Kitonika9 — TBB: ~Aspenkit|Kit|ThunderClan~ {TRYOUT}

Published: 2015-03-08 20:15:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 1827; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 3
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Description About time I tried to rejoin this group! I know I started out there a couple o' years back, but back then I was an inexperienced advanced RPer so yeah... This time I'm better though! Also kit tryouts - how could I not resist?


~ You don't know how much I hate all the things you do... T-R-O-U-B-L-E that is what you are made of ~

P R I M A R Y ~ I N F O

Current Name: Aspenkit
Past Names: N/A
Name Breakdown:
Prefix|Aspen - Upon giving birth to her first litter, Heatherlight thought back to her conversation with Redwave a few weeks before about what to name their kits. Of course, she had already used Dustkit for one of her sons, so she was focusing on the other three kits. It was during this period of thought that the new mother noticed that one her kits - a she-kit - had a pelt similar to that of her father's and remembering Redwave's comment about giving a kit similar to his own looks the prefix "Aspen", Heatherlight decided to stick to that suggestion and thus christened her daughter with the permanent prefix "Aspen."
Current Sufix|Kit - Normal custom for kits born into a Clan to have the suffix "kit" after their prefix name.
Age: 0-6 Moons
Gender: She-kit (Female)
Clan: ThunderClan
Past Ranks: N/A
Current Rank: Kit
How She Earned Said Rank: Aspenkit didn't earn this rank - no, she was born into it like any other old Clan cat is born into this rank!

~ Hell is where you belong... Heaven can not wait for you! So close your eyes & make a wish! ~

S E C O N D A R Y ~ I N F O

Breed: Aspenkit is a mix between many different breeds; some including Maine Coon, Abyssinian, and American Shorthair. As for other breeds, it is unknown and considered moggy like her father.
Birth Season: Spring
Birth Month: March
Birth Day: 13th
Height: 4"
Weight: 2.3 kg
Accessories: N/A

~ Today's the day that I am fighting you! It's my turn to be a champion... So shut your eyes & count to three!

P H Y S I C A L ~ A P P E A R A N C E

Scars: N/A

Natural Appearance:

Brief Appearance: Aspenkit's fur is considered to be slightly similar to that of her father's own apart from a fair few different traits (such as kitten fluff). Meanwhile, her build is that of a stubby-legged and tiny structure considering she is extremely young as of now. Not a scar blemishes her appearance at this stage in her life, although she is well recognised for having a rather long tail that she occasionally trips up over from time to time. As for Aspenkit's eyes, they are a marvellous yellow that is evidently inherited from her grandparents instead of parents. Even though she currently has kitten fluff covering her body, some suspect that when she matures Aspenkit will have fur like her mother; fluffy in some areas and smooth.

Detailed Appearance:

Pelt - Aspenkit's fur is that of a dark, creamy ginger with darker tabby stripes that streak symmetrically across her fluffy pelt; sort of similar and yet not similar to Redwave's own pelt. The difference between the two is basically simple; she-kit's stripes range from a more wobbly standpoint and has different lengths compared to her father's own more straighter stripes. In addition to this, Aspenkit has a lighter underbelly that covers her entire neck, underbelly, under her tail, front-two legs, and back two paws. A few white toes also accompany her front two paws and muzzle while a stripe runs from her neck to her tail. Lastly, the she-cat has a fluffy appearance to her fur currently due to her young age, and is thus soft to touch.

Eyes - Bright yellow eyes adorn this she-kit's appearance perfectly as it fits in rather well with her pelt. Aspenkit's eyes were inherited from one of her grandparents - possibly from Redwave's family - and are frequently often either admired or turned down upon by other kits. This is because her eyes are considered a bit too bright, and are easily reflective when in dark places, causing her to stand out like a sore thumb. However, to Aspenkit, she finds them both glamorous and pretty whenever she glimpses them in a nearby puddle; she even takes compliments from her siblings and parents to boost up her own confidence in them. Besides, Aspenkit's eyes are known to grow brighter whenever annoyed or angry, while they can dull out a little if in grief or brooding...

Build - Currently (and mainly due to her age), Aspenkit has the typical kit build; short stubby legs, slightly chubby body (yet still quite lean mind you) and the average balance for a kit her age. Not a single sign of muscle can be seen on her shoulders yet because of this, although it is highly likely that upon growing up the small she-kit will eventually gain more structure to her figure. After all, most cats training as Warriors tend to eventually grow muscle around their shoulders and legs... Although as of right now Aspenkit is more interested in play-fighting and flaunting her slightly lean figure in the belief that she's a pretty she-cat just like her mother. That, and the she-kit also takes much more pride in her fur above everything else.

Long Tail - Unlike most cats, Aspenkit acquired a longer-than-average tail. Although it is unusual among most other kits and older members of the Clan, Aspenkit herself doesn't mind it much; except for one thing. Because she is currently young and therefore has small stubby legs and a slightly chubby body, the little she-kit occasionally trips over it in the most embarrassing ways possible! That alone stings her pride greatly whenever that happens, and causes the kit to often enough try her best to tightly curl her long tail around one of her hind legs or lift it high up in the air. Speaking of which, her expressions are easily expressed throughout the way she uses her tail; if happy, Aspenkit will lift and wave her tail high in the air, and whenever frustrated, it can fluff up and lash out violently from side to side.

Voice - Aspenkit has a voice you would expect from a kit her age - small, squeaky, and overall innocent and playful. Her voice has a soft tone added to it though, so it isn't too squeaky and (in some cases) annoying when speaking normally or in a whisper. However, it has been noted that the she-kit's voice will change into a harsh noise whenever angered or annoyed - or even worse, when she wants something and doesn't get it which leads to whining. Most of the time this ThunderClan kit's voice can be sweet and chirpy; perfect for a social butterfly among a litter of four, although she can be a bit too loud at times. Aspenkit can also make her voice sound "harsh" in a failed attempt at being fierce and intimidating while she may have a choke in it if upset.

Scent - Aspenkit currently smells of milk, Heatherlight, and a small bit of mint alongside the rich scent of ThunderClan.

I'll take you down & you'll be smithereens! It's my chance to be a champion... ~

E X T R A ~ I N F O

- Aspenkit believes RiverClan cats are actually cats with fish tails from rumors
- Is half ThunderClan, half RiverClan with WindClan and kittypet(?) blood inside her
- Has a fascination in feathers and herbs
- Aspenkit sometimes loves her long tail, and sometimes hates her long tail
- Probably the most selfish cat you'll come across XD
- Has OCD on keeping her fur pristine clean
- Was born on Friday 13th

- Design was created by _____
- Aspenkit is my attempt at rejoining TBT again

* The smell of herbs - they comfort her
* Her mother
* Being the center of everyone's attention
* Clean fur
* Polite, intelligent felines
* Exploring/causing trouble
* Rude, idiotic cats
* Being scolded
* Being ignored
* Fish - according to her they freak her out
* Dirty fur
* Being bored
* Atelophobia - Fear of not being good enough or imperfection
* Ichthyophobia - Fear of fish
* Mysophobia - Fear of contamination, germs, or dirt

~ Even if I lose my power, I'll get right back up! 'Cause that's the power of love... Something you don't have. Heaven can not wait for you ~

R E L A T I O N S H I P ~ I N F O

Sexual Info:

Sexuality: Unknown - She's just a kit!
Crush: NOPE!
First Kiss: Too YOUNG
Other Kisses: Look above. There ya go
Lover Type: Pending
Preferences: Pending

Mentorship Info:

Mentor: Too young
Apprentice: Too young

Family Info:

Father: Redwave
Mother: Heatherlight
Brothers: Dustkit & Shadekit
Sister: ____
Half-Brothers: Squirrelkit & Amberpaw
Half-Sisters: Dappledpaw & Fizzypaw

~ So close your eyes & make a wish. Today's the day that I am fighting you! It's my turn to be a champion... ~

M I S C ~ I N F O

Voice Actress: Young Kiara {The Lion King II: Simba's Pride}
Theme Songs:
- Champion - TCY Force
- Fallen Angel - Mitsunori Ikeda ft Aimee B
- What the Hell? - Avril Lavigne
Theme Tunes: TBA

~ So shut your lies & count to three! I'll take you down & you'll be smithereens! It's my chance to be a champion... ~


Strength - 1.2/10
Balance - 4.3/10
Speed - 6.7/10
Endurance - 7.8/10
Attack - 1.3/10
Defense - 1.9/10
Reaction - 6.6/10

Sense of smell - 8.9/10
Hearing - 8.5/10
Sight - 7.9/10

Need for affection - 9.3/10
Affection - 7.2/10
Playfulness - 9.1/10
Independence - 3.4/10
Intelligence - 4.1/10

~ S-T-U-P-I-D (x3) You're so stupid, stupid, stupid! S-T-U-P-I-D (x3) You're so stupid, stupid, stupid! ~


Positive: {Outgoing/Sociable} {Playful} {Adventurous} {Smart} {Confident} {Polite/Respectful}
Neutral: {Mother's Girl} {Perfectionist} {Sweet/Innocent} {Curious}
Negative: {Selfish} {Sassy} {Proud/Arrogant} {Impatient/Bossy} {Hygiene OCD} {Perfunctory}

Outgoing/Sociable - If one would expect this she-kit to be timid like some others, then think again! Aspenkit is considered a huge extrovert: she's always talking, always playing with someone and she's always in a some group. Overall, Aspenkit loves to be in a crowd, especially if it meant she was the center of it and therefore the group leader. It's this sort of spunky side to her that she's seemingly one of the most popular kits in the Nursery despite her many flaws. She won't even hesitate to go outside a lot either - in-fact, she was the first kit to go out of the Nursery's comforting barriers and into the maze known as the Camp. Because of this trait, it has made Aspenkit think highly of herself and is a great sign of a potential Warrior in the far future too.

Playful - Being a kit, it was to be expected. Aspenkit loves to play with others so long as she deems them worth her time aka cool and adventurous and not timid and boring. Her antics usually evolve around expeditions around the Camp, mossball, and failed attempts at escaping from the Camp and into the wild despite what her mother has told her before. This trait is also rather helpful with keeping her in a crowd and being incredibly popular to some, if not most kits her age within ThunderClan; after all, it pushes aside her more perfunctory state of mind and makes her seem more like a friendly kitten to actually want to know. Also, the small she-kit is known to be quite the honest player, taking her games to heart and not ever once cheating.

Adventurous - Considering she is just a kit, Aspenkit has never seen what the world looks like beyond those confining walls of the ThunderClan camp. Although that doesn't mean she hasn't at least tried to see them! The little she-kit tends to always find herself exploring the large area that is her home with anyone she can tag along with her - mainly her siblings or other curious kits in the Nursery. You can basically expect Aspenkit to explore the dens despite knowing she isn't allowed inside them apart from the Nursery; however, that doesn't stop her one bit! This trait can easily get her acquainted with kits who share her adventurous passion as well as make her gain a few close friends with each expedition she takes.

Smart - Being a smart girl for her age, Aspenkit is usually scheming of different procedures in order to get what she wants: from going outside the camp, nosing around, or downright begging her mother for something such as more prey or cuddles, this little tabby sure knows how to do it. Her intelligence also lends her a helping hand in coming up with sufficient tricks and gimmicks to get herself out of trouble and appear all sweet and innocent when in reality she actually isn't. Many know of her intelligence and many see a bright future for the daughter of Heatherlight... That's if she starts using it for much more kind solutions other than using it for her own gain. Still, it is rare to see a smart kit, so it is something welcomed by the Clan most of the time.

Confident - Aspenkit is incredibly confident about herself and her own actions - even if some may disagree with her. Regardless, this she-kit performs well with anything she can think up of and she does it within her purpose; she will behave like the leader of a group or act top dog when it comes to her siblings and attention. Aspenkit's confidence is enough to bring her into the light of mainly everyone she tries to seek out and it is incredibly clear that this she-kit isn't a shy one. No, the little tabby prefers to be center-stage after all; therefore, her confident attitude gives her that boost to express herself to all who listen. So it's hardly surprising that Aspenkit shall one day become a valiant Warrior that may voice her own opinions far into the future.

Polite/Respectful - If you know Aspenkit well enough, then you will also know very well that she is one of the most politest cats of her time. Yes she can be bully and yes she can be incredibly perfunctory and stubborn, but deep down she will not submit to behaving so rudely towards others! She has a respect for those older than herself - even if they could get annoying from time to time by preventing her own chances of escaping the Camp's confinements. Her respectful attitude also increases towards the higher ranks of the Clan as well as towards her own mother and siblings. Because of her respect for others, Aspenkit also has polite way with words and will rarely ever curse under her breath or when tempered.

Mother's Girl - It is official - growing mostly with her mother in her life, Aspenkit is more of a mother's girl then a father's girl. The little absolutely adores her mother greatly to the point of wanting to have all her attention focusing on herself rather than her other siblings (aka the "competition"). She would do anything Heatherlight asks her to do, and being scolded from her alone will make the she-kit guilty. Although that's all fine to love her mother more than her father, it's the mere fact that - as I said before - she sees her siblings as "competition" for attention. Because of this Aspenkit can grow rather envious of her fellow littermates and anyone else Heatherlight is close to and will therefore push herself further to gain her mother's full on attention.

Perfectionist - Coming from her confident self, Aspenkit prefers to do things within perfection and absolute precision; otherwise she will grow into a fit! Everything must be perfect and goes right according with her ideas and plans or else everything would not go well at all! The tabby prefers to also show off her greatest qualities in order to get more recognition and seem like the "best" there is and no-one else can outdo her. That's were the negative effects take place; because of her own pride, Aspenkit will not stand for failure on her part! Even messy fur is just - no. This she-kit prefers to much rather look perfect and be perfect in any shape or form, so one mess up (even if it is minor) can create panic city inside her.

Sweet/Innocent - Like most kits her age, there is a deep innocence about Aspenkit that makes all fawn over her. Especially when her sweetness is added to the nice mixture. However, her innocence does lead to some rather negative defects such as her oblivious knowledge to the hardships in life and what sacrifices a Warrior must make sometimes. She's also too innocent to understand why her father can't be here with her siblings and thus feels like he just doesn't care about her. Her sweetness can also come off as fake too if she is forced to be in the presence of a cat she greatly dislikes; though hardly anyone knows the difference from what's true or not. Although her sweet side does tend to gain popularity on her part as well as her innocent self adding some happiness to another cat.

Curious - Aspenkit is plenty curious when it comes to wanting to know more about the world she lives in and such. Often she reserves her questions for Heatherlight considering she trusts her mother the most and her siblings don't have any idea about the world themselves. Usually all her questions are innocent and such: what is beyond the walls? Why is the sky blue? Are the stars really dead warriors of the past? However the thing abut this is that sometimes she can get a bit... out of hand. Once she has a question answered, a new one pops up and thus the cycle continues until she is either stopped by the poor cat or something else catches her eye. Sure curiosity isn't to be discouraged, though too much of it can surely annoy one's ears.

Selfish - To be fully honest, Aspenkit is spoilt rotten. She usually get's her way after some cunning thinking and acting, and she is always in charge of everything she does with other kits along with her siblings. Because of this sort of pampering, the she-kit has developed a rather nasty habit of having things her way and her way only. She can be an incredibly selfish thing, for if she is given something she doesn't want or like she will upright moan, complain, or whine about it until she get's something she desires. This is mainly involved with games and food; if she doesn't get something she wanted to eat (i.e. mouse instead of squirrel) or someone decides to play a game she doesn't want to play Aspenkit will go in a huff until it is changed all for her.

Sassy - Aspenkit is a mistress of sass when it comes down to it! Normally within arguments she will give attitude and show no  signs of backing down from it so easily. Her sassy ways can make her come out with all sorts of snide remarks that may upset or hurt her opponent; not like she cares mind you. It's because of this trait that some brave kits may render her a bully despite her denying as such and getting others to defend her status. Although deep down inside Aspenkit knows what she is accused of is true, yet she finds it too fun to pick on others and see their reactions to it. It makes her feel dominant after all, and that's all that matters. Her sass is something to beware of though considering how it can easily puncture some emotional wounds to the most vulnerable of kits.

Proud/Arrogant - This tabby literally graces herself in her own pride no matter how deadly that can be! Usually you'll find Aspenkit bragging to others about how intelligent and neat she is and how she and she alone will make a good Leader of ThunderClan one day in the far future. She also speaks of how awesome her mother is and if someone asks about her father she'll quite easily shrug it off as nothing. Although because of this she can actually lose favor from those around her too due to how she makes them feel below her and pathetic. Her pride also casts a long shadow over her own arrogance, for Aspenkit believes that she is right in every way possible despite her being only a kit; something that can get out of hand quite often and lead her to trouble.

Impatient/Bossy - Aspenkit has literally no patience whatsoever. She is not a patient kit and therefore finds waiting for cats who are slower than her to be such a bore. She especially despises being forced to wait for something by her siblings or mother and will often go around to distract herself or be melodramatic about the whole ordeal. Her bossy side is also all out of her impatience too - if someone isn't picking up the pace, she will not hesitate to tell them to hurry up forcibly. She could be quite callous within these traits, always insulting the slower cat out of her own frustration. No, Aspenkit would much rather be up and active instead of just sit on the same spot for more than five minutes and that alone is her most fatal flaw.

Hygiene OCD - There is something about being unclean that Aspenkit finds incredibly unappealing to the point of it being a pure obsession to be clean. Because of this irrational fear of dirt, the she-kit will avoid areas that are muddy, don't look right, or smell incredibly funny. She will thoroughly clean her fur if she believes something or someone brushed against her pelt and will often take small bites from her freshkill in order to avoid her mouth being completely stained in blood. Her OCD is one of the most well-known to practically everyone in the camp the moment she began to show them more and more with the end resulting in the Medicine Cat being called to investigate her. There are just some things Aspenkit can't get rid of or change, and this is one of the most hardest ones to do.

Perfunctory - Because she is not a nice she-kit everyone believes she is, Aspenkit can come off as fake. If she is with someone she doesn't like or is uncomfortable with she will literally act all nice towards them and smile while deep down inside she is gagging and thinking of all sorts of nasty comments in her little head. This trait is one of the most hard to spot out unfortunately due to her way of performing them; she is quite the actress when it comes to things situations where she has to "grin and bear it", so it is not easy to really detect. Although it does take one slip up to make the other aware there is more then just sweet words and smiles to this kit when it comes to her true feelings for them...

~ So close your eyes & make a wish! Today's the day that I am fighting you! It's my turn to be a champion ~



Second Chance at Romance
Heatherlight, a brown tabby with heather colored eyes was born in ThunderClan. When she became a warrior, she fell in love with Darktuft, and they aspired to become mates and bare their own litter of kittens. Before they could do that, Darktuft died, which ended up leaving Heatherlight sad, and she questioned if she would ever find a love in her life

Redwave, a dark ginger tom with amber eyes met Angel, a white calico with beautiful purple and blue one day while he was out on a walk by himself. She had pounced on him and they began to converse. Angel was fascinated with how there were cats living in the wild, and that she had heard many rumors about the wild cats. Redwave saw something different in Angel, so he decided to befriend her and tell her all about clan life, and how amazing it was. They showed each other their ways of life, and they both got to taste a bit of each other's lives! After hanging out for a while, the two friends became best friends. One day, Angel didn't come to meet Redwave on time, which worried Redwave immensely. He ran up to her home only to see her trapped in her den, and her twoleg getting ready to take her to a smaller cage, which was to take her to the Cutter's! Angel cried and begged him to let her out, and without any hesitance, he saved her from being locked in the twoleg home, which was now looked upon as a prison. Redwave took Angel back to RiverClan, where she was accepted in as a Warrior. Not long after, she was put in the Nursery to become a Queen. Their relationship became more awkward as soon as she was accepted as a Queen with the new name of Angelfeather. She began to distance herself from Redwave, even more so when she gave birth. She spent most of her time with a she-cat named Otterfoot, who she then fell in love with and became mates with. When Angelfeather told Redwave about this, he was incredibly upset and he ran away from her and RiverClan.

One day, when Redwave was alone, he was at the grove, and that was when he met Heatherlight. Heatherlight was on a walk, and she found him far from his territory. They began to converse, and Heatherlight instantly felt a wave of sympathy for the tom, since he lost the cat he loved due to another cat, and she bore his kits. After a moon of talking and hanging out, they began to enjoy each other's company, and they ended up falling for one another and became mates. Redwave then told her that he was going to return to RiverClan, not for his sake, but for his kit's sake. He left them behind, and he knew he had to be there for his kits. He knew what it was like to not have a father, and he didn't want that for his kits. It worried Heatherlight at first, but Redwave promised that he would visit as often as possible. After a moon of being mates, they were soon separated when Redwave due to a forest fire in ThunderClan, and the treacherous deaths of two of his kits, and Angelfeather. After things settled down for both cats, they went to go and meet with one another again, and they decided to have their own litter of kittens. When Heatherlight told him that she was pregnant, Redwave was thrilled.

Patter of Paws
Aspenkit was born into a litter of four healthy kits including herself. Of course, Heatherlight was both exhausted and happy that she finally got her dream of becoming a mother and she saw great potential in all of her kits. However, due to Redstorm living in RivrClan once again the she-cat knew he wouldn't be fully present within their kits lives until they were old enough to meet him with her at the border. Still, when Aspenkit grew she didn't bother with that problem so much of growing without an ever present father. Instead the tabby she-kit proved to be quite the kit in the Nursery - especially with how she seemed to enjoy picking on other kits that weren't related to her. No matter how many scoldings she was given though, Aspenkit still continued, but she also grew extremely close to Heatherlight at the same time. Currently she spends her young life playing or exploring with her littermates or other kits she deems cool enough as well as attempt to sneak out of the camp.

To be Rped

~ So shut your lies & count to three! I'll take you down & you'll be smithereens! It's my chance to be a champion ~


Heart Chart: N/A
Relationship Thoughts: Click Me!

~ S-T-U-P-I-D (x3) You're so stupid, stupid, stupid! S-T-U-P-I-D (x3) You're so stupid, stupid, stupid! S-T-U-P-I-D (x3) You're so stupid, stupid, stupid! ~

RP ~ I N F O

*Notes - Always!
*Chats - Depends whether you're on or not; but very rarely
*Comments - Again, rarely
* Skype - Yup! Name is djkito9

Role-Play Examples: 

Taken from a RP using my THK character Damu:

Smiling when he saw his little sister awake, Damu nudged her in a augur manner. "Mom's telling a story of her encounter with the snake!" he explained briefly before hearing Nyoka's words. After she finished, the red cub's green orbs lit up. So she had kept skins of the snakes from her encounters? And they were in his Father's den! This made Damu think for a moment. "Can we see them later? Me, you and Kutu? If she's interested that is..." he asked, trailing off as he cast his gaze on the darker red pelt of Kutu.

The red tom than began to imagine himself encountering his first ever snake. Would he kill it? Or would Nyoka come and kill it, just like her Mother had on her first encounter with the sneaky serpent? No, he would kill it and take one of it's fangs as a little trophy to prove to his Mom what he did. Not only that, but it would show he was brave for a cub his age! And maybe... just maybe Vumbi would notice him as something more than a useless cub...

~ S-T-U-P-I-D (x3) You're so stupid, stupid, stupid! ~

Lyrics (c) TCY Force & Emyli
"Before" summary (c) MlSTY
Aspenkit (c) Kitonika9

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Comments: 39

Mushies12 [2015-03-14 06:36:45 +0000 UTC]

Congrats c>

*cries and scraps Grasskit*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to Mushies12 [2015-03-14 17:08:30 +0000 UTC]


And don't worry - I'm sure you'll get a Rick-Roll kit considering I heard Misty say that they plan on having more litters between the two; I'm sure you can keep all what you wrote on the app and all so I'd say you are definitely prepared. So don't give up!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

CariChimera [2015-03-13 16:27:01 +0000 UTC]

Webstrike: Welcome to the family, little one. I am your uncle.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to CariChimera [2015-03-13 16:33:11 +0000 UTC]

Aspenkit: *looks him up and down and frowns* You have more scars then momma... Why's that? Also why don't you look like her if you're my Uncle? Oh and why is the sky blue? I mean seriously why is it blue? Why can't it be striped like me?

She is so gonna pester her Uncle now XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CariChimera In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-13 16:43:43 +0000 UTC]

Webstrike: *He chuckles a bit and smiles* Scars are a thing to be proud of, the scars on my neck are from when I was a kit, your mother the rest of our siblings and I fought in a Thunderclan raid, well tried to. The burn on my back is from a fire and the scars on my face are... when I look more like your grandpa, Goldenheart, and your mama is a mix of our parents. The sky is blue because... um... Well I don't know.... 

He is going to love it XD just a warning he tends to be a tad protective when it comes to family (seeing as most of his family died before he and Heather were warriors) so keep that in mind lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to CariChimera [2015-03-13 17:00:52 +0000 UTC]

Aspenkit: Oh... Well I don't want scars when I'm older cause mama says I'm beautiful the way I am already - and I agree with her! Though it suits you and her more cause you're both really brave! And Grandpa sounds awesome! And awwwww... I really wanted to know; perhaps I'll go ask an Elder that doesn't smell like fish...

I saw him and I can't blame him; poor thing. Though I'm sure he'll spot out this girl's perfunctory attitude towards others over time cause she ain't as sweet as she makes everybody believe XD Ah we need to RP these two!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CariChimera In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-14 08:44:08 +0000 UTC]

Webstrike: Oh yes of course you are, Aspenkit. Your grandfather was quite the warrior, so was your grandmother, they would be proud of you and your siblings.im I'm sorry i couldn't have been of more help to you.

Aww well webbles will still love her, he was my first character in tbt and he was also a kitten try-out =3 yesss we do need to rp, though i kinda wanna rp the whole fanily together at some point.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to CariChimera [2015-03-14 17:10:03 +0000 UTC]

Yeah same - a whole family RP would be too adorable and all! I need to RP Aspenkit though cause I have yet to do that; of to the drawing boards for me on the Plot Chart XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CariChimera In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-15 02:09:46 +0000 UTC]

Well she was only just born XD you have a ton of time

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to CariChimera [2015-03-15 17:00:11 +0000 UTC]

Indeed! It's the first time I've worked on this type of character persona too so it'll be fun at the same time.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CariChimera In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-15 19:52:30 +0000 UTC]

She will be an excellent character to rp =3 I am very attached to Web being i have been rping him for over a year now. I plan to rp him until he is an elder and even after that when he is a Starclan cat.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Kitonika9 In reply to CariChimera [2015-03-15 19:57:10 +0000 UTC]

Ah yes - I myself have a character in another group that started from a tryout and is still growing up. I find myself attached more to characters that start from the beginning cause they're the most fun to develop.

And thank you again!

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Mushies12 [2015-03-09 15:59:26 +0000 UTC]

OMG We applied for the same kit D:


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Kitonika9 In reply to Mushies12 [2015-03-09 16:16:44 +0000 UTC]

I noticed XD Good luck to you though and everyone else trying alongside me! Grasskit looks like a sweetie with her personality and all compared to this girl I got here...

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Mushies12 In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-09 17:41:04 +0000 UTC]

Personally I'm a huge diva-slash-selfcentered-slash-girlygirly hater, but I guess she brings a little freshness to the warrior mix. Cx

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Kitonika9 In reply to Mushies12 [2015-03-09 19:06:23 +0000 UTC]

Same here - hence why I usually stray away from those popular girls at my own school; too loud and obnoxious for my liking. Though I did want to experiment with my character types and since I had yet to do this sort of character I decided to go with it. That and like you said; it'll bring a bit of freshness if she is chosen. If not I'll reserve that kind of personality for another character.

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Mushies12 In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-10 06:36:06 +0000 UTC]

Well the art's amazing, at least; If it depended on that, they'd totally pick you.

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SpottedCrows [2015-03-08 20:16:54 +0000 UTC]

Omg yesss join the family eue

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Kitonika9 In reply to SpottedCrows [2015-03-08 20:23:48 +0000 UTC]

Hehehe hopefully I do get this girl cause I honestly love her to pieces despite her being a little bitch XD

That and I really want her to think her dad is a mercat cause she believes everyone in RiverClan is a fish...

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SpottedCrows In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-08 20:33:17 +0000 UTC]

Lol XD I'm sure you will! The application is great! The info your put into your apps is always top-notch!

If/when you do get her and she becomes an apprentice, she'll definitely need to meet her auntie Flare or cousin Tangled<33

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Kitonika9 In reply to SpottedCrows [2015-03-08 22:28:20 +0000 UTC]

Ah thank you so much! I worked real hard on her; about a month really.

If I do get her we must do that! At least she won't thin her Aunt and cousin aren't fish though cause they're from ShadowClan - though she might think they're vampire kitties instead XD

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SpottedCrows In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-15 16:07:42 +0000 UTC]

Ah you got her, right?! OvO

Lol yeh Tangledfang will have no problem reinforcing that in her brain. One time he told a cat that ShadowClanners can shoot poison from their fangs since they eat snakes XD

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Kitonika9 In reply to SpottedCrows [2015-03-15 16:59:16 +0000 UTC]

Yup! I got this little bae indeed!

XD Oh Tangled you! Though I have a feeling Apprentice Aspen will be a lot more smarter then she is now as a kit.

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SpottedCrows In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-15 18:16:56 +0000 UTC]

Yay! Welcome back to the group and welcome to the family!

Lol hopefully! XD

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Kitonika9 In reply to SpottedCrows [2015-03-15 18:19:09 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I'll be using this girl a lot as soon as I release her plots cause trust me; she's already growing on me

Hopefully indeed; for her own benefits!

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SpottedCrows In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-15 19:22:28 +0000 UTC]

Ooo I can't wait to see!!! O:

Lol of course!

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Kitonika9 In reply to SpottedCrows [2015-03-15 19:24:21 +0000 UTC]

Hehe you'll see - though most of it will be for ThunderClanners considering she is a kit XD

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SpottedCrows In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-15 19:25:43 +0000 UTC]

Ah yeah makes sense! O: Well anyways, I hope you have fun in the group! I hopefully our cats will meet sometime!

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Kitonika9 In reply to SpottedCrows [2015-03-15 19:29:18 +0000 UTC]

Thanks and I'm sure my characters would love to meet yours once I get more

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SpottedCrows In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-15 19:30:30 +0000 UTC]

No problem!
And ohoho, you're already thinking of making more? ;D

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Kitonika9 In reply to SpottedCrows [2015-03-15 19:34:20 +0000 UTC]

Yup! Got a RiverClan hottie in the works by the name of Liongrowl

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SpottedCrows In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-15 19:36:08 +0000 UTC]

Oooooo I can't wait to see him O:!!
I've actually been thinking of a character lately but I don't know if I want to put him in a group or not???

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Kitonika9 In reply to SpottedCrows [2015-03-15 19:39:14 +0000 UTC]

Ooooo tell me about this character you're thinking of! Perhaps I could help?

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SpottedCrows In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-15 19:44:53 +0000 UTC]

Ah well I was thinking he'd act all skittish and sweet on the outside but be seriously two-faced and mean on the inside? o:

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Kitonika9 In reply to SpottedCrows [2015-03-15 19:47:39 +0000 UTC]

Hmmmm... A character like that sounds like a good character for either ThunderClan or WindClan... idk to be honest

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SpottedCrows In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-15 19:49:57 +0000 UTC]

Ah yeah well I think I should get more active in TBS before I make another character for an RP group >u<

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Kitonika9 In reply to SpottedCrows [2015-03-15 19:56:03 +0000 UTC]

Yeah - I saw your poll about Cronan and I admit those characters are fun. Cynical and grumpy = badass! We still need to RP him with my Es XD

And Kaa is just gonna be a blast now he's in cause he be spurring up chaos!

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SpottedCrows In reply to Kitonika9 [2015-03-15 20:14:26 +0000 UTC]

Ah yes Panai and I are RPing him and 'Nata XD They gotta talk about what she did at the gathering. We're plotting a lot though because I found out that she ships them too!!! :'D
Hnngg yes we do but one at a time today cuz I'm working replying to TBT RPs too!
But Kaa is another one one of my cats need to meet! Cronan and Kaa would be cool but I think Theo and him would be SUPER interesting. Like how would that even go down?

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Kitonika9 In reply to SpottedCrows [2015-03-15 20:27:47 +0000 UTC]

XD I bet they'll make cute little ones if they do become official. I'm currently shipping Es with Rock, Thaddeus, and Elijah once someone takes him upon releasing the tryouts for her family and returning friend.

XD yessssss Es is one of those RPs I do believe too so that's OK

Cronan meeting Kaa would actually make Kaa spark memories up of Tracy... The cat he was forced to kill so he would go a little mad there. As for Kaa and Theo? Idk... Kaa might go chasing after his tail and yet at the same time try to resist cause of Clem.

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