KittensDraws — Cayenne

Published: 2015-07-25 22:46:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 879; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 1
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Description For


Name: Cayenne

Age: 7 Months

Gender: Female

Breed: Turkish Van

Clan: Earthclan

Bending: Earth Bender

Rank: Apprentice


Design: White fur all over, she is an albino.

Smell: Pine needles with a bit of spices.

Voice: Soft, but gets louder when you get her mad. (Think of Fluttershy XD)

Combat & Bending


Quicksand||Earthbenders turn certain surfaces to quicksand to immobilize an enemy, or to create a soft landing for themselves should they fall from a height. Sandbenders can also do the reverse of this, compacting sand together to create harder projectiles or a firmer grip on the ground.||

Earthquakes/fissures||Striking the ground with paws, tails, or other objects can create localized earthquakes or fissures to throw opponents off-balance. This same process can be used to sculpt a landmass or to slice large chunks of rock clean off a surface to create avalanches or rockfalls. More advanced earthbenders can make narrow fissures for precise attacks.||

Earth block||Earthbenders can bring up blocks of earth and launch them at their enemies.||

Rock shield||A levitated slab of rock can also double as a shield when positioned in front of a bender. This can also be performed with a slab or sheet of bedrock thrust out of the earth's surface. The shield can be hurled at the opponent for quick retaliation.||

Fighting Style: Cayenne likes to use her bending more than fighting, but when it's up close, she'll fight with her teeth and claws.


Positive  Neutral  Negative 

 Loyal: She is very loyal to Earthclan, she will put anything before it. She stands by the rules, but she breaks them every so often, apprentices will be apprentices. She will stand up for her clan, even if she is just an apprentice.

 Brave: She likes to prove others that she great at some things, rather it being hunting or fighting. A lot of times though, she bites of more than she can chew.  Though at other times, her braveness helps her, like in battles; she usually takes on smaller cats than her, but will attack a bigger cat if she is provoked by them. 

 Obedient: She listens to whoever is teaching her, she wants to prove to the others that she will succeed in becoming a warrior and trying to be the best. She tries her very best to make the moves she is practicing correct, and most of the time it is a success. Though, she may disobey every so often for some fun.

 Quiet: Even though she is known as the troublemaker in Earthclan, she can be very soft-spoken at times. When others say that she won’t be a warrior because of her pelt, or because of the trouble she causes, she may lash out, or be at a loss for words. When she was a kit, she was very quiet, but got out of it a bit more and became more of a troublemaker.

 Loner: Not many kits in the nursery wanted to play with her because of her pelt, and her reputation, they didn’t want to get in trouble with her, so she isolated herself playing a few feathers or practicing pouncing on a few rocks, or her mother’s tail. Her making trouble so often, cats would say that she wouldn’t become a warrior. It would get her hopes down and she would curl up with her mother.

 Troublemaker: Now Cayenne really, REALLY, likes to cause trouble, rather it being messing around a bit too rough with others, lying, or bragging to others that she is better. Since she causes trouble so much, the others call her Trouble, while others ignore her for the troublemaking she does. Even if she is loyal, she just loves to cause trouble; she will lie to kits saying that there is a feather or a mouse behind a rock for them to catch, when it may be another cat. The kits’ mothers don’t exactly like her making their kits cause so much trouble, but at least they have someone to play with them often so they aren’t messing with them while they try to relax.

  Short Tempered: Being picked one gave her a short-temper, annoying her, picking on her, or saying she is bad at something, she will lash out, and she usually snaps at them then calms down a bit, but will hiss at them to not provoke her again. Many like to provoke her though to see what she’ll say next, mostly older apprentices or young kits. She tries to hold back when it's the kits, because then they will cry to their mother and she'll get in more trouble.

 Begrudging: Holds grudges against the cats would bully her, they go away when they apologize, or not, depends on what they did to her and if she is angry or not. She will hold grudges for the longest time against some cats that are mad at her bad reputation of getting in trouble. She also holds grudges against most cats for only a few days to a few months.

Likes: Bending, playing with kits, rain storms, causing trouble.

Dislikes: Being told she won't be a warrior, being told to hold her tongue, and being told to stay in one place

Fears: Heights and people telling her she'll never be a warrior.


Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Romantic Orientation: Unknown.

Crushes: N/A

Mother: Maple

Father: Wolf




  Good Friend





  Strong Dislike


 Scared of.


  Big crush












  Maple: Cayenne's mother, has always helped her when she was being put down by the others, she always hoped her daughter would prove herself to the others. Maple loves Cayenne with all her heart, being her only kit.
  Wolf: Cayenne's father, when Wolf saw that Cayenne was a albino, he wanted nothing to do with her, Cayenne always tries to prove to her father that she can do things, like bending, but her father just looks away and grunts.


Before Birth
  Wolf fell in love with Maple the first he saw her, he was determined to get her as his mate. When Maple saw Wolf, it was a bit obvious that he liked her. Maple always found Wolf's ways to 'woo' her weird, he would try to be next to her everyday and flirt with her. At times, she would just flick her tail, and leave, other times she would stay and listen to his, umm horrible, ways to try and get a mate. But after a few months of Wolf trying to woo her, she actually found out, she liked him back. The next time he asked, she said yes, now Wolf almost ran all around the Earthclan territory shouting it, but he slipped and fell in the mud, which Maple laughed and tried to help him out, but she fell in as well, which  then they both laughed. They wanted kits, but Maple didn't want to have any so fast, she wanted to wait maybe a few moths, Wolf agreed, and said "I would wait forever," Yeahhhhhhh, his ways to charm never died out.  A few months later, Maple found out she was going to have kits, they were both overjoyed, Maple knew she would love every one of her kits, so would Wolf. But Wolf didn't when he saw what his kit looked like.
    Once the kit was born, Maple was amazed she had a pure white kitten, but grew to love her. Once her eyes opened, her mother was even more amazed, she gave birth to an albino! She thought of a perfect name, Cayenne, for her red eyes. She quickly called Wolf in, he was happy to have a kit, but once he saw the tiny kit was a albino, he gaze darkened and he hissed as Maple about having an albino as a kit. Maple's eyes widened, Wolf never snapped at her, now he was snarling at her. She retorted by saying we must have albinism; Wolf reared back and walked out. Wolf said he never had albinism in his blood, and that Maple had cheated on him, Cayenne was not his daughter. Maple’s ears fell and Cayenne look up in confusion at her mother. A few days later she asked her mother, “Who was that?” Maple turned to Cayenne and sighed; she walked over to her nest and told Cayenne to sit next to her. “Cayenne, that was your father, b-but, he says he isn’t because of your fur, he thinks I’ve cheating on him.” Cayenne’s eyes widened, “Momma, I’m going to prove I am his daughter, I’m going to prove to him that I can be the best, and if he doesn’t want me as a daughter, then he is missing out.” Maple smiled at Cayenne and liked Cayenne’s ears, “I’m sure you will Cayenne.” Cayenne purred and slept next to her mother. When she woke up, she woke up the other kits to play with her, “C-cayenne, you just woke up, why do you want to play and your eyes opened up only a month ago.” She heard her mother say, “I just want to get ready to prove to the others that I’m going to be an amazing warrior.” She grinned up at her mother who sighed, “Great, I’ve got a troublemaker.” She mumbled to herself smiling. After that, Cayenne wanted to play with the kits, everyday, but in which they got tired, so she would cause trouble VERY often, I think everyone was surprised when she actually got a mentor. When the kits did get tired of playing, she would go out and rough up some warriors,run away when it got serious and go to the elders den to ask about some tales. She did run into her father now and then, but he wouldn't talk to her, just grunt and walk away, leaving Cayenne dumbfounded at times. Then she would just go back and ask her mother about Wolf and some other things that happened before she was born.

Apprentice {Current}
    Cayenne was given to ______ to mentor her,Cayenne was so overjoyed that she jumped around asking her mentor what they were going to do today, in which they sighed and said they would just look around the territory today, then go out hunting. Cayenne just about bolted through the camp entrance, “Cayenne, wait for me, I need to be leading, you don’t know where everything is yet.” In which Cayenne giggled and said, “I’ve been out of camp a few times, remember, so I know where some places are, just not the names.” _____ sighed and carried on with the tour. When they got back, Cayenne ran into the warriors den to talk with her mother, “Momma! I saw the territory tod- oomph!” She ran into someone, she looked up and saw Wolf glaring at her, “Move out of my way, I don’t want to see you.” He walked out while Cayenne was wide eyed shaking, “That cat sure is scary.” She mumbled, “Cayenne, don’t you remember that he is your father?” She heard her mother say, Wolf stopped and turned around, “Don’t say that is my kit, I have no albinism in my blood, and I don’t want to be known as the troublemaker’s father, goodbye Maple.” Maple sighed and looked down at her daughter, “Now, what did you see?” Cayenne jumped up and told her all about it. She still has gotten into trouble, a bit trouble, but a bit less with a mentor now.



-Prey: Sparrowkeet

-Color: Light pink or a dark grey blue.

-Season: Winter

Roleplay Information

Preferred Method of RP: Notes or Skype

Ratings: T (Gore is fine but no sexual themes)

Activity: Active (I'm on everyday XDD)

Timezone: Central Time Zone (Texas, US)

RP Sample
Spottedfire was walking through the forest, when she heard a soft mewl. 'I wonder what that is?' Spottedfire thought as she got closer to the noise. She heard it again, louder, and she looked to her right, a little kit, about 4 moons, was laying near a pine tree. 'A kit?! Who left her here?!' When she got closer, the kit jumped and tried to back up, but the tree was behind her. "Aw, don't fear little one, I am Spottedfire, what are you doing out here, is your mother near-by?" Right when Spottedfire said mother, the kit's eyes started filling with tears. 
   "M-my mother d-d-died, we were walking b-back to out den, w-when a badger came. The badger hit my m-mother, she told me to run. A few moments la-later, I looked where she was, she was d-d-dead...the badger was no where to be seen though..." Spottedfire felt like her heart broke, 'So this kit is helpless, I must help her.' She layed down near the kit and said to her. "I don't want you to stay here, so I'm going to take you to my clan. There is a queen who just had kits, she still has fresh milk, oh, and what is your name little one?" The kit looked up at her with round blue eyes. "R-Raven, my mother named me that because of my black fur..." Spottedfire nods and picks her up by the scruff, "Okay, Raven, let's go." And then she ran straight for her clan's camp.

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Comments: 12

PeachyMatsu [2015-07-28 03:16:07 +0000 UTC]

Hiiiii! Just letting you know that your cute little Cayenne is my Willow's apprentice! (I'm sure woop already told you though >w<) 
I just wanted to ask if you want to Rp with Willow? I'm super excited that she's finally got an apprentice and a super adorable one at that!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KittensDraws In reply to PeachyMatsu [2015-07-28 03:18:35 +0000 UTC]

Maybe tomorrow, because I just got this now and I'm about to go to bed

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PeachyMatsu In reply to KittensDraws [2015-07-28 03:25:24 +0000 UTC]

 Thats perfectly fine! If you want you can message me anytime can't wait! owo

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KittensDraws In reply to PeachyMatsu [2015-07-28 17:34:12 +0000 UTC]

ok, wanna start now ^w^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PeachyMatsu In reply to KittensDraws [2015-07-28 17:47:24 +0000 UTC]

Sure!! Are notes okay??

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

KittensDraws In reply to PeachyMatsu [2015-07-28 18:17:14 +0000 UTC]

You can start :3 Because idk what to start with XDD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

PeachyMatsu In reply to KittensDraws [2015-07-28 18:35:48 +0000 UTC]

Alrighty! I'll send one now!! I'm gonna set it so that it takes place a few days after the first Fire/Earth battle but before the one happening now so Willows gonna be a little injured but she's gonna try and teach Cayenne some battle techniques! owo

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

KittensDraws In reply to PeachyMatsu [2015-07-28 17:50:10 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

sorrynotsorrycupcake [2015-07-26 04:02:02 +0000 UTC]

holy shit
that's one long description

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KittensDraws In reply to sorrynotsorrycupcake [2015-07-26 04:49:06 +0000 UTC]

XDD when you join groups, you have to use the rules, and the personality and history had to both be over 500 words

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sorrynotsorrycupcake In reply to KittensDraws [2015-07-26 14:48:50 +0000 UTC]

oh shit are u serious
/slumps back in chair/
im never joining another group again
fuck it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

KittensDraws In reply to sorrynotsorrycupcake [2015-07-26 15:51:41 +0000 UTC]


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