LavndrWisp — Sirius App - DORMANT

Published: 2019-12-19 04:26:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 646; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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S I R I US  
"The Blood Star"

"A certain darkness is needed in order to see [and become] the stars."
- Osho

  U P D A T E   L O G  
[12.16.17]: Applying -- Crossing Meh Fingers!

  G E N E R A L   

Nickname(s): Siri

Age: Adult

Sex/Gender: Male

Orientation: Heterosexual

Territory: Kol
 Trade: Aspiring Ocuuli
Rank: Varen 
Moon Phase: Oak - The Leader 

Abilities: None

 A P P E A R A N C E   

Build: With broad shoulders, deep chest, tall height, and a killer square jawline, Sirius is quite a hunk of wolf. He would be a near ideal for battling, but Sirius has small paws leading him to be not the most quiet or nimble of wolf. However, small paws make him advantageous in the healing sphere.

Pelt: As if dipped in shadows, Sirius base coat is a color the easily blends into the dark. His back is speckled with spots of differentiating grey-blue tones with more solid patches of color hiding underneath. Notably, Sirius has a lighter patch of fur on his lower jaw that almost looks like a goatee and mascara/eyeliner markings that really accentuate his gold eyes.

 84cm (33”)

Weight: 39kg (86lbs)

Eyes: A warm, welcoming golden color at first, but then a quick flashs of something dark pasts behind the yellow eyes.

Scars: Sirius has three scars that run through his right eyebrow. There’s a story to that one!

Scent: Atёbloom & yarrow (spicy)...with a slight hint of blood

Voice: Richard Armitage - a dark and slightly rugged voice

Theme: TBD
Song: TBD

 P E R S O N A L I T Y   

 Intelligent | Charming | Nurturing | Calm 

 Introverted | Experimental Determined | Deceptive 

  Destructive | Crafty | Morbid | Artificial  

"having good understanding or a high mental capacity; quick to comprehend"

Sirius has always been a quick study. He is an extremely observant and meticulous individual who also happens to have a sharp memory. This trait allows him to easily identify helpful plants and herbs when he is out and about. It also comes in handy when trying to figure out other people or hide something he would rather have hidden...

"pleasant or attractive; polite, friendly, and likable"

In order to hide his dark self from others, Sirius often comes off as alluring and slightly flirty. He likes to hide behind light-hearted jokes and uses his good looks to dissuade people from coming closer to him. He's afraid that if someone discovers the real him, they will run and he will be in trouble.

"care for, protect, and encourage the growth or development of"

Sirius finds great fulfillment in aiding his pack. He enjoys helping those who are sick and helping them go from weak to strong...and the goal is always stronger than they were before. He also, despite his dislike for playing games with children, does enjoy teaching them because they often are the most genuinely intrigued and excited by the things he shows them.

"not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other strong emotions"

Since a young age, Sirius has always felt this great pressure to hide away his real feelings. Therefore, he is the KING of calm and level-headedness. On the outside, he seems like he knows what he is doing, confident, and that nothing ever phases him; when in reality, he may be freaking out like cat in water on the inside. However, this attribute is an important skill for an aspiring Occuli and he uses it the best he can.

"to turn inward or in upon oneself"

Alone time is the best time. Times of solitude where Sirius can be himself and reflect on what's going on inside of him personally is what he enjoys best. Big groups tend to exhaust him after a while so he may wander off on his own for a time. However, he does enjoy one-on-one conversations a lot. Sirius can also tend to over think things and be self-critical.

"made or done in order to see how well something works; using a new way of doing or thinking about something"

Sirius is always trying something new and is willing to do just about anything to accomplish his hypothesis. In fact, if you really want to get this guy talking, just ask him what his latest experiment is and he'll yabber on for as long as you'll listen. He loves to experiment. Because of this, he is not afraid of failure and he's also not afraid to do what is needed to succeed. This can be either good or bad depending on what the wolf is venturing to accomplish.

"processing or displaying resolve"

Whatever needs to happen to see his experiment through or to see his goals to the end, he will do it! Once he sets his mind to it, it is difficult to change Sirius's resolve. He is bull-headed in his passions. This may or may not be a good trait towards a future mate. He may also scope in on only one way to do things and not see other possibilities. This makes him sometimes ignorant and unwelcome to change.


"giving an appearance or impression different from the true one; misleading"

Sirius does not mind leaving something uncorrected if it's in his benefit or the packs. He also wears a continuous mask. Most individuals think he is this charismatic individual who thrives on interacting with others. Essentially, they see a strong leader. In reality, Sirius finds interacting with others exhausting and would much rather be...well serious and dark. But, he deeply seeks approval (though he wishes he didn't) and so he can't help but put the mask on that everyone else sees.

"causing great and irreparable harm or damage"

Sirius is destructive to himself physically. To accomplish his ultimate goal, he is willing to do whatever it takes, which often includes a sacrifice of his time, sleep, and his own blood. Not only that, he takes an eerie interest in destroying things to see what's inside. Probably a good idea that he doesn't like the act of hunting all that much...

"clever at achieving one's aims by indirect or deceitful methods"

If deceiving someone (other than the leader) will help the pack or make an experiment succeed, Sirius has no qualms about it. He is also good with his words and is okay using half-truths to not hurt peoples feelings or to accomplish what he wants.

"characterized by or appealing to an abnormal and unhealthy interest in disturbing and unpleasant subjects, especially death and disease"

Sirius has a deep and abiding obsession with blood and gore. He finds it thrilling to explore dead carcasses. He takes bones and any organs he can manage to take and use them in healing experiments. And due the unforeseen consequences of his past, there is some amount of bloodlust (not in the "kill you-violent" way, but like...ecstasy-ish) and he can get carried away in partaking in the blood of kills. Sirius is also just an overtly curious wolf in all things dead, bloody, and squishy too.

"insincere or affected"

He is unsure of how to connect with others, since he's never been really able to connect with himself. Therefore, it hinders his ability to be genuine with others. He may say the right things, but it doesn't seem to be fully authentic. He tries...but kinda fails.

Drive : Discovery, The Pack, Change of Destiny

Alignment : Lawful/True Neutral

Temperament : Sanguine-Melancholic

Personality Type : INTJ-A - The Assertive Architect

Likes :

    ► Being alone
    ► Baths and the rain help him to feel calm. Like a nice gentle blanket.
    ► Long walks by the water help him clear his head. The sound of it is just...muwah!
    ► Talking about his craft/experiments
    ► Healing others
    ► Exploring when he is allowed to

Dislikes :

    ► When people comment on his paws being small

    ► Hunting - It's a necessity of life...but he'd rather not.

    ► Being in situations where he has to play with others *cough, kids, cough*
    ► Overtly arrogant and proud individuals

Funsies :

    ► Lavender is his favorite flower
    ► Sirius is kinda a clutz, except when he's working
    ► He has a private bone collection.

 R E L A T I O N S H I P S   

Family: Liam [NPC - Father], Millie [NPC - Mother], Nina [NPC - Sister], Kai [NPC - Brother]

Friends: -

Rivals: -

Relationship Status : Single. He is open to the idea of a relationship, but is not seeking it out. If it happens great, if not, whatever. SCIENCE!  

Current Attractions : -

   Past Attractions : -

Experience : None

    History : None

[Insert Relationship Tracker Here]

   H I S T O R Y   

Sirius was born under the great oak moon and his parents, being the superstitious wolves that they were, believed he was destined for something great. Maybe he was destined to lead the pack one day? Who knew. But they both whole heartedly agreed that he would be a leader of some kind.

Therefore, Sirius grew up and became the apple of his parents’ eyes and was even favored above his other siblings. He was outgoing, bold, sometimes a little too much, and was obedient to his parents’ wishes. However, this was not the real Sirius. The continuous dotting of his parents, the constant teasings and dark glares from his siblings, and the high expectations from his entire family drained him. Sirius wished he could be weak to escape it all.

So one night, fate decided to grant Sirius’s wish. He became deathly sick. His head throbbed relentlessly and he could never seem to catch his breath. With each passing moment, his breath became more and more labored. Sirius’s parents cried out in fear. 

The pack's herbalists came racing and tried everything to save him, but it was for naught. Nothing was working and Sirius was nearing his last moments. The healers woefully turned to his parents and suggested that they say their last good-byes as he would not make it through the night. With tails drooping, the herbalists left the heart-broken parents to their dying child.

Being alone with their child, Sirius’s parents paced the den with crazed looks in their eyes. How could their child, destined for greatness and leadership die? It was unthinkable. Then as if struck with the same revelation, both of them locked eyes onto each other. Blood. Blood would save him. Taking their front legs, both parents bit into the other and ripped into the other’s skin. Hovering their arms over the mouth of their dying child, they dropped dark crimson jewels into the pup’s mouth.

Sirius was too tired to care about what was going on at this point, but all he knew was that something dark was happening and that it was making him feel better...


The next morning, Sirius awakened to find himself renewed. In fact, he felt better than he ever had. He smacked his lips. 


And it wasn’t just the little that came from his coughing fits, it was a lot. It was more than he could ever produce through a cough. Suddenly, the night’s events whizzed through his mind. His parents had committed a terrible sin. They had forced him to drink wolf’s blood, but he had been saved. It had made him better than he was before. He looked at his parent’s who lay silently in deep sleep. His selfish desire to change his destiny had almost caused him to die. But still, he could not accept the path his parents played out for him. How could you rewrite what was written in the stars?

Then the story of Magellan crept into his mind. The similarities with what had happened to him could not be coincidence! Magellan had changed his destiny. He had even been given an answer by the spirits on how to do it! And maybe that was Sirius’s answer too, but Magellan was greedy. He had taken the power and knowledge all for himself. Sirius didn’t want power and knowledge to make himself higher than anyone else. He only wanted to change his path.

Sirius pondered some more. What if he used the power and knowledge brought by wolf blood to help the pack? If his parents’ blood helped him be strong, then maybe he could make the pack strong...a grin then slowly crept across his muzzle. 

He was going to do something great. He was going to do something dark

He was going to twist his destiny.

 A C T I V I T Y   L O G 

RP Status: Open           Preferred Method: Google Docs          Communication: Discord/deviantART        TimeZone: PST         Random Events: Opt In

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[...]: Join...Hopefully soon!

Earnings: -- (including uncashed)

    Expenses: --

Total Souls: 0

Character & Art (c) 

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Comments: 4

Scribbleloupe [2021-10-08 17:14:15 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

LavndrWisp In reply to Scribbleloupe [2021-10-09 20:46:54 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

FlamangoFeathers [2019-12-19 10:29:05 +0000 UTC]

mMmMmmMm lovin’ this boi’s new update 👀

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LavndrWisp In reply to FlamangoFeathers [2019-12-19 16:37:30 +0000 UTC]

Aww, thank you! (-^v^-) I'm digging it as well. Haha

👍: 0 ⏩: 0