I want to spend more time working on designs and short stories (sci-fi, fantasy, superhero, weird) with my own characters, as well as doing some top-tier fan-art for characters and stories that I love, and I’m curious to see if anyone wants to put in some gas money for the trip.
I started a Patreon account over the weekend, but I really don’t want to run it like a subscription business. Yet, saying “gimme some money so I can do whatever the fsck I want” seems like a great patronage deterrent, doesn’t it? So, I’d love to get some feedback from y'all about what sort of work you’d like to see from me that might draw you in as a patron. Yes …draw you in. Pun absolutely intentional.
Posters? Comic strips? Print stuff? Digital/Web stuff? I’ve wanted to do a drawings-and-sketches zine for years. My wife likes the idea of picturebooks for grown-ups. What about you?
Cyberpunk apes in space with techno-barbarians fighting robots and android cowboys in rock bands… y'know, stuff like that. That’s the road I want to be traveling right now. Care to join me?
Let me know in a comment here, or there’s an open poll on . Thanks, my humanoids!