KingWolfInk — DotW - Vojin

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Published: 2015-09-16 19:27:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 6118; Favourites: 59; Downloads: 0
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Redesign for the boy!


Name: Vojin
Age: Adult
Gender: Male
Height: 35"
Weight: 116lbs

Build: Muscular and well-built, very strong but not as fast as his sleeker pack-mates. His fur is thick but not especially long, the majority of his bulk being all muscle. He appears a little forward-heavy, with the majority of his strength being in his shoulders and neck.

Territory: Fellfang
-- Parents:
- Mother: San  
- Father: Gnarr  
-- Siblings:
- Brother - Ville (Missing) :: Brother - Cronig   :: Sister - Krulde (Missing)
Rank: Brandr (Beta) - The Hunt


  • Pup: Warm earth and grass with a small hint of spice

  • Adolescent: Dirt and dried wood

  • Young Adult: Blood, decomposing flesh and stagnant earth

  • Adult (now): Dried leaves, oak bark and damp earth

Voice - Alan Cumming.

Theme songs:
"Second Chances" - Imagine Dragons
"Runnin' " - Adam Lambert



  • Forgiving: Vojin is always ready and willing to forgive others any mistakes they may have made. He’s awkward when it comes to friendships but he’ll do his best to understand his packmates, he knows all too well how it feels to regret decisions and actions made in the heat of the moment and will do his utmost to reassure those around him so they don’t need to feel the same way he does.

  • Kind: He takes great joy in the happiness of others. While his motives are sometimes misplaced, with him believing he either doesn’t deserve or will never have any real measure of happiness for himself, his heart is in the right place and small acts of kindness often rule his thoughts. Whether it’s lending a sympathetic ear or bringing a packmate a snack or item they like, he’ll do it whenever he’s able.

  • Loyal: Vojin is loyal almost to a fault. He truly believes Fellfang to be the best pack in the land, and will defend his packmates with his life if it comes to it. He breaks down a little when his loyalties are crossed or tested, if someone he trusted betrayed the pack or when Story was turning on his own pack, he will become confused and snappy, often reverting to simply Fellfang as a whole. His loyalty to the pack prevents him from being able to run away, so he panics.

  • Supportive: He knows how it feels to not have anyone to confide in or talk to, so he’ll happily be a shoulder for anyone who needs it. He believes in redemption and being able to fix mistakes made and will encourage his packmates to do whatever they feel like they need to do, as long as what they want to do doesn’t break pack law. Whether it’s just talking things out or help with a problem - Vojin will help his packmates with whatever they need.

  • Wary: Vojin is suspicious of any newcomers, and incredibly skeptical of loners who claim to be peaceable. Having dealt with being lied to and deceived in his past he finds it incredibly difficult to truly trust anyone, even being a relatively open wolf most of the time there are some things he simply doesn’t trust anyone enough to ever talk about. He’s often worried about things as they are now being torn apart and the pack taken back to the marauding ways of previous Jarls, and he’s not sure he’d be able to survive if he had to go back to that way of life.

  • Insecure: After a long time of life being kill-or-be-killed and being told he’s not enough by those he felt closest to Vojin is no longer entirely sure of who he is as a wolf. During the violent rule of Story he was a ruthless killer and he still carries no small measure of guilt and regret over his actions. He’s no fan of the reflection he sees in the water, not least because of his numerous accumulated scars and his damaged eye being constant reminders he wears, and feels like he no longer deserves things like a family or real love. He says simply having his packmates is enough for him, but in the quietest hours of night when there’s nothing but himself and his thoughts he will sometimes feel the need to go on a long walk while his sorrow overtakes his mind.

  • Over-bearing: His constant need to check everyone is happy or doesn’t need anything can sometimes make even the most patient a bit irritated with him. He doesn’t always know when enough is enough, and will push things too far. While he always means well, it can be difficult for him to discern when a packmate is dropping subtle hints that they’d rather be left alone or that he’s prodding them too much. This tendency he’s been unable to get rid of only makes his insecurity worse, but he does keep trying to learn to read others body language well enough to know when to stop.

  • Unsettled: His belief that he no longer deserves a family or a mate or even a close friend sometimes makes his behaviour irrational and he’ll often stop mid-conversation to tell whoever he’s talking to that they cannot talk any more and leave, which can be confusing for the one he’s speaking to as there’s not always a clear trigger for his sudden shift in thought. After a few hours he’ll have gotten over whatever it was that disturbed him or made him think they were getting too close and he’ll happily talk with them again. Vojin’s dreams sometimes turn dark, waking him up in the middle of the night and rendering him unable to get back to sleep, or just making him feel too rattled to try and go back to sleep, during these times he’ll often go for a walk just to give himself to do to occupy himself and his mind, his favoured destination being the Crystal Mountain where he finds the caves and crystals to be soothing.

Pre-Group History:

Pup: Vojin was born into Fellfang during the reign of Ode, the father of and Jarl before Story, although he doesn’t remember much of that time. His was a small litter and he was the first and largest pup to be born, a thing that made him favoured as the strongest by his parents and caused a rift between him and his siblings with him receiving most of the attention.
Fellfang was a violent place to grow up when he was young, but that didn’t stop him or his siblings enjoying their time wrestling and chasing. His parents would often tell them stories about how only the strongest wolves could grow up into impressive adults, with the weak being killed along the way, and his father in particular would favour Vojin as a future fighter and marauder he could be proud of.

Adolescent: In his early years Vojin was trained by his parents and their friends to be a merciless killing machine, something Vojin wasn’t always obedient in following and he often argued with his parents about what he should be when he was grown. His father would be violent with him to teach him his place which made the two of them distant.
When his mother died during this time it shook Vojin enough to withdraw into himself, he’d always thought of his parents as formidable forces of nature but her death brought his own mortality to the fore-front of his mind, his father’s preaching of survival of the fittest seemed to him to be ringing more truthful than he’d previously thought and he resumed his training with a renewed purpose - not to die like his mother did. He didn’t speak much during his training for a long while, something that was taken as a sign of respect and submission by his father, when in reality Vojin was suffering with a severe anxiety and he worried that if he spoke he might cry which would be seen as a sign of weakness.
His youngest and most frail sibling also died during this time, cementing in his mind that he had to banish his thoughts of peace and do whatever he had to to survive.

Young Adult: Vojin’s training proved successful and he grew into a formidable fighter. He gained several of his facial scars and smaller scars on his legs from fighting with other wolves for dominance in their small groups and for food, and he readily joined in rejoicing over his battle-scars as a sign of strength and power.
During a particularly fierce attack on a loner wolf him and his small group stumbled upon a feeding mountain lion, a large female with a cub, and his unbroken streak of victories had made him rash and foolish. His group taunted the cat for her food, caring little for her warnings to back off from her cub, Vojin got too close and was too slow or too arrogant to dodge the swipe of her paw. Her claws made a nasty gash over his left eye, the other wolves being too stunned by his howl of pain allowed the cat to escape and they dragged the remains of her kill back to the pack. Their delay in having his injured eye seen to by a witch doctor resulted in his cornea rupturing in that eye, leaving him near-blind in it and the eye to take on a shattered and torn appearance. At the time, he took this to be a sign that he was mighty and strong.

The distance created between him and his father and siblings grew during this time, he doesn’t know what happened to them but he assumes his father was killed at some point, he hoped at least one of his siblings may have run off or left but he’s never gone looking, not least because he’s not sure he really remembers what they looked like any more.

Adult: During the fall of Story and take-over of the pack by Fable, Vojin remained mostly quiet. Story’s unhinged behaviour had disturbed many pack members, Vojin included, and he waited to see what would happen.

When Fable announced the return to the Old Ways for Fellfang, Vojin spent a long while soul-searching and hoping beyond hope it was really true, the immense relief he felt at the sight of an end to his fighting to stay alive shook him up a bit and he wasn’t sure what to do with himself. 

Now he finds the new way of life to be enjoyable and refreshing, and finally feels like he might be more himself than he remembers ever being before. He carries hope he may one day be able to rise to the rank of Vanguard and use his strength and talents for good instead of ill and perhaps find himself on the way.

Glacial Shift Event: The rumbling of the earth and the fire spat from the mountain was the most terrifying thing Vojin ever witnessed. He had no idea what was happening, or why. The pack was peaceful now, why were the Gods angry?
He'd been enjoying a walk around the lake when it happened. By the time he'd run back to the pack the mountain was exploding into fire. The furious molten earth was the colour of his damaged eye, red and orange and black, further proof in his mind that this was truly a message from the Gods.
He fled with the pack, glad that Fable was able to lead them out of this maelstrom. He felt utterly useless. All his strength, skill and experience meant nothing against the power of the Gods and the forces of nature they wielded.
The pack's new home, ironically in the old lands the pack used to reside in, were much calmer. The reassurance that the Gods did this to return the pack to this place eased his mind. He missed the crystal mountain of the old territory, but the forests and coasts of their new home served as a good alternative, the Aefinlight Strond being his favourite place to visit during the night.



 || Friend
   || Kin

 || Pity
  || Relates to/Understands
   || Feels Uncomfortable Around 

 || Suspicious
  || Fear 

 || Respect 
  || Feels Responsible For
   || Dependent On

 || Trust

 || Attraction 
  || Lust
   || Love (romantically)

 || Approve
   || Love

 || Disapprove 
   || Loathe

 || Mate

Gnarr -    -    - -   - "He was my father, and as such I loved him, but he was pathetic and deserved his fate."
San -    -    - -   - -   - "I loved my mother but she was cruel and bloodthirsty. She had no place mothering pups in the first place."
Ville -   -  -   - -   -  -    - "We used to be so close, he was like my shadow, but now he's gone. Likely dead. I'd give anything to see my brother again..."
Cronig -     - - -   - -  - "He wasn't much of a wolf, perhaps if we had been born later he would still be around, but the Dark Age made corpses of anyone who showed weakness, and he had many weaknesses."
Krulde -   -  - -    - "Who knows where she slunk off to, nowhere pleasant I'm sure. It's good she's gone, the peaceful nature of the new Fellfang would be ill-suited to such a violent wolf."

Rutnik -  -   - - -   - "Rutnik is an honourable wolf, and I am proud to stand beside him as a fellow Fellfangir."







Other Creatures:



Name is Scottish in origin meaning "protector, soldier, peace maker".
Actual age is 8 years 2 months.
Name is pronounced "voh-jin".
He prefers others to use his full name rather than shorten it.
His injured eye is based off this photo of a leopard with an injury to its eye.

More art of Vojin, during the end of his time under Story's rule; ukthewhitewolf.deviantart.com/…

Season - Autumn
Food - Elk
Flower - Ferns. A plant instead of a flower.
Terrain - Mountains and moors
Colour - Gold and bronze
Weather - Cloudy

Patrolling the territory

Overly violent wolves
Those who show disrespect to the pack and/or the Jarl


Vojin's size and strength make him a lot slower than sleeker wolves, he finds it difficult to pin down anyone who can move quickly, relying on his strength more than his speed.

Vojin's training and experience in battle has honed his ability to pace himself and he knows how to conserve energy for when he might need it.

Vojin is no fool, but he's no genius either. He falls back on instinct and experience, and doesn't have the most patience for learning things that require smarts over strength.

His training and time spent fighting for his life during the end of Story's rule has made Vojin a formidable force of nature. Although he doesn't particularly like fighting, he knows how to incapacitate and kill another wolf should he need to.

His strength makes him capable of tackling large prey and he's more than happy to lend his power to bringing down a meal but he's not especially good at chasing down any smaller prey that can out-maneuver him.

Vojin is more than capable of seeking out other wolves or larger prey, his skill at tracking more elusive prey is not as good however.

Vojin can find his way around Fellfang well enough, and could find his way back to Fellfang territory if he wasn't too far out, but he's never had much need to find his way any further from Fellfang's borders.

Group History:

Vojin's Medallion

Bones Total = 2

Autumn 2016:
- October
+2 Bones joining
+0 Bones Dark Days [Art] (Old art, not applicable for Bones)
+2 Bones [MSE] AU Meme
+1 Bones The Hunt and The Vanguard [RP]
- 3 Bones Rank Up - Delta, The Hunt

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Comments: 24

SaskedieJagerin [2018-01-08 16:44:07 +0000 UTC]

He looks fab  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

databull [2018-01-08 16:36:46 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh the boyyyyyyy <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Zoketi [2016-10-16 17:40:58 +0000 UTC]

/throws temperance at 
RPZ?!? i luv this guy his design is so neat!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to Zoketi [2016-10-16 18:30:28 +0000 UTC]


ALL the rps!! wanna note me some plotting?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Zoketi In reply to KingWolfInk [2016-10-16 19:37:29 +0000 UTC]


sure!! i'll send one soooons 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Renzaele [2016-10-16 03:59:59 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to Renzaele [2016-10-16 14:14:17 +0000 UTC]

Heeellllll yeeaaaaaa

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

MediocrePotato [2016-10-16 03:57:16 +0000 UTC]

Whoa what a cool looking character!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to MediocrePotato [2016-10-16 14:12:09 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!  ;u;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

databull [2016-10-16 03:22:52 +0000 UTC]

HE HERE <333

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to databull [2016-10-16 14:12:18 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Baseballfan2414 [2016-10-16 02:53:13 +0000 UTC]

He made it in!!!
Nach and Vojin must meet!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to Baseballfan2414 [2016-10-16 14:12:45 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Ramala [2016-10-16 02:26:29 +0000 UTC]

Eeeee, I'm so glad Vojin's finally in the group! Welcome to the Fellfang fam!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to Ramala [2016-10-16 14:12:35 +0000 UTC]

Aaaaaaa thank youuu ;u;  I'm so excited he's finally here

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

databull [2015-12-26 18:08:09 +0000 UTC]

2 things
one, did you check with the group to make sure Vojin's eye is okay?
two, do you want any pre-rp relationship with Nik? xD;;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to databull [2015-12-26 20:37:54 +0000 UTC]

Yeeeee I had it approved before I submitted him last time! They said it's all good seeing as it's a natural occurrence.  xD

Also I would LOVE to  ;u;  Poor Vojin needs some friends, smol angstwolf.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

databull In reply to KingWolfInk [2015-12-27 03:27:20 +0000 UTC]

Yesss <3
got any ideas?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to databull [2015-12-27 18:22:06 +0000 UTC]

Well Vojin often slinks off to the Crystal Mountain alone, I'm sure there's a plot in there somewhere.  xD
He doesn't sleep well either so he'll wander around at night when everyone else is asleep.

Learning how to open up to his packmates is something he's gotta work on, so someone who's perhaps noticed his weird solitary wandering and tries to talk about it mb?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

databull In reply to KingWolfInk [2015-12-28 02:33:41 +0000 UTC]

Hm well considering Vojin would have been in the pack all his life and Nik's been there for almost all of his I doubt they're complete strangers. It's likely they would've fought together too during Story's reign. Perhaps their relationship could be similar to what Nik has with Asgeir? They know each other and used to be 'friends' back in the old days when bloodshed was everything, but they find it awkward now since they both want to forget the past and the other was so integral in it. 

Then we could add in the part where Nik wants to try and make amends (since he's becoming a beta/will be by the time Vojin gets in) and they meet up in the Crystal Mountain to converse? Rutnik feels partially responsible for wolves like Requin and possibly Vojin who feel displaced by the pack's sudden change with Fable as alpha; since he did little to stop what happened despite having the ability to stand up for the others, and himself. Whatever happens after that is up to Vojin and Nik c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KingWolfInk In reply to databull [2015-12-28 21:29:40 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh that's good. Vojin has more of a severe depression about the whole thing, rather than attempting to make amends he simply tries to forget completely.

They probably would have fought back under Story's rule, so it'd be pretty awkward between them. With Nik trying to make up and Vojin trying to pretend it all never happened. It wouldn't be a surprise if a couple of Vojin's old scars were given by Nik.  xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

databull In reply to KingWolfInk [2015-12-29 20:15:24 +0000 UTC]

That would be so sick )) Dang, bringin Nik's regret to a whole new level; I love it~

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SaberTigreKyle [2015-12-11 00:07:20 +0000 UTC]

He looks awesome! :3 I want to keep him.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

databull [2015-09-16 19:28:59 +0000 UTC]


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