Kelseyalicia — Why my OC Aziza is important to me

#aibou #april #aziza #beautiful #beliefs #beloved #bestfriends #blessing #blind #book #brokenheart #children #compassion #dad #death #egypt #game #gay #goddess #gods #growingup #kindness #kissing #life #love #magic #mana #marriage #marysue #memoires #millenniumitems #mocking #mom #motto #name #oc #parents #powers #samir #shunned #sight #sister #teasing #cheeath #efra #lifedebt #queensamira #newberyhonor #acceptance #closeminded #disability #fanfiction #knowledge #lesbian #pharaohatem #precious #puzzleshipping #selfesteem #setokaiba #shapeshifting #teentitansstarfire #yugimoto #yugioh #aknadin
Published: 2015-11-12 15:30:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 6157; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 2
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Description This is one of my two hit OCs for my Yugioh fanfics. Her name is Aziza and she's Pharaoh Atem's beautiful blind best friend. And to be honest she was pretty much the first OC I ever came up with that almost no-one had anything bad to say about her. Other than those stupid fucking assholes who made that stupid webpage about me eight years ago saying I'm a fucked up retard who draws like shit and writes even shitter and should be thrown into a mental hospital forever. 

Even after eight years, that stupid page is up and there is nothing I can do to get it down. My family's tried to get it down but whoever made it just keeps reposting it anytime we try and get it down. Even when its downright beyond insulting and cruel. But I guess there is something you cannot change and I guess I'll never have that stupid Encyclopedia Dramatic shit piece of cruelty ever really gone! No matter how much I wish it. Why people can find some way else to get the kicks for the day that doesn't involve ripping apart people they've never even met or even know just so they can have some jollies for the day I'll never know! 

So let's forget that bit of shit and just focus again on why this OC is so important to me. So I'll explain everything that went into her and all the parts that make her not a Sue and how she represents parts of me. So let's do this and let us hope my computer doesn't get knocked out again like last night. 

Aziza was created for Yugioh. I really got into the fandom and like many others I'm assuming I fell in love with both Atem and Yugi and given they're impossible NOT to fall in love with I'm sure I'm not the only girl in the whole world whose fall in love with more 'fictional' boys then flesh and blood ones. To be honest I've never really felt the intensity or passion or even spark with a flesh and blood boy in my life. Unlike the many fictional boys, I've fallen for. 

So Aziza first appeared in my third one shot and first Yugioh story Atem's Key. www.fanfiction.net/u/558265/Ke… remember all 26 stories I've ever written are there and I accept non-member reviews. And again I wasn't the best when I started but I've gotten a lot better over the years.

I wrote Atem's Key to partly deal with the heartbreak I was feeling over the end of the first series which in my opinion at least is the best one because I feel the spinoff got stupider as they went along. But that's just me. And it just sucks Atem had to go when it was clear he did want to stay strong and it really sucked for Yugi who was losing more than his best friend he was losing his true love too. Though to be honest I didn't feel that way completely till I wrote my second YGO fanfic Aibou. So I wasn't a real puzzleshipping fan till after I wrote Atem's Key and started to rewatch YGO both in English and some clips in the Japanese that I finally thanks to Atem and Yugi I finally really accept that same-sex couples are just as normal and there isn't anything wrong with what sex you love as long as they make you happy, safe and give your life meaning. So thanks for that Atem and Yugi!

Now since at the time I was still dealing with acceptance of the same sex thing I also made up Aziza to be more then Atem's best friend in Egypt but also his girlfriend. But soon realized Atem and Yugi belong together and Aziza herself was willing to do anything to bring them together. But that's getting ahead of the story. 

Aziza's backstory is she's the daughter and only child of Atem's parents' best friends. She's actually a year older than him. So when she first appears in the story Atem's Key she's 18 while he's still 17. They first met after Atem took his first steps and their parents got together to talk about something. Then Atem showed again why he's such an amazing guy. Even as a baby he shows love and compassion and his natural knack for his true love Yugi to make friends. He walks not so well given he's just learning over to Aziza whose never really been played with other then her parents since most shun her because she was born blind and some people find that reason enough that she shouldn't even be allowed to live or gives permission to torment her to no end as she'll NEVER even SEE what they're doing to her. 

Atem just goes over to her and they just start playing and even tries to show her a butterfly but realizes even as a baby she can't see it. So he instead helps her feel it by letting it tickle her nose. And from then on they're almost inseparability because Aziza loved Atem for being the first person to treat her with kindness and he NEVER said anything EVER about her being blind. It didn't matter to him. So she loved him as friend and more at times. She even calls him her "Eyes" since she sees the world through him. So that's how she's connected to the story. 

Her appearance, of course, is beautiful for three reasons. I've not felt recently beautiful on the outside so I wanted when I wrote female OCs I wanted them to be as beautiful on the outside as the inside. So I know I'm beautiful inside I just finally feel my outsides match my inside. Second reason? She's Egyptian and they're well known for being beautiful. And the third reason was also to emphasize my unsaid reason in the story that her inner beauty which she knows within herself but sadly she'll never see her own reflection so she can never see how she looks or how others see her. So I tried to envision the most beautiful teenage Egyptian girl I could think of. Though I wasn't sure if she wears the bandages around her eyes or not to tell others she's blind or not. She does in her first appearance but sometimes I drew her with them or without them. 

Her name came from that baby name book my high school's therapist gave me to help me come up with names for my characters. One page said most popular names for certain countries like Norway, Russia, and Egypt for example. So I picked three girls names off this list of popular names and one from the guy for my YGO characters. And I was able to look up the meaning of Aziza's mom Efra's name as well as her father Samir and of course Atem's mom Samira. But try as I might I couldn't find out what Aziza meant and actually, I couldn't even say her name right out loud till my mom said it once for me. So one day for kicks I was going through this email my dad sent me with the info you get if you type into your birth date. And you've all seen that since I post it every year on my birthday. But there also a function to tell you what your name means. So I typed in "Aziza" and it told me what it meant in different countries. And surprisingly it matched her character well. Since it meant "Beloved" or "Precious" which fits her very well. And it's kinda important that the name reflects the character in some way or at least it is for me. 

Her history again is more shown in the second story Aibou after she's created the real Monster Reborn crystal and gave it to Atem so he could use it magic to bring his true love his aibou back to life after Yugi was murdered after the antagonist was defeat and in spite killed Yugi and was turned to stone and exploded for killing him. So Yugi is brought back to life and he and Atem declared their love for each other and kiss for the first time and then use there own powers for you've to admit with all they've done they've got their own kind of magic within them. So Aziza returns all of Atem's full memories to him which she'd been keeping safe within her soul. Her job in Atem's Court is being his Secret Keeper as the title suggest she keeps all the most important secrets of her country and king magically sealed within her soul and since to be touched by magic it has to touch your soul. And to do that you must be able to SEE and HEAR it. So she's immune. 

With Yugi and Atem's powers, they granted Aziza one day worth of sight which she enjoyed and cherished forever. And through Atem's full memories we see how he and Aziza grew up and learned about her childhood as well and what she struggled with as a child and how she wasn't always a kick-ass beautiful strong woman. 

Aziza meant so much to both Atem and Yugi that when Atem was granted a second chance at life so he could be with his true love he shared that gift with Aziza by kissing her. Aziza as a few special powers that are unique to her. Some people say this makes her too powerful or not possible in YGO but we've got a bunch of teenagers trying to save the world through a trading card game and you're gonna tell me with real magic it is not possible for Aziza to have her two special powers? 

I got the idea for her first noted power which is being able to turn into a cheetah just from the fact its a known fact that Egyptians worshiped cats. And I do love Egyptian culture as one of my favorite books still is the Newbery Honored is called the "Egypt Game" and it is about six children pretending to do anything and everything that has to do with Ancient Egypt. The really great book even years later as it came out many many decades ago. I'm thinking its set in the 1960s or 1970s based on what's described in the book and when it was written of course but still, it reprinted again and again and people still love it. But one thing the kids did in Egypt Game took Egyptian themed names and the main character of the story April Hall chose the name Bastet after the Cat Goddess. So I just said to make up for her lack of sight the Goddess blessed Aziza with the very rare ability to change form. Though this took till she was almost 13 and Atem's life in danger to get right. So yes it's an inborn talent but still didn't mean she mastered it overnight. and need the right motivation to get it right. 

Her other power is actually inspired by the Teen Titans character Starfire. You know from the good show and not that shitty crap mockery GO? When we learn that if Starfire kisses someone she can learn any language instantly. So I added that when Aziza kisses someone which she and Atem found out when they gave each other their first kiss as a thank you for Aziza saving his life that she can gain temporarily sight and knowledge of whose she kissed. She's only really done this with two people and that's Atem and Yugi and a lasting part of this is if she needs to know if they're okay and what they're feeling she can summon for a few moments the bit of them in her to see how they're doing. Even though this really drains her and can't be done more than a moment or two. 

So I just felt she needed something to make her stand out and help her not feel so terrible she'll never see with her own eyes. But again even with these powers, they don't last very long. She can't stay a cheetah for long periods of time and if she's knocked out she instantly reverts back to human and like with the kiss thing? It takes a lot of energy and really cannot be done as often as possible. So for the most part of the time, she's still blind and has to figure out other ways to get around. Such as learning to memorize the palace layout and fine-tune her hearing enough to tell whose who and learn how to tell if someone lying or not. 

So yes she's got some kick-ass powers but she's still not all powerful. And most importantly she cannot unlock her fullest magical potential unless her pharaoh says a special password to unlock them. Meaning she has great powers within but most of the time she doesn't have access to them. 

Aziza also evolved from just being a character for a one-shot who was Atem's girlfriend since I wasn't sure I'd do more YGO fanfics till I got so many reviews for Atem's Key begging for more so that's how I ended up writing my other three YGO fanfics. But to add more to her I went more in-depth into who she was and how she became who we meet at last and why she's important to Atem and WHY Atem is important to her. 

This is explaining how she is also not a Mary-Sue which almost everyone assumes an OC is a Sue without giving them a fair chance. She started off lonely and almost dead on birthday because she was born blind. But was spared by her parents best friends for both a life debt and that Atem's parents didn't believe there was any reason to kill a child who could live a full life even if they do have a disability. 

Again just Atem being a friend to her and showing her the first bit of kindness even though they're just babies it meant the world to her. And we see as a child she wasn't at all confident and had very low self-esteem from still being teased by many for her blindness. So she was doubtful with herself and if she was even worth anything to anyone. For almost everyone in the main court save Aknadin who bitterly hated her parents and hated her both by extension and that he truly felt she was worthless and useless nothing who didn't deserve to be alive, they treated okay. But she still was plagued for many years about her own worth and if she'd ever master her gift of shapeshifting. So outside of Atem and Mana, she didn't really have many friends either. 

As she grew older though she learns how to have better self-esteem and how to be a true friend and do whatever she could to help those she loved out. And that even though many people mocked her others did care about her. She even started developing a sense of humor and fun as the years slowly passed. 

Also, she shows just how big her heart is and why she won't let those she loves to suffer a broken one if she can do something about it. Like when Atem's mother Queen Samira died when he was nine and he ran away and no-one else in palace knew where he was. But she knew where he was a secret hiding place just known between them and all she did that night as they hid together in a hollowed out base of a statue of Osiris was hold his hand, hugged him and just sang to him all night. Just being there to help him through his grief the best way she could. So even if she couldn't see how upset he was or even see the tears she still was there when he needed someone.  He returned the favor by doing the same thing when her parents died in a landslide on a mercy mission.

And thanks to Atem's love and friendship she again learned about her two unique powers. Because he stood up for her when she was being mocked yet again and was accidentally thrown into a statue that tipped and would've killed him. Because he was in danger she transformed fully for the first time and then they kissed under the moonlight later that night. 

She also sealed him into the Puzzle and stored his full memories in her soul. But again throughout the second story, we see how far she's willing to go for Atem and Yugi and to get them to say "I love you" to each other. Even though she dearly loves them both she understands that she's not their destined lover. So she's pretty selfless to say to herself "I love you both more then I can say but I won't get in the way of what is truly meant to be" Meaning she will love them both more then words can say but she rather put their happiness and their love before her. 

And given all she does including striking a bargain with the 99 damn souls of the village that was destroyed to make the Items to suffer five random days of ultimate suffering to help save the world and get Yugi and Atem together again shows how much she loves and cares about them.

She also shows after she's also allowed to remain in the present with Atem and Yugi she's by now not afraid to speak her mind and that she's accepted that she doesn't even need to try with all the medical advances of the 21st century to 'cure' her blindness. She can see better than those who are really blind and she doesn't need to change who she is to be accepted by others as long as she's already accepted herself. 

Even in the third cannon story Welcome to our family when everyone has grown up married with kids and jobs she still does all she can for her children and does speak her mind and shows she's still a strong young woman much different then she was when she was a child. So yes she grew a lot. 

And in my AU If my heart had wings she turns out to Atem's sister. Since his mom married Aziza's father and legally adopted her. So not stepsister real sister. And she's still very much the same but gives him good advice and shows him a unique way to look at life among humans and helps him find out who he really is. And just still is a best friend and a sister all in one. 

What parts of me does she have in her? Well like me she's got a lasting disability. I'm not blind but I've always felt its harder to be blind than deaf. Because if you are deaf you can still see colors and your own family and how you yourself look. So you could still really also enjoy a vacation. But being blind? You can't even see yourself or the beauty around you and it must feel even lonelier to be trapped in darkness every day while trying to find the light within yourself but not still be able to see the light of the sun. 

My lasting disability is I'm always gonna have a mental illness so unlike Aziza who others can see and somewhat understand her disability most people don't understand mine and since they can't see it it makes them even harder to understand me having many things including bi-polar and Aspergers. 

She does also share some of my struggles I've grown up with trying to fit in but still being mocked and teased and again my mental illness has really affected my ability to socialize and make friends. So being different we've got that in common. And we have the same compassionate heart and giving generous spirit. And we both also do whatever we can to help and be there for those we love. 

Also, she shares some of my beliefs like Akiko did in the last one I posted yesterday about Zuko's true love. Many of my OCs have some way of displaying different beliefs of mine in many different ways depending on what they're written for and what's going on with them. So her telling off a woman for saying its wrong she lives with two married guys and being the mother of their children is sick and wrong and an abomination in God's Eye. She tells her flat out that the worlds changed and its time to change with it. That love isn't a sin and that only people who are truly blind, deaf, close-minded dolts who can't accept that love has no limits or boundaries and that there isn't 'gay' 'lesbian" or "straight" there are just people who've fallen in love and that is what really matters is that they've got someone to give their heart a reason to beat. 

Aziza's motto in life is something she learned growing up. "To save a life you need not get the heart to beat. Rather you GIVE it a REASON to beat" 

So yes she states many of my beliefs and also carries out some of my desires such as when she gave Kaiba the talking to he needed after she used a magical sphere of energy to knock out his last wisdom tooth. So she gave him a piece of her mind and basically told him what he really needed in life and what really mattered. 

So that's the full story of what went into creating my first real hit OC. So I hope you understand her and me better. And tomorrow is Prince Fledge Dreamwings revealment. He's my OC for MLP and Twilight Sparkle's husband

So hope you enjoyed this. I hope to work on more of my new chapter for my HTTYD fanfic Spirit Bonded Siblings. Given how bad the weather is today. What else am I gonna do? Also, what am I gonna do until my car is finally fixed anyway? So hope you enjoyed this which took about two hours and forty minutes to do? 

So love you all! Be safe and be happy! 
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Comments: 156

Kelseyalicia In reply to ??? [2018-09-10 03:15:31 +0000 UTC]

so you finally saw that troll page huh? 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

chocolateitup In reply to Kelseyalicia [2018-09-10 07:28:00 +0000 UTC]

Unfortunately yes, people shouldn't waste their time making hurtful content

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kelseyalicia In reply to chocolateitup [2018-09-10 12:36:33 +0000 UTC]

and that been up for YEARS

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

chocolateitup In reply to Kelseyalicia [2018-09-10 13:17:43 +0000 UTC]

That's not cool

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Kelseyalicia In reply to chocolateitup [2018-09-10 17:29:46 +0000 UTC]

no it's not 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Seishi-Tan [2017-03-14 13:42:30 +0000 UTC]

she's so cute ! can i draw her ? 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kelseyalicia In reply to Seishi-Tan [2017-03-14 13:50:53 +0000 UTC]

if you tell people who character she is and give me my credit then yes. Don't steal her give me my credit where its due then yes.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Seishi-Tan In reply to Kelseyalicia [2017-03-14 13:54:51 +0000 UTC]

yes i'll give credit ^^ i always do and no i won't steal  

and hey you wanna see the yugioh oc im  making ?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kelseyalicia In reply to Seishi-Tan [2017-03-14 14:38:33 +0000 UTC]


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Seishi-Tan In reply to Kelseyalicia [2017-03-14 14:43:29 +0000 UTC]


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Kelseyalicia In reply to Seishi-Tan [2017-03-14 16:30:45 +0000 UTC]

You should check out Queen Samira. Atem's mother as well. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Queen-of-Plot-Twists [2015-11-15 03:30:09 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful!she looks a lot older and much more mature than in your previous pics of her but it works! she's a beautiful character!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kelseyalicia In reply to Queen-of-Plot-Twists [2015-11-15 13:30:28 +0000 UTC]

thank you. I'm getting better with each picture of my characters I've drawn. If you went to my gallery and typed in the search engine "Aziza" you'd see every picture I've ever drawn of her and you'll see the growth over the years of how its taken me a long time to get this good at it. love that about the gallery search engine.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

inuyasharocks01862 [2015-11-13 00:38:15 +0000 UTC]

Aziza is my favorite YGO OC, she is truly one of a kind and special, beyond measure. She's blind but that doesn't stop her taking names and kicking ass. She even helped Kibutt get Kisara's forgiveness (in a sense). If she can do that then she must be special

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kelseyalicia In reply to inuyasharocks01862 [2015-11-13 01:04:55 +0000 UTC]

thank you. I'm glad you're enjoying this as much as the wikis. You'll be happy to know by at least tomorrow you'll have a new chapter to read. I might get it done tonight or tomorrow morning. But by tomorrow at the lastest you'll be reading a new chapter.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-12 20:08:11 +0000 UTC]

This is very impressive; Aziza is a truly 3-D and complex character. Also, everyone, consciously or not, adds a bit of themselves into they're characters, it makes them easier to write.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-12 22:33:03 +0000 UTC]

thank you. Glad you like this. And I hope you like the others to come. But yeah Aziza special since she's the first OC I created that again almost no-one had anything truly bad to say about her. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-13 10:38:13 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome. I'm sure I'll like the others. With all the work you put into Aziza, no one should have anything bad to say about her.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-13 11:16:56 +0000 UTC]

well like I also said it like a lot of people automatically assume that an OC is a Sue without giving them a fair chance. and its hard to make one up that the readers really responded too and accept and want more of. So yeah. Aziza is very important  for many reasons.

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JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-13 13:52:28 +0000 UTC]

No one knows what a Mary-Sue actually is anymore because everyone has a different opinion of what "perfect" is. I don't care who thinks my OC's are Mary-Sue's, they are a look at a part of who I am, and that's just how I like it!

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Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-13 13:54:29 +0000 UTC]

okay thanks for saying that. I'll have the next one up later today.

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JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-13 14:51:34 +0000 UTC]


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Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-13 15:36:25 +0000 UTC]

gonna start working on it in a moment. Just got to finish answering messages.

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JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-13 15:56:53 +0000 UTC]

That's fine.

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Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-13 17:46:42 +0000 UTC]

It's up and done if you're curious.

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JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-13 18:00:32 +0000 UTC]

I read it and Fledge turned out to be a deeper character than I thought.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-13 18:26:20 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. And I have proven haven't I that my OCs aren't Sues but really 3 Dimmentinal?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-13 21:11:33 +0000 UTC]

Yes. You have proven that!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-14 00:33:18 +0000 UTC]

good to know I've done that! Would you say I give good construsctive cristscim without being mean about it though? I'm a bit worried about that.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-14 13:21:55 +0000 UTC]

There really is no COMPLETELY nice way to give constructive criticism, unless you mention it's just constructive criticism. I'd say you give GOOD criticism, though.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-14 16:56:00 +0000 UTC]

thank you for saying that about me. And you'll be getting your gift on Monday.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-14 17:08:44 +0000 UTC]

Welcome. I'm excited to see what you got me!

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Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-14 17:18:09 +0000 UTC]

I'm sure you'll like it because Amy, Lauren, my stepmom and dad loved all their gifts I gave them and they all came from the same box of things. So I'm sure you, Jamie and Meliane love there's too. you and Jamie get them on Monday but for some reason Mel won't get hers till Tuesday and she lives a lot closer to me then you in Connectict or Jamie in California. And Mel only lives in Alabama yet its gonna take longer. That doesn't make sense! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-14 20:01:45 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! Mailing times can be strange, though.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-14 21:29:59 +0000 UTC]

well I hope you like what I'm sending.

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JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-14 22:30:17 +0000 UTC]

I will!

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Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-14 22:57:37 +0000 UTC]

just tell me what you think when you get it okay?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-15 01:40:02 +0000 UTC]


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Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-15 03:02:58 +0000 UTC]

well must shower. and i"ll be sleeping in the living room again. It so hot in this building! 

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JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-15 17:21:58 +0000 UTC]

When you can, you should get a fan for your room.

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Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-15 18:51:17 +0000 UTC]

I didn't sleep in the living room but its still hot.

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JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-15 21:13:31 +0000 UTC]

I meant, get a fan for your bedroom.

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Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-15 21:29:42 +0000 UTC]

I don't have a free outlet to put one in or I'd move my box fan from the living room into my bedroom at night.

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JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-15 22:22:57 +0000 UTC]

Oh, sorry.

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Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-15 22:29:50 +0000 UTC]

its okay

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JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-16 00:19:29 +0000 UTC]


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Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-16 00:56:42 +0000 UTC]

          some of Toph's blindness and how Aziza like Toph got very good hearing and can tell when someone is lying is from htat.

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JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-16 01:12:44 +0000 UTC]

Remember: Toph almost believed Azula when she so obviously lied about being a 40-foor purple platypus-bear with pink feet and silver wings.

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Kelseyalicia In reply to JapanAnimeGirl [2015-11-16 11:24:48 +0000 UTC]

well Azula is such a good liar and the fact has not real emotions in her I'm not surprise she can lie without having a reaction. Since to have a reaction you've to feel something like a tiny amount of guilt or worry of some type. She doesn't feel any of that so why would she have a reaction to something she does every minute she talks?

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JapanAnimeGirl In reply to Kelseyalicia [2015-11-16 12:33:05 +0000 UTC]

She has emotions and feelings, just not the "good" ones. She does show sadness and regret when she sees the vision of her mother, in the mirror behind her, on her coronation day.

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