Kitonika9 — SoC: Astrum|Roundeye|Aevum

Published: 2014-04-15 08:40:21 +0000 UTC; Views: 1042; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 0
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Description My bootiful boy! I love him already; that curly hair and green eyes. Cookies if you guess whom I got inspiration from for some traits in personality

What would it take for things to be quiet? Quiet, like the snow. ~

P R I M A R Y ~ I N F O

Name: Astrum
Name Meaning: Star/Constellation
Name Pronunciation: As-strum
Reason Behind Name: After being found near the border of Aevum territory by a doe, the young melanistic fawn was taken in by the Tribe out of an act of fairness and love for their own Gods. Taken under the wind of a doe whom lost her youngest fawn just a day ago from sickness, the young male was soon named later that night. Not because of his fur color; instead, the doe saw that her new son and brother of her eldest son Tonitrua had some fascination towards the night. Thus the name Astrum came to be.
Nicknames: Strum, Freak, Astro, Noctis
Age: 2 Years, 5 Months
Gender: Buck (Male)
Herd: Aevum
Rank: Roundeye
How He Earned Said Occupation: Astrum, although born outside the ranks of the tribes, didn't need to do anything specific to earn this rank. That being said, it was his wisdom  and cunning ways along with complete focus and enthusiasm in training as one of the best that got him the title of Roundeye, even though in reality he chose this rank when he was of age to become a Greenhorn.

~ I know this isn't much but, I know I could, I could be better! ~

S E C O N D A R Y ~ I N F O

Breed: Astrum is a mix between fallow and roe deer. However, he has a melanistic mutation, hence why the buck has a pelt as black as night compared to those around him in Aevum.
Birth Season: Fall
Birth Month: November
Birth Day: 5th
Height: 43 inches
Weight: 101kg
Accessories: [He Made] [1/1]
Collar - A collar made out of some strange fabric he had come across, a young Astrum decided to dedicate this discovery to his own benefits. Although difficult to create with hooves, Astrum managed to finish his new accessory off, adding in the stone shaped in a crescent moon to represent his passion towards the moon and the beautiful night it always brings with it. He rarely takes it off, considering it's his only comfort in himself...

[Given to Him] [0/2]

~ I don't think I deserve it; selflessness... Find your way into my heart. ~

P H Y S I C A L ~  A P P E A R A N C E

Scars: N/A

Natural Appearance:

Brief Description: Astrum's melanistic coat is one to be reckoned with. It is unnatural to both herds that this buck has a pelt as black as the night itself, even though there are different shades of black's completely! While his overcoat appears darker than the primary color, it's Astrum's grayish looking fallow spots and stripes that complete the look. With a single white patch on his chest and leg making the only difference. Like every other male, Astrum is adorned with antlers; however, unlike his brother Tonitrua, or any other buck really, Astrum's antlers are smaller and lighter in size. The male is also a lot more lither than most others, with a more sleeker build.

Detailed Description:

Melanistic Pelt - Astrum's dark pelt is strikingly unusual by standards to most members of both Tempus and Aevum considering not many deer have a black coat. Namely speaking, Astrum's dark pelt has two shades; a darker overcoat covers the majority of his shoulders, face, and back itself. Meanwhile, grayish stripes of two different shades starting from the buck's forehead, along his spine, and to the end of his tail. One of those stripes goes straight down the middle of Astrum's face, whilst the other shade gives his curled messy hair a nice silvery touch to it. Gray spots on the buck's flanks indicate his fallow bloodline. A single white patch on his chest and right foreleg are the only colors that make him seem slightly normal...

Emerald Eyes - Another feature of Astrum's is his striking green eyes; they blend in well with his unnatural mutation, yet they sometimes captivate deer with their shade. Uncommon as it is for some deer to carry green eyes, Astrum's own shade is that of a deep emerald like color, which help's give him some depth and character for first impressions. Mostly holding a calm collected aura within them, rarely some deer recognise the feelings of envy, loneliness, and sometimes even mischief that is hidden deep inside them. If a deer truly sees those feelings, than they are considered special to the Roundeye's own accord.

Build - Considering he is a Roundeye and not a Battler in Aevum, Astrum is considerably a lot more smaller and lither than most bucks within both Herds. Being born a runt had it's advantages, yet Astrum knew how to put those in to his own advantages. Because of his lither and skinny legs as well as frame the buck can run faster and leap further from any other deer twice his size and bulk. Although, Astrum does have broad shoulders due to him training some defence moves in case he were to get attacked by other deer, or even if he took on the Stag one day to lead Aevum. All in all, he could easily be mistaken to be a Trotter.

Antlers - Unlike some bucks in Aevum, Astrum's antlers are a lot more lighter and smaller. However, this means that the buck's antlers are also vulnerable, being weaker than the average considering it's not well built enough to combat foes with. Hence why Astrum made a good choice in deciding to choose healing over fighting. He doesn't regret the decision although sometimes the Roundeye wishes that his antlers weren't small and weak, but strong and slightly larger to give off an intimidating appearance. But for now Astrum pays little time fretting over something that can't be done; therefore, he rarely talks about antlers.

Voice - Astrum's voice is that of a charismatic deer; his way of making his voice calm, collected, and yet strong and smooth at the same time goes to show just how talented he is at talking with fellows. Whilst seemingly quite at first, Astrum's voice get's a lot louder as he get's adjusted to the conversation with a stranger in total. One of the main aspects of the Roundeye's voice is that he has a British accent; unusual, yet fun to listen to for it is different and, well... new? Of all the above, Astrum has a way of making his voice express his true feelings if he calls for it; for instance his anger will allow his voice to raise in tension and his accent becomes a lot more stricter.

Scent - Surprisingly Astrum smells of water lilies and mint with the hint of oak tree. Because of this, those who have never met him will mostly remember the nice scent he carries along his dark pelt. Astrum also houses the scent of Aevum too.

~ All stars could be brighter. All hearts could be warmer. ~

E X T R A ~ I N F O

- Astrum has a strange passion for the moon and night rather than the day
- He prefers winter over spring; mainly because he believes the night looks more beautiful cold with white snow
- Knowledge is something in which Astrum prizes over physical strength, which he believes blinds the deer
- He hates the sexist ways of both Tempus and Aevum
- One day he dreams of becoming the Stag of Aevum

- Astrum was inspired from two characters
- He is my first ever deer OC
- Originally I was going to use him as a tryout for the Buck of Aevum, but decided not to but to have fun instead with a normal rank XD

* The night
* Winter
* Knowing vital things
* Healing others
* Quiet strolls through neutral territory
* Fairness
* "It" bucks
* Sexist ways
* His brother, Tonitrua
* Knowing that he was abandoned by his real Mother
* Isolated from the Herd
* Fighting without cause
* Autophobia - Fear of being alone
* Thanatophobia - Fear of death
* Claustrophobia - Fear of closed in spaces

What would it take for things to be quiet? Quiet, like the snow. ~

R E L A T I O N S H I P ~ I N F O

Sexual Info:

Sexuality: Heterosexual - Attraction towards the opposite sex
Mate: N/A
Fawns: N/A
Crush: N/A
First Kiss: N/A
Other Kisses: N/A
Lover Type: Astrum is the kind of deer to not admit his feelings unless he is absolutely certain he is truly in love with a special someone. The Roundeye will usually be a lot more shyer around his attraction, constantly blushing if he done something embarrassing or clumsily falling over several things. He is a sweetheart when it comes to love, being a romantic and all. He would treat his special someone as an equal, always taking her out to beautiful places and even to witness the stunning night in it's full glory. No matter what, Astrum will be truthful towards the doe of his affection, and will die protecting her.
Preferences: Astrum loves does who have a feisty, spunky, yet kind and imaginative side to them indeed. He also loves does who are more open with their thoughts on ideas such as the sexist ways the Herds seem to work by, or does whom see the night's beauty. Most importantly, the doe must be a determined and hard-working as she is intelligent, for that shows Astrum that she doesn't sit around and do nothing at all! As for looks, the buck doesn't care; personality is what he finds more interesting...

Mentorship Info:

Mentor: Argentum
Greenhorn: N/A

Family Info:

Biological Father: Umbra
Biological Mother: Decoris
Adopted Father: Ventulus
Adopted Mother: Amor
Adopted Brother: Tonitrua

~ That we meant to be empty-handed, I know I could, I could be better! ~

M I S C ~ I N F O

Voice Actor: Tom Hiddleston "Loki" {Thor - The Avengers - Thor: The Dark World}
Theme Songs:
- Louder Than Thunder - Devil Wears Prada
- You Are the Moon - The Hush Sound
- Flawed Design - Stabilo

Theme Tunes:

~ I don't think I deserve it; selflessness... Find your way into my heart. ~


Strength - 4.1/10
Balance - 7.3/10
Speed - 8.6/10
Endurance - 6.5/10
Attack - 3.4/10
Defense - 3.7/10
Reaction - 6.9/10

Sense of smell - 7.9/10
Hearing - 8.2/10
Sight - 6.9/10

Need for affection - 3.1/10
Affection - 4.1/10
Playfulness - 7.1/10
Independence - 8.8/10
Intelligence - 9.2/10

~ All stars could be brighter. All hearts could be warmer! ~


Positive: {Charismatic} {Cunning} {Strong-Willed} {Hard-Working} {Fair} {Brave}
Neutral: {Mischievous} {Devoted} {Ambitious} {Curious}
Negative: {Confused/Angry} {Lonely} {Arrogant} {Stoic} {Deceptive/Liesmith} {Envious}

Charismatic - Astrum has a way with words that comes incredibly handy; with his smooth collected British accented tone of voice and his confident stature, it could be said that charisma just grew on him. Being a liesmith and all, this trait incredibly helps out with it. There is no knowing of the buck's tendencies whatsoever, just that he deems himself as one whom seemingly appeals to the better nature of those around him. This trait brings about his confidence too, considering Astrum would not hesitate to talk in front of a crowd of deer no matter the circumstances. Even if he's basically the odd one out in the entire herd...

Cunning - Being a Roundeye, and savoring brains over brawn for basically every tactic that comes towards him, Astrum is undoubtedly intelligent. The young Roundeye loves knowing things such as the art of healing with herbs, to looking up at the marvellous wonders the night sky has to offer to him. Being his cunning self, Astrum is known to be a beneficial tactician, always planning out his motives before making his own move just to play safe. Most of all, the melanistic buck manages to even outsmart those who are more brawn, always succeeding in making them out to be witless oaths, much to their anger.

Strong-Willed - As always, Astrum is strong to the very core! Although he may seem not as much as he appears to be, do not let that fool you; deep within him Astrum is stronger. It takes a pretty hardcore and convincing deer to convince the buck to do something in which he believes is wrong or worthless. Even the Stag won't get to him unless threats was put into the order. You could say this trait makes Astrum quite stubborn; literally. Moreover, the melanistic pelted male has the will to do "whatever he wants" to do, and will clearly not stop until it is seen from his point of view. This trait is what makes Astrum who he is, and a force not to just push around.

Hard-Working - Astrum is incredibly hard-working towards his own duties. He is that kind of deer to not give up at the first go and always strives to do his best. In some way, determination helps a great deal when this trait kicks into action. Because of this trait of his, Astrum put's his own heart into it, in hopes that he could at least get the respect that he truly deserved. But no matter how hard he tries, he is rarely looked upon as an equal. The only ones he feels appreciates his own work is his brother and Mother. However, Astrum doesn't give up; the buck instead fuels this trait even more until he get's the respect he so desires...

Fair - A trait Astrum expresses in public is that he is a just and fair buck. Every day Astrum would always wonder what it would've been like if the Herds weren't completely sexist, with females filling in the ranks of Battlers, Bucks, and even Stags. Astrum incredibly hates sexism, seeing it pathetic and somewhat making the does look vulnerable and weak beyond the very truth. Of course, many bucks who hear of this opinion just laugh in his face; yet it does favor some does who believe in this thought. Because of his fairness, Astrum can sometimes be a generous Roundeye, although that is rare seeing how he doesn't tend to share anything with strangers.

Brave - As he is strong-willed, Astrum is quite brave. Yes he lacks in fighting skills and has weaker antlers than your average male, but that doesn't mean Astrum isn't completely cowardly. To everyone's surprise the Roundeye would hurl himself at danger no matter the consequence, even it costed him his life. Besides, if it did kill him, no one would exactly care right? Other than that, Astrum sees his bravery as something that shows his Herd that just because he is an outsider amongst their ranks doesn't mean he is some cowardly creature without a lesser care in the world around him.

Mischievous - All in his nature, Astrum loves to have fun here and there once in a while. The buck is not that serious once you get to know him well enough; in fact, Astrum loves to reveal his more mischievous and lively side to those who cared. Of course, this side of him can lead to either a good reputation or a bad one depending on the jest of it. Considering the kind of deer the prank is aimed at, Astrum and his accomplice will certainly have a blast with their pranking schemes. Of course, many of the Roundeye's victims despise the fact that most of his pranks are sort of mean spirited, yet he and his friend would find it as a joke more than anything.

Devoted - Devotion towards Aevum varies when it comes to the likes of Astrum. On one hoof he would do anything for his Herd, yet on the other hoof, it is like he's under appreciated. Is it because of his ways? Or his appearance? Either way, Astrum doesn't have complete loyalty to his Herd, and depending on the current Stag's decisions, Astrum will often find himself arguing silently with himself about the choices made if he deems them wrong. Sometimes he may disobey his orders with good reason. But most of the time Astrum will abide to the good will of his Herdmates in the hopes of that some day they would like him and accept him...

Ambitious - Astrum's ambition is as clear as daylight; as for intentions; however, it is unknown for he hides it away with his stoic and serious looks. Most of Astrum's ambition points to him leading Aevum someday as Stag and ridding the Herd of sexist ways while proving at the same time that he wasn't just some deer left to die as a fawn. However, this ambition can make him aloof in some ways, making the buck distracted sometimes. Ambition is what fuels the Roundeye's determination and somewhat stubbornness too, seeing how it helps him work hard to gain approval from his Herdmates and maybe some friends along the way.

Curious - As a Roundeye, Astrum finds curiosity in the world around him as an important aspect in life. Therefore he usually encourages this towards those closest to him, such as Tonitrua and young fawns who seem to be captivated by his unique dark pelt and ways. However, this curiosity can cause him to get distracted whilst in the middle of something, otherwise make him aloof too at times. Yes curiosity can help the buck to figure fickle things and gain more knowledge, yet it's always a thing that holds him back. Much to his displeasure, Astrum has began to doubt whether he should try and stop searching for answers just so it can't get in his way.

Confused/Angry - A major problem that the Roundeye has to deal with is these two combined traits. Because of his recent discovery of being adopted into the family he has now, Astrum has grown completely confused with his early life as a fawn. He had been lied to throughout his entire life. No-one wanted him, not even his real parents or herd, if he even came from Tempus. Not only that, but this confusion combined with his envy has led to Astrum becoming angry with the world around him. As if the constant feeling of being isolated was enough for him to deal with, let alone the fact that he conceals it. But one day it will break out...

Lonely - Astrum is an incredibly lonely soul inside although he rarely shows it. After all, he believes that his dark pelt and passion towards the night puts off everybody within his own Herd. Hence why he loves the night so much with a passion; he believes that the moon's isolation relates to how he feels in the day. A moon among many suns. Astrum tries his best to make him appear to everyone's good side, to earn some sort of company apart from his brother and Mother's. But to no avail, the melanistic buck never gets it, attention being rare towards him. This loneliness helps fuel his anger and confusion, which is even worse.

Arrogant - Because of the rising anger inside, Astrum has begun to become incredibly arrogant towards those around him, namely speaking bucks who are sexist are are just big brawny oafs in his mind. He doesn't care what he does or says, believing that he can do practically anything he wants to do. Astrum doesn't show off any sort of fairness towards those he deems unworthy of it, and frankly out right scoffs at them. However, because he believes he can do what he wants, Astrum has began to grow too used to that very statement. It is unknown what damage it could do now, and how long it would take until Astrum goes too far.

Stoic - Most of Astrum's feelings are disguised with what seems to be a stern or serious expression. Yet his eyes hold all of his conflicted emotions deep within themselves, and those who have a good perception can be able to detect those feelings. Most of the time Astrum conceals his true feelings from public, frightened in-case his rising anger might accidentally hurt a deer and make him out to be a monster. Therefore, Astrum can be seen at the back of the crowd, watching blankly without even voicing out his own thoughts unless necessary. Because of this attitude, it only makes it worse for the buck, no matter what he tries to conceal it.

Deceptive/Liesmith - Although his charisma can do wonders to his own personal benefits, there is a much more darker side to Astrum. Ever since he was a fawn, the melanistic buck has been lying, not as much back then, but now that he is older, he lies almost constantly. Those who know of these lies call him by the title "Liesmith" though the Roundeye doesn't mind at all really. Although sometimes his talented silver-tongue can turn to lead if he truly needs it, most of the time Astrum has no trouble in deceiving fellows. He even uses his small lithe frame to deceive those dumb enough to think him as a pushover too.

Envious - Astrum is incredibly envious of the smallest of things, mainly those being the deer that have High titles within Aevum or Tempus, along with Tonitrua. As a young fawn Astrum has grown up as the shadow in his brother's greatness, for Tonitrua always had his Father's praise. Plus his brother was stronger than him with larger more stronger antlers and a pelt as golden as the sun itself. That mere fact is what made Astrum grow envious of his brother, for everyone loved him. As for the current Stags and Bucks, envy is hidden and concealed within the darkest parts of Astrum's conflicted and lonesome heart.

~ What would it take for things to be quiet? Find your way into my heart. ~


Click Me!

~ What would it take for things to be quiet? ~

R E L A T I O N S H I P ~ T H O U G H T S

Heart Chart: N/A
Relationship Thoughts: Click Me!

~ Find your way into my heart ~

R P ~ I N F O

*Notes - Always!

*Chats - Depends whether you're on or not; but very rarely
*Comments - Again, rarely
* Skype - Yup! Name is djkito9

Role-Play Examples: 

Taken from a RP using my THK character Damu:

Smiling when he saw his little sister awake, Damu nudged her in a augur manner. "Mom's telling a story of her encounter with the snake!" he explained briefly before hearing Nyoka's words. After she finished, the red cub's green orbs lit up. So she had kept skins of the snakes from her encounters? And they were in his Father's den! This made Damu think for a moment. "Can we see them later? Me, you and Kutu? If she's interested that is..." he asked, trailing off as he cast his gaze on the darker red pelt of Kutu.

The red tom than began to imagine himself encountering his first ever snake. Would he kill it? Or would Nyoka come and kill it, just like her Mother had on her first encounter with the sneaky serpent? No, he would kill it and take one of it's fangs as a little trophy to prove to his Mom what he did. Not only that, but it would show he was brave for a cub his age! And maybe... just maybe Vumbi would notice him as something more than a useless cub...

~ What would it take for things to be quiet? ~

Lyrics (c) Devil Wears Prada
Astrum (c) Kitonika9 (me)

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Comments: 21

painkrc99 [2014-04-15 20:05:59 +0000 UTC]



👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to painkrc99 [2014-04-15 20:44:39 +0000 UTC]

Hehe no worries; I have a feeling Astrum will not like him considering his envy would make him resent the higher ranker; or if he is sexist himself.

Astrum; why u so sexy yet lonely at the same time?!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

painkrc99 In reply to Kitonika9 [2014-04-15 21:20:10 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to painkrc99 [2014-04-15 21:23:00 +0000 UTC]

Oh dear - Astrum's "Mother" was called Amor... he'll definitely hate him!

Astrum: .... Mother.... *goes to emo corner*

Astrum the adopted orphan who his Mother Decoris never loved and his Father Umbra is as much as a douche as Ventulus is...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

painkrc99 In reply to Kitonika9 [2014-04-15 21:27:01 +0000 UTC]


Relicta: ...did I do something wrong? -awkwardly staring at Astrum-


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to painkrc99 [2014-04-15 21:30:48 +0000 UTC]

Astrum: *glares at him* YOU HAVE MY MOTHER'S NAME!!!! Unworthy; stupid Buck...

At least he weren't adopted! And has an annoying adopted brother *points directly at Tonitrua*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

painkrc99 In reply to Kitonika9 [2014-04-15 21:44:21 +0000 UTC]

Relicta: It's not my fault D: don't be angry over something I
had no control of!


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to painkrc99 [2014-04-15 21:49:08 +0000 UTC]

Astrum: Go join the sun while I go with the moon!

Oh dear... better not hit off with Astrum - he is quite homophobic XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

painkrc99 In reply to Kitonika9 [2014-04-15 21:53:49 +0000 UTC]



👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to painkrc99 [2014-04-15 22:07:05 +0000 UTC]

Astrum: You're are a sun, one who revels in the light of day, whilst I the night is isolated from everything and everyone... the moon...

Lol I just do them the same time I do my coloring of the character; less time really.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

painkrc99 In reply to Kitonika9 [2014-04-15 22:10:20 +0000 UTC]

Relicta: -sweatdrops-


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to painkrc99 [2014-04-15 22:22:17 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

painkrc99 In reply to Kitonika9 [2014-04-15 22:46:51 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

st0lensanity [2014-04-15 15:28:29 +0000 UTC]

Seems he'd like Anka

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to st0lensanity [2014-04-15 20:43:24 +0000 UTC]

AMG We must RP them! It would be adorable to see him finally relating with someone who shared his views in the ways of the Herds

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

st0lensanity In reply to Kitonika9 [2014-04-16 17:14:10 +0000 UTC]

Lol xD So plot ideas?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to st0lensanity [2014-04-16 17:20:14 +0000 UTC]

Hmm... ya know how I mentioned he stood up for a doe in his past? It could've been her and she remembers that time. So when she spots him, walking out of the camp alone as always, she decides to follow him so she can show her gratitude towards him? Except she ends up speaking with him?

If not then she could wonder as to why he's always alone and accompanies Astrum out of curiosity

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

st0lensanity In reply to Kitonika9 [2014-04-16 19:54:54 +0000 UTC]

Lolol I don't think you mentioned that but sure xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to st0lensanity [2014-04-17 10:21:21 +0000 UTC]

XD I mentioned it briefly in the first paragraph of his adulthood - didn't make it clear though lol

Shall I send in a starter, or you?

PS: I hope you're feeling better today

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

st0lensanity In reply to Kitonika9 [2014-04-17 14:05:39 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. I think I am, but idk yet
and yes please

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to st0lensanity [2014-04-17 14:55:15 +0000 UTC]

OK sent! ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0