SHARPT33TH — (HL) Raine Sulka

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Published: 2023-06-22 21:36:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 2228; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 0
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Name: Raine Sulka
Age: 23
Gender: Nonbinary (they/them)
Pokemon: #87 Dewgong
Height: 6' 8" (Mer Form); 5' 6" (Land Form)
Birthday: January 5th (Capricorn)
Home Island: Amusement Archipelago (Bisonpie Basin, G13)
Originally From: The ocean/shore near Circhester, Galar.


Quiet, often lost in thought.

+ Hard-Working; + Tenacious; + Good-Natured; + Generous
= Thoughtful; = Independent; = Empathetic
— Anxious; — People Pleaser; — Overworking

Raine is the type of person who can be a master at a skill and still worry that they aren't any good at it.  They are always striving to be better, which has developed into a hard-working nature that pairs well with their natural tenaciousness.  Raine will keep working until they feel the job is done, even if others insist they don't need to work so hard.  They take great pride in what they do, but they are often afraid to express said pride, so they'll often keep quiet about it.

At their core, Raine is a good-natured being with a generous soul.  Because they are usually quiet about how they feel, they like to express themself and how they feel about others through their generosity.  This usually takes the form of acts of service and small gifts.  They're the kind of person who sees something in a shop and thinks "oh so-and-so would like that" and will buy it to give to them next time they see each other.  Raine often thinks of others and how they are feeling, sometimes to the detriment of themself.  They often put others' needs above their own when in their company-- though they do a good job of prioritizing themself when alone.  This comes from Raine's anxiety and compulsion to please people.  Their high empathy makes it so they are acutely aware of how others feel and if someone is upset, it makes Raine more anxious, so they'll do what they can to alleviate the negativity.

Sometimes their tenacious nature and desire to please others team up and create a situation where they will work themself too much.  They rarely make it to the point of exhaustion, but they will overwork themself for the sake of others-- and rarely for themself.  It's just so hard to leave something unfinished or unresolved.

Raine is a very independent person and has been from a young age.  They don't like when people do things for them often and prefer to do everything they can on their own.  Since they were a child they've pushed to have as much responsibility for themself as possible.

Raine's anxiety can lead to worrying more than they need to.  They are prone to "what if" scenarios and will fret over small things.  They are trying to get better at this.

Raine believes that everyone has goodness in their heart and deserves the benefit of the doubt-- at first.  They are not foolish and will recognize when someone has taken advantage of their good graces, and will mitigate the damage that person can do to them.  But when meeting new people, they will always approach them from a position of kindness and open-mindedness.

Ability: Thick Fat | "Fire and Ice-type moves deal 50% damage."

Aqua Ring [Water] | "The user envelops itself in a veil made of water. It regains some HP every turn."
Ice Beam [Ice] | "The target is struck with an icy-cold beam of energy. This may also leave the target frozen."
Protect [Normal] | "This move enables the user to protect itself from all attacks. Its chance of failing rises if it is used in succession."
Surf [Water] | "The user attacks everything around it by swamping its surroundings with a giant wave."

FAMILY:Isla Sulka | Dewgong | Mother
Finn Sulka | Walrein | Father
Skye Sulka | Dewgong | Twin Brother
Emily Sulka | Sealeo | Aunt

HISTORY:Off the coasts of Galar, near the cold town of Circhester, existed a world that few were lucky to know about beyond the rare sighting of one of its inhabitants while out sailing or exploring the shores.  In this watery world existed a civilization of merfolk collectively known as the Seal Folk.  Galarian legends once wrote of the Seal Folk, saying they had lived on land for many ages before taking to the sea and never returning.  Why they did this, though, has been lost to time.  Visitors to the Circhester area, intrigued by the fading legends, will wander to the frigid beaches in hopes of seeing one of the Seal Folk, but few ever do.  Unknown to those on the land, the Seal Folk have their own myth about the land: it is a place to never go, as none of the Folk could survive there anymore, having made a pact with the sea as they did.  As a result, no one of the Folk tries to step onto the beach anymore.  However, some curious youngsters will come near, popping their heads out of the water to stare at the shore in the distance.

It was a cold day in Winter when Isla and Finn Sulka welcomed their twins into the world of the Folk.  Despite being identical, it was easy to tell them apart from the beginning based on their personalities.  Skye, the older of the twins, was energetic and noisy and loved attention.  Raine, the younger twin, appeared to be his opposite.  Where Skye loved to be passed from person to person, Raine would cling to their mother and father and fuss when left in the care of anyone else.  As they grew older, this seemed to subside slightly and Raine was able to compensate with the presence of their twin.  If Skye was around, Raine felt safe enough not to get upset.  Despite being so different, Skye loved his sibling and was happy to keep them in tow wherever he went.  The two were noted for being inseparable-- though really it was only on Raine's end.  Skye, while loving his sibling, could easily go off on his own if he wanted.

Isla and Finn were historians, the former focusing on preserving the history of the Seal Folk while the latter focused his attention on piecing together what little they were able to learn of the land their people had left behind, somewhat to the chagrin of his wife and friends.  (The Seal Folk had no interest in reconnecting with the land, and Finn didn't either, so to some it seemed silly he would want to record this history.)  As a result, their children learned a great deal of history and mythology from an early age.  Skye began to develop a fascination with the land and the idea of going to it, much to his parent's dismay.  Raine had a quiet interest in the world the Folk left behind, but they didn't tend to voice this, letting Skye do all the talking.  Their brother would daydream about going to the surface and bringing Raine with him, and would talk to them late in the night about the kinds of things he hoped they'd see up there.  "When we're older, Raine, we're going to go there.  I promise."  Skye would then regale his twin with stories their father had told them of a time when the Seal Folk had legs like other land-dwellers, despite the fact that Raine had heard the same stories.  Raine would always quietly remind him that the Seal Folk gave up their legs for the sea and they wouldn't be able to walk on the shore once they got there.  Skye wouldn't have it, though.  He believed that if they left the water their legs would come back.  He'd heard old stories and rumors of it happening, and he believed it fully.  Raine didn't, but they kept that to themself, because deep down they wanted it to be true.  Like Skye, they began to dream about land and the world beyond the sea, and quietly waited for the day Skye decided they would go there.

As they grew into teenagers, Skye's obsession with the land didn't wane, but Raine's seemed to.  Growing up among the Folk and living their sea life, Raine had grown happy and complacent with the way the Folk were, and they'd stopped dreaming of a world beyond.  Why wish for more than this?  This was a good life.  Skye, however, would not settle for what he already had, and began trying to devise a way to leave home.  It wasn't until they were sixteen that he finally decided he was ready to do it, and he told Raine that on their seventeenth birthday, they would step onto the shore.  "It'll be a birthday present to us!  We'll finally realize our dream!"

Raine, who was still entertaining Skye's ideas, began to worry about him and what could happen if he succeeded.  About what would happen to them if they went with him.  Rumor had it that once a member of the Folk washed up on land they would be unable to come back and, unable to walk or swim, would die on the surface.  It was mostly a story to keep children away from the shore, but Raine thought of it often all the same.  If that story wasn't true, surely something else as bad was.  Afraid, Raine told their parents about Skye's plans before they could come to fruition.  Isla and Finn were furious with Skye for entertaining these ideas.  "You know we cannot go to the surface!  And to think you were going to drag your sibling with you!  Do you have a death wish?"

Skye's dreams were shattered after that.  While he tried to hold onto his love of the land, Isla and Finn saw to it that he would never make it there.  A few nights after Raine had come to them, they pulled the young Seel aside and told them that they were planning to send Skye away for a while.  "He needs to be broken of this notion that he can go to the surface," they explained.  "So he's going to go live with Aunt Emily for a while, far far away from the shore."

Raine was heartbroken, but they merely nodded and said they understood.  The next day they told Skye, who was understandably furious.  When Skye looked to Raine for support, for once Raine had none to give, too unsure of what to do themself.  This hurt Skye deeply, and his expression turned cold as he accepted his fate.  A few hours later, Finn left with his son in tow, and Raine and Isla watched them disappear deep into the ocean.

It would be three years before the twins saw each other again, and when Skye returned he was changed in more than just totem.  The boisterous, lively brother Raine had known was not there anymore.  He was cool, collected, and there was something to his eyes that Raine didn't remember being there before.  It was like they'd lost some of their shine.  When they were reunited, Raine was overjoyed to see their brother, but Skye did not return the enthusiasm.  The wound of Raine's betrayal had not healed, it seemed.

Once Skye returned home, he took to working with the ranchers to raise pokemon and focused all his time and attention on that.  He had little time for Raine, and the recently evolved Dewgong felt their world falling apart.  Skye had been a constant in their life even in his absence, as Raine always knew he'd return.  Now, even though he was physically there, it felt like Skye was gone.  Raine didn't know what to do for a while, and then it occurred to them.

They needed to take Skye to the surface.

On the eve of their twentieth birthday, Raine went to Skye and quietly told him of their plan.  "It's time," they whispered.  "We're going to see the world above, just like you wanted."

Skye was not enthused.  "We don't belong in that world, Raine.  You know that."  He refused to go, leaving Raine behind to go tend to the pokemon with the other ranchers.

Raine, left alone, cried for the brother they had lost, for he was truly gone now.

However, late that night, Raine snuck away from home and swam to the shore.  Maybe, just maybe, if they could see the surface for themself and tell Skye about it, he would return to the brother they'd known.  Maybe they could renew his hope.

The swim was a long one, but eventually, Raine came to the shallows.  The sun was beginning to rise when they broke the surface of the water, peering across the chop to the shore half a mile away.  They watched the shoreline for a long time, as if expecting land-dwellers to appear, but no one came.  Finally, they swam for the shore.  The waves lapped at them as they slapped a hand into the wet sand and dragged themself onto the beach.  Sitting up, they looked at the ocean behind them and smiled.  They'd done it, they'd fulfilled Skye's dream.

As the sun warmed their skin, a strange sensation overcame them.  Their body began to feel... unsettled.  In a sudden burst of magic, their tail was gone, replaced with two legs folded underneath them.  Raine gasped and nearly dove back into the water, but the unfamiliar appendages stopped them.  "But-- but we gave up our legs to live in the sea!" they said to no one.  Slowly, carefully, they tried to stand.  They were shakey on their feet, but they were able to do it, and just as slowly they began to walk the beach.  A Dewgong tail dragged in the sand behind them.  They walked the length of the beach twice, nervousness turning to elation as they realized what this meant.  With this ability, Skye could come to the surface and see the world.  Raine, overjoyed by this revelation, dove back into the water and made the return trip home to tell their brother.

When Skye heard the story, there was a spark of something in his eyes, but he did not seem as happy as Raine to learn this.  He thanked Raine for all they'd done, then left them.  Not long later, he returned with their parents.  Years later, he finally repaid the betrayal Raine had committed against him.  He'd told their parents what Raine had done.

Isla was beside herself with all manner of emotions, none of them positive, and Finn's expression was unreadable, but there was sadness in his eyes.  "Is this true, Raine?  Did you go to the surface?  Did you step onto the land?"

Raine hesitated but nodded.  "I did."

Finn sighed deeply and Isla choked back a sob.  "I'm afraid you can't stay here, then," their father said calmly.

"What?"  Raine was shocked.

"We can't risk others trying to follow your path," Finn said.  "You knew we didn't approve of this.  We sent your brother away for this.  You've become a danger to the Folk."

"But-- but no one needs to know this happened!" Raine exclaimed.  "I'll keep it a secret, I promise!"

Finn shook his head.  "Actions have consequences, my child.  This is the consequence."

Heartbroken, Raine merely looked down and nodded.  They didn't have the will to fight their family.  Three against one was a losing battle.

That night, Raine said goodbye to their family and swam back to shore.

Once on the land, they wandered until they found Circhester.  There, a friendly stranger led them to the Pokemon Center.  Raine explained to the nurse that they were not from here, had no home, and didn't know what to do.  They didn't tell her about where they came from.  They stayed at the Center for a few days before the nurse was able to get them in touch with an agency that could help them get on their feet.  With the agency's help, Raine moved to Wedgehurst.  Inspired by their brother's love of caring for pokemon, they got a job as a ranch hand for a woman who raised Wooloo and Dubwool.  Sometimes, deep in the night, they would sneak out to the river to take on their tailed form again and swim.

A couple years passed this way before Raine's homesickness started to feel too strong to ignore anymore.  They longed to return to the cold ocean of their home, but they knew they wouldn't be welcomed back.  By this point, news of their banishment had surely been passed on to their relatives deeper in the sea.  Their only choice was to accept that this was their life now, or find a new home where they could be themself again.  While not having high hopes, Raine began researching other regions, trying to find something, anything that could satisfy their desire to return home.  Eventually, their research led them to various stories of merfolk in a region known as Raccolto.  Apparently several were believed to live in the region.  Interested, Raine researched more.  The region was quite different from what they were used to here in Galar, but from what they could tell, they could live freely as their mer-self there.  Perhaps that would be enough.

Having lived pretty leanly since arriving in Wedgehurst (mainly because they didn't know what to do with money beyond buying food and clothes, and paying the bills they were told to pay) Raine had enough saved up to make the move to Raccolto.  With the help of the woman whose ranch they worked on, they got a ship ticket and luggage for their small amount of things.  As Spring turned to Summer, they boarded the first of many ferries that would take them to Raccolto, and they never looked back.

Since coming to Raccolto, Raine has. . .

  • TBA


Job: Rancher
Ranch Name: Eventide Acres
Raine raises surfing mounts!

Job: Riding Instructor
Business Name: Riptide Riding Academy

POKEMON:Click here to see all of Raine's Pokémon.

  • Swimming.  I mean, that's a given, isn't it?
  • Animal husbandry.  Like their brother, they are a natural at tending to pokemon, and pokemon seem to take to them quickly.
  • Sign language.  Their people had their own dialect, but since coming to the surface they have learned the common sign language of the surface.
  • Record keeping.  They learned from their parents.
  • Memory.  The Seal Folk's histories and traditions were passed down orally, so having a strong memory was natural among them.
  • Singing.  This was a common talent among the Seal Folk.
  • Realized they were nonbinary around 11 years old.  Their family and community were very supportive and had no issues with it.
  • Raine has a quiet speaking voice and prefers to sign instead when they can.
  • Speaks with a heavy accent that people can't always place, but usually assume is Scottish.
  • Did not learn to read and write until they came to the surface, but took to it quickly.
  • Ever since learning to write they have kept a journal and write in it every day, partly as practice and partly as record-keeping.


  • Raine's tail turns into legs when they are on land.
  • They are able to go 8 hours without worrying about hydration.  They tend to devote that time to sleeping.
  • They start each day with a lengthy bath to renew their hydration after sleeping.
  • In order to stay hydrated without submerging themself they drink plenty of water, probably 30% more than the average land-dweller needs to drink.  If this is not an option, they use the moves Aqua Ring or Surf to soak themself.  They don't mind being soaking wet out of the water and often wear clothes made of material to accommodate this condition.
  • If Raine goes too long without water they become dizzy, lethargic, and anxious.  This doesn't happen often, however, as they keep careful track of their water intake and submerge regularly.


Sexuality: Demiromantic Pansexual
Status: Single

 Marriage Gift: A Black Pearl
 Loves: Journals, Notebooks, Fountain Pens
 Likes: Seafood, Water Plants, Shells, Sea Glass
 Neutral: Flowers, Crystals, Rocks, Tea
 Dislikes: Shoes, Coffee, Soda
 Hates: Decorative Animal Furs


Central Time (US) | GMT-5
Paragraph RP style. Quality over quantity.
HCs always open, RPs open and close depending on schedule.
Interested in romance and meaningful relationships, adventure, drama, and open to other genres.
I prefer Google Docs or Discord Threads for RPs and Discord for HCs and chatting.
I do not RP with minors under any circumstances, sorry.
You can find me on Discord via the Harvest Lunatone server.

06/23 - A THEM!!

Raine; Written Application; Art ▶ Me (SHARPT33TH )
Pokemon ▶ Nintendo

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Comments: 2

Pandamunk [2023-06-23 02:37:49 +0000 UTC]

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SHARPT33TH In reply to Pandamunk [2023-06-23 02:38:43 +0000 UTC]

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