KingofSkycloud6060 — Envy and the Darkrune Defenders Chapter 5

#defeat #elemental #moonlight #minecraft #illager #templeofnotch
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Chapter 6

Chapter 5 - The New God

“We found it!” Siss cheered. Bonnie’s jaw dropped, literally. 

“Told you it was accurate.” Sombra said. Bonnie picked her jaw back up and placed it back where it belonged. Just then, she noticed there were people standing in front of the entrance. 

“Wait, who are those guys?” Bonnie asked. Envy pulled out her spyglass and zoomed in on the people. She then gained a worried look on her face.

"Oh no." Envy said, worried.

"What’s wrong, Envy?" Sombra asked. 

"It's him." Envy said. 

"What? Lemme see that." Bonnie said as she snatched the spyglass from Envy and looked through it. She then pulled the spyglass away. "Oh sh*t, it's Drax." She said.

"You mean he actually beat us to it?!" Siss cried. Envy then snatched the spyglass back from Bonnie. 

"Hey!" Bonnie said. 

"What is he doing?" Sombra asked. Envy looked through the spyglass and saw one of the guards toss a gold ingot into a hole of water that was in front of the entrance. The stone doors then made a grinding noise as they opened. After that, an illager proceeded into the temple. The doors closed behind him. Meanwhile at the entrance, another guard stands with a radio in his hand while Lord Drax stared at the door. 

“I’ve reached the balcony. The mountain’s eyes are opening!” the illager said on the radio. 

“Sir, he’s reached the balcony.” the guard said. Lord Drax didn’t say a word. A few seconds later, the illager spoke again.

“Uhh, it’s crying! The mountain is crying!” the illager said in a panic. The radio then picked up the noise of a trapdoor opening. The illager then yelled in pain as could be heard falling into a pit of lava. The audio then cut off. 

“He’s dead, sir.” the guard said. Lord Drax stood silently in disappointment. “Sir?” the guard said. Lord Drax then went into a rage and stomped his feet on the ground.

“Why isn’t this F**KING WORKING!?!?!?” Lord Drax shouted in rage. “Every soldier we send in there dies! No matter how hard we try, we can’t get the right results! I-I just don’t get it!” Veins started to bulge from his head.

“Sir, maybe the legend was right.” a guard said. “None of us might be worthy.”

“I don’t care what that god damn legend says!” Lord Drax yelled. “We are not leaving this place until we get what we are here for! Is that clear!?” The guards nodded their heads. Lord Drax then kicked a rock.  “I’m going to bed. Guard the entrance.”

“Yes, sir.” the guards said. Back on the hill, Envy watched Lord Drax go into his tent and the guards block the entrance. 

“Pffft! What a baby.” Bonnie scoffed. 

“Sooo, does anyone have any ideas on getting in there without getting caught?” Sombra asked. 

"The real question is who will be the one to go in there?" Siss asked. 

"I'll do it." Envy said.

"What? But Envy-" Bonnie said.

"I'LL DO IT." Envy said in a firm voice. 

"But Envy! If you go in there, you might die!" Siss cried. 

"No I won't, I have wings, remember?" Envy said. "If I fall, then I can just fly." 

"Oh." Siss said. 

"But even though you might be able to survive, you won't be able to get the pearl. Therefore, our journey would be all for nothing." Bonnie said. 

"Envy’s got this, you guys." Sombra said. "I've seen her. She has a good heart." 

"Thanks, bestie." Envy said. Just then, the girls heard a noise behind them. They turned around and saw the iron golem that Siss summoned back in the Nether. 

“Terrance?!” Siss cried. 

“I’m sorry, what?” Bonnie said in confusion. 

“You came with us!” Siss said as she hugged him. Terrance hugged her back. 

“Siss, you know this iron golem?” Envy asked. 

“Yeah, I made him in the Nether.” Siss answered.

“How did you even get the materials to make one?” Bonnie asked. 

“I bought a golem kit back at the sandstone village.” Siss said. 

“Ah, ok.” Sombra said. 

“Enough talking. Now how are we going to break into this b*tch?” Bonnie asked. After 30 minutes of discussing a plan, they finally had one. Sombra teleported into the campsite and started making a lot of noise, causing all the illagers to wake up. Sombra then ran into the jungle as the illagers chased after her. At the entrance, Envy snuck behind one of the guards and sliced his neck. This alerted the other guard. However, Terrance came behind him and crushed him. Siss was riding on his back. Bonnie hid in the trees to keep a lookout for if any of the illagers return. 

“Welp, this is it.” Envy said, holding a gold ingot. “Wish me luck.” 

“Good luck.” Siss said. Envy then threw the gold ingot into the well, opening the doors. She walked in as the doors closed behind her. Another door opened, revealing the giant mountain in the shape of a person’s face. Envy was both nervous and filled with determination. Suddenly, the giant mountain opened its eyes and gazed at Envy. There was a long pause. And then, a happy chime started playing and the mountain winked at Envy as she was showered with diamonds, gold, and emeralds. It has been confirmed, Envy was worthy. Then Envy remembered about the switch and its 1 minute countdown. She searched the entire area, and couldn’t find it. But that’s when she decided to think outside the box and look underneath the platform. She found it. She flipped it and the bridge started to form. As this happened, the mountain opened its mouth, allowing access inside.  Envy walked across the bridge and into the mountain. Inside, she found herself in a cave full of all sorts of rare ores. In the center of the room however, was the Ore of Worlds sitting on a podium, surrounded by a pool of lava. The ore was covered in long green crystals that irradiated a green light. Envy flew above the lava pool and grabbed the Ore of Worlds. As she put it down on the ground, she took out the netherite pickaxe and mined away. In ten hits, the Ore of Worlds cracked open in a flash of green light. When her vision cleared, she was met with nothing but a pile of debris. However, in that pile of debris was a green Elemental Gem, the Earth Pearl. Envy picked up the pearl and marveled at its beauty.  After that, she flew out of the mountain and above the entrance. As she looked down, she could tell something was very wrong. The entrance was dark. Envy immediately swooped down and landed at the entrance. As she looked around, she could see that the tents were all gone. Suddenly, she saw someone try to hit her. It was Lord Drax. Envy quickly moved out of the way as the scepter swung past her. The scepter made a loud clang as it hit the ground.  Lord Drax picked his staff back up gazed menacingly at Envy. 

“So, you must be the Champion of Arkala.” Lord Drax said. 

“Heh! What makes you think that?” Envy asked. 

"The spy, obviously." Lord Drax said. "I immediately assumed they would send someone mighty to this place. But you? You're just a child. A weak, unskilled child."

"I am not weak." Envy said. Just then, a bunch of illagers appeared from the jungle, all with weapons in their hands. 

“Surrender the Earth Pearl, now. Otherwise, my men are gonna have to kill you.” Lord Drax said. 

“Well good, I don’t mind getting my hands dirty.” Envy said. 

“Oh really? Then let’s see if this will make you change your tune.” In the background, Siss could be seen being restrained by two illager guards. Terrance was chained up in shackles. Bonnie was lying in pieces. Sombra was knocked out and held by other guards. 

“Guys!” Envy cried. Just then, a swarm of vexes swarmed Envy and started poking her to death. Envy then dropped the pearl as she fell to the ground. 

“Envy!” Siss cried. Tears started to well up in her eyes. Lord Drax grabbed the pearl and let out an evil laugh.

“I win! I win!” Lord Drax repeated over and over again. As Siss stared at her friend getting mauled and listened to Drax’s bragging, she grew angrier and angrier. Suddenly, Siss bit one of the guards’ hands. The guard yelled in pain, letting Siss go. Siss then charged toward Drax. As she was about to tackle him, she then blew up. After the explosion, there was a crater in the ground. Siss was still alive. In the center of the crater was a huge rock. Suddenly, the rock lowered into the ground as if it was a shield. Lord Drax was still intact, holding the Earth Pearl. “Fool.” Lord Drax then took the Earth Pearl and put it in the head of his scepter. As he did this, a powerful wave of energy flowed through his scepter and into his arm.  Lord Drax yelled in agony as he tried to withstand the power. Envy and Siss watched as Lord Drax consumed the power of the Earth Pearl, right in front of them. Eventually, he stopped. “It’s time…” he said to his men. He then used the terrain around him to make a portal to the Nether. “Well, I’d really like to stay and watch how pathetic you so-called heroes are, but I have a certain village to attend to.”

“Arkala! No!” Envy cried. 

“Silence!” Lord Drax yelled as he dropped a rock on top of Envy. Envy groaned in pain. “Awww, don’t cry. I’ll take good care of them. Trust me, they’re in good hands.” he said with a menacing grin. Him and his men then walked through the portal. The portal then deactivated soon after. Envy tried to move the rock off of her, but she couldn’t. Siss then saw Envy. 

“Envy!” she said, weakly. She limped over to her and tried to get the rock off of her. She couldn’t move it either. Sombra then woke up.

“Ugh, what happened?” she said, groggily. She then gasped as she saw Envy. “Oh my God! Envy!” She teleported over to  help Siss. This time, they  were able to get the rock off of her. Envy gasped for air. 

“Envy, are you ok? What happened?” Sombra asked.

“No, we’re not ok! Lord Drax took the Earth Pearl!” Siss cried.

“What did you say?!” Bonnie cried. 

“Bonnie!” Siss cried. As she ran over to help put her back together, Sombra helped Envy get up. 

“Thanks.” Envy said.

“Did Drax really get the pearl?” Sombra asked. Envy’s fight or flight responses then kicked in. 

“Guys, we need to get back to Arkala, now!” Envy cried. 

“Why, Envy?” Bonnie asked.

“Drax is heading there as we speak! He took his own nether portal!”
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