as she stood with her paws buried in the warm white sand and announced her victory to her brother and sister who quickly disagreed. Redkit felt a twinge of anger that they refused to admit defeat and so began their tussle that brought them closer and closer to the water's edge. Redkit was a little scared they'd fall in and the sand would stick to their drenched fur. It was so icky trying to get that stuff out again and made her pelt so itchy if she didn't get all of it out. 

Pushing her sister off of her and into her brother, Redkit jumped up off the ground and swiped sand over the two. They both swiped sand back at her and with a squeak she ducked her head as it cascaded over her. With a shake, she stood up again and spotted her first pearly shell just at Loudkit's paws. She was just about to leap at her sister and claim the shell as her's when she spotted a gray kitten sitting a little ways behind her brother looking rather lonely. He had just looked away when Redkit spotted him so she didn't notice him watching them play. With her head tilted thoughtfully, Redkit bounded off and abandoned her brother and sister to squabble over the shell at Loudkit's paws. 

As Redkit drew closer to the kit she noticed he was shifting the sand around slowly as if he wasn't sure if he wanted to dig or not. Redkit grinned at the odd kit. "You won't find anything like that!" she giggled, coming over and digging in the spot he was messing with as if to show him how to do it. She uncovered a small broken shard that had probably been part of a shell once. "See?" she mewed, lifting the shard out of the hole and placing it on the ground next to the gray kit. "My name's Redkit! I'm gonna play with you today alright?"

Application © Ehckko
 © Ehckko
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Comments: 16

WildAnimeKittyKat [2015-12-11 19:33:10 +0000 UTC]

Omg you in tPT! I just joined with my baby Skye!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Katsuraii In reply to WildAnimeKittyKat [2015-12-12 00:58:57 +0000 UTC]

Yeah! I saw Skye dude! She's so pretty ;w; she's Peter's sister right?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WildAnimeKittyKat In reply to Katsuraii [2015-12-12 12:39:38 +0000 UTC]

She Peter's step sister yeah ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Katsuraii In reply to WildAnimeKittyKat [2015-12-12 15:21:21 +0000 UTC]

aaaawww Peter and Skye are gonna be so adorable~ they need art together <33

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WildAnimeKittyKat In reply to Katsuraii [2015-12-12 16:30:59 +0000 UTC]

They do ^^
(Skye is the spitting image of their father)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Wilderwicked [2015-10-09 14:37:47 +0000 UTC]

What a handsome boy ;u;. Congrats on getting in!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Katsuraii In reply to Wilderwicked [2015-10-09 16:42:20 +0000 UTC]

Thank you~ >w< I'm so excited to get started~ 
Did Linguine get in? I have no idea who's in the group atm 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wilderwicked In reply to Katsuraii [2015-10-09 23:30:22 +0000 UTC]

No problem ;u;! Amazingly, my little pasta cat did get in ;0;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Katsuraii In reply to Wilderwicked [2015-10-10 00:32:36 +0000 UTC]

Nice~ Did you submit him to the gallery yet??

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Wilderwicked In reply to Katsuraii [2015-10-10 00:34:21 +0000 UTC]

Not yet, I'm going to update his application first.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Aloebe [2015-10-02 23:36:17 +0000 UTC]

Rin is so handsome, he reminds me of Hawkfrost kinda!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Katsuraii In reply to Aloebe [2015-10-03 23:44:11 +0000 UTC]

Aaaawww thanks~
I'd never thought about that but he kinda does xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ribbon-Wren [2015-09-11 13:56:16 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh he looks fantastic! I love his personality <333

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Katsuraii In reply to Ribbon-Wren [2015-09-11 16:07:25 +0000 UTC]

Thanks~ Ah his personality *w* I keep bouncing between this and making him a total coward >w<

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ThewarriorSecret [2015-09-11 00:58:15 +0000 UTC]

I like himmm

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Katsuraii In reply to ThewarriorSecret [2015-09-11 16:06:29 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0