Kikis-Art-Journey — Here with You (+story) Redraw by-nc-nd

#link #legendofzelda #skywardsword #ghirahim
Published: 2020-07-26 19:11:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 1158; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 1
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I have redrawn part two....i actually finished this a Looong time ago not sure why i'm only just getting around to posting it. but hey what you gonna do? I am so happy with the updated version and the adjustments I made to ghirahim's outfit.

video youtu.be/4oLvrP47l_Q

part 1


The next day it was a bit after noon and Ghirahim was leaning on the hilt of his sword in agitation "He said he'd come......" he grumbled then huffed as he started pacing around his blade. "I knew I shouldn't have believed that Skyboy...." He sighed moving his hair back again. "I hate this....I look so......roughed up....completely unappropriated for someone of my standing." He growled looking down at himself. He was a bout to attempt to fix his hair again but a sound stopped him. Screeching and leaves rustling made him turn to look into the forest with a hum. “Only one troublemaker could make all that racket.”

"AH! Aw shit!" Link came tumbling out into the clearing getting up and spinning around to face his pursuers. Ten bokublins came after him he tossed a bomb into the middle of them having cut the fuse short so they didn't have time to get away four of them dying. "Come on you pansies, surely you can do better?” He taunted, “The only one that did anything so far was that moblin." They screeched at him in anger and charged, he easily dodged their attacks taking a dagger out and stabbing them as they went by killing the rest of them. The moblin he had mentioned decided to come through the brush just then, "Hello ugly...." he put the dagger away knowing it wouldn't do him much good and pulled his bow out backing away as it gauged him. He fired a shot making a good hit and sinking it into the moblin’s right shoulder, but it wasn't enough to kill it. He quickly notched another as it charged him angrily, he spun to the side dodging the attack and shooting at its’ back, notching another arrow and firing once more this time severing the spine making it go down for good. "I really hate those things....."

"Nice of you to show up. Though I must say you haven't lost your touch after all this time. If anything you seemed much more graceful on your feet then I remember." Ghiriahim commented as Link put his bow away. The young man looked up and grinned at him sheepishly scratching his head. Ghirahim wanted to barf realizing he had just praised the boy. "It's past noon you know." He growled as annoyedly as he could. He looked the boy over seeing a blood stain and torn cloth on his right leg but he seemed fine. ‘He must have used a potion.’

"Yeah sorry about that.... I was on my way and then Zelda was pestering me so I was trying to lose her, and then Groose was trying to get me to test this new thing of his, and I had to come up with an excuse not to since normally I'm all for it. He actually comes up with some great stuff.” Link added quickly seeing Ghirahim roll his eyes at the mention of Groose. “Then as I was coming through the forest I got attacked. That was the last of them. There was like three moblins and a whole herd of those little ones..... the kree weren't helping matters at all either...." he sighed as he came closer and sat down before stretching out on the ground by the sword. Ghirahim had taken up leaning on the hilt again chin in his hand as he looked down at the Hero. "If Zelda saw that I'm sure she'd lay off me needing a blade...."

Ghirahim was quite for a moment wondering if the boy thought so little of him to be so relaxed that he’d lay prone on the ground. "Hm....that dagger you were using may I see it?" Link nodded with a smirk and pulled it out handing it to him. "….This is mine." he stated blandly but there was an edge of curiosity to it, his eyes showing a hint of shock as well.

"Zelda gets on me for that too.... but during our last fight it kinda got imbedded in my leg...." he chuckled a bit rubbing the spot, "Didn't see any reason to throw away a perfectly good dagger so I kept it. Much to Zelda's annoyance of course. She thinks that I've changed because of it. Cause it's got dark magic and it's seeping into me or some shit like that." Ghirahim laughed saying that was highly unlikely. "I know right!? But it's like whatever I do there's no stopping her from worrying and being over dramatic...." He sighed laying flat again only to pop right back up, "Want to see what I can do with it?" he asked eyes lighting up, pointing to the dagger like a child eager to show what he can do. Ghirahim tilted his head in curiosity as he handed it back to Link who stood back to his feet. He turned his right arm over so his palm was up and Ghirahim noticed some device attached to the gauntlet. Link pulled a wire from it and hooked it around the end of the dagger's hilt then stepped back. "Came up with the idea based on what you would do with them actually." he said before throwing it and grabbing the wire pulling it and making the dagger go a different way. While Ghirahim wouldn't admit it he was impressed by the thought put into the weapon and how well Link seemed to be able to use it. "When I told Groose and Gondo about it they thought it was an interesting idea, so we looked at some other weapons and based the design off of the sickle and chain." he explained as he yanked his arm backwards in a sharp motion making the wire retract and grabbing the dagger. "Just one more thing for Zelda to complain about was the cuts I got from learning how to use it."

"I don't understand why you put up with her. She sounds dreadful to be around." Link shrugged sitting back down saying she was the closest thing to family he has. Ghirahim humphed sitting across from him, "That though is quite integrating. How long did it take you to learn it?" he asked pointing at the dagger Link was absently spinning in his hand. He did so when he had nothing else to do with his hands or was just bored. He thought about it saying that it was probably a good two years before he could use it without getting cut, simply due to the nature of the style of weapon he had turned it into. "Sickle and chain is a very testy type of weapon, so I'm sure this is as well, that is.....dare I say it....impressive." he managed to choke out past his pride, what he had left anyway.

"Yeah?” He smiled before his face fell, “.....Still...." he looked at the dagger, "More monsters have been showing up you know..... I'm worried that even with everything I have and everything I know....that...without Fi...." he sighs then shakes his head, "I'll just have to make due." He says determinedly.

"You think something new is coming?" Link nodded, "Like?" Ghirahim was curious, he had noticed an increase in the noise of the monsters he was hearing but didn’t put much thought to it. He figured they just didn’t know any better than to roam around and cause trouble.

"Hell if I know. But lately I can't sit still, I've been coming into the forest more and more often. Last time with you and Demise and all that....while I still acted the same beforehand I knew something was off... I was restless and could only stop the feeling when I was flying. Everyone says it's just in my head, that because of everything I've gone through I just want something to happen so I have something to do. But that's not it. That would mean the people I care for would be in danger again and I don't want that.... I don't want them hurt. The only one who seems to even slightly understand is Groose believe it or not... and even he doesn't fully get it..." he sighed holding his head in his hands. "I don't want to fight in another battle like that...." Ghirahim listened in silence, this was not something he ever thought he'd hear from the Hero of the goddess. It confused him that the one he had fought so hard against and was even willing to say could stand on somewhat equal terms with, didn't like to fight. "Ghirahim..... You like to fight...right?"

"Yes, and it confuses me to think that you who can fight so well say you don't."

"That's not what I said...." Ghirahim was even more confused now, "I said I don’t want to be in another battle like that….I like fighting, I like the adrenaline rush.... and....it scares me." He says quietly not sure why he was telling Ghirahim but at the same time figuring the Demon Blade may be his best bet at getting an answer. There was no one else that could possibly comprehend what he went through.

"I think I see. You are worried that because you enjoy it that makes you a bad person yes?" Link nods. "I’m probably not the best to talk with about this but I'd say that....for your side of things... Liking to fight isn't a bad thing, many enjoy the adrenaline. Long ago before the first war between humans and demons humans fought for fun all the time betting on fighters and such." He wasn’t sure why he was trying to help the boy. Maybe being alone so long just made him that desperate to not be alone that he’d console his enemy.


"But for you, who is the Hero, I think the only time that would become a bad thing is when you start to revel in the bloodshed. Simply liking to fight is different the enjoying death. That's just my opinion though." He shrugged, once more trying to fix his hair. He used his fingures to comb through as gently as he could wincing at a knot he cought.

"It’s the first one I've heard that didn't essentially tell me I was a horrible person.... Even Zelda looked appalled when I mentioned that I enjoyed a good fight after a sparring match with Groose that ended way too soon for my tastes.... 'He's not on my level' I said. She asked why it mattered since it was just a small sparring match. 'I want someone stronger to fight so I can actually have fun you know?' That's what I said and she just gave me this look that was like....I don't even know how to explain it and she just walked away saying I was different..... But...how can I not be?" He shook his head again and smiled up at the other, "Sorry for unloading like that on you, you probably don't give two shits about my problems." He stood up dusting his pants off. "I'll see ya later maybe."

"Where are you going?" He asked curiously as Link wasn’t heading back the way he came, instead seeming like he was going to head deeper into the forest.

"Skyview. I… just want to look around a bit..."

"Now that I have to say is stupid to do without a proper blade." he comments to the Hero, he didn’t really care what happened to the boy persay but at the same time Link was the only one he had had any for of proper interaction with for a long time. "If what you say is true and more monsters are showing up then the temple is by far no where you want to go as the seals protecting it wore out a long time ago. Before you ever came to the surface." The only reason he was saying this was because he didn’t fancy being stuck alone forever. At least that’s what he told himself.

"Then what would you suggest? I go back and do as Zelda tells me and use one of those.....normal swords? I can't. I've tried... I know what's good for me even if she likes to think otherwise. I won't use a normal blade. I’ll survive on my own I have for the past five years, that's not going to change anytime soon." he said fists clenched he was so tired of people telling him what to do, telling him his limitations. He saved the world right? Hadn't that counted for anything? Why did everyone still think of him as some helpless child?! "Why can't I find my own way?" he all but whispered. Ghirahim watched him struggle with himself, he was annoyed by how much he felt he could connect to the boy as time went on. He was still extremely angry for what Link had done five years ago he couldn't help the pull he felt towards the boy.

"I have a proposition for you Skychild." He said though wasn't sure if he actually wanted to go through with it. Link turned to look at him as he stood up and walked around his blade placing a hand on the hilt. "Take up my blade, I wish to get out of this damned clearing. In return I will be your sword." Link's eyes widened, "I am not a spirit like Fi you know this, but nor am I anything near a normal blade. I am quite fed up with being stuck here on my own and you seem to be quite fed up with being, in essence, outcast for everything you've seen that no one understands. We are still bound you and I by that red thread I mentioned so long ago. We have a better chance at understanding one another then anyone else does." Link stared at him then looked down at the blade a thoughtful look on his face. "What do you say Skychild? Will you take my offer?"

"You won’t try to stab me in the back will you?" he eyed him wearily. Ghirahim shook his head the thought had definitely crossed his mind and sounded like a wonderful idea but he knew it wouldn’t be basically impossible once Link took his sword up.

"No boy, you will be - as much as I don't like it - my new master, I will not try to kill you. Though don't expect me to be as....loyally loving towards you as I was towards Demise. I still don't really like you and he will always be dear to me, as Fi is dear to you." he added softly envying the Master Sword once more knowing that Demise never cared for him the way he had for his master. The way Link cared for Fi, he had always craved that attention and did his best for his master to get it…but it never came. "So what will it be?" He asked mentally shaking himself of such thoughts.

"Answer me a question or two?" Link asked and Ghirahim nodded for him to continue, "Why, after everything you've been through, after everything he's done and hasn't done to and for you....why are you still so fiercely loyal to him?" The question caught the Demon Blade off guard so he could only stare for a few moments. "How can you be my blade, when you are loyal to another master? That would be like Fi being wielded by Groose even though I'm still the one she wants. You want Demise and I'm not him, I'm the one that took him from you. Which makes it even worse. How can you ever truly be my blade? How can we ever work together when you hate me for something I had no choice in? That neither of us had a choice in." Link watched his eyes grow bigger with every question as the pale demon had never thought of any of this. "If you could kill me....would you?" Link tossed the dagger to him and held his arms out silently telling Ghirahim to try and strike.

Ghirahim caught the small blade staring at it then the green clad boy in front of him 'No...not boy....he was right when he said so yesterday....he's not a child anymore. He's a man, a full grown matured man who has seen things many would have broken if they had faced... He's so much more the Hero of old now then he was last time we fought. That look, it's the same. The same as the first Hero....A man broken and remade by pain and loss… would I kill him if I could?' He gripped the dagger in his hand and lunged his eyes never leaving Link's and Link’s never shutting. He stopped, freezing completely, body poised to ram the dagger into Link's chest the point merely a centimeter away. He couldn't do it.... he stared wide eyed at his hands as they began to shake with effort, both trying to stab and keep from stabbing at the same time. He backed away, staggering a bit dropping the dagger and staring at his hands. "Why?.....Why can't I? WHY?!?!" It made no sense, there was no reason for it. He gripped his hair in a growled scream.

"For the same reason as you never did before, we need each other to balance out. I asked Fi about it once. Why I was never able to truly defeat you and why you always left before finishing me off. She told me there was something there that was keeping us from doing so, some kind of mental block she called it. Till you made that comment about the thread of fate. She said it could very well be that, that as long as that thread connected us that neither would be able to strike the other down." He said moving over to the blade in the ground, "That just now was more to test that theory then anything."

"You are insane!" Ghirahim yelled in exasperation not believing the Hero put his life on the line to test a theory. He would never do such a thing without hard facts. The boy was far crazier than he ever thought possible.

"And you aren't?" Link laughed as he reached for the hilt, "Last time I touched it the blade fixed itself and you became visible. What do you think will happen if I draw the blade?" Ghirahim shook his head both to answer and clear his thoughts. All of this was too much at once for him after so long. "Shall we find out then?" he gripped the hilt and the sword glowed once more but not as harshly as it had the day before. It took a moment for him to actually free the sword as it was large and heavy but when he did the light turned blinding. The weight in his hand suddenly lessened a large amount and he heard as gasp from the side as the light faded. "What happ-" he stopped mid-sentence as he turned to look at Ghirahim.

Ghirahim was looking himself over his outfit having nearly completely changed. It was no longer a white spandex suit with diamond cutouts everywhere. Rather it was a deep blue tight fitted tank and only the chest had a small diamond cut out. Under the cut out and on the edges by the shoulders where purple maroon diamonds. One his sides were steelish blue diamond shapes. The sash had remained but was now a deep red rather than gold and part of it tailed down from under the still present red gem. The pants were a bit loose and the same blue as the top and had the same purple maroon and steelish blue color diamonds. the blue by his hips and on the inside and outside of his knees and the maroon on this inside and outside of his thighs. He now wore metal boots that seemed to have separations for easy movement not inhibiting him at all. There was a diamond shape that covered the knee as a guard. The top of the foot and heel also had metal to guard the areas tendons were. He still wore gloves as well, a dark blue but slightly lighter than the rest of the outfit, but again there was no cut outs just colored diamonds. Red on the back of the hand on at the base was a slightly more pinkish purple while just under the wrist was the purple maroon that showed on the main part of the outfit. The part by the elbow was flared a bit coming to a point with that steelish blue making a diamond there as well The gold arm band remained though was hard to see as for the purple and red cloak draped about him that became translucent the further down it went. Link also noticed his skin was a shade darker and his hair was longer still then it had been but was now very nicely kept and trimmed rather than messy and dirty as it had been. Earing and face markings also remained though link noticed his other ear was no longer cropped sticking out past the snowy hair.

"Oh my I have to say I quite like this new outfit. It is completely amazing. I liked the white, but the darker colors due suit me so much better don't you think so? They are certainly a compliment to my hair and skin!" he continued to ramble about how amazing he was now that he was back to being his perfect self and how well the new outfit complemented it. Link couldn’t help but face palm wondering just what he had gotten himself into. He chuckled though at how much more lively the other seemed now. He decided to look at the sword in his hand instead of listening to the ramblings. It now much more closely resembled the Master Sword in size and weight not to mention shape. Though it still had aspects from Demise's blade. Such as the hand guard was very nearly the same and the small points on the sides. "Oh it seems the sword matches the change!" he was started from his observation by Ghirahim, "The colors are nice, and match me very well now."

"But why did it change so much?" Link saide continuing to look it over, the blade was a similar blues to Ghriahims new outfit, the dark blue and steel like blue. The hilt was a pale desaturated purple and the wrapping on the hilt now deep red.

"Because.....” He paused to think about it, not quiet sure of the answer himself having expected the blade merely to shrink to fit Link’s size. After a moment it struck him. “You are light and I was darkness. Combine the two you get shadow. I'm a Shadow Blade now. How interesting." He said with a smile his hand hovering over the blade, now that he had taken noticed he could feel a change in his power, he didn’t feel as heavy. "I don't.....normally get to stay outside of it..... once it is drawn I would get pulled in....." he says a bit sadly the smile disappearing. Link watched him Fi had stayed in the sword because that's where she was comfortable. But after wondering for ages Ghirahim seemed more comfortable outside his blade form.

"If you don't want to go into it you don't have to. Fi was able to come and go as she pleased, I see no reason you shouldn't be able to do the same." Link said testing the blade twirling it and doing a few strikes at the air. "Nice." he smiled at the blade liking the feel of it in his hand. It was different than Fi but it was a nice different, unlike the normal swords at the barracks. "The weight is really even and the balance is great. The length is really nice too. I think it may be an inch or two longer then Fi's blade but the hilt is balanced well against it." he smiles at the Shadow Sword who was staring at him with a shocked look "What?"

"You...complemented me....." Link looked at him very confused as to why it was such a big deal. Ghirahim had complemented him earlier after all.

"Well yeah, complements are given when deserved. I don't give false complements just to make people feel better. I think that hurts them more than anything. And I’m not going to withhold a compliment just because I don’t like someone." Ghirahim stared at him for a moment longer before smiling ever so slightly before glowing and disappearing into the blade. "Ghirahim?" Link was worried he said something wrong having missed the smile. He wanted them to get along and put the past behind them. After all they didn’t really have anyone else that understood.

"Go back home and get ready for your trek through the temple. You’ll want to make sure you are fully rested and prepared. I doubt you want Zelda to see me next to you, there's a sheath on your back already." As he spoke the blade glowed a bit then stopped when the voice did. Link smiled and put the sword away and headed back to the village to get ready. He very much enjoyed the feel of having a sword once more strapped to his back that thrummed with life. He was happy to have a companion again, even one as vain as Ghirahim.


part 3

Art and story(c)Kikis-Art-Journey
Link and Ghirahim(c)Nintendo

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