Kelseyalicia — Who Aziza is

#aibou #aziza #blind #bonded #cheetah #egypt #eyes #friendship #kissing #love #magic #memories #milleniumpuzzle #oc #parents #perfect #puzzleshipping #samir #shadowrealm #shapeshifter #souls #spells #yugimoto #efra #queensamira #beautifulwoman #fanfiction #joeywheeler #pharaohatem #setokaiba #teagardner #transformation #tristantaylor #yugioh #jadenyuki
Published: 2016-01-28 18:23:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 6303; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 17
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Description These following words come from different fanfics of mine and they will tell you and show you what kinda of person Aziza is and who she is ultimately as well. and I will be making the proper corrections needed so it maybe copy and pasted but I'll be fixing it to make it's best okay?

First up meeting her in "Atem's Key"

Before anyone could speak their mind they noticed the sound of approaching footsteps. They stood still as the enormous stone sculptures around them. Scarcely breathing as a silhouette overshadowed them. The sun chose at that moment to get in their line of sight so that they couldn't see who was coming. When sunlight change its angle they gasped at who stood before them.

It was an attractive young woman to many mortal men she be consider a goddess. She was tall and had curves Tea would have die to have for her own. Her flawless tan skin was accent well with her white tunic trimmed with ravishing and vibrates shades of red and gold. Her golden-jeweled choker showed off a fine neckline with her matching bracelets and cross earrings. She in addition to those wore a Basest Cat Talisman and gold circlet crown. The wind blew gently against her lengthy ebony tresses. She had a beautiful tattoo patterns around her right upper arm and left ankle. The only peculiar about this goddess was that around her delicately sculpted features was a piece of colorless cloth around her eyes.

Smiling warmly at them she bowed. Everyone looked at her strangely not knowing what to do.

"Welcome, most honored and beloved friends of Pharaoh Atem. We've been expecting you for some time. Come you must be ravenous. We shall change to more desert approved garments then we shall feast. Afterwards you may to as you wish with the rest of your visit. Come!" she said in a honey tone of voice full of love and compassion.

The lady seemed to frown and quickly turned into the left corridor. She stopped for a moment to let the others catch up. Yugi was running so fast he didn't see the loose stone and fell hard and fast. He screamed in pain. "YEOW!"

"Whoa, man! What's wrong?" asked Joey as he and the other caught up and looked at their fallen friend.

He was clutching his right hand, which had a deep gouge going width of his palm. Fresh red blood was spewing from the wound. It would need stitches.

"I cut my hand on that statue of Osiris. Oh man it hurts," he answered back trying very hard to hold back the tears.

Gasping the bandage woman rushed over to him. "Let me take a look." She carefully traced the wound with her finger. Yugi started to fidget a bit. "Shush it going to be all, Yugi," she said tenderly as she pulled out a vial. Opening it she rubbed the contents over the wound then said a healing spell as she bandage the wound. All of the time she was looking straight ahead. She never glanced at Yugi or made any direct eye contact for that matter.

"It will be fine in about two weeks. Change the dressing twice a day and rub this on it so it doesn't get infected," she instructed him as she helped him up.

"Thank you for your help mistress. You did a good job. But how did you know my name when I don't know yours?" asked the short wild haired boy completely baffled.

"As the Pharaoh's Secret Keeper I must assume many obligations. I am required to have a vast knowledge of a multitude thing. You will learn more about me and what I can do later. I know everything about Atem. He speaks often in a melancholy tone of voice about a very extraordinary boy called "Yugi". I knew instantly you were the boy in question. Oh, and my name is Aziza by the way. It is a pleasure to meet all of you. Come we mustn't be delayed," she said as they continued to walk the maze of perplexing dimly lit passageways.

"Nothing really. It's just that they changed this corridor two weeks ago due to a minor tremor we had. I just haven't had time to commit memory the new layout. It is just a little frustration that's all. By the way you body spray smells so wonderful! I can detect at least four different flowers fragrance," she said desperately attempting to change the subject.

"You can't see can you?" Yugi gently asked to the girl. She laughed as stood up against him for a moment. He only came up to her waist she was at least three and a half feet taller. She fell to his height and hugged him.

"No, I can't see I was born sightless. But its never been a too much of a predicament. I have an excellent memory and can retain all most everything in perfect detail. Don't think lowly of me, Yugi. I'm strong," she told him assertively as she got up.

"Ahem! I can hear quite plainly what you are saying! I don't appreciate it. So in the future if you want to live don't call me hottie! I'm not sure what it is but don't say it! Oh, Tristan, you might want to take a step to your right or your going to get stung by a scorpion and Joseph duck!" snapped Aziza in a short-tempered tone.

Everyone got a good snicker out of that. "I tried to tell you. I may be unable to see, but I'm perfectly aware of everything going around me," she informed the boneheads with arrogance in her honey voice as they continued as if nothing had happened.

A wicked grin was started to etch its way across her angelic face. "My king, cast off you cape of sorrow and let into your heart the light of joy once more. Your prayers to the Gods of Egypt have been at last appeased. I give your heart's desire. Come forth the youths know as, Tea, Tristan, Joey, and last but not least Yugi!" she said a she made a gesture with her hand and they appeared in an explosion of desert blooms.

In the great hall Aziza was overseeing the banquet. She gently directed the servants where to put things. She was very particular about where several flowers where to go. Also she was obsessed that the king's seat and the one to his right were spotless.

"Please people we need to have everything perfect for Atem. You all know he been so miserable recently. I think we all want him to be happy once more. These strangers seem to fill a void in his heart and I for one don't want to be the one responsible for breaking it for a second time! So make sure this perfect!" she told the servants when they start to moan about their duties.

Just then as she about to use some magic to add the finishing touches to the feast she got the stuffing knocked out her as she fell to the ground by Yugi who skidded past and touch the chair first.

"I win! Guess the Great Atem can't win everything!" he bragged

"Yugi, don't become self-center now. You're too pure of a soul for that," said Atem as caught up breathing very hard.

"Your right as always. Oh, Aziza! I'm so sorry! Here let me help you," apologized the boy.

"Thanks for apologizing most people are so kindhearted. You are a very special boy. Ahh!" she became absolute still as well as white as ghost.

"Aziza?" he asked her questioning.

"I see a park full of trees and boy with brown hair. He is running fast in a big hurry to get to the testing grounds for the Dueling School. He will crash into you and you will help him, he is the next one that is destined to save the world along with his many friends and hero deck. He is your successor and his name is Jaden. To him you will bestow the Winged Karibo as his spirit guide. The Torch must be passed to the next generation in order to save not only the human race, but the spirits of the cards from the three Great Beast who are equal if not more dangerous then the Egyptian Gods," she announced in a weird and wonderful echoing voice.

Both Atem and Yugi looked at her wondering what she could possibly mean. Who was this Jaden and what beasts was she talking about? They asked her what she meant when she snapped out of her trance, but she couldn't give them any more details.

"Well thank you again for saying you're sorry. Oh do you see my Basest amulet? I can't feel it around my neck," she told them as she searched blindly for it.

While everyone was laughing it up Joey made a very big mistake. He was next to Aziza who was drinking some kind of lip-smacking red liquid and nibbling on figs. He slowly stretched his arms out and laid one around her.

"Nice party don't you think, sweet thing?" he asked her.

"Yes, it is. Now please remove you limb from around my neck or else," she threatened him.

But he was distracted by everything else that he didn't realize he was beginning to make her angry. He then let his hand slide down to her butt and he laughed. That was it. She began to slowly growl. Yugi slowly lift his head and saw that Joey had accidentally offended Aziza. But he also saw something he couldn't believe.

Her skin slowly became a soft golden color and bit-by-bit beautiful black spots appeared on her, her face began to become more like a feline and within minutes all conversation around the table had stopped. Within minutes where a beautiful woman had once stood now was cheetah flicking its long tail in rage. Growling at the blonde who looked paler then a ghost.

"Oh crap."

She let out a shriek and began to chase him around the room. He bolted but there was no way for him to run faster than the fastest land animal. She chased him like he was a Thompson Gazelle and then tripped him. Pinning him to the floor she looked at him and growled.

"Oh man! For someone who's blind she sure seems to be able to hunt like anyone else," he exclaimed as he trembled.

"Aziza!" shouted Atem warningly.

She slowly turned and faced him baring her teeth angrily she began to growl at him.

"Aziza, I know your angry and I will have him apologize to you, but you can't hurt someone just because your feelings are bruised. Let him go and come back to the table so we may finish okay? He will apologize alright?" Atem said gently to her.

She lowered her head into submission and got off and trotted over to him as she start to affectionately rub her head against him while purring and she also wrapped her tail around Yugi's ankle.

"All right that enough take you seat.  Joey, will you apologize please?" asked Atem.

"Sorry, Aziza. I guess even something don't change and we guys can act like totally morons to someone and forget there people too. I'm sorry." Joey said though he was a little disturbed he was talking to a cat.

She circled him a few times then began to change back to human form. "Admission of guilt accept, request for forgiveness granted. Treat people with more respect in the future. Oh and for future reference I can see when I'm in my cheetah body," she snapped angrily at him.

"You looked wonderful as you underwent the metamorphosis. You were just the most beautiful thing I ever seen. How are you able to do that?" asked Yugi totally in awe of this amazing woman.

"Yes that was truly amazing! What else can you do?" asked Tea as she got her goblet refilled. No one seemed disturbed by the fact they just watched a blind teenager transform into a ferocious cheetah in the blink of an eye.

Blushing slightly she turned to address the kids. "My parents were very special. My mother was one of the highest-ranking priestess; it's from her I was blessed with my spiritual powers as well as an inborn talent for magic. My father was a scholar its from he was I bless with my vast knowledge. Very few individuals are born with ability to change their shape. I was lucky."

"If you can only see when you're in your cat from, why not stay in it all the time?" asked Tristan.

"And give up speaking? Not a chance!"

"Atem! I can hear Yugi's heartbeat a mile away as well as Usamah! He was always the most spirited of our stallions! I can hear them! Yugi's panicking! We've got to get there before Usamah starts to turn Yugi's face into paste. Let go Kareem come on!" she yelled as they bolted.

She leaped off her horse just Usamah hurled Yugi off into the waterhole. Atem quickly dismounted and ran to help Yugi as Aziza calm down the overzealous beast.

"Whoa boy! Ahh!" she said ducking from his hoofs and making a desperate snatch for the leathery reins. She missed the rein and had to roll to miss being pounded. "Grr" she grunted with frustration and jumped at the beast and managed to get hold of the bridle and finally calm the beast down.

Atem got Yugi out of the water and gave him his dark purple cape as a towel to dry off. "You okay, Yugi? I'm sorry about that. Usamah gets very competitive and has a tendency to be over excited," he apologized to his friend who was toweling his hair off.

"I see. You're a most charming young man. So full compassionate and strong-minded. Understands what is really important in life. Such an untainted and self-sacrificing spirit. I wish I could see your world through your eyes," she said with a long sigh.

"Maybe, Aziza you can. Yugi? Would you be insulted if Aziza kissed you?" asked Atem in peculiar tone of voice.

The water he had been drink spewed from his lips. Coughing "Excuse me? Why would your girlfriend want to kiss me?" he asked confused.

"So I might be able to see through your eyes for a moment. Please. Atem has described your time so beautifully that poets would be envious. I wish with your permission to see it just once. If is all right with you?" she request to him.

"Sure if it alright with Atem." He glanced over to his friend who nodded with a smile.

"Okay" she slowly and carefully removed her cloth and exposed her milky white eyes. She leaned in and kissed him gently. Yugi became paralyzed with joy as she held the moment for a long time. Finally she let go.

"Aziza?" they asked concerned.

She began to shake like she was having a seizure. The milky white film over her eyes melted away and her changed to brilliant shade of bluish-purple.

"Wow! Your world is so amazing. I can feel all that you felt. I see you fighting with playing cards. Your friends and loved ones. You beyond doubt have a colorful and full existence, so full of love and friendship. You've such a great life. Life is truly beautiful. I would love to live in your world. Oh you and Atem coming together for the first time. All that you two have done to save mankind is truly breathtaking. I see why you do love each other so much and I now feel the pain that has stricken your souls since you separate. Oh, Yugi you are so cute! I'd have thought girls would fall for you left and right. Oh its beautiful," she whispered as the film coat her eyes once more and she fell into Atem's arms.

"This is where you shall return to your world. Please come again. It was so much fun. Just don't abuse the power of the key. We both know that you have got to learn to live on your own.  However we both believe you shouldn't have to say good bye to your best friend. Till we met again." said Aziza as she kissed and hugged everyone.

"Here, Yugi this my thanks for what you gave to me," she said as gave him a lock of her hair.

That's all from Atem's Key. 

Now some moments from Aibou 

"No matter how many times I come here it looks so beautiful. Though I never been here when the sun was rising this is truly a breathtaking sight, hmm, I wonder where everyone is?" he said as he looked around oblivious a pair piercing jade eyes where watching him from behind a sculpture across the courtyard. The eyes followed the boy as he wander around for a few more minutes, with a low growl the eyes moved and as shadow blazed over to the boy.

Yugi could sense he wasn't as alone as he thought he was but by the time he had looked in the right direction he was be attacked head on by a cheetah. Knocking him to the ground the speedy feline pinned him to the ground and growled at the boy whose large amethyst eyes were bugging out. All of a sudden the cheetah began to act like a new born kitten and began purring affectionately as she rubbed herself all over the boy with her long tail curled around his ankle.

"Oh, Aziza! Get off! Stopped it your tickling me! Stop it, it please!" he begged her in-between the laughing fits he was having as she continued to act like a big pussycat. Finally she got off and then in a very poetic and artiste fashion transformed back into the goddess like young woman she was. Shaking her long thick ebony silk hair out she help the young boy to his feet and hugged him tightly.

"Oh, Yugi, it's so wonderful to see you again, if I could see you, I knew you where in the courtyard. I recognize your footsteps anywhere. Still I couldn't help but surprise my favorite little Prince of Egypt could I? So Prince Yugi what do you wish to do?" asked the blind Secret Keeper as she did some fancy flips along the water fountain edge.

Clapping happily at the show he followed her towards the palace only pausing for a moment to gaze at the magnificent, desert daybreak as it pure untainted beauty simply stole the young boy breath from him with all its glory.

Sensing her friend was gazing at the sun, she turn to face it so is golden rays could warm her flawless tan skin. She breathed in the air deeply as if she was trying to breathe in the sunrays as well as the invigorating rays made her tattoos shimmer with pride.

"It must be wonderful to see Ra. To have him smiling upon the land he baths with his rays of eternal hope. Though I wish he didn't have to leave the heavens today. Especially not today," she spoke out loud her inner thoughts in a voice that without a doubt told, Yugi, she had not wish to share the part of the sunset with him but was too lost in her own thoughts to notice she had.

"Aziza? May I ask you something?" he asked the girl as she toyed with her basest pendent. "Yes, Yugi what to you desire to know?"

"Do you ever wish you could see the way everyone else does? I mean I know you can see when you're in your cheetah from and you were also able to see for a few brief moments after you kissed me as well as Atem. So do you ever wish you could see like the rest of us?" he asked as they sat down on the stairs. A gentle warm breeze for a few moments weaved its way all the way through them leaving a trail of beautiful new desert flowers petals that each seemed to glitter a glow brighter then the gold adorning their bodies.

Aziza was quite taken back by the question. She thought about her life and how for a long time being unable to see had seem like a curse, a fate worse then death. But she also knew it came with some nice advantages. She pressed her hand against Yugi face gently and ran her long delicate fingers through his hair and smiled. She open her mouth and a voice that was a sweet like honey, warm as a mother touch, and kind as an angel told him the answer to his inquiry.

"I have realized that sometimes the people who can see are the ones who are truly blind. There a very few people like you, my precious Yugi, and my beloved Atem who see without seeing by seeing with your heart. To see the truth and wonder that others are blind too. I can see within a person soul, I can see who they are on the inside where true worth is found. Not to be deceive by out worth show,"

"Being blind has a few other perks as you call them as well. My other sense are shaper then others and I am great magic user who can't be influenced by others magic because in order to be affect by magic you need to be able to see and hear it. Also I can tell when someone is lying which comes in handy with my duties. No I don't pity myself for being sightless if anything it made me a stronger person," Aziza told him confidently.

"But just a moment ago you acted like you really want to see the sun. I mean have you ever wanted to just see like one day with your own eyes?" he asked her trying his best figure out why she seemed so concerned about the sun.

Clearing her throat, she cocked head and just for a few moments didn't say anything as she listen to what appeared to be silence. "Aziza?" But she put a finger to her lip to silence him.

"No one is around, for the moment, my beloved Prince Yugi, as you know my job is to keep secrets even if some seemed to ravage my own soul from within. Before you ask which I know you are going to ask, yes my problem has too deal with Atem. You see today is the one year anniversary since he defeated Zork the Dark One. I know in your time it's only been six months but time here in this land pass in a different way."

"What the problem? Did someone find out you two are item? Is he ok? He not hurt is he?! Where is he?!" Yugi's voice going hysterical as he seemed ready to jump out of his skin.

"Nay, Atem is excellent, in fact I never seen him happier. Being with you make him so ecstatic. He is so alive and full of emotions that no one has ever seen him have before. He is so eager to see you just to be with you and only you. He talks about you nonstop. You are the first thing on his mind when he wakes and the last thing when he sleeps. Truth is you're the best thing every to happen to him. I still share a special bond with him and I will love him forever as I know he will love me but I fear I am not the one he destined to be with forever," she started to explain but Yugi interrupted her.

"Not be with him? When I first came here I could see you too were deeply in love. What happened?" asked Yugi confused and not paying attention that his own heart was beating like crazy taking about Atem who he had yet to see.

"Nothing happened, let just say not long after your first visit I got a little insight into were his heart belongs. All the same let not get side-tracked for a second time. Today it is very important that before the sun sets that Atem says a word, a single word in my presence. If he doesn't say this word I will never be able to fulfill the promise I made to his father King Aknamkanon before he died, nor will I be able to fulfill my duties to him."

"Ah Aziza? That is really vague, what word do you need him to say and why is important that he says it before the sun sets?"

"That I cannot answer, this is a secret word, kinda of a password that unlocks that hidden powers found within my soul. This word was whispered into my ear when I was 13 after I was made the Pharaoh's Secret Keeper. The ritual was done very late at night, the only ones with me when it was done was my mom High Priestess Efra, my father Samir the former king most respect wise man, in your world I think you call him an intelligent bookworm whom had very sensible words of wisdom. Atem's father King Aknamkanon was present as well along with Mahad; it was before he became the Dark Magician."

"It is a very long and complex ritual which requires a master magician to preform it. I became a living vessel of both infinite wisdom along with unmanageable supernatural power. I of course can activate a tiny portion of that power, but too active the full power my king must say the password in my presence to unlock the full power of what is called Magic of the Millennium. This word is whispered to you while you halfway between sleeping and being awake. It was King Aknamkanon who told me the word"

"So what does this have to with today and Atem?" asked Yugi memorized by her tale. He was extremely enthusiastic for her to finish her tale and was hoping he could help her in one way or another help the person they both cared about so much.

"I never told anyone else this. Not any of the Guardians know. Even Atem doesn't know since of what this unpleasant incident is. You ever speculate just how Atem was able to expunge his own mind along with being able to bind his spirit to the Puzzle?" she asked him nervously.

"No I just assumed he did it on his own, but that not what happened is it, Aziza?" looking at her as she hung her head low. It looked like she really wanted to tell this secret even if she was meant to keep the secrets of this land safe and sound and out of harm's way.

"No he didn't erase his mind on his own, nor since returning to the Spirit World has he been able to regain his full memory back. I was the one who wiped his mind clean and bound him to the Puzzle via the orders of his father. King Aknamkanon came to me in my dreams the day before Thief Bakura launched the "Day of the Shadows" and informed me what would come to pass and what I needed to do. After he locked the evil away I led him to the oasis and then used my powers and removed his memory and fused it with my soul then I bound him to the Puzzle and we then removed all traces of his name. You can guess what happen five millennium later."

"I think I got this figure out the spell you did on him has a time limited doesn't it? He got till sunset to say the password in your presences so you can give him back what his otherwise he will never have his full memories back will he?"

"You asked if I've ever wish to see with my own eyes, the only thing I have ever want to see is Atem happy, just to see him smile to tell me I have done my job that is all I want to see. I think you play a part in making that happen. Come on we mustn't keep him waiting any longer," she said as the walk down the stunning corridors of the palace.

Meanwhile far away from the search party, hanging halfway off a cliff overlooking the dry out section of the river was Aziza. Her beautiful flawless tan skin was now covered in bruises and her outfit was more or less complete shredded to pieces. She was just a blood-spattered mess.

She little by little reclaimed consciousness as she began to get up. What she didn't realize if she moved three inches to any direction she would fall 14 feet below to rock hard river bed. She could feel the hot desert sun as it attempted to bake her alive. Her mouth was more dry as a bone then the riverbed below her as she was about to find out.

Losing her balance she fell backwards off the cliff straight to some razor-sharp rocks. Only thanks to her catlike agility was she able to save herself form being impaled, just by the skin of her teeth.

Exhausted beyond belief, she collapsed to the ground under a very small amount of shade. Trying to sort out what had happen and what to do. She suddenly realize just how severely injured she was.

"Oh Ra, I feel like my body on fire. I don't think anything broken but those monsters all most did kill me. Ok breath Aziza just thinks what the last thing you remember?" she said to herself. "Ok we're riding and we got ambushed and tried to escape through time. Oh my god! Atem! Yugi! Where are they!? What did those men do to them! If they left me for dead what happen to my best friends?"

Groaning as more unbelievable pain shot all the way through her body. She tore her clothes up even more and use her eye bandages to cover up the spots where she was bleeding. She yelped in surprise when her bare back touch the rock behind her. She quickly ran her right hand over her back along the tattoos that had been put on her during the ceremony by Mahad when they had official made her Atem's future Secret Keeper.

"Well I guess I learned a think or two from Mom about bandages wounds. But I'm in need of some serious medical help. Ok before I even worry about my situation I need to find out if Atem and Yugi are alright. So help me if anyone has done anything to hurt them they will face a fury that even the Gods wouldn't be able to beat!"

Taking a slow and long deep breath she focused on the fragment of Yugi soul within her. "Millennium Magic, I summon thee let me see what Yugi sees and feel what he feels, Millennium Sight!" The Eye become visible on her bleeding forehead and glowed brightly. Her mind was blank still shrouded in darkness but she could perceive the sound Yugi heartbeat. He was alive but he wasn't consciousness so she couldn't see anything through his eyes.

She had to break the connection as a jolt of pain shot through her. She screamed at the top of her voice but it was mixed with her cheetah voice so it sounded very outlandish. Ignoring the pain she felt she summoned the energy again to get Millennium Sight. This time she focused on Atem soul drop within her.

"Millennium Magic, I summon thee, let me see what Atem sees and feel what he feels, Millennium Sight! Ahh!" as her brain was overload as the images of her best friend flooded her mind. She was having a hard time understanding what she was seeing and feeling. She was on the verge of passing out again when she finally was able to understand what had happen and Atem's erratic emotions.

She had to break the link not of pain this time but to save what little energy she had left. "At least you're safe Atem. I promise you, I will find away to get you back home and I won't fail in my duties or the promise I made! I swear before the sun sets you'll get your memories back and you and Yugi will finally be able to say what I know is true in both your hearts! Ow! Got be smart on how I use my magic, one of the first lessons Mom taught me," Aziza whispered quietly as beads of moistures fell from her milky white eyes.

She tried to push away the thoughts of her parents. She had tried not to think about them too much because of the pain. They had been killed in an accident when she was 16 on a mission for their king. She loved them and missed them greatly.

Tasting the soil she knew she was on a dry river bed and if she followed she had a small chance of coming across someone who could help her get back to the palace so she could fulfill her duties. At the same time as she began her excruciating trek across the barren region things she hadn't thought about for a long time began to surface.

She had told Yugi and his friends that while she couldn't see she did in fact remember everything in perfect detail. Her other sense where greatly heighten and she loved her friendship with Atem more then he or Yugi realized. She had a certain feeling of gratitude towards the Nile. If that river hadn't been there in an ironic way neither she won't be either.

She stopped to take a break after traveling for hour. She knew she could just morph her eyes like she had done at breakfast or go full cheetah and get a better idea where she was or even use her magic. But for a second time she commit to memory the lessons. Her mom Efra who was one of her greatest teachers in the art of magic that if a person used magic when their life force was very weak the effort would do more harm then good. She could kill herself rather then help herself.

Again she tried to block out the thoughts of her mom and dad. She didn't want to forget them but she didn't want to remember those feeling that this river had done. While she did feel graduate to the Nile she also hated it at the same time.

She was very thirsty and with no water around she started to become doubtful. She then remembered her father Samir said sometimes things like water hide from others. She pressed her ear to the ground and heard the faint sound of water.

"Millennium Magic, Absorbing!" she said as she pulled up as much water as she could then drink some. Still after another hour under the scorching sun with the high temperature only getting worse and her bare feet bleeding again and again she finally collapsed.

Crying as her voice was breaking she whispered, "I'm sorry Atem, I'm sorry Yugi, but I can't keep my promise to you, I've failed," as she lost consciousness for a second time.

In her mind she could hear her mom sweet honey voice and smell her desert bloom scent hair. She could feel her father strong arms and soothing voice. She remembered a story they always told her, she first remember hearing it when she was but an infant but she remembered it well.

Her mom Efra had been best friends with Samira whom later would become Aknamkanon wife and mother of Atem. Her father Samir had been Aknamkanon best friend and the four them were just as tight as Yugi's group of friends. But neither she nor Atem would even have been born if her parents hadn't been around.

They were 16 years old traveling the same path that she took with Atem and Yugi to go to the secret oasis just past Crocodile Rock. It had been a very beautiful day. They had just passed Crocodile Rock when a small pack of wild dogs came out of nowhere and attacked them viciously. Aknamkanon's stallion was badly hurt and so overcome with fear it bucked wildly and he fell into the river and hit his head on a rock. He would have drowned if her father hadn't dived in after him and saved him. Her mom like Aziza herself didn't have to learn magic she was born with magic inside her. She also knew a great deal about medicine and did what Yugi called CPR on Aknamkanon. He was very grateful for them saving his life. He said one day he hoped to repay them and he had when Aziza was born.

It was a law if you weren't born "perfect" you were to be put too death so not to spoil the blood of the land. But Aknamkanon let her live and he said he saw something inside her that was very special. He insisted that she become his future child Secret Keeper. That is why she was so determined to keep her word too him. She had done what he asked and removed Atem's life from him and now it was inside her. She want to complete her duty and give it back too him. She wanted him to understand why she loved and cared about him so much. While his father let her live, Atem had made life worth living by being an unforgettable friend. He had shown her things that others were blind too. Their bond was like no other. She thought Yugi would understand it giving his relationship with him.

"I must go on, but I fear I don't have the strength to go on. It impossible I can't," she said as the pain shot all the way through her all over again. It felt like Slither was squeezing her after Obelisk had beaten her up and Ra was burning her form inside.

"I know we taught you better then that my Basest. Remember what I taught as a child my little Basest?" said a voice that seemed to come out of nowhere. She listened to the ground with her feet but no one was there.

"I can't be losing my mind now. I need to get to people but I can't stand this pain anymore. I can't do this. Not on my own. I need help. I know I don't ask for it a lot but I need it now," she pleaded out loud.

A new voice that seemed to come with the wind spoke, "There is nothing wrong my Basest with asking people to help you. If you refuse help then you only hurt yourself. Remember?"

She suddenly realized who was speaking to her and it made her blood run cold as the desert night wind. "Mom? Dad?" They had been the only ones who called her "Basest" after the Cat Goddess because she was blessed with the ability to assume feline form. She had always loved that nickname.

They're voice came again. The first that spoke was her father whom had taught her wisdom and the ability to think for one self. "Remember Aziza, you must never give up. Things are only without a solution if you refused to get back up and try again. Never give up and never give in. I taught you that don't tell me you forgot."

"No, I've Dad, but how am I supposed to get out of this mess? I've got to help Atem and Yugi. But I can't even save myself!"

"Dear daughter you have shown everyone that you are a strong and capable young woman. You can do anything. Who said to you that you can't do what duty that your heart has pledge to fulfill?" asked Efra

"No one, but how am I supposed to get back to the city? I don't need to be able to see to know that I'm miles from anyone. How? Please Mom, Dad can you help me? I love both Atem and Yugi so much and I do not wish to fail in making my dream a reality!" she declared loudly as she managed to get back to her feet.

"You were always a fighter, Aziza. When you have a goal nothing will stop you from reaching it. We're proud of you are daughter. Our beautiful brave young woman," Samir voice soothed into her ears.

"I miss you Mom and Dad. Your funeral was very beautiful. As you both said you only wished to die in the beauty of the land you loved and in eyes of the people who made your life worthwhile. Now can you help me?" she asked as she wept the tears from her blank eyes and she got a look on her face that showed she get back one way or another.

"Yes, Basest. Follow our voices we'll lead you home. Don't think of anything else just stay focused on our voices, Aziza. Now this way!" they declared

She did as they said and followed them drowning out everything else. All she needed to do was focus on was the two voices of the ones who loved her most. She fell a lot but just grinned and got up and kept going. After awhile though the voice started to fade away then disappeared all together. She had just climbed out of the river bed and on to a worn out trail. She turned in all directions but her parents voices were no longer there.

"MOM! DAD! Please don't leave me now! I need still need your help! Ahh!" she fell to the ground wincing in pain. Not just form her injures. Her bond with Atem meant that sometimes if he was feeling very extreme emotions, she felt it too. The same went with Yugi. She felt both of their pain. She couldn't see in her mind eye what was causing Yugi's pain, he still wasn't fully conscious. But she guessed someone was hurting him very bad and enjoying like only a sadist would. It felt like a whip that had been heated in a fire was now attacking her back. Atem was still in such turmoil all that she knew for certain was he didn't have a way back to help them and it was making him very upset.

"There is only one person I know who can help bring Atem home. I just hope I can find him in the Shadow Realm. I should use the last of my magic to get home but this more important. Millennium Magic, Give me the Tongue of Magic so I may speak the incantations that will be of assistance to me in my quest in the Relem of Shadows!" A golden aura surrounded her as she went into a trance.

Her father Samir had worked along side with Aknadin for years to try and decode the book which was written in a language not know to man but only to the Gods themselves. After many long years of hard work and many late nights burning the candle at both ends they had managed to translate one spell.

Her father had warned Aknadin that it should be used only as a last resort because they're in uncharted waters and they didn't know the full extent of what this spell was or what could be the possible consequences of invoking a power know only to the Gods.

Aknadin ignored the word of warning and never told Samir he had swapped the translated page so he didn't know that in order to make these Millennium Items you had to get 99 damn souls then mix them with gold and something called "Shadow Magic". He knew his brother was very close to Samir and if he knew anything about Aziza father he knew he always told the truth.

During those hours of darkness the Massacre of Kal Lna came to pass and the Items where born at the same time as Zork the Dark One. True the Items saved the land from the enemy but almost two decades later they in turn almost cost Egypt and the world its existences.

During the day that had become known to the world as "The Day of Shadows" Atem had offered his soul to these same damn spirits before her to try and stop Thief Bakura and his monster from causing to any further extent of annihilation. But instead his father who had long ago sacrificed his safety for his only beloved son gave up his soul to the Shadows so Atem could save the world. But he had been unjustly fated to remain in the Shadow Realm when it should've been his brother who should be suffering for pointless sentences 99 people to breathe their last breath. No man had the right to decided at what time his fellow men ought to give up the ghost.

She couldn't see it of course but she could hear a heartbeat she would remember even in her tomb. She started to approach the golden sphere when a blast of icy cold wind threw her back and she hit the solidify wall of blackish red shadows.

enjoy. for more details in full read www.fanfiction.net/u/558265/Ke… "Atem's Key, Aibou If my heart had wings and Welcome To our family thanks

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Comments: 4

inuyasharocks01862 [2016-01-29 04:28:22 +0000 UTC]

She's so special and is a kind soul to all around her. She lives and cares for Yugi and Atem, as well as Yugi's friends

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kelseyalicia In reply to inuyasharocks01862 [2016-01-29 11:11:38 +0000 UTC]

above all she wants Atem and Yugi to be happy.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Phenometron [2016-01-28 18:58:17 +0000 UTC]

She's definitely special.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kelseyalicia In reply to Phenometron [2016-01-28 22:11:57 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0