KingWolfInk — DotW - Samhradh

#wolf #domainofthewolf #domain_of_the_wolf
Published: 2016-05-07 23:43:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 9690; Favourites: 120; Downloads: 0
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Mated to Asterion!


Name: Samhradh
- Nickname: Sam, Radh ("ruh")
Age: Adult
Gender: Female
Height: 32"

Build: Light and lanky. She is a very agile wolf and appears very petite, she is quick but has no real strength or weight to throw around and would not fare well in a physical fight with any other wolf and is incapable of bringing down large prey, she is very good at catching rabbits and sometimes birds however, with her light frame enabling her to sneak up and her speed to catch before they can get away.
Territory: Heyl
Mother - Meadow (Missing) (NPC)
Father - Astor (Missing) (NPC)
-- Siblings
---- Brother: Jax (Estranged/missing) (NPC)
      Sister: Aislin (Estranged// Unaware Aislin is now Nimh)
      Sister: Kleio (Estranged)

Son: Leo - Son: Orion - Son: Sarin - Daughter: Sagitta

Mate: Asterion
Orientation: Bisexual
Rank: Beta - Medicine Keeper


  • Pup: Warm earth and fresh grass.

  • Adolescent: Grass and dirt, sometimes overpowered by wet fur.

  • Young Adult: Grass, meadow flowers and trees.

Voice - Maia Mitchell.

Theme songs:

Runaway” - Mat Kearney
"Jump Rope " - Blue October
"Samhradh, Samhradh " - The Gloaming (Thank you Rodwendess <333 English lyrics here !)



  • Spirited: Sam is easily excited about new things and things she’s personally invested in, and her open joy and enthusiasm tends to spill over into everything she does. Whether she is learning something new or taking part in something she is already well-versed in she gives her all, and has fully dedicated herself to Dawnguard’s deities and culture.

  • Optimistic: Despite hardships she faced before joining Dawnguard, Sam has kept her sunny disposition and hopeful outlook on life. She’s well aware that things can be tough, but she’s a firm believer that there is always a rainbow after a storm and things will always pick up again no matter how hard life gets. Her cheerful optimism can be irritating to any not in the mood for it, but she manages to find a bright side to that too, claiming that even if they end up irritated with her they’re no longer thinking about whatever was upsetting them.

  • Determined: When Sam sets her mind to something, she almost always sees it through. Unwilling to give up on anything even when it seems impossible, she will exhaust every option she can possibly think of to achieve her goal. Although her determination is usually all on her, she’s not above asking for help from anyone she feels is able.

  • Friendly: Sam loves nothing more than being with others. Her time spent alone was miserable and she doesn’t do well on her own, she loves to make friends and talk to others and finds her strength in those that surround her. A firm believer that everyone deserves to have a friend, she will be first in line to greet new faces and old alike with a smile.

  • Fearful: The memory of those she met while she was alone who were less than friendly has remained with her, so unless she’s with a packmate her fears tend to get the better of her. Her fear of being left alone again has also remained strong, her greatest fear would be to lose her new family that she’s found with her pack and she prefers to never get so far away she cannot see, hear or smell her packmates.

  • Emotional: She tends to become over-invested in things she’s doing and can take things that don’t go well personally, or become upset by things others view as unimportant which in turn tends to upset her more. Sam tries to hold her emotions back but that doesn’t often end well.

  • Indecisive: Making tough decisions has never been one of Sam’s strong suits, and her fears and worries tend to override her logical thinking, which leads to her avoiding making choices wherever possible. Even decisions that seem mundane can be confusing to Sam and she will often change her mind several times, going back and forth between things until the situation rights itself or someone else steps in.

  • Stubborn: Sam’s determined nature can also work against her when she ends up disagreeing with others, or when others try to change her mind about something she has set her mind on. Her tendency to ignore things that don’t match up with what she believes or thinks often makes others become annoyed with her.

Pre-Group History:

Pup: Samhradh was born to 2 loners, in a small litter of which she was the runt. Being small never held her back and she enjoyed exploring and play wrestling with her siblings, she was always faster than they were and could easily beat them in games of tag. Her parents kept themselves and their small family away from other wolves and lived a very quiet life, they always avoided questions from their pups about where they came from or why there was no more wolves in the pack, although that never stopped Sam asking persistently.
Her days were spent exploring the land around their den, usually over stepping her bounds and venturing a lot further than her parents would like. It seemed peaceful enough but her parents insisted it was too dangerous to go too far, and warned often of other wolves and predators who would harm them or worse.
The pups never got more than the odd whiff of others carried on the wind, her siblings were more than happy to ignore the idea of any other wolves but Sam daydreamed about going out and meeting others, sure she would be safe if she simply introduced herself as a friend.

Adolescent: As she grew Sam developed a keen interest in learning as much as possible about the world around her, her siblings were content to learn how to hunt and fight, but Sam wanted to know more than the basics of staying alive. Her parents were happy to teach her what they knew, her mother teaching her about navigating using the stars and reading the weather using the clouds, telling her how she could learn about things happening miles away by watching the birds and herds of prey and how they acted, whilst her father taught her everything he knew about the plants and trees, which were dangerous or poisonous and which could help tend wounds, how to tell who had been where by reading the tracks and breaks in the foliage. Sam happily absorbed everything she was taught and became proficient in the things she was told, although her questions about the world beyond the borders her parents set only intensified as she grew up.

Sam’s desire to meet more wolves and be part of a larger pack was strong, and she frequently stole away further than she should have to see if there were any others close by she could befriend. None ever came close enough for her to attempt contact, much to her dismay, and her siblings thought she was being foolish. Her wish for more to talk to lead her to trying to befriend other animals, scaring the life out of several rabbits, squirrels and deer and earning her a scratched nose from an unsuspecting bobcat. Her parents warnings grew more serious and she got told off by them often for arguing with them about the finer points of interacting with other wolves.

Young Adult: Not long after she and her siblings grew into young adults their parents left, supposedly to go hunting, but they never returned. Sam and her siblings waited for days which turned into weeks for them to come back, taking it in turns to go hunt smaller prey while at least one of them remained at the den just in case, but they did not come home. After a few weeks they began arguing with each other over whether they should go looking for them or not, ending with the pups also taking that task in turns to go and search while the others stayed behind, but none of them ever found their parents or caught their tracks anywhere. Sam felt sure she should have been able to track them after all her lessons, but any trace of them had long been wiped out by the elements and other animals coming and going.

The arguing among her siblings got worse until they began drifting apart and eventually agreeing to go their own ways, Sam didn’t want to leave her family but waiting around was becoming unbearable, and she held some hope she might pick up a sign of her parents on her travels. She didn’t find any sign of her parents but she did find other wolves, her first instinct was to go and meet them but something about them made her feel uneasy, it was only when she moved downwind close enough to pick up the scent of wolf blood coming from the small group that she truly began to panic, all her parents’ old warnings coming back to her at once. After that encounter she became more wary of any strangers she smelt or heard, and the long time spent on her own was beginning to wear on her. She had never felt so alone and longed for a friendly face.

As Sam was resting in a small hollow a great rumbling shook the land beneath her, a massive crash like thunder accompanying it. She'd never been so scared in her life, the sudden noise and rumbling sending her into a panic. No matter where she ran she couldn't escape the rumbling ground, giving no thought to her direction or distance she was hopelessly lost by the time the rumbling stopped.
If she'd been able to gather her thoughts she could have retraced her steps, followed her own scent back to where she started, but the fear that gripped her robbed her of all common sense.
It took a few hours of wandering for her panic to really wane, and by the time it had she found herself coming up to a river flowing through a forest. Her running had made her incredibly thirsty, and as she drank she noticed another wolf further along the bank. If she was thinking straight she would have probably turned tail and ran, but she was tired from her earlier panic and desperately needed the comfort provided by a companion, so with her loneliness and fear pushing her on she approached the wolf and introduced herself. The stranger greeted her with friendliness and when they informed her she would have to be taken into the heart of their pack’s territory she went along willingly. She began to feel a bit more worried when she realized there were in fact a lot of wolves in this pack, but none of them seemed particularly hostile.
Sam met the leaders of the pack, which she learned was named Dawnguard, and after she explained where she’d come from the leaders agreed she would be allowed to stay in the territory for 3 days. She was terrified when they nicked her ear, but the friendly stranger she first met reassured her.

Sam's first night spent surrounded by other wolves who had greeted her with friendliness and accepted her into their territory was the happiest she'd felt in a long time. She spent some time with her newest friend, the wolf who she first encountered, asking about the different tasks of Dawnguard and talking quietly about pack life. As she drifted into the first real deep sleep she'd been able to have since her parents had left, her mind raced with the possibilities afforded to her in her new home.
She hopes to be able to train with the Dawnguard wolves and become a Soothsayer and serve her new pack to the fullest extent of her abilities.



 || Friend
   || Kin

 || Pity
  || Relates to/Understands
   || Feels Uncomfortable Around 

 || Suspicious
  || Fear 

 || Respect 
  || Feels Responsible For
   || Dependent On

 || Trust

 || Attraction 
  || Lust
   || Love (romantically)

 || Approve
   || Love

 || Disapprove 
   || Loathe

 || Mate

Meadow -   - -  - -  
Astor -   - -  - -  
Jax -   - -  
Aislin -   - -  

Asterion -  - -   -   - -    - - -   -    - -   
Hedda - -  - - - -  
Felgar - - - 
Saphira -  - -  


Shoshana - -  - -  -  
Ivichi - -





Kaiser - - - 
Oenasar -

Other Creatures:



Her name is Irish Gaelic for “summer”.
Her name is pronounced “sow-ruh”.

Season - Spring
Food - Rabbits
Flower - Daisies
Terrain - Meadows and hills
Colour - Blue
Weather - Sunny but not too warm

Being with others

Being alone
Eating birds

- Sam tends to wag her tail a lot when speaking to other wolves, usually held low and wagged softly, but the movement is there all the same.
- When she's impatient or irritated, she will flick her ears a lot. Usually her left ear, but she's been known to flick her right ear also, but never at the same time, always one ear or the other.
- When greeting other wolves she will bounce slightly with her front legs and often play-bow.
- If she's alone she finds it difficult to get to sleep and will talk to herself.


Sam is quick on her feet and nimble, easily able to outrun most others and keep pace with a group.

Sam is able to keep going for a long time, although not quite to the extent of a fully trained Makoce or Randi.

Sam needs some more teaching before she's as knowledgeable as she's capable of being but she's smart and a quick learner once she dedicates herself to it.

Sam's light build doesn't lend itself to being particularly brawny. When she fills out a bit more she's likely to become a bit stronger, especially with training, but as she is now she's unlikely to be able to hold her own in a fight.

Being on her own for so long forced her to have to develop her hunting skills, her speed helped her become proficient at catching rabbits and other small rodents and very young deer calves, but she's not very good at bringing down anything bigger and her light weight frame doesn't lend itself to hunting large prey.

Sam needs some more training before she's truly proficient at tracking, but her lessons from her father have given her a head-start. When tracking prey she finds it much easier to stay focused on her task and locate her quarry.

As long as she can remain focused and doesn't get too spooked Sam can find her way wherever she wants to go, and find her way back again. However if she has been frightened or gets too side-tracked she has trouble re-orienting herself and needs some guidance and training to prevent her becoming panicky in those situations.

RP Availability:


Notes: - Hard to keep track of but I'm happy to use notes.
Docs: - Preferred, with notes to ping when a new reply is made?
Comments: - Not a fan of comments.
Skype: - Not the biggest fan of skype RP, tends to make me a bit anxious.
Sta.sh: - Plot outline in a submission to either users sta.sh and RP in sta.sh comments is cool.
Other: - I don't really know many other options but if you have something else I'm happy to look into it.

I'm fine with anything up to R rating, although the R is for language, blood, violence and gore - anything else is no bueno!

Group History:

Samhradh's Medallion

(NOTE: Need to fix this mess up good lord)

Bones total = 15

Summer 2016:
- July
+ 2 Bones for joining
+ 1 Bone for New Dawn [Art]
+ 1 Bone for A New Friend at the Border [RP]
+ 1 Bone for Hey sister - Samhradh + Shoshana [RP]
+ 1 Bone for The Newcomer (Samhradh + Asterion) [RP]
+ 1 Bone for Rainy Day (Samhradh + Shoshana) [RP]
+ 1 Bone for Coastal Stroll (Samhradh + Asterion) [RP]

- August
+ 2 Bones for Never gonna quit it [Art Collab MSE]
+ 1 Bone for Stay Wild [Art]

Autumn 2016:
- September
+ 2 Bones for Sibling Meme [MSE]
+ 1 Bone for We can never go back [Art]
+ 1 Bone for Waterway Buddies [RP]
+ 1 Bone for Death Wish [RP]
- 5 Bones for Pack Sponsorship (HighValley)

- 3 Bones for Rank up - Delta Medicine Keeper
+ 2 Bones for AU Meme [MSE]
+ 1 Bone for Chasing Butterflies [Art]
+ 1 Bone for Unhappy Union [RP]
+ 1 Bone for The Skunk [RP]
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Comments: 73

KingWolfInk In reply to ??? [2019-11-15 19:26:11 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

Ah sadly I do not, I'm a cheater that used an online english-gaelic dictionary ;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Howler-Moon In reply to KingWolfInk [2019-11-16 12:23:31 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Timber-wolff [2018-12-10 04:15:01 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful girl 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FrostedCanid [2017-04-30 21:14:53 +0000 UTC]

Another reminder to please change to the Heyl app! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to FrostedCanid [2017-04-30 21:32:47 +0000 UTC]

Omg. Oops. Updated!  xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FrostedCanid In reply to KingWolfInk [2017-05-01 01:58:22 +0000 UTC]

No worries! ^u^ Awesome!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

lilbeantrix [2017-01-04 02:35:19 +0000 UTC]

I was wondering. Could we rp maybe?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to lilbeantrix [2017-01-09 16:40:28 +0000 UTC]

I'd love to! But right now I have a literal mountain of RPs that I need to get through before I can do any more  weeps quietly
I'll make a journal when I've cleared them up and can take more !!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

lilbeantrix In reply to KingWolfInk [2017-01-11 00:29:22 +0000 UTC]

okie dokie I'll wait

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BlazeWolf420 [2017-01-02 22:55:38 +0000 UTC]

>.< I love your art style so much! (Also I really love those fur colors) I'm a fan of your art   

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to BlazeWolf420 [2017-01-09 16:41:38 +0000 UTC]

Awww thank you so much!  ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

BlazeWolf420 In reply to KingWolfInk [2017-01-18 00:46:34 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LunarShadowCreations [2016-11-17 23:50:00 +0000 UTC]

*whispers* Wanna RP her and Aster again now that the Curse of Pajackok is in full swing?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to LunarShadowCreations [2016-11-19 12:20:07 +0000 UTC]

I think Sam would disown me if I didn't let her have an RP with Aster  xD
I'd love to! With everything going on and now wolves falling sick Sam would probably insist on giving him a bunch of herbs to help ward off any illness anyways  xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LunarShadowCreations In reply to KingWolfInk [2016-11-19 15:42:10 +0000 UTC]

Cool, I'll send a starter!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KaeliARPG [2016-08-30 23:44:07 +0000 UTC]

Yooo 0: Would you be interested in doing a rp with Ivichi?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to KaeliARPG [2016-08-30 23:55:37 +0000 UTC]

Oooooo sure!
What kinda plot do you have in mind? 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KaeliARPG In reply to KingWolfInk [2016-08-30 23:57:47 +0000 UTC]

I have no idea :'D

Just got back in and trying to get back on track XD He's a Luperca, he could do Luperca-y things or they could just come across in passing. Shoshana mentioned Sam to him so he may be curious to who this Sam is lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to KaeliARPG [2016-08-31 01:37:23 +0000 UTC]

Oooh that'd be fun! Sam's an aspiring Soothsayer, not quite there yet but well on her way.
She loves to meet literally anyone so maybe have them meet around the main den area? Perhaps they're both getting a drink from the nearby lake or something. xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KaeliARPG In reply to KingWolfInk [2016-08-31 01:42:46 +0000 UTC]

Oooh the drink idea is unique 0: lets do that! and then they go from there lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to KaeliARPG [2016-08-31 11:05:38 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! You cool with notes?  I can send a starter if you'd like.  ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KaeliARPG In reply to KingWolfInk [2016-09-01 05:19:51 +0000 UTC]

Yes that'd be super helpful! Thanks!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SaskedieJagerin [2016-08-18 07:53:57 +0000 UTC]

NGH this is the fifth time probably if not more I keep watching and re-reading this beautiful bio!
So tompted to make one too now ;___; dang girl, you've surely inspired me!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to SaskedieJagerin [2016-08-29 23:48:27 +0000 UTC]

cries a lot?????

om g. thank you. ;;;;;;
That is honestly the highest praise I could ever hope to receive. Thank you ;u; <3333

(whispers you should definitely plan for the next dotw group opening. a+ group all the wolfs.)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SaskedieJagerin In reply to KingWolfInk [2016-08-31 09:42:26 +0000 UTC]

I loved your art since I joined BS back on 2007, what were you expecting, a disgusted critique from me? B)

Since I watched the group, the new journal about the new method to join packs has appeared O:
Are things more complicated now?
The group's so well made, quality art, quality characters and awesome stories! I feel I might not be good enough? ;u; my art's pretty plain, I adore how you've painted the fur on Sam! I tried learning to some simple paint to give a more realistic look but meh, failed miserabl(and somehow, when I tried, I accidentally deleted all my brushes on PS...)
I might have an idea for a character, a grey-white male wolf (Felix as name? I had this name in mind for a while) but...NGH...will I be able to get even one bone per month? ;u; ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to SaskedieJagerin [2016-08-31 11:05:05 +0000 UTC]


Oh man you could definitely join. There's no restriction on art quality, it doesn't matter if your art is like, lowest of low quality, just as long as compared to your other works it's not awful. (So like, if your usual work is painted and coloured and you only submit black and white stick figures to the group it's no bueno, but otherwise it doesn't matter one bit.)
It's actually super easy to earn the bones per month, last month I actually had too many things and had to hold off on a couple things so I didn't have too many to cash in  xDDD  There's "monthly special events" every month too, which are usually just memes or little prompts, this month's was literally just "do an rp or collab with someone you've never done one with before" and each MSE is worth 2 bones if you do it during that month (any other later month and it's just 1 bone).

The group relies on well developed and rounded characters more than art quality, so as long as your application wolf's character bio is well written you stand a pretty good chance. For Sam I added a few extra things that weren't on the "basic requirements" list to make her stand out.
Everyone in the group is super friendly and lovely, and the staff are super responsive and always willing to help if you get stuck on anything. It's SO much fun and I'm loving getting to stretch my writing muscles a bit  xD
The pack applications are just if you want to create your own pack within the group like the existing ones, it's not something you have to do at all <3

(whispers fellfang and dawnguard forever)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SaskedieJagerin In reply to KingWolfInk [2016-08-31 13:42:45 +0000 UTC]

I'm reeeeeally tempted now, I might try to make a character now!
Maybe during a pause from the study, I can start writing down a bio, let's see what I can make! I already have a couple of ideas for the beginning of his history, I hope to make something a little bit original and not always the same things already seen a hunders times (Sam's not one of them, as she was born from loners but A LOT of characters I've seen that were born from the alphas of a small pack or/and were the runts, I don't want to make that, for once).

I really like RP groups but sometimes, I kept myself from joining because, as I have periods where I draw freely and I draw a lot, I equally have others where I barely touch pencil and sketchbook, let alone photoshop and so I wouldn't want to be kicked out for inactivity, although I would tell someone that I might be busy, thus justifying my lack or submissions...but if you say that it's not that hard to get even 1 bone, maybe I can still try! I think RPs do could too, right? I'm pretty good with those, maybe if I'm not able to make proper art, I can at least RP, I've never had problems replying and, as I've seen, they aren't abnormally long like the ones I've done 'till now (like, 60 posts in total or each person with very very very long paragraphs).
The two RP group that I'm still in are pretty good but have some very long periods or inactivity...as for one, it doesn't bother me (I have a lot of developed characters and this inactivity isn't a problem), the other one ehe I began to lose some interest on it and I'm not sure how present will I be once it re-opens again, as much as developed that my character is, I've really lost interest on it

Now the hard thing is to choose a pack. I've seen that they're basically all open except for two!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to SaskedieJagerin [2016-08-31 17:53:37 +0000 UTC]

Yeeeeee it's a lot of fun!
And RPs absolutely count for bones, as do just straight up stories of your character and things that have happened/are happening to them (pretty sure there's a min word count, but it's not absurdly high).

There's always plenty of plots going on, either big pack-wide or group-wide plots and events or just some smaller ones, and everyone is happy to engage in some RPs! The only thing for bones is that each RP has to have at least 3 posts from each character to count for a bone, but that's a really easy one to meet.

All the packs are so interesting and have such cool backstories ;u;  Not all open packs are open to new members each time, it's usually the ones that are a little low on members that open up for new members to join (like the last opening was Dawnguard, Heyl and Chandor).
I've found DotW a really fun community to engage in, every single person I've met in DotW has been awesome, the admins are always cool to answer questions and if anything dire does happen that means you absolutely can't do anything for DotW for the month they're cool talking about it. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SaskedieJagerin In reply to KingWolfInk [2016-08-31 18:52:10 +0000 UTC]

Okay, I think I'm totally joining or at least try to XD while I was driving up and back home to the kennel I give a hand to, I thought about the backstory for this character and some personality and so, I totally have an idea here lol
I'm also seeing on the "How to join" journal what has been seen quite a lot and what they would lik to see in new characters, to see if I can make something that it's not the same old soup lol as I said before.

Good thing then! RPing is absolutely not a problem, better if they're not that long, it's easier to work with and to reply! Plus I could also make short stories of his backstory and also another thing I've thought, I mean I have quite some ideas I could work with, I'm inspired now!
Good to know that staff and members are super helpful and nice! I always fear I might make some mistake but knowing that people there are awesome, it's a relief and it definately calms me down!

I think the ones on the frontpage are what to look after to see what's open and what's not? Because on the frontpage there are basically all packs open but two and in the "How to join" journal only three are open so I really don't know what to look at? O_o
Well, for now, I think I'd better make the basics and the design then or in the meantime, I'll look at all the packs (except the two closed) and see where my character could better fit!
(I liked Havir because it's in the mountain thus snowy places! :'D)

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Rodwendess [2016-07-11 02:32:13 +0000 UTC]

Congratulations she sah purdy!! I think Hedda and her would get along like a house on fire if you ever wanna RP :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to Rodwendess [2016-07-11 13:24:51 +0000 UTC]

Oooh sure! Sam's in a few RPs already atm, but when those are done it'd be great to have another friend for her to meet!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rodwendess In reply to KingWolfInk [2016-07-11 13:30:51 +0000 UTC]

Sounds gewd!

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KingWolfInk In reply to Rodwendess [2016-07-21 23:43:31 +0000 UTC]

Got a couple of RPs finished up now, still up for an RP with Hedda?  :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rodwendess In reply to KingWolfInk [2016-07-22 03:46:25 +0000 UTC]


note me the doc link? :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LunarShadowCreations [2016-07-10 23:41:12 +0000 UTC]

Oh, she is so beautiful! Would you like to RP her with my Asterion? lunarshadowcreations.deviantar…

Since she was once a loner, I think it would be interesting to explore his interactions with wolves from outside the pack. He'll definitely be very suspicious of Sam at first, to be sure, but maybe she could turn into a friend? I dunno, we would have to see! Let me know if you're interested, and I can send you a note, if you like?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to LunarShadowCreations [2016-07-10 23:48:06 +0000 UTC]

Aaaa I'd love to! Sam's like a living ball of excitable sunshine, as long as she doesn't scare poor Aster off they'd probably make good friends.
I've got to get off to bed soon but I'll be able to reply to a note tomorrow!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LunarShadowCreations In reply to KingWolfInk [2016-07-11 00:22:09 +0000 UTC]

Okay! Sweet! I'll send a note and you can get back whenever! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Zoketi [2016-07-10 17:00:15 +0000 UTC]

welcome in!! my gosh she's gorgeous! *u*

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KingWolfInk In reply to Zoketi [2016-07-10 17:03:05 +0000 UTC]

Aaaaa thank you!  ;u;

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Zoketi In reply to KingWolfInk [2016-07-10 17:25:06 +0000 UTC]

of coursee!! <:

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halloumicheese [2016-07-10 15:34:35 +0000 UTC]

Gorgeous! I love her design <3 

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KingWolfInk In reply to halloumicheese [2016-07-10 16:14:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!  ;u; <3

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Flufferooni [2016-07-10 14:46:49 +0000 UTC]

Omy she is so pretty! QuQ
Loving her personality >u>
Would you like to roleplay some time? ouo

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KingWolfInk In reply to Flufferooni [2016-07-10 14:52:34 +0000 UTC]

Absolutely! Sam would want to meet and befriend absolutely everyone.  xD

Thank you!  ;u; <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Flufferooni In reply to KingWolfInk [2016-07-10 15:43:14 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! quq
Mind if I note you and we can plot? c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to Flufferooni [2016-07-10 16:11:11 +0000 UTC]

Go for it! ^^

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Baseballfan2414 [2016-07-10 14:46:27 +0000 UTC]

Welcome to DOTW!  
If you need any rps at all, my loner Kaiser is always available!  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to Baseballfan2414 [2016-07-10 14:54:34 +0000 UTC]

Oooooooh that'd be interesting! Sam's an aspiring Soothsayer so she's very likely to be out studying plants, meeting a loner would be an interesting development for her.  xD

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Baseballfan2414 In reply to KingWolfInk [2016-07-10 14:58:37 +0000 UTC]

Sweet! Do you prefer notes or skype?

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KingWolfInk In reply to Baseballfan2414 [2016-07-10 15:11:18 +0000 UTC]

Generally I prefer notes, skype RP tends to set off my anxiety something fierce lm a o rip

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