King-Lotus — PMD - Juniper Palanino

Published: 2022-11-26 21:11:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 844; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 0
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Description "Wanna go a few rounds? Bet I'll win!"


Name: Juniper Palanino | “June / Junie”

Age: 18

Height: Gijinka- 5’7” | Feral- 2'00"

Gender: Female| She / Her

Species: Litleo | Fire / Normal

  • The Lion Cub Pokémon

“They set off on their own from their pride and live by themselves to become stronger. These hot-blooded Pokémon are quick to fight.”

Island Name & Hometown: Grass Continent, Capim Town

Job Info||

Branch: Rescuer 

Team: Good Fortune

Team Rank: Rookie

Position: Recruit

Level: 1

Ability: Rivalry - Becomes competitive and deals more damage to Pokémon of the same gender, but deals less to Pokémon of the opposite gender.

Nature: Hasty | Speed ^ - Defense v

Characteristic: Likes to Fight


  • Tackle [ Normal ] - Throws her whole weight at a target

  • Fire Spin [ Egg/Fire ] - The target becomes trapped within a fierce vortex of fire that rages for four to five turns

  • Leer [ Normal ] - Scowls at an opponent lowering their defense 

  • [Locked]

Team Members: LOAD OUT


+ Energetic | + Generous | +  Athletic | + Quick Thinker | = Loud | = Familial | - Hasty | - Prideful | - Reckless | - Quick Tempered

Juniper has energy that never has an end to it. She gives 110% with anything she is doing. Even though she doesn't have much to give she is willing to give it to those in need or to those she cares about. With her boundless energy she enjoys being fit and athletic, working out with sports whenever she has free time. Juniper’s mind is quick to resolve problems, whether it is the right way to solve it- well that remains to be seen.

Loud is one of the first things people notice about Juniper. It’s hard to miss. Her volume makes it hard not to hear her. She’s very close to her family, she cares for each family member individually even if she already is spread thin. If someone is a close enough friend they also get the family treatment. 

When it comes to making decisions Juniper tends to be very hasty in her choices. Tends to jump first and look later. She’s very prideful, having a high positive opinion of herself and her fighting abilities. Her hasty nature leads to her being quite reckless, especially for her family. She will do anything for them. Anything. While she knows it’s a bad habit, Juniper has a hot temper. Often flying off the rails at the slightest incident.


CW// Under Age Street Fighting


The first of five total kids, Juniper was fast growing up with having to take care of her younger siblings as her parents worked hard hours.  No one in the family complained though as they were all very tight knit, loving just being a family over money. It wasn’t what her parents planned on, and often told her to take it easy but she insisted on being there for her family in any way possible. 

Juniper became like a second mother to her siblings as all the kids grew into a close unbreakable bond. Being the one to take care of her siblings though Juniper didn’t attend much schooling, mostly learning from her siblings and friends by working on homework with them. 


As she grew older, the family grew more impoverished. Having to feed and clothe 5 growing kids was straining even on the loving family. To try and help ease the financial strain, Juniper went out looking for work. At only 16 though many places didn’t want to hire her on. 

She eventually found work as a janitor for a local boxing ring training hub. The owner knew her dad so he brought her on as a favor to him. Grateful for the opportunity she gave her all on the job. It was here that she learned how much fun boxing actually was, asking to partake in training sessions during breaks. Finding that she also had a knack for it, learning the ropes quite quickly.

It was around a year later that Juniper was approached by a fellow trainee asking if she wanted to earn some extra money. Absolutely she agreed to it but was told she’d have to lie about her age to get in, to which she did- anything for her family. 

This ‘job’ turned out to be an illegal fighting ring that people bet on. Fighting both in human, and feral forms in local dungeons at the behest of the arrangers. Unsure at first Juniper at least gave it a try, and after winning her first fist fight with seeing the amount of money she made from it Juniper was hooked. 


At 18, Juniper had been leading this secret life of fighting for her family for a full year. She got good at lying about her injuries to her family often saying it was work or boxing training mishaps. 

During one particularly rough fight that was looking like a loss for Juniper, it was broken up by a Hisuian Typholsian who came to Juniper’s aid after the crowd dispersed. She introduced herself as Momo, and sternly told Juniper that this path she was on was only going to end up killing her. Pretty beaten up, Momo takes Juniper to another she knew who could help her out for free. His name was Gideon, a leader of a fellow rescue team Momo was familiar with. 

As Gideon patched her up and heard her story, he offered her a place on his team to both get her out of street fighting, and still get her stable financial gain for her family situation. Of course Juniper took him up on it, joining Team Good Fortune right then and there. 

  • Likes: Sweets, Cats, Napping in the sun

  • Dislikes: Swimming, Cold/Rainy Weather, Coffee, Vegetables 

  • Pupils can change shape depending on how bright it is like a cat’s

  • Orientation: Lesbian  | Bring on the ladies!

  • Purrs when happy

  • Easily distracted by bright lights

  • Her canines are all elongated

  • Has toe beans, large like a lions, retractable claws

  • Her hair will start to glow and radiate heat when she’s really fired up or angry, the lighter the color the more intense the emotion. Red > Orange > Yellow > White/Blue Tips

  • Hobbies: Boxing, Barbeque, Sports, Harmonica 

  • Voice Actor: Cynthia Cranz - Paninya (FMA: Brotherhood)


Momo Akamatsu - [ LINK ] - Positive Relationship 

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