knives4cash — RWBY- Seventeen Years: Placentia (Chapter 5)
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Description RWBY- Seventeen Years: Placentia (Chapter Five)

Part Five of my RWBY miniseries in which Team RWBY wages war against Team JNPR in the Second Punic War. Let the legends take their places.

Reeling from their defeated skirmish, Consul Yang Xiao Long and her sister, Ruby Rose, are forced into an immediate withdrawal and pitch camp in the frontier province of Placentia. Now, the balance of power is shifted. Consul Weiss Schnee will take command. And Jaune Arc will receive a personal welcome from the ambitious Roman.

A mixture of emotions boil within my soul. There is exhaustion from marching down to Sicily, only to be recalled to the boarder of the Italian peninsula. There is rage from receiving the news that my fellow consul was wounded and defeated by barbarians. There was fear that my beloved Ruby Rose was also injured, or worse. There was relief, when I finally arrived at our camp in Placentia to find that she was maintaining a personal watch over her recovering sister.

And now there is joy, not at the sound of our bronze plating clashing against each other, but at the ever present scent of roses that bring a smile to my face.

She laughs with cheer, "Oh, how I've missed you so, Consul of Rome!"

I pull away from her just enough to gaze into her silver eyes. "I should hope so, Ruby Rose." I remind her, "I have traveled the length of Italy for you, after all."

She melts back into my embrace, her shield abandoned on the ground. "I wish to never part ways with you again." She whispers into my ear.

In front of us lies her sister, bandages wrapped around her left leg. She suppresses the pain, but a small smile is upon her. "We only offer the warmest of welcomes." She chuckles. "Were you told that she saved my life in the battle?" Hmm, this is news to me.

"I was not told of this." I grin and look to my lover. "You proved your value in the skirmish?"

Ruby grimaces, breaking eye contact and staring away from me. "I was unwilling to let my sister go before her time."

"Oh, do not be so humble, sister." Yang smiles kindly upon her. "Take pride! And you most certainly should not continue to refuse the Civic Crown that I offer unto you!"

"What is this?" What a baffling statement. Removing my riding helmet, I ask, "Is this true, Ruby? You refused the second highest military award that the Republic has to offer?" It is such a sacred award! One must rescue a fellow Roman by slaying an enemy on the battlefield. And the one rescued must admit to being rescued as well!

Again, Ruby is uncomfortable with the attention. "I only sought my sister's safety, not the glory."

How noble. "Vinixa!" I call to the servant outside of our tent. Both Ruby and Yang show surprise upon their faces. They were not expecting the most loyal of servants of Blake Belladonna to make the journey with me.

"Yes, Consul." She shivers as she enters the tent, a cold winter gust of wind blowing snow in behind her. "H-how might I be of-f-f assistance?"

Ruby pulls the servant into an embrace. "Vinixa Lewda! What fortune is this?!" She practically squeals with joy. "How is Blake? What of Adam? How are the people of Rome?"

Shivering against the cold bronze, Vinixa chatters, "M-My lord is well! As is A-Adam! The p-people are worried, but my lord's wisdom is bestowed upon them when it is needed!"

Placing a hand on Ruby's shoulder, I pull her away from the servant. "Vinixa, fetch my horse, Ruby's horse, and a bottle of wine." Placing a hand on my sheathed spatha, I state, "She will lead me through this camp and bring me up to date on matters."

Vinixa bows and makes her exit, causing more snow to be blown in.

Yang scoots to the edge of her bed and sits up. "Sit with me, Consul." She grunts, patting the bottom of the bed.

Pulling Ruby with me, I push Yang down to the foot of her bed and seat myself at the head. I place Ruby firmly in my lap. She quickly bends down and retrieves her shield, firmly grasping it in her left hand.

My fellow consul scoffs. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised." She sighs, staring down at her wounded leg.

Ruby shivers. There are two burning lamps within the tent. They should provide more than enough heat for her. Then again, I do seem to possess this unnatural indifference towards the cold.

"Speak, Yang." I command. "But be swift. Once I gather what is required, I intend to sally forth and destroy the barbarian."

Yang looks back to me, glaring. "You must do no such thing." She deadpans. "Your forces are fresh and eager, but the entirety of our armies are raw recruits."

I sigh. Must I remind her of what makes Rome mighty? "They will fight; they will live, or they will die. It is the way of Rome, Yang."  

Growling, she explains with zeal, "Jaune possesses a greater number of Numidian cavalry, and his infantry are seasoned mercenaries who have spent their whole lives fighting."

"And what remains of sister's army suffered another tragedy." Ruby reveals to me, "The Gallic troops decapitated two-thousand of our infantry and joined the ranks of Jaune Arc."

"WHAT?!" This is unacceptable! I gawk at Yang. "You, you who hold half the power of Rome, cannot even manage an army?!" She may have Roman blood, but this is dishonor upon the Republic!

"They made their move in the middle of the night!" She shouts back at me. "They caused more disruption than damage, but they fled across the Trebia before we could mobilize a counter attack!"

Despicable. "I do not wish for my ears to bleed from your excuses, Yang Xiao Long!" I inform her. Her defeat has clearly wrought great depression and fear. It is disappointing, this fate of a Roman.

Ruby gets up from my lap. "Love, please." She begs of me. "Sister tried her best. We were defeated, but now that winter is upon us, we are using this time to train the men and women."

"I will not wait through this season." I inform her. "The sooner we defeat the barbarian, the sooner we can end the war and return to our estate."

"Weiss." Yang scowls, "We are in no condition to pitch a full scale battle."

"And YOU are in no condition to command!" I declare, standing up and adjusting my chest piece. It is quite clear to me now that I must deliver Rome from this barbarian threat. "Your spirit is broken, Yang. I will assume command."

Clenching her fists, Yang is forced to remain on her bed. "You forget, Weiss Schnee! You forget that we will alternate command on the dawn of each day!"

Such a trivial way of Rome. It will not stop me. "And on my days to command, I will bring an end to the barbarian." I inform her. And with a glorious victory, I can return to Rome with Ruby and run again for the office of Consul.

The three of us are drowned in silence. The howl of winter and the ruckus of the soldiers make their way through the folds of the tent.

"Then perhaps you should make haste." Yang seethes with disapproval. "For the end of day is nearly upon us, and tomorrow, you may do whatever your heat desires."

A slowly increasing drone of commotion is amplified as a woman in chainmail and bearing a cavalry shield enters the tent. "Consul Long!" She gasps as she stumbles in. Velvet Scarlatina. I remember her ferocity in commanding cavalry. "Consul Schnee?" She nearly sputters as she realizes my presence. "Your arrival is timely!" She informs the three of us, "The Gallic tribe between the Trebia and Po Rivers seek our immediate assistance!"

"What troubles them?" Yang demands, much more alter now.

Velvet quickly explains, "They send word that Jaune Arc has dispatched forces to annihilate them. My scouts estimate about a thousand cavalry accompanied by two-thousand infantry are ravaging multiple districts along the Trebia River." How bold. The Winter Solstice, the coldest day in the year is nearly upon us. "And they will surely be slaughtered to the last if we do not aid them."

"Let Jaune do the job for us." Yang commands. "Those savages have been waiting to side with the stronger force. They are of no use to us."

Velvet stops. "I am sorry, consul." She reveals, "I ordered the troops to form up and sally forth."


"Then tell them to be at ease and disperse!" Yang shouts in annoyance.

I place my riding helmet over my snow white hair and tie the leather straps under my chin, securing it in place. It's time to show my value and rally the Romans. "Let the weak remain behind." I place a firm hand on the armored shoulder of Velvet. "The strong shall ride out and destroy the barbarian hordes."

"You will NOT!" Yang attempts to stand. In her pitiful state, the worse she can do is bleed on me.

"Sister, no!" Ruby moves to Yang's side and pushes her back down on her bed. "You must not reopen your wound!"

Vinixa reenters the tent. "Ap-p-pologies for the delay, consul!" The servant exclaims as she charges for the burning lamp, quickly shoving a bottle of wine into my hands as she attempts to warm up. "Y-your h-horses are outside and r-ready!" She's actually hopping up and down in desperation.

Placing the wine on a conveniently located table, I take my leave. "Ruby, come with me." I order as I make my way to the entrance. "You are safer with me than with a wounded coward."

"NO!" Yang yells. "Get yourself killed if you so desire, but leave Ruby out of this!"

Ruby is at my side. "Weiss and I will protect each other, sister." She sighs, "But I am needed out there, not here."

The sudden blast of wind silences Yang's words as I step outside. Sure enough, my white steed is standing tall and proud, unaffected by the supposedly harsh weather. It's barely chilly.

"We have about a thousand skirmishers!" Velvet informs me over the roaring wind. "But we barely have five-hundred cavalry!" She regretfully adds as the three of us mount our horses. "And the Carthaginians are ravaging a multitude of villages on both sides of the Trebia!"

"Fear not, Velvet! Rome now has a Schnee in command!" I inform her as she leads us out of the camp. Trudging through the snow, the skirmishers are armed with javelins and making their way out to the site of attack. I can see smoke stacks billowing up. For a barbarian, this Jaune Arc appears to be quick with his strikes.

Breaking into a gallop, I take the lead, and we quickly catch up with the rest of the cavalry who are already upon the scene. At least two-hundred have swarmed into a Gallic settlement and are in the process of cutting down the enemy. "We are just in time!" I realize with delight. The barbarians are sacking the village. Loaded down with loot, they make for easy targets for our cavalry. Dozens upon dozens of bodies and horses are already lying dormant in the snow, staining its beautiful white with their inferior blood.

I draw my spatha and charge in. Velvet guards my left flank, and Ruby my right.

One barbarian is too preoccupied with plundering a Roman's corpse to notice my arrival. Leaning down to my left, I effortlessly deliver a slash across his back.

A scream of agony immediately follows as the three of us ride farther into the village. I manage to strike down four more before riding out of the village. Velvet and Ruby provide support as well as covering my flanks.

Turning around, I prepare to charge in again, but I can see that more smoke is billowing up to the South. "Velvet! What of the skirmishers?!"

"They march to the South, consul!" She yells over the chaos and weather. "My plan was for us to make swift work of the East and ride south to assist the infantry!"

"Ride ahead!" I command to her. "See to the defeat in the South! Ruby and I will save the East!" I reassure her. The cries of agony, the shrieks of death, the sound of metal clashing, all wrapped up in the fury of winter. THIS is where true glory is earned!

"Yes, consul!" Velvet nods and rides off.  

It's a shame. The barbarians are fleeing to the Trebia River. We can't have that. "Come, Ruby!" I call to her. "Let us show the barbarians what a TRUE Roman is capable of!"

Ruby rides up to my right. "I live to serve, consul!" She shouts back as she readies her riding shield. Blood has already been plastered on it, as well as her armor. I suppose she should have worn her helmet, but to hide such a beautiful face is simply a crime.

We charge off to the field.

"Weiss!" She calls to me.

"Yes, love?!" I shout back over the roar of the wind and snow.

"Let us never be separated again!" She requests.

Such a genuine request made from the purest hearts cannot be denied. "I shall build you a palace of gold, Ruby!" I tell her as we come upon the rear flank of the Roman cavalry. As we begin to ride past them on their right flank, I hear the men and women on horseback give a rallying cry, announcing my presence. Ruby and I ride ahead of the main force and begin to make quick work of the fleeing barbarians. Many have abandoned their plunder in a desperate attempt to save their own, inferior lives. We catch them just short of the Trebia.

United alongside the might of Rome, Ruby and I make quick work of them.

Taking in the view of the victorious slaughter, I draw in a breath of fresh winter air. "Romans!" I call to the men and women of our proud republic. "You have all fought with honor!"

They cheer in confidence. Ruby rides up to my side with a fresh coat of blood painted on her horse and herself.

"But your heroic victory is not yet complete!" I inform them. Raising my spatha to the South, I exclaim, "Your fellow countrymen are in need of those who can show them how a real Roman rides and fights!"

They laugh at my remark. Many holler in superiority.

"Now, go forth! Show them that our Roman soil must not be desecrated by barbarians!" I order. Successfully inspired, the few hundred cavalry sally forth and ride off, cheering and shouting as they move.

"You know how to lead." Ruby comments as the last few finally ride past us.

I scoff. "I'm a Schnee. Of course I know how to lea-" On the opposite side of the Trebia river, there sit two figures on horseback. One possesses a yellow beard and matching blonde hair. A man. He wears a unique set of light armor. The other has longer, red hair with green eyes. A woman. She wears a hellenistic suit of armor with a matching red and orange shield. She also holds a very fine riding spear that matches the whole suit. "Look there, Ruby." I motion towards the barbarians. "Those two think they can escape us."

Ruby chuckles, "I suppose we can't have that." She turns her horse around and begins trotting towards them, gladius at the ready.

"No." I smirk as I swing my spatha downwards, shaking off most of the blood that clings to its steel. "No, I do not think we can." I agree as we begin to gallop towards them.

The two figures turn their horses towards us and begin to gallop away. "What is this?!" I shout to them as our horses cut through thorny shrubbery and slash across the river. The water comes up to my knees. The water's not that cold. "A barbarian AND a coward?! Why am I NOT surprised?!"

I cross the bank with Ruby still at my side, although she does not fare so well against the water.

The man stops while the woman continues to ride. "You, the Roman, speak of barbaric and cowardly ways?!" He shouts back to me. "You have subjected my people nearly to slavery! You have deprived us of the sea!"

"Jaune!" The female calls out to him, "We have little time to waste!" Jaune? "We must withdraw to camp!"

"Jaune Arc?!" I call to him.

He laughs, "The one and only, Roman!"

Unbelievable! I have the barbarian right in my grasp! "Your life is MINE, barbarian!" I cry out as I charge forward. If I can kill him where he rides, the war can end here and now!

He turns his back and continues to flee.

"Fight me, Jaune!" I'm so close; he will NOT ruin this for me.

Looking back at me, he begins to slow down. Drawing his falcata, he calls to his cohort, "Pyrrha! Let us add two more Romans to the death toll!"

"Curse your zeal, Jaune!" She shouts in exasperation and readies herself for combat.

"Weiss!" Ruby calls to me. "If we continue the chase, we will be drawn out of range of our main force!"

"Weiss?!" He and the woman look to each other and then back at me with widened eyes.

"Consul Weiss Schnee?!" The barbarian clarifies, slowing to a trot and turning around to face me head on.

Raising my spatha, I curve to the right and lean my left arm out, intending to take the savage's head off. "I am the vanguard of your destruction, barbarian!" I scream as I come in for the kill.

"Pyrrha, take care of the girl!" He shouts as he ducks under my blade and lands a strike on my chest piece with a shrill clang. No barbaric weapon has harmed me before, and today shall be no exception. Then again, many bruises have been dealt, and that one will surely be purple tomorrow.

I ride past him and circle around. I see the redheaded girl riding against Ruby, who evades the superior range of the spear. I would expect nothing less of her. Charging forward, I raise my sword and intend on striking his torso this time. I might have slain him, had I not aimed for his neck on the first round. I won't make the mistake of striving for fancy kills. All I need is one severe wound on him, and the rest will be written in stone.

He counter charges and locks blades with me. Grimacing, I withdraw my reach and execute a swift stabbing motion into his horse's neck.

The beast gives a heart-wrenching shriek and falls away from me, taking my sword with it. "Confound it!" But it traps the barbarian underneath. "Aha!" I watch him struggle to free his right leg. Desperately clawing at the snow around him, he only evokes more shrieks from his dying horse. "Your last moments, barbarian!" I inform him as I trot over to my spatha, jutting out of the beast's neck. "Savor them as you did your lucky victory over Yang!"

His retort is to hurl his falcata into my prized equestrian.

I now find myself in an identical predicament as the barbarian. My helmet must have been knocked off, because I now feel the full front of the howling wind.

He laughs as he manages to pull himself from his now dead horse. "I must admit you had me worried for ever so brief a moment, consul." He declares as he yanks my spatha out of the dead animal's neck, causing a massive squirt of blood to shoot out. "Perhaps it will be of some comfort to you to die knowing that your republic is still standing." He ponders aloud as he moves around to me. Little does he know my dagger is ready to receive him.

"NOOOO!!!" I hear Ruby shriek.

The barbarian looks up just in time to catch a galloping Ruby dismount from her horse and collide with him. The two tumble several feet away, kicking up snow and emitting a series of growling and shouting noises.

Looking over to my right, I see that the woman was knocked from her horse. She's also lost her spear and is running towards us with her shield and a dagger. Only a few hundred feet away from us, she won't take long to get here. I need to end this now.

Pressing my left leg against the back of the dying beast, I push with all of my strength. If I can just wiggle my right leg out from underneath, I can assist Ruby in killing the accursed barbarian. I look up. The woman is getting closer, but she appears to be bleeding from her right shoulder.

Looking to my left, I see Ruby locked in mortal combat with the barbarian. She is fighting without her shield, though, and she exercises extreme caution. Backing up in my direction, she is playing on the defensive, swatting away his longer spatha with her shorter gladius.

Looking back to my right, I see the woman charging for her barbarian cohort with all intentions of killing my lover.

The gods will tremble if they do not give me the strength to protect her.

Unsheathing my dagger, I time my move. The barbarian intends to run past me and close the few remaining feet between my miserable predicament and the actual combatants.

Dagger in my left hand, I reach out with my right and summon the power of Hercules. Grabbing her right ankle, I yank against her with all of my strength and manage to bring her down. As she falls flat on her face, I raise my dagger high into the air. I bring it down into the back of her leg.

She unleashes a cry of horrific agony.



I look up to see that both fighters' attention were drawn to my efforts, but the barbarian is quicker to react. To my absolute horror, he brings my spatha up and redoubles his efforts to slay my lover. She will succumb to his assault if I do not act quickly. I pull my dagger from Pyrrha's flesh and intend to strike a second blow. If I can kill the girl, I can cut myself free and save Ruby!

Gasping in pain, Pyrrha reaches around and grabs my arm, halting my assault. Rolling on her back, she twists my arm in the process of disarming me.

But low and behold, the barbarian's falcata still lies in my horse. Using my right hand, I grab hold and dislodge it from my once proud and mighty horse.

Returning the grip she holds on my left arm, I pull her towards me and instantly cup the blade around her throat.

She freezes immediately.

A collective gasp from all four of us brings about absolute silence. Even the wind stops blowing.

I have the barbarian's blade to his cohort's neck, and he has my spatha to my lover's neck.

"Let her go." The barbarian and I order simultaneously.

The tension could be cut with a dull blade.

"Kill her, Jaune!" Pyrrha gasps. "Kill her, and then you can kill this blasted consul!"

"If you do not value the life of this woman, by all means." I nod in approval. "Indulge yourself."

He is far from pleased.

Failing to control her breathing, Ruby whimpers, "Weiss-"

"Speak not a word, Ruby." I command. "To die squawking is not Roman."

Silence fills the air once more.

If he kills her, I'll have his head. "Let her go, barbarian." I order again.

He refuses.

"Your cohort is bleeding." I inform him, motioning towards her leg, which is sprawled out in the snow and spreading red through white. "If you fail to move her back to camp, she will bleed to death where she lies."

He considers this. "Tell me, Consul Weiss Schnee. Are you an honorable woman?"

"I am Roman." I answer.

"And that makes you honorable?" He spits back in disgust.

"It makes me your greatest hope of surviving this pathetic attempt to end my life!" I spit back.

He scowls.

And he lets my lover go.

Ruby immediately rushes to my side and assists me in removing my leg from my horse. "I can't feel my leg."

"I'll help you back." Ruby murmurs on the verge of tears. Engaging these two was a mistake.

I let go of my grip on the barbarian called Pyrrha. She immediately gets to her feet and staggers towards Jaune who wastes little time in tearing a portion of his own clothing to use as bandage.

He looks to me, reading me. "We will fight again, Weiss." He informs me as he turns his back on us.

As the two barbarians return from whence they came, Ruby helps me to my feet. "I don't think it's broken." I gasp at the sudden jolt of pain that shoots up my leg. "I just need some rest."

"We can do that." Ruby whispers as she hooks her left arm around me. "Lean on me, Weiss. I'll help you back." She chokes out before breaking out tears. "I feared he would knock me aside and slit your throat."

"With my own sword." I scowl. "What a humiliating way to d-" Ruby is crying, and I am complaining. She feared for me. And she needed me. I could not save myself, and I could not save her. "Ruby Rose." I whisper as I bury my head into her neck. "You saved me today. I swear upon the gods that I shall never endanger you like that EVER again."  

Ruby meekly laughs in between sobs, "When we fight again, I want to be at your side."

We come to the Trebia river. Crossing it will be difficult. Luckily for me, some of the cavalry is waiting for us.

Velvet Scarlatina emerges from the ranks and crosses the river. "Consul!" She calls out as she rides up to us. "We have been successful! The Carthaginians were driven back completely, and the Gauls will repay us with fresh infantry and cavalry!"

"Excellent, general!" I return her zeal. "But Ruby and I are tired. We seek a warm tent to share." I motion towards my leg. "This accursed limb is giving me much grief, and I require respite!"

Velvet dismounts. "Take my horse, consul. Ride back to camp, and you shall have your respite."

Ruby and I share a look. She's stopped crying. "We are victorious, Ruby." I whisper to her.

Nodding, Ruby smiles. "We have you to thank for this day, consul."

I pull her into a kiss.

The men, and even some of the women, give a rallying cry.

While today will be marked as a victory, it almost came at an incalculable cost. As Consul, I must lead this army towards victory, and I must do it soon. If the barbarian intends to pitch battle against me, I must defeat him then and there. If I must risk my life so boldly, I will do so knowing that Ruby is not at risk. I will die before that happens.

A cold wind cuts across my face.

The winter solstice will soon be upon us.


Next time: Ignoring the minor wounds that they inflicted on each other, Jaune Arc and Weiss Schnee will lock blades once again in a full scale battle on the winter solstice. But through elaborate planning, devious deception, brilliant cunning, and mystical creatures, only one will rise victorious.
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Comments: 9

Cipher111996 [2014-06-02 03:28:13 +0000 UTC]

Historic FanFic = Epic

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

codebluev2 [2014-01-27 03:11:33 +0000 UTC]

Blake gonna be SOOO mad!!! It's almost scary to think about it, can't wait!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

knives4cash In reply to codebluev2 [2014-01-27 03:17:40 +0000 UTC]

Spoiler alert: There WILL be a catfight between black and white. 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

codebluev2 In reply to knives4cash [2014-01-27 03:26:00 +0000 UTC]

Oohhh you devia you!!! Hehehee, epic cat fight, literally HAHAHAAA!! Oh and idea just strike me for pollination, zombie vs. team RWBY, get bloody with it!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cipher111996 In reply to codebluev2 [2014-06-08 19:44:11 +0000 UTC]

Zombies?? Seriously???????
Do you know how cliché that would be???

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

codebluev2 In reply to Cipher111996 [2014-06-09 19:12:25 +0000 UTC]

Cliché, but classic. Besides its RWBY, they don't need to be your conventional zombies.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Cipher111996 In reply to codebluev2 [2014-06-10 18:15:09 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Efryon [2014-01-21 17:11:18 +0000 UTC]

A Weiss PoV nice! x)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

thematrix123 [2014-01-21 05:33:48 +0000 UTC]

Wow! Incredible! Very nice job!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0