kelsnw — Sienna PPAU Application

#wof #ppau #wingsoffire #mudwing #pyrrhia #wofoc #pyrrhiapantala
Published: 2020-06-18 02:11:29 +0000 UTC; Views: 4889; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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With the dawn, what comes then

When it's clear that everything will never be the same again?

I'll make the choice

To hear that voice

And do the next right thing

\\  G E N E R A L  //
Name > Sienna

Nickname(s) > Huggable Hippo, Boulder

Tribe > Mudwing

Occupation/Affiliation > Alliance Trainee

Mentor/Apprentice > Henna 
Talon/Order > N/a  

Appearance > Sienna is big, thicc, and physically dense as hell. Genuinely built like a brick house. She’s not an unnatural size, but she certainly is just about as large as any mudwing you’ve ever seen. Her scales are mainly a medium rusty brown color with darker armored scales and a lighter underbelly. She has kind, dark honey eyes and strong facial features. Usually has a warm, open expression on her face. Her claws are white, her tail is wide, and you can often see her muscles ripple when she moves.
Scars > N/a
Items/Jewelry > A simple teal cord necklace with five brownish glass beads of various shades on it.

Age > 15
Birthday > Sept 21st, 6014 AS ((Virgo))

Sex > Female
Gender > Female
     Pronouns > She/her
Sexuality > Lesbian ((Single))

\\  A B I L I T I E S  //
POWERS > N/A. Normal abilities for the mudwing tribe.


-Talented musician: Plays the harp, marimba, the duduk, and she sings.

-An excellent chef. Particularly in preparing meats. Her pulled pork and lamb chops are to die for.

-A crafty jewelry maker. Specializes in making glass beads and crystal charms for necklaces.

-Capable at building/construction, learned from her father.

-Fair hunter/gatherer, learned from her mother.

-Decent fighting skills. Minimal formal training, but very experienced in street brawling. She’s a TANK and definitely useful to have on your side. But an experienced soldier could take her down.

Strength: [10/10]
     As a mudwing, Sienna is already predisposed to being strong. Both of her parents are the second oldest/biggest in their respective clutches, so they have strong genes as well. Sienna herself is a bigwings and she’s built very sturdily. Then on top of all that, she grew up brawling with her inordinate amount of cousins, which built up her strength from an early age.

Agility/Dexterity: [2/10]
     Ever heard the phrase “Bull in a china shop” ?? That was written about Sienna. Clumsiest dragon you’ve ever come across; she’s never quite been able to grasp her size or how it relates to her surroundings. She lumbers, she’s not especially quick, and she stubs her talons/claws all the time. The only semblance of grace she demonstrates is when she’s playing instruments or building/crafting something.

Defense/Constitution: [8/10]
     Sienna’s D/C is above average. Her resistance to physical attack/harm is commendably high. She isn’t quick so she can’t easily evade. She’s more liable to plant herself and take the hit, often in protection of her friends and allies. Sienna uses her body as a shield.

Intelligence/Book Smarts: [5/10] 
     Her intelligence is average as well. Sienna is pretty creative and able to find solutions to problems fairly quickly. She likes to read and is readily open to learn. However, as of right now, her knowledge about the world beyond the mud kingdom is a little limited.

Wisdom/Observation: [9/10]
     Observing everything around her is how Sienna goes through life. Listening to others and paying attention to detail is very important to her. Noticing everything was how she was able to navigate through her tumultuous childhood. Strong common sense grounds her, and an innate intuition regarding all the information she processes guides her.

Charisma: [4/10]
     She isn’t shy, and she can/will initiate interactions, but Sienna is quite comfortable sitting in silence. Sometimes she can struggle with putting her thoughts into words, though. She is Not good at lying OR talking her way out of things, so she doesn’t usually bother doing either. She can be a little awkward, but there IS a certain charm to her candidness and sincerity. No speeches for her though, thanks.

Stamina: [5/10]
     Sienna’s stamina is average. She exercises on a regular basis to maintain her endurance. Her mental perseverance is sound as well. When she sets her mind on getting something done, she can do it and only need minimal breaks.

Flying: [3/10]
     Her flying muscles are the only muscles that don’t exude power. They simply aren’t strong enough for Sienna to be a great flyer, especially with how big and heavy she is. Long distance flying is definitely a struggle for her. She can get around, but tricks and aerial maneuvers are basically out of the question.

Swimming: [6/10]
     As a mudwing, her swimming is slightly better than the average dragon. She certainly prefers it to flying. Sienna actually swam for a good chunk of her journey to Mezzo.

Empathy: [8/10]
    Empathy is one of Sienna’s defining characteristics. Her own emotions run strong and deep. As such, her ability to deduce how dragons around her might be feeling is high. Not only does she understand them, she tends to feel others’ emotions herself. Sienna is an Emotion Sponge of sorts, which can be exhausting for her. She’s good at keeping her composure, but if the vibes in the room are all out of wack, she excuses herself before she falls too deep into others’ feelings.

\\  P E R S O N A L I T Y  //

Trait 1 > Cooperative: Being a mudwing and growing up with her sibs, teamwork comes naturally to her. Sienna likes getting things done within a group of dragons, and she’s great at it too. She can easily find where she fits and what her talents are best suited for.

Trait 2 > Nurturing: Again, being the bigwings to her sibs has shaped Sienna into the kind of dragon she is. Taking care of others is what she does. She’ll be the one to make sure everyone is having their needs met, and she’ll be the one to help out if they aren’t. She’s everyone’s big sis

Trait 3 > Amiable: Sienna is a very friendly, agreeable dragon. Easy to talk to and get along with. Her size and power never come off as intimidating (unless she wants it to) because she carries herself in such an approachable manner. A true “gentle giant” indeed.

Trait 4 > Courageous: Her courage stems from her desire to protect the ones she cares about. Sienna will do anything she has to in order to keep her loved ones safe. She still gets scared, and she still has anxieties, but she will take on the world’s dangers regardless.


Trait 1 > Easily Impressed: Sienna is super starry eyed. She’s got a lot of curiosity since she hasn’t yet experienced much of the world. So it really doesn’t take much to stop her in her tracks and fill her with awe.

Trait 2 > Goofy: She’s just a little bit goofy. Sometimes she does it on purpose to cheer up a friend, but honestly she does it half the time without realizing. She’ll make silly faces when thinking to herself, or make small noises in reaction to something.

Trait 3 > Patient: Patience runs long and deep for Sienna. She believes it’s an important virtue, and a Necessary one for the life she’s had. She’s pretty much only lost her patience once in her life, and that moment was a very, very long time coming.

Trait 4 > Rustic: Sienna is a very simple gal. She doesn’t have extravagant tastes. She doesn’t want or need the newest, shiniest things. She quite enjoys the simple things in life, and it doesn’t take much to keep her happy.


Trait 1 > Unsure: Never until now has Sienna left the mud kingdom. Never until now was she not responsible for other dragons. All this newfound time, opportunity, and freedom is a bit daunting to her. She’s not quite sure what to do with herself, and she’s not quite keen on trying things that are out of her comfort zone.

Trait 2 > Stubborn: She’s stubborn in the sense that she doesn’t like sharing her problems with others. For all the caring she does for others, Sienna doesn’t want people to worry about her. It’s not that she doesn’t trust others, it’s that she feels like she needs to be strong all the time and take on every hardship by herself. Her sibs always called her out for doing this, but she never quite broke the habit. It causes her unnecessary stress.

Trait 3 > Unwieldy: As stated before, sis is seriously a bull in a china shop. When Sienna walks into a room, every single item that isn’t secured to something is in imminent danger of being knocked the hell over (including other dragons sometimes). She knows this about herself and she tries REALLY hard to be careful. But alas, many cherished items on display have fallen victim to her clumsiness.

Trait 4 > Unpunctual: Being late is a bit of a problem for her. The passage of time can sometimes escape her. She’s never obscenely tardy, but you can usually expect her to arrive 5-15 minutes late to the function. ESPECIALLY if it’s early in the day. Sienna is NOT. A morning person.


-Sienna moves her body a lot. She often has tunes stuck in her head so she sort of wiggles in place while she hums to herself.

-When she’s really happy or excited, she swishes her tail back and forth, similar to a dog wagging.

-When she’s otherwise relaxed, she rhythmically thumps the floor/ground with her tail. It is mostly subconscious and Very incessant.

-The only times Sienna is still is when she’s asleep (because she sleeps like a boulder), or when she is seriously angry. So if a dragon ever sees her sitting still, they’d do well not to agitate her further.

LIKES >> Mud, singing/music, cooking/baking/good food, making jewelry, building things, exercising, birthday parties, the beach, basking in the sun, play wrestling, cuddle puddles, cinnamon, tulips, reading.

DISLIKES >> Cold weather, being alone, fighting/arguing, getting up in the morning, feeling helpless/useless, raw meat, flying long distance, mosquitoes, squash.

     > She doesn’t talk about what happened to her in the mud kingdom with anyone. She Will avoid and change the subject about her parents and sibs if she can

     > That she’ll fail at protecting more of her loved ones.

     > That she won’t find a place where she fits in.

     > To make a positive change in the world and continue keeping the tribes at peace.

     > To find a family in this new life she’s starting and have them be happy, healthy, and safe.

     >To learn as much about the world as possible, and also master as many instruments as possible.

\\  H I S T O R Y  // 
Hatching > 

     Sienna’s earliest memories are a vague recollection of her hatching. As a mudwing, instinct flooded her from the moment she broke free of her shell. She was the first one out, she was the bigwings. Her parents, Brook and Caiman, were a couple and intended on raising their dragonets as a family. They were present for Sienna’s hatching, but she barely remembered them being there. Once she set eyes on her sibs’ eggs, she knew what she had to do. There were a total of seven eggs, so six more were yet to hatch before all her brothers and sisters were free.

     The first two eggs Sienna hatched contained her first sister, Haze, and her second sister, Mallard. But the third egg was thin and had a sickly grayish hue to it. The dragon inside was small, and cold, and still. It was not alive. It was the same for the next egg, and the one after that. Sienna didn’t understand what was happening, and it took all she had to not give up. The last egg was the smallest of them all.

     But as she reached it, the little egg shook ever so slightly. A moment later, the tiniest of squeaks rang out. She quickly helped her youngest sib and out came her brother, Fen. He was shivering and weak, but it wasn’t just him. All four sibs had an air of unwellness about them that would persist for the rest of their lives. Sienna and her sibs gathered together and huddled close. They were cold and confused, but one thing was certain. After losing three of her sibs before they even got a chance to live, Sienna wasn’t ever going to let anything happen to Haze, Mallard, or Fen.

Baby Dragonet > 

     The family lived on the outskirts of the kingdom, near the Diamond Spray Delta. It was a small, relatively quiet neighborhood. Brook and Caiman were loving parents who were dedicated to taking care of their dragonets. They weren’t rich, but Sienna and her sibs rarely ever wanted for anything. During the daytime when the parents went to work, Sienna was naturally left in charge. The siblings would spend days playing and nights helping around the house. Everything was happy and peaceful.

     Shortly after their first birthday, however, things suddenly changed for Sienna and her sibs. Brook and Caiman had forbidden them all from ever wandering too far from home on their own. But on one particularly rambunctious day, while their parents were out running errands, they chased squawking moorhens all the way to the river. It was then that a group of sibs also around a year old emerged from a pool of mud and squared off against Sienna and her sibs. The strange dragonets growled, told Sienna that she shouldn’t be there, and charged.

     Just in the nick of time, Brook came swooping down and landed between the two groups. She roared deafeningly as the assailants skidded to a stop, then turned around and flung out her tail in a sweeping arc, bowling the dragonets over. Sienna took flight and led her sibs back the way they came while their mother trailed behind them. Once everyone got to the house, Brook told her children that those dragonets were their cousins. And there were a lot more where they came from. None of their cousins would be kind to them, and if they wanted to survive, Sienna and her sibs were going to have to learn how to fight.

Dragonet > 

     Sienna quickly came to terms with the fact that keeping her sibs safe meant training them to be prepared to defend themselves at any given moment. Brook and Caiman taught their kids combat skills, and when they were away at work, Sienna ran the drills over and over again. Over time, dozens of cousins made themselves known, on both sides of the family. They were all hostile. And as Sienna and her sibs grew, so did all their cousins. And so did the fighting. At three years old, Sienna and her sibs cornered their parents and made them explain why their family was so angry, and fought so much.

     Brook and Caiman explained the story of their love. They both came from sibling clutches of more traditional values. Both of their sibling groups believed a clutch should be only loyal to each other, and they didn’t believe in mudwing couples. But when Brook and Caiman met, they fell in love, and they wanted to stay together and raise a family. Their decision caused each sibling group (Sienna’s aunts and uncles) to hate and resent each other. So much so that all the aunts decided to have clutches of their own and vowed to wage war for generations to come. All the cousins were raised to hate each other, and hate Sienna and her sibs.

     Still, even though they could hardly go a week without getting caught up in a scuffle, life wasn’t all bad. Sienna’s parents taught their children all the skills they had learned while with their respective clutches. From their mother; hunting, foraging, and cooking. From their father; construction, masonry, and wood working. All four of the young siblings enjoyed learning these skills and crafts. They also took up musicianship, each sibling learning at least one instrument. It was a well rounded childhood. But the thin veil of peace never lasted long. Sooner or later it was ripped away as violence reared its ugly head. And so it was for many years to come.

Young Adult > 

     For a long time, things were in a kind of weird cycle. The tension and the fighting was consistent, yet never unbearable or overwhelming. But when they turned twelve, the balance shifted. Brook and Caiman’s sibs, led by their respective bigwings Fern and Rue (Sienna’s aunts), had a huge clash that triggered a brutal chain of events. After around a year of the most explosive fighting yet, Sienna and her sibs decided to put their foot down. Enough was enough, they had to put an end to this misery. They decided that the best way to deescalate their family’s feud was to approach each clutch of cousins one by one and convince them to stand down. So that's what they did. It took a while, and some cousins were easier to convince than others. But over the course of a year, Sienna and her sibs managed to get all of their cousins to stand down and call a truce. The last step was to convince Fern and Rue.

----- Incomplete ----

     A month passed with Fern’s ominous threat hanging heavily in the air. After that day, there was essentially radio silence all throughout the neighborhood. Some cousins thought things might blow over for once. They had no idea just how wrong they were. There was a traveling market that came yearly to the capital of the mud kingdom. Brook planned to go there on an overnight trip with her kids, but Caiman opted to stay behind due to work. What no one knew was that Burrow, Brook’s youngest sib, had been staking out their home. On the morning Brook and her kids left, Fern’s plan was finally set in motion. They waited until the cover of nightfall, when Caiman would presumably be inside, sleeping, alone. What Fern and her sibs didn’t realize was that a large storm had driven Brook and her kids to flee from the market and return home ahead of schedule. They were inside the house as well, all except Sienna, who had stepped out to take an evening walk, restless and unable to sleep. Brook's three other sisters flew over the house, dropping bunches of kindling and setting them on fire before swooping away again. Spotting the fire, Sienna ran back towards her home. She saw the hulking shape of Fern winging towards the house, brandishing a handful of spiky cactus bombs. She tossed them from a distance and sped wildly away. Sienna roared in desperation, but she was too slow, too late. Time slowed, the flames licked the bombs, and her body was flung away by the force of the explosion. She crashed into the pavement, skidded into a pool of mud, and slipped into unconsciousness.

   Sienna woke up three days later. She was in an infirmary. Her body had some burns, but patches of mud were healing them well. Her cousins Bull and Egret were there watching over her. They told her what she already knew the moment she regained consciousness. She felt it in her bones. Her family was gone. Forever. They told Sienna that her sibs and parents had perished by the time first responders were able to recover the bodies. The house was reduced to rubble and nothing in it could be salvaged, so it was all cleared away. Her family was buried at the site. Sienna asked her cousins to leave so she could grieve. The last thing they informed her of was that Fern, Rue, and all their sibs were arrested and awaiting trial.

     Four days later, a week after the incident, Sienna was summoned to the palace by Queen Salamander for the trial of her parents’ siblings. Bull and Egret came back to the infirmary to escort her there. All 47 cousins were called as witnesses as well. When the trial started, Sienna could barely stomach being in the same room as Fern and Rue. But even after everything she and her family had been put through at the hands of her aunts and uncles, she wasn’t bent on vengeance. However, she didn’t testify with mercy on their behalf either. She left their fate up to the Queen’s jurisdiction and in the end, they were all convicted and sentenced to death.

     Afterwards, Queen Salamander had Sienna brought in for a private audience. The Queen offered her condolences, but also expressed that she was impressed. It wasn’t an easy task to get dragons to stop fighting, especially when such deep roots of hatred and resentment were in place. The achievement of getting all her cousins to call a truce and agree on peace wasn’t one that should be overlooked. Queen Salamander asked if Sienna would be interested in training for the Alliance, an order committed to keeping peace between the tribes. Princess Vesper was one of the Alliance Masters, and the Queen could send her a letter of recommendation. The opportunity gave Sienna a small spark of hope. A chance to leave and start over. There wasn’t anything left for her here. She graciously accepted.

     Sienna flew back to what used to be her home. When she set eyes on what was left of her entire world, she lost the wind beneath her wings and all but fell out of the sky. It took all her strength of will to crawl the remaining distance. Where the house once stood, not a single brick was left. And where her family should have been living peacefully, there were only five marked graves in a row where their bodies now lay for eternity. Sienna collapsed under the weight of her sorrow and cried. It would be a month until preparations were complete and the Alliance was ready to receive her. So every day for the next month, Sienna laid where she was. Rain or shine. She spent every second grieving beside her sibs and her parents. Bull, Egret, and other cousins stopped by every couple days to make sure she ate. They promised her once she left, they would take care of the memorial. Sienna thanked them. Finally the day came when a messenger from Queen Salamander told Sienna the Alliance Masters were awaiting her arrival. She stood up, dusted herself off, and said goodbye to her family one last time. She took a deep breath, spread her wings, and lifted into the sky.

     And with that, Sienna flew on towards the Isle of Mezzo, to the next chapter of her life.


\\  R E L A T I O N S H I P S  //

Mother: Brook
     Tribe: Mudwing
     Age: 33 At Death (5996-6029 AS)
Father: Caiman
     Tribe: Mudwing
     Age: 32 At Death (5997-6029 AS)

Sienna's parents were a couple who raised her and her siblings. They were kind, strong, funny, and understanding. Sienna loved them both, dearly and equally.


Sister: Haze
     Tribe: Mudwing
     Age: 14 At Death (6014-6029 AS)
Sister: Mallard
     Tribe: Mudwing
     Age: 14 At Death (6014-6029 AS)
Brother: Fen
     Tribe: Mudwing
     Age: 14 At Death (6014-6029 AS)

As is typical for most if not all mudwings, Sienna loved all her sibs more than life itself. She was their bigwings and she would have given anything to protect them. Haze was calm and smart, Mallard was fierce and bold, and Fen was passionate and loving. But most importantly they were all loyal to each other, through thick and thin. 


     Aunt Fern - Brook’s bigwings. Carried out the bombing that killed Brook, Caiman, Haze, Mallard, and Fen. The most viscous of them all. (Deceased. Executed with all her sibs.)

     Aunt Rue -
Caiman’s bigwings. Poisoned Brook when she was with egg, causing three of Sienna's sibs to die before hatching. (Deceased. Executed with all her sibs.)

     Uncle Peat -
Sienna’s favorite uncle. On her father’s side. The only one who treated her parents, herself, and her sibs with any sympathy or compassion. (Deceased. Executed with all his sibs.)

COUSINS: 47 Total
     Bull - Fern's eldest son.

     Egret - Rue's Eldest daughter.

     Cassian (PC) - At around 7 years old Sienna met Cassian, a rather boisterous mud/sea hybrid who she would come to consider her only actual friend besides her sibs. They met in a market near the eastern river and bonded over their love of woodworking. Most dragons in Sienna’s neighborhood avoided making ties with anyone in her family due to their infamous altercations. But Cassian lived further away and wasn’t aware of the turf wars, which made it easier for Sienna to let loose and be herself around him. Even when he caught wind of it, Cassian didn’t seem to care or judge Sienna for her familial issues.

When they were 9, Cass left the mud kingdom to live nomadically around Pyrrhia. He and Sienna still kept in touch by writing letters. He told her of the coolest things he saw and experienced around the continent, and she kept him updated on the happenings of the kingdom, and her adventures with her sibs that didn’t involve brawling with angry cousins.

They were 12 by the time Cass came back. Unfortunately, Sienna was deep in the process of trying to mend the rifts in her family. Because they lived across the kingdom from each other, Sienna couldnt afford to leave her sibs to visit Cass. They continued to write, but never got to see each other for the next couple years.

At 14 years old they finally met for the last time before disaster struck them both. They celebrated seeing each other again after so long. They exchanged small gifts that they had carved for each other. When they parted ways that night, they wouldn’t cross paths again until Mezzo. Neither of them knew of the dark futures that awaited them both. Futures that would send them to an island halfway across the world.

\\  E X T R A  //
-Sienna's Scent: Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Cloves, Ginger.
-Sienna's Voice:
     Speaking - 
     Singing - HER: GoingFate
-Sienna snores. Loudly. (LMAO it needed to be mentioned idk where else to put it)

More Coming Soon!!

\\  C O M M U N I C A T I O N  //

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