KingJames92 — Titanic Nostalgiaview

Published: 2012-05-08 03:36:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 579; Favourites: 2; Downloads: 0
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Description A boy and a girl from differing social backgrounds meet during the ill-fated maiden

voyage of the RMS Titanic. Hi this is KingJames92 your guide to movies. Ah the Titanic, a

tragic event that wasn't even supposed to happen because many people thought it was

unsinkable. So like Hollywood always does, they made movies about that sad and horrible

incident. And when I mean movies, I mean many, many, MANY movies about this sinking. I

mean you can go all the way back after that incident already happened. I can talk about

all the movies that are based on the tragedy, but what I am going to be talking about is

a movie that has gotten a lot of acclaim since its release in 1997 and has been still

getting that same acclaim since. And that is of course James Cameron so-called "epic"

Titanic. But how does this movie far to me? Does far the same as everyone else thinks

about it? Well in my opinion, No. I don't get why so many people like this movie. What is

it that so many people think is so good? Well I don't know the reason why, but today I

will give you my take on this movie to give you second thoughts on this movie. Now

without any further delay, let's dive right into Titanic (Warning: If you don't have any

patience than just leave this review right now). The movie starts off with actual footage

from where the Titanic was taken off and everyone said bon voyage and all that crap. Then

we got to the modern day, when a bunch of explorers led by Bill Paxton are going

underground to investigate the sinking of the Titanic. Now see this is one of the many

problems with this movie, the movie intends us to give a crap about these characters but

really we don't, but more on that later. Then we see the reason why Paxton and his crew

are investigating the ruins of the Titanic he wants a diamond that for some reason is

more expensive than the Hope Diamond. So then we come across a Oh My God! That person is

still alive! Yup, we across Rose DeWitt Bukater the older one played by Gloria Stuart she

sent in to Paxton's expedition team that is above where the sinking of Titanic is and

Brock (Paxton's character) is asking Rose where the diamond is so then we go back to

where the ship is and that is when we go back to the day where the ship set sail. And

that is when we first come across the younger Rose played by Kate Winslet. And this comes

to another problem with this movie, just here this line she first says when she sees the

ship. (Rose: The ship is not as big as I thought it was going to be.) Say what! (Rose:

The ship is not as big as I thought it was going to be.) Lady are you blind!? It's the

F***ing Titanic! Your telling me that you don't think that ship is all that big. Oh my

god woman, then what do you think is big, a submarine or some other crap like that! Sorry

about that I just had to get that out of my system, but you see what I mean you can just

tell from the get go that Rose will be annoying character and we have to deal with her

throughout this entire darn movie! So then after we see Rose and his mother bored the

ship, we then come across our second main character Jack Dawson played by Leonard

DiCaprio, we see him on the table in a restaurant playing you guess it! Poker along with

his friend Mario wanna be Fabrizio. You know what, I don't like that name, let's just

call him either Italian sterotype (which he sort of is in this movie) or pointless

character but I will get to more of that later on. So then shock of all shocks, Jack and

Mario wanna be win the tickets to go on to a trip to ride on the Titanic that is just

about to set sail in which I have to admit is a pretty exciting scene in which I have to

say is one of the redeeming qualities of this movie, the cinematography. The

Cinematography in the movie is just plain gorgeous, every single look of the movie is

just a work of art, from the ship all the way to the costumes but I wish I could say the

same of the characters though. So anyway while we are on the ship we hear a narration

from Old Rose as she tells her story about her life. Now see this part is very annoying

to me because of the fact that she is a rich girl she has practically every thing in the

world. She's rich, she has a family, and she is going to get marry but more on that

later. Now you would think she would be happy. Right? Well for the most part you would be

right, but in this case you are wrong. Because for some reason she is not happy and not

happy of the person she is marrying for some reason. So then she goes out on bottom

corner and you know what happens next? She goes on to one of the tops of the ship and

tries to freaking kill herself! I mean woman, what are thinking about? You have

everything in the world and you want to do that? But then this when she first encounters

Jack and we get to know a little bit about his past saying that he is from a poor family

in Wisconsin and he has traveled from place to place finding stuff and all kind of you

know what? I don't really give a crap about Jack either throughout the movie, so let's

not say anything good about him. So then Jack tells Rose not to kill herself but being

the clumsy woman she is, she silds off the rail and it's about to Mighty Jack to save the

day. After he saves her, you know what the people who were checking out the incident did

to Jack? They f***ing arrest him! Yup! You said it! That's exactly what they do, they

arrest him! But then the buttholes finally find out that all that he was doing was trying

to save her and then they left him off. So these are the people that are in charge of the

ship You know what's going to happen! More on that later. Now before this scene when Rose

meets Jack and consequently saves her life (allegedly) when we first see Rose on the day

the Titanic was ready to set sail, we come across Rose's fiancee Caledon Nathan "Cal"

Hockley played by Billy Zane (the guy in the purple suit that thinks purple suits are

okay to wear, but you know who begs to differ) the first time I saw him actually, I

didn't really recognized him. Maybe that was a good thing because his role in the movie

is not only bland but he is just an asshole! But I will talk a lot more about him later.

So then after we see that Ruth was saved by Jack, her and Cal don't trust Jack and they

both want Rose to not be with him anymore. But before Cal decides to go with Ruth on

that, Cal invites Jack to dinner and that is when things get a little weird from now on

in this story. At dinner, Jack tells everybody that he is a very successful artist in

France after the day that Rose told him what he really does and that he is trying to go

back home. So way to go Jack! You are not only a liar, but you are also kind of stupid. I

know that he is trying to fit in with the rich people, but just be a little honest though

man. So then after Dinner Jack takes Rose to what he calls his sort of "Dinner Party"

underground on the ship (KingJames is watching it in confusion). I guess that's how they

got the idea of speakeasies in the time of Prohibition. Perfect sense to me! And Rose for

some reason fits in with those people. Now in real life, you know what would already

happen to her. She would either be killed, shot, stabbed, and/or capture. But knowing the

fact that this is a movie, of course none of that happens. And that is will to another

problem that I have the movie as well, but more on that later. So then we get into more

of this "relationship" of Jack and Rose. And we see Jack teaching Rose how to spit! Yes

you heard that correctly, Jack teaches Rose how to spit. Is there any reason of why he is

teaching her that? Nope none whatsoever. And this is another problem with this movie Jack

and Rose have absolutely no chemistry whatsoever. We hardly know their background and

their more of a nuisance than a actual boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. I think

Steve Harvey said this correctly (Harvey: "We all know what's going to happen goddamn it!

Bring on the water! Let's drown these motherfuckers! We know what it's about!"). And yeah

that is from The Original Kings of Comedy and yes Steve Harvey said that in a way a sort

of agree with him let's just get to the water and the movie would be over. But this movie

is three hours and twenty-seven minutes long! (Harvey: "Why are we sitting here three

hours for?") I don't know why Steve it seems rather pointless doesn't it? But we still

have a little bit more to go through. So then we go to breakfast where Rose and Cal has a

confrontation but I say that very, very lightly. Cal gets angry at her because he knows

that she is seeing Jack and he thinks know that she doesn't really care about him anymore

and some crap like that. You know, you two don't belong together in the first place he is

just a arrogant asshole and your just a bitch who is wining and upset for now reason at

all so why just dump each other. But No!!!!!!!!!! They can't do that, that would be to

simple of a solution to do. So then when she meets Jack again without Cal and her mother

Ruth knowing she slowly realizes that she prefers him over Cal. Well it finally took you

half of the damn movie to finally realizes that. Jesus woman! You are like a brain of

turtle, but I think turtles are much more smarter than she is in this movie. And that is

other thing too about this movie. The characters. The characters in this movie make the

Three Stooges seem like intellectuals. And I'm not kidding when I say that either but we

will get to more of that in a minute. So then after Rose realizes that, we see Jack

teaching her the same thing he did when he was with his Mario sound alike friend in the

beginning. In which he says "I'm King of the World!" in which is suppose to be one of the

best lines in movie history. But I think its just cliche and just sounds rather stupid in

my opinion. So then she teaches Rose that same thing but she doesn't say what he said

early on in the movie but it looks like she's a Rio de Janeiro statue which I guess

that's what they were trying to do apparently. But doesn't that just sounds Stupid! In a

way it really does. So then the older Rose tells everybody that it was the last time the

titanic was sailing at night. So we are finally getting to the so-called "big climax" of

the movie. But we have to see more of the characters first before we do that (KingJames

groans). So then we see a rather weird scene when Jack is drawing a picture of Rose

wearing a necklace that Cal gave to her right near the beginning of the movie and the

necklace Brock (Bill Paxton's character) is finding back in the present day. What is

disturbing about this scene is that Jack is drawing a picture of her with the necklace

without any freaking clothes on! Yeah I said that, without any clothes on. And we

actually see her (insert here) in the movie as well. What is this movie rated? (KingJames

goes onto IMDb to find the rating of this movie and is shocked that it's rated PG-13).

What! Are you kidding me! Your telling me that this movie is rated PG-13! Goodness

Gracious! Don't you want to make this movie for a wider audience! Well so much for that!

So then Cal is waiting for Rose to announce their engagement on the ship. Now wait a

second! Didn't they already got engaged? Titanic now you are not making any sense.

Doesn't it say on the cast sheet that Cal is Rose's fiancee? So that means that he

already proposed to him. But then he is waiting for them to - oh! Now I see they kept it

a secret so they can both tell them on the ship. Well I guess that's a good idea, but now

she doesn't even like him anymore. So this time, it's a very bad idea actually. But

didn't the mother already know that? You know what, I am not going to get into it because

I have already lost interest with these characters already. So then Cal's bodyguard asks

where his fiancee or girlfriend go. Cal doesn't know, so then he sends two people to go

looking for Rose. Jack and Rose then goes into the infirmary and running away from the

men of Cal's bodyguard. Jack and Rose then hides in a car and that is when they start

making love to each other. And this is another weird scene. (Jack's hand is up on the

window of the car "Ahh! Help me, help me! Addams Family music is playing in the

background as thing comes and snaps his fingers). When that is going on we come across

the people that are on the ship and the captain leaves his position to leave his co-

captain in charge of the night. Then suddenly, two men that are the lookout men on the

ship are warning the captain and everybody that there is a iceberg dead ahead with the

ship moving fast (which is historical accurate) everyone in the infirmary are working as

fast as they can to turn the ship from crashing towards the iceberg. Just when it was

starting to turn, the ship then collides with the iceberg making the ship to stop. And we

see the ship's builder David Andrews played by Victor Garber now at this point Garber is

just "there" for the most part the only time when he does something is this part when

he's telling the people who are either in charge or help made the ship that in two hours

the ship is going to sink because of the way the iceberg hit the ship. And everybody at

this point after Andrews saids that is in total shock because everyone thought that the

Titanic was unsinkable (Heck, someone said in the beginning of the movie that not even

god himself could sink the ship) but all that changed once a iceberg bumped into it and

just like that its going to sink. And this is when the climax of the movie begins. We go

back to Cal when he is still trying to find Rose while his bodyguard told him to back

down. But Cal being the snobbish, arrogant asshole that he is tends to still find her.

While he is in her room, he finds a drawing her with the necklace and finds the necklace

(he gave her in the beginning of the movie) and then takes it from her. Gee, what an

compete and total ass you are man. Giving the necklace to your fiancee and then take it

from her in her room that is just plain cold man. But that's not the other thing he does,

when his bodyguard then finds Jack with Rose, Cal does something so bad that not even

Hans Grubber would do it as well. He puts the necklace in Jack's pocket and then a little

while after, he gets arrested and sent down to the Master-at-arms office with him getting

cuffed on the pipe. (So that's how the second Flintstones movie got the idea from). And

then the stupid asshole Cal then puts the damn necklace back in his pocket. Did you se-

tha- while you stupid go-for-nothing lowlife POS. I'm going to murdelize ya! Sorry just

doing a quote from the Looney Tunes from Bugs Bunny. But that makes no sense whatsoever.

You would think he just do that himself, but he did that so Rose could actually like him

again. But then Rose knows the truth, and then goes back to the office where he is held

with no one guarding the place because it is almost underwater! She finds the office and

tries to free him before it starts leak. Rose then finds an axe and for some reason, the

ax works and frees Jack. But friends in real life, the ax would have not have just broken

his cuffs it would also break something else and I would not even trust her with a

freaking ax to begin with! I would just want to stay there and die but don't worry she

gets even more dumber by the end but more on that in a minute. But again this is a movie,

not the real thing. Another problem you will find with this movie the egotistical view of

James Cameron. It's like don't be that you have made great movies before this like The

Terminator, Aliens, and True Lies just stick to those movies and you will be great but

this was the start of the whole "egotistical view" of Cameron. And that's why the movie

is not good by any means of the books. So then after Jack gets out, Rose and Jack

struggle with the water on the floor where Jack was held but then finally swim out of

floor and go back to the deck where they see Cal waiting for her and her mother is

already on a lifeboat. Cal then claims that he already has a lifeboat that is ready for

him. You know that means (cough Narcism cough). Now the idea of the lifeboat is to get

the woman and children on the lifeboat first. Which is a good idea but I think it should

be the family and woman first I think. Well it was at the time where everybody got so

overwhelmed that the best idea was that at the time so the other people had to follow the

idea (even though not many people wouldn't like the idea though). Rose then goes on the

lifeboat but then she sees Cal getting into a fight with Jack. And then she realizes that

she can't leave without him, they are back together again and Cal being the stupid,

selfish prick that he is. He takes out his bodyguard's gun and tries to shoot Jack while

the ship is sinking! Congratulations Cal! You have to be the worst if not the worst

villain of all time! He then gives up (took that idiot long enough) and just throws the

necklace at them and now Rose has the necklace. Then after that you know what Cal does to

get on a lifeboat? He takes a little boy and lies to one of the officers that he has a

child and takes him sort of hostage and then gets on the lifeboat. My god man, you have

to be so selfish to just have the idea of doing such a stupid thing like that and that is

why he is the worst villain in movie history. He makes all other bad villains seem good.

So then with all the lifeboats being taken, all the other people on the ship either just

wait to die or try and find some rescue after it sinks. Now this is one of the other best

things about the movie are the characters outside of the main characters. Like the band

who just stay together after the ship goes down, the family who the mother tucks their

children into their bed and wait for them to as the ship is slowly going down meaning

that there not going to make it alive. These are one of the big things about the movie

and really adds some emotion to it at least. So then the ship breaks in half, and that is

when Jack tells Rose to hold on tight for them to go to the freezing cold water. They

then go to freezing cold water and try and wait for them to be rescue. And that is when

this WTF (Will This Fly) moment comes in. We see that Jack and Rose are okay. But Jack is

in the water and Rose is actually in a wall panel but she thinks that it can only hold

one person. But as the you see the thing, it actually looks like it can actually hold up

to Jack because Jack really isn't that big of a guy so why didn't she just move up a bit

and let Jack on. But does Rose thinks of this? No she doesn't, so she leaves Jack in the

water and then she wakes up and sees Jack dead of the cold water and this is one line in

the movie that makes no sense whatsoever. Rose: "I will never let you go." (KingJames is

just sitting there clueless as he is just speechless) Well I guess that make- That makes

no sense! You saying to him as he is dead that you will not let him go and you did it

anyway! UGHHHHHH! Rose you stupid bitch! You had a chance to save the person you really

loved and you just left him off to die in the cold water. No wonder why you wanted a

person like Cal to marry you in the beginning because you had probably the best guy you

ever met and you just leave out in the cold and then die! Oh my God, woman that makes no

sense whatsoever! So then we see Mr. Fantastic (in one of his first roles actually)

looking for survivors that are on the water or a wall panel but we see most of them are

dead in a really fake CG scene where the people look like dolls rather then people. While

he is looking for survivors, Rose then sees the officers looking for survivors after that

part where she you know by now. They go and rescue her and she was the only survivor of

those people that where just like her like and Jack. She is then sent on another ship

where Cal is looking for her but Rose then hides away from her and never sees Cal again

after. Going back to the modern day, she then tells Brock's crew on the ship that Cal

committed suicide when the Stock Market crashed in 1929. That's what Rose heard, but she

has second thoughts on it. Then after she tells her story, she goes to the deck of

Brock's ship and you know what she does? She has the Heart of the Ocean (the diamond that

Cal gave to her in the beginning of the movie and the one that Brock is looking for) and

throws into the ocean! Girl what are you thinking!? I know you want to forget all about

Cal, but just give it to Brock or just freaking sell the damn thing! Don't just throw it

in the ocean, according to Brock the diamond is much more valuable then the freaking hope

diamond! So that you can sell it and you would be rich and give money to anybody you want

to. So then she lays in her bed and then she either dreams or dies as she pictures

everybody on the ship with Jack (expect for Cal) and the credits roll. So there's

Titanic. Is it as good as people thinks it is? No, not at all. The characters are either

annoying or bland, the story is paper thin, the acting is not good at all, the pacing is

either too fast or too slow. There's slow down in the climax of the movie even and we

have the worst villain ever in movie history. The only three things that save the movie

from being completely bad are the s/fx, cinematography, and some of the side characters.

And also the Mario sound alike dies in the movie as well. Bye, bye pointless character.

If you have interest in seeing this movie, just give it a rental and see if for yourself.

But for most people I would just avoid it at all costs because there are a lot of better

movies like this including Cameron's other movies as well. And also I saw this movie in

3D as well. The 3D is good, but its nothing to save this movie from all the flaws that it

has. This was KingJames92 your guide to movies. See you next time!

Nostalgiameter: If you want to see it, see it once and that's it. Everyone else just plain skip this one.
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Comments: 2

Hacker-Warrior [2012-11-15 02:53:16 +0000 UTC]

Personally, I like this movie. As you said, the cinematography is beautiful and it's got some fun side characters. What sells it for me though isn't Rose and Jack's story as much as how much damn effort Cameron put into the movie. All the crew members, and quite a few of the passenger side characters, with speaking parts are real people who were on the Titanic, many of whom were heroes. I care about them much more than two made up people, but the romance makes a decent framing device to get views from 1st class and Steerage. That's how I choose to view it. As a framing device.

Now as for the review itself I do have some things to point out. Mostly they're mistakes you made about the movie:

-They arrested Jack after he saved Rose because they thought he was trying to sexually assault her, mostly because they saw his discarded clothes and Rose just laying on the deck shaking after they heard her scream.

-Rose probably would've been fairly safe in the steerage party. It was a different time and many people there were just normal folks trying to start a better life in America, not criminals. And she never really left Jack's sight during the party.

-Cal and Rose are engaged, and it's an arranged marriage she doesn't want that's mostly for money. Again, it was a different time when peoples parents had more control over their love lives. They couldn't just break it off.

-At no point in the movie was there an infirmary. An infirmary is a kind of make-shift hospital and you're thinking of the boiler room.

-It was Thomas Andrews, not David.

-Cal didn't throw the necklace at them after the shooting. He put it in his coat pocket and without thinking put the coat on Rose a good time before the shooting scene. Also, he grabbed a little girl. That's why she was wearing a dress.

-"I'll never let go" is not meant to be literal. It's meant to mean she's not going to let go of life or his memory and she's going to try and live life to the fullest. (Although I do agree there was plenty of room for Jack on the door or wall panel that Rose was on)

-Rose wasn't the only survivor from the water. She said five others were saved.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Volts48 [2012-05-08 05:52:45 +0000 UTC]

you 'stole' my "Nostalgiaview" sub-title, didn't ya?

eh, I already have a BTC review of this in advance so i'll say what I summed up in that.

This film is two different screenplays thrown into one film; the first half is a romantic drama while the other half is a disaster movie. They just put the two genres together in one film to bring in the fans of both genres to see Jack and Rose fall in love and to see the ship sink.

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