Kikis-Art-Journey — I Stand Beside (+story) Redraw by-nc-nd

Published: 2021-04-14 00:27:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 4987; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 1
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finished editing the story, like with the last one I tried to make ghira a little less blah about it and have more internal thought and emotion towards the situation
part 1 part 2

video youtu.be/d24feuxsoLk


After a few quiet minutes of walking through the woods Ghirahim voiced his curiosity. “So how long does it take to get to your home? Will we be going to the sky? Where is your giant bird anyway?” Even from with in the sword he could see a general image of what was around Link in about a twenty-foot radius. He was occupying himself by taking note of as much as he could.

“Scarlet is probably napping on top of the goddess statue with a few other loftwings I’d assume. And no, sorry, we wont’ be going to the sky. We’ve been slowly moving most everyone down here over the past five years. There are some that have decided to stay in the sky for various reasons but a lot have become curious and those staying in the sky do come help. It will only take about ten more minutes of walking to get to where we’ve set up our village. We still have a long way to go till the it’s truly up and running as a proper village.” He explained a small smile as he spoke. He stretched and thurned his thoughts to what he would need to gather. “Will need to grab my shield from home. Haven’t used it since I haven’t had a sword… Should fill all my bottle with different potions for sure. Arrows…. Bombs, seeds too probably. Should probably see what Groose wanted, have Gondo look over my equipment…” he mumbled to himself.

“I take it it has been a while since you properly went off into the world?” Ghirahim hummed listening to the boy try to remember everything he would need. “Have you really been doing nothing but building and moving people all this time?” Link rubbed his head and sighed slightly answering that since Demise he hadn’t gone far from the building sight since there hasn’t been much reason before suddenly speaking up about needing his cleaning supplies. “Cleaning supplies for what? I’m all for staying nice looking but I’d think carrying bathing items might be a hassle.” He chides remembering well how rough the boy always looked when they’d met in the past.

“Not for me” Link rolled his eyes “for your blade. I doubt even with liking battle and bloodshed you’d want to be covered in dried blood all the time. I always made sure to clean Fi’s blade at least a little after every battle. I’d always sit and give a full clean after those temples and dungeons. I was always worried when we fought you because of how hard you’d hit but she never chipped even once. I guess it was a bit of a silly fear, being a spirit sword she wouldn’t chip so easily…” he gave a soft chuckle as he said it thinking again about how bad Ghirahim’s blade had looked. He barely registered that Ghirahim had whispered but was a bit lost in his thought at that point. “You must have gone through so much on your own to have been in that condition. I can’t even imagine the punishment you were put through to end up like that.”

After a few minutes of silence Link asked if Ghirahim was alright not having meant to bring it up again. After a few more tense moments the other replied. “He…before being sealed, never tended my blade. Sometimes he’d have others do so. But when he was sealed…” Link could tell there was strain in the mans voice. Ghirahim obviously felt strongly for his former master but there was also things that bothered him even if he was willing to over ook those things.

“I understand if you don’t want to talk about it. No need to force it. I probably can’t really understand how hard it must be for you to be in this situation all things considered. But if it helps, I don’t care much about the past, it can’t be changed simply by thinking of what could have been.” His voice trailed off and sounded far away as he spoke. Ghirahim didn’t miss the change in the boy and tried to get his attention back. It took a few tries and him finally yelling Link’s name but he jerked back to the present. “What?! What is it?” he looked around to see what was wrong. Ghirahim asked where his head went off to. “Oh…sorry. It’s just that even with what I said… I thought back to my parents…They um…died when I was little, Zelda’s father took me in. I don’t remember too much about them but I did just recall something mom told me once. But it’s a bit cheesy so I don’t  know if you’d care for it.” Ghirahim hummed in an amused but curious way. “The past is history, the future a mystery, but today is a gift and that is why it is called the present.”

Ghirahim thought it over commenting that the present is only what you make of it causing Link to chuckle a bit. “Exactly, if you dwell in the past youll miss what’s happening in front of you. Look to far ahead and you’ll miss the important things happening right now.” Ghiahim chuckled asking when he became a wise sage making the boy blush slightly as they exited the forest. Link made his way towards the buildings in front of them. They were made mostly of wood with stone foundations. Children ran by calling out hellos to Link as they went past. One stopped and asked if he had any battles and would leave till Link promised to tell him later about them. Ghirahim commented about them being lively.

Link chuckled, “They are children after all. I was like that once….sorta.” He shook his head with a small smile, “I was more a skip class and find a sunny spot to nap in the grass type of kid. Pippit used to say I was a Daylight Remlit but would lay down right next to me.” Ghirahim was in the process of asking what a Remlit was when Link turned a corner “Uh-oh…” In front of them hands on her hips and an irritated look on her face stood none other then Zelda “should have gone the back way…” he mumbled before speaking to her “Hey Zelda, I thought you’d be helping with the planning of the new section of buildings?” He asks sounding as though nothing was out of the ordinary.

“You were supposed to be there to help too! Yet here I finally find you covered in dirt! You went in the forest and got in another fight didn’t you?!” She started stomping closer, “I don’t understand why you constantly go – Link…..where… did that sword come from?” She asked eyes widening as she takes notice finally after getting closer. “No…Don’t…don’t tell me that’s IS THAT GHIRAHIM!?!” She yelled backing up slightly before going to move forward again angrily “LINK HOW COULD YOU WHAT ARE YOU THINKING!?!?” Both men sighed as they were busted and Ghirahim materialized spooking Zelda into backing off again not only at his sudden appearance but the change in his appearance. After shaking her shock off she started yelling again pointing at Ghirahim. “What in the name of Hylia were you thinking? After everything he did, all the pain he caused, to others and to you!? What he tried to do?! WHY? Why so you have him with you as a sword? I can’t… I know I said you need a sword but not him anything but him” she was shaking her head eyes closed.

Ghirahim sighed deeply listening to her rant as he brushed his hair back in annoyance. Link grumbled under his breath while she continued “It’s a bit hard to answer anything when you keep yelling like that.” He laced his fingers behind his head waiting for her to finish. “Well now that you are done I’ll say my bit. Yes, it’s Ghirahim. I was thinking that it would be mutually benifital for the two of us, me and him. I know probably better than anyone what he has done since I encountered him the most. You wanted me to have a sword I told you why I wouldn’t take one. He is strong and his blade is sturdy and fits perfectly in my hand. Most importantly he’s alive. I want to go check Skyview but even I’m not stupid enough to go without a blade. It’s the only reason I haven’t gone there yet. He made the offer as he wanted out of the clearing. I took it because I need someone strong at my side that actually understands me to some extent.”

Ghirahim glanced at Link slightly surprised by his steady tone and conviction. He looked back at Zelda who looked like she had just been slapped in the face before puffing up and trying to claim that she understood Link. “Do you though?” he couldn’t stop himself from interrupting. Her mouth snapped shut as she turned her attention to him. Link even turned a bit to be able to see him better. ‘Well I’ve already started might as well finish’ He sighed internally at himself he hadn’t meant to speak up in the boys defense. But he supposed it was also in his own defense as well. “From what I saw back in the clearing, just now and what the boy has told me you understand nothing. Maybe once you knew him but you clearly don’t now. You fear he has developed a blood lust but that isn’t what is happening. One can crave battle without blood. It’s an adrenaline thing. His need to be on the move comes from being on the move for well over a year while trying to track you down. His sense that there is something coming comes from the instinct which he honed during that time facing multiple dangers on his own. Unlike you he had no guard dog to protect him. While Fi was there she wasn’t a fighter. Whether you like it or not he isn’t the same person your Highness.” He spoke at a reasonable tone through all of it but spat the last word out.

Zelda went red in the face at his words yelling that he was the danger and had no right to act like she was the one in the wrong with what he had done. “You used him just as much as Demise used me” They words simply came out before he even realized what he was saying. He felt he covered his shock and the stinging pain of them well though keeping his face set in an irritated scowl. Zelda sucked a  breathe in looking between them both quickly before settling on Link who had looked away at this point but Ghirahim could see the bored irritation on his face. He seemed otherwise unfazed by the conversation.

She looked down in guilt trying to say something but Link sighed dropping his arms and cutting her off. “I get it Zelda… It’s not anymore your fault then mine who you were born as. Neither of us had much choice in our roles.” He didn’t like that he had felt like he had no say in his life up till this point. Which was probably why he had become so easily irritated by her recently. He wasn’t really angry per-say. He just wanted to be able to live his life for himself even if that seemed a bit selfish. He shook himself mentally “I will say to you what I did to him. The past is the past thinking back wont change it or the present. It’s time to move on, I have already. Now it’s your turn. Like he said whether you like it or not I’m never going back to how I was before you fell from the clouds. I’m not the same boy that skipped flying class to laze in the sun anymore. You act like I’m the only one that’s different but I’m not both you and Groose have changed as well. My change is just more noticeable.” He sighed running a hand through his hair getting caught on a knot and dropping his hand. “The quest Hylia gave is over, so excuse me princess but I have my own things to do now.” He said going off Ghirahim’s ‘highness’ comment as he started to try and walk past her.

She grabbed his arm as he passed looking at him with puppy eyes. “Link I’m sorry ok…I just…I don’t want to lose you. I’m scared…I was so scared you’d die back then and then….when I would see you fight…and you are smiling….It scared me more because of what I sa……I don’t want to see you become a monster.” She clung to his arm sobbing a bit into his shoulder. Ghirahim pursed his lips annoyed at the display in front of him. Affection like this wasn’t something he cared to witness. “I can’t lose you like that. And when I saw the daggers I thought maybe that could be the reason you changed. Maybe they had dark magic that was seeping into you or something. I…feel like… like I’ve already…”

A deep sigh was heard from behind followed by metal footsteps. “As I said, Enjoying a fight isn’t the same as craving blood.” She looked up at him as he stopped about three feet from her. “HE likes a good fight to work his muscles where as I on occasion do actually crave bloodshed. If it gets you to stop acting like a complete sap as it’s uncomfortable to watch. Then I will share with you this information. IF he should ever get to the point that there is any blood lust I will be able to take it onto myself.” Both looked at him in surprise not having expected that. “It’s only due to the reforging of my blade by your soul. The red thread was wound tighter and made stronger by my becoming your blade. Now if we are done with this annoying mushiness, I believe Mr. Hero has some things to pack yes?”

Still in a bit of shock at what she was told Zelda nodded letting go of Link’s arm stepping back. “I’m sorry Link. I know I’ve been a pain, but I’m just worried about you….don’t let your guard down” she glanced at Ghirahim who merely raised a brow at her and shrugged looking away with another hair flip.

Link pat her head “I stand by my Decisions Zelda. I’m not going to cast him out simply because you can’t move past the past. But I promise to be extra super careful ok?” He said smiling that boyish smile of his. The one she knew he knew she could never say no to. She sighed and hugged him hearing a slight gag from Ghirahim in the background but ignoring it. Link just rolled his eyes and the taller man as he hugged Zelda back real quick. “Now a question for you, You wouldn’t happen to know where Groose went? He had something to show me and I kind of blew him off saying I’d come by later.” She nodded letting him know she had last seen him with Gondo before her father called her away. “Ok, to my place first then to find Groose.” He rubbed his head leading the way. Ghirahim followed him taking in what was around them learning the way. Not that he couldn’t easily jump over the building.

He was surprised to see how out of the way Link’s home was. It was the closest to the temple and there was a fair amount of space between it and the next nearest house. It sat right against the tree line with some debris from the wilting temple nearby. More surprising to the white haired man was how modest it looked both outside and in. the entrance opened right into a small living space with a hearth two chairs and a small couch as well as small bookshelves on the right wall and a table and chair in the corner to the left of the door. Link went into a door to the left the was near the table. Glancing in Ghirahim saw a bed figuring it must be the bedroom. He moved about more seeing a bathroom, a small eating area but he wouldn’t really call it a dining room. And a small kitchen that looked completely unused.


Moving back to the living space the table caught his attention again. On it was scattered papers and small figures, wood shavings and paint. He picked up a paper seeing a painting of the great tree in Faron woods. “Did….You make these?” the papers and carvings showed things and places Link would have come across in his adventures. Eldin, the mogmas, the kikwis. Even the mining facility was painted out on several papers. As he looked  through he saw the progression of skill some of them having been redone at some point to improve what was there. Ghirahim actually found he was rather impressed never having expected Link to have such an ability.

“Hm?” He poked his head out at the question, “Oh yeah, it’s one of the only ways I’ve been able to keep from running off.” He went back into his room to finish sorting his things. “I also use them to tell the kids about everything that happened. It seems no matter how many times I tell it they still want to hear it again.” He chuckled as Ghirahim continued to look at everything in turn. He picked up two figures that were unfinished seeing about four more that seemed to have all been failed attempts at the same thing, or person perhaps from the shape. “you are an absolute pain to carve I’ll have you know.” He smirked leaning on the doorframe watching Ghirahim look over everything.

Ghirahim blinked in surprising repeating that it was meant it be him in confusion. “Yeah…but for some reason I could never get the shape to work right. I was able to draw and paint you but could never make a carving.” He picked up one of the pictures to show the other man. Ghirahim took it annoyingly impressed by how the boy had captured him. He was sitting on top of the sleeping Kaloktos. He remembered this moment and the boy depicted it vividly as if it had only happened yesterday. “I like having the figures for telling the stories because the kids can handle them and get a better idea of what I was going against.” He picked up on of a bokoblin he had made. “Anyway I’ve gathered what I’ll need together. But I think it might be best to finish up shopping and the leave in the morning rather then today. It will be nearly night by the time I’m done I’m sure. You can either make yourself comfortable here or come with while I run around. It’s up to you really.” Ghirahim was once more surprised he was being given a choice. He thought about just looking through the small selection of books before Link’s last comment. “Of course Groose’s face when he sees you would be fantastic.” He smirked a bit showing he had a bit of mischief in him. Now that was a good reason to come along indeed.


part 4

art and story(c)Kikis-Art-Journey
link ghirahim and zelda(c)Nintendo

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