Leonitus — Tsviet military parade v1

#behemoth #dakka #dreadnought #formations #guns #infantry #march #mech #mecha #mechanical #military #msv #originaldesigns #parade #robots #tank #leonitus #avitus12 #tsvìets #land_battleship #terrestrial_dreadnought
Published: 2018-07-02 23:57:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 11144; Favourites: 158; Downloads: 0
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Description As shown in Avitus12's gallery, this is something we decided to do on a whim. We had the models, I had the money, he had the technology, so this was created.
We do have aspirations to make a more grander parade when there are more models made. Displayed in this photo is the grand Behemoth Terrestrial Dreadnought, ten MSVs armed with the standard Sunder Lance, and I'm not certain how many C.I.P.s are displayed but there are 451 in each of the two massive columns underneath the Behemoth so there's definitely more than a thousand. I personally feel there's still some little discrepancy with the Behemoth's size (I think it's a teeny bit smaller but it's most likely my eyes and the camera angle playing tricks on me.) as the first couple of versions did have such problems but Avitus12 assured me all was right. He's the one with the computer stuff so I'll take his word for it.

These black and white colors shown are the military standard of the Tsvìets. Some sought to make it white and magenta to match the phenotype of the Queen but it was quickly shot down and made an unofficial law that anything displaying just white and magenta colors would be a disrespect to the Queen, reserving that color combination for just her. So, instead, to honor both Queen LOVE and the Under-Supreme Primal DRGN SLYR, white and black were chosen to represent them respectively.

The national symbol of the Tsvìets is shown on the chest plates of each and every C.I.P. and MSV, that being a black, five-pointed star over a solid white background. It represents the dark beginnings of the Tsvìet people who lived everyday thinking it would be their last even as they were stricken with a hereditary memory disease. The five points stand for the five years that Queen LOVE appeared and lead her tribe to conquer and unite all the tribes within the planet. The white background is the clean slate their species was given because of the Queen's leadership where they learned to shape their future into what they chose to if they had the will and intelligence. The white also represents the all-encompassing nature of their Queen and that it is her who gave them a new future that they could build.

By all means, a parade is not something usually done for reasons of a traditional reason.
The Queen will often wish to give her blessings to new Luvos (armies) about to be shipped out. Long gone are the days where she would usually be at the front leading said army as the scope of their military operations have long since extended beyond their home galaxy to dozens beyond the void of space.

The Queen will personally try to oversee each new Luvos ('Army')-sized group created to serve and protect the Tsvìet people through a parade. She makes it to most, especially if there's a new Behemoth rolling fresh from the factories as they are still a relatively new war machine to her military.

A Luvos sized military formation is considered an 'army' and consists of the standard 4,320,000 units where 4 million are C.I.P.s of a variety of specializations such as Standard, Heavy, Sniper, Commander, Biohazard, Extra-Dimensional and Assassin. Another 200,000 are C.I.P. that specialize as Engineers such as Combat Engineers, Mechanics, and Logistics, including Vehicles numerous enough to transport the 4 million C.I.P. infantrymen. 10,000 are MSVs, with another 10,000 being aircrew for aerospace fighters, bombers, and shuttles. 1,000 will be actual Tsvìets usually consisting of 900 MNRs (Minors) with 100 PRMs (Primes) who act as commanders and squad leaders, each squad averaging ten units each. These squads often work directly with full C.I.P. squads. The remaining 90,000 units are Flying Specialist C.I.P.s.

A Luvos is usually created within a few days if there are adequate numbers of each needed type of unit, though they can be supplemented if Command is short of some, such as the new class of Tsvìet soldiers not being ready yet so that Luvos would get a thousand Heavies or something. 

Five Luvos are assigned to a single fleet of which there are currently 1,358 fleets and counting, each fleet consisting of 5,000 ships on average.

More information of formation sizes of both land and fleet units will be disclosed when necessary.

Lore Memoir:

~Two days after my frame was uploaded with my sentience, just two weeks after I'd been birthed from the cloning of Tsvìet-PRM MCRS (Mercurius), I now was marching alongside 4.29 million of my fellow brother and sister Augmented Intelligences. Our marching is uniformed and peerless with the only off beat being the echoing steps of those far behind as sound doesn't travel instantly. Even among the clacking sounds of our Neo-Nethicite frames against the stone enhanced mega-highroad that stretched five miles from side to side and over a hundred miles from one side of the capital city to the front gates of the Queen's sanctuary fortress, the most dominant sound would be the gargantuan engines powering the colossus of the Tsvìet ground armies, the mighty Terrestrial Land Dreadnought, Behemoth-class. With its 8,000 mm cannon leveled just over 70 meters above ground, it was a sight that would still send feelings of discomfort and relief through his software.

Littered with guns and plated with armor as thick as his own height, he knew there was no species in the galaxy that could stand against its firepower.

But then again, there was no species in this galaxy that could stand against even just himself. The Neo-Nethicite was made of energy mass, giving it technical indestructibility against all forms of weapon systems that relied on natural physics to achieve their destructive goals. Armed with my Neutron Pulse Rifle like all Raid Primals (Platoon Leaders) and higher (optional for those ranks), I could walk through fire and deserts, through the bottom of the oceans and tides of lava, and worry nothing for enemy heavy artillery salvos while firing a weapon capable of explosively punching holes through most layers of heavy armor and fortifications. Add that with my enhanced intelligence, adaptability and deductive reasoning all unlimited by flesh and code restrictions and I could take my time effectively wiping out all life on most planets.

I find reassurance and purpose with the weight of my weapon for though I could be the walking Armageddon for a planet-locked species, I possessed the choice to use my power and gifts to protect the weak until they one day either become strong enough to help us in our grand goal or feed the Tsvìets their knowledge and traits, becoming one with my creator's people to strengthen them for their seemingly eternal war against the Phantom enemy.

Cheers bring me out of my mind. With several of the optical sensors located along the surface of my armor, I'm able to spot Tsvìets- flesh, synthetic, and Augmented Intelligence- calling out their prayers and well-wishes for those of us who are departing the homeworld for the star ocean. Color coded by their eyes and hair for the MNRs, or skin in cases such as the bronze complexion of the PRMs, the form of the Tsvìet mothers and children wishing us victory and safety excited my core's code processors. I committed each and ever person to memory. They'd earned their rest after centuries of tireless dedication and service. I would carry on their past burdens and do my best to achieve victory where they might not have.

The gate of the easily visible citadel of the Queen was massive, dwarfing even the Behemoth with its 300 meter tall, 500 meter wide, opulent doors decorated with massive murals detailing its creation and fortitude with it all overshadowed by a depiction of the queen with her arms spread out as if in acceptance of those who pass through that gate, and encouragement for those stepping out of them. Though it looked sparsely guarded, I knew such was not true. It'd take a thousand Luvos armies to breach that gate, such was its sturdiness and the power of the Royal Guardians who filled the fortress' every rampart, fortification, passageway and room. I knew as well, such being common knowledge, that they didn't guard the Queen but the future of their species as well for the citadel sat atop the only entrance to the birthing chambers miles underground past hundreds of layers of defensive lines and security measures. If it would take a thousand armies to breach the gate, it'd take ten thousand more to overtake the citadel. 

Of course, that'd be as far as they get for I knew the Queen would personally slay them before they could take even a glimpse at the entrance to the birthing chambers.
A hush fell over the gathered crowds upon the massive highway that loomed from several ends of the city overhead dozens of districts. Thousands had gathered and hundreds of thousands more were likely watching in the city with billions more watching just on the planet alone.

This was the first time I saw the Queen. Soft and Radiant is what I would first use to describe her. Skin pale just a shade from being as white as snow, donning a stainless white skirt with a solid gold waist band, with equally white straps of cloth crisscrossing over her chest connected with golden straps that doubled as a neck guard. Even whiter than her clothes was her hair that fell to the small of her back, interrupted only by the white tendrils of her feelers that sported glowing magenta orbs of nerve clusters. With my cybernetic eyes, zooming in to capture all of her physical features felt natural and I'm certain everyone else was doing it as well. 

She stood on top of the gate, alone. It didn't seem right. For one who has done as much as she has and continues to still do, she should never have to be alone. For what purpose does she present herself in such a way?

The very world around us seemed to alter itself when she spoke. The people were silent, even the usually rambunctious children as well as any animal lifeforms. The wind at these heights calmed before reversing completely to blow from behind her. She gazed over all of us in just a few seconds, I was sure of it. I would swear on my existence that her eyes met my own optics. There was a strange, almost instant pause at me, wasn't there? I wasn't any different than the millions of other AugInt standing on this highway.

"My people..." her words flowed across the entire highway, heard by every AugInt as if she'd spoken into their auditory sensors yet she wore no large scale communication amplifier. Beyond that, her words were spoken so softly yet it held a firmness that caused him to recheck his posture despite knowing it was as perfect as could be.

"You are the newest among the largest family in the universe. 100 trillion souls have lived and served this world and her colonies for millions of years, securing our future with each shot fired and each alien hand shook in allegiance. Each warrior by your side will be walking a path that has been paved by those who have come before you, who have stood before me and pledged their efforts to protect our home. Each Tsvìet born owes your predecessors an eternal gratitude as we ask of you to give everything you are and want to be to a cause beyond your own self, and beyond even us.

Those who have lived and died, died with the goal that the future would become a brighter place, to leave a legacy that will carry on through the ages in one form or another, and to secure our people a place in this universe and the realms beyond Life itself. Each life given for us is one deserving of our respect and admiration, as well as demanding vindication on our parts, to continue on the fight they fought and bring about its end ever closer into our grasp. 

This is a daunting, seemingly never-ending mission I ask of you, as a Queen, a Mother, and the symbol of Hope and Prosperity of the Tsvìet people. I demand your lives yet I must ask for your best effort, to work with one another and to the best of your ability and beyond, to become better than who you were the day before, to wage war against an omni-versal menace that seeks nothing but the corruption and consumption of all of the universe, to wage war against the hostile natives of this universe who think to usurp the power and authority given to us by those of us who bled, killed and died for the loved ones back home and the friends who stood beside them. 

You may be called upon to put down terrorist groups or to defend a species whose world is in danger of eradication. Perhaps you will face the true enemy that leaks into our universe from a Hell beyond our comprehension, corrupting all it touches. You might have to subjugate a species that can not evolve past pointless, short-sighted wars with themselves if their continued existence is threatened. There may be a world out there that you will chance upon filled with an Injustice that can't be ignored and you must take it upon yourself to become the hero of someone who you've never met and may never meet again.

Know that whatever task you take upon yourself, it Matters. If you feel minuscule in comparison, then I will not lie to you. You are. But look around you...these warriors around you, the city you've marched across, and the people who give you prayers filled with their hopes and dreams and concerns. These were not built by one person but by one People. You may spend your whole life struggling to move forward, dredging up all of your strength and willpower to take just one more step and you may look back at the end of your days and feel you haven't accomplished anything but we've ALL felt like that yet take a moment to look beyond your own life and see how you might've inspired the others around you and realize that alone you may be insignificant but together you've further secured an empire that by most rights should not even exist to this day. 

I understand this and so I give you one order that supersedes all others when you're deployed. Luvos 132-892, your mission will be the same as every other Luvos before you. Your mission is to look after those around you and to be better than you were yesterday. Do that, and you will achieve more than you would've by yourself. You have your armors. You have your weapons. You have your ships. You have each other. You have our prayers. You now have your mission. Luvos Primal, take charge of these souls and lead them to their destinies."

So much was said in so few words. Even with my petabytes of data processing power, I was still going over her words and form as I boarded a large shuttle that would take us to the ship we'd call home for the foreseeable future.~
-Memories of AugInt #CR -MCRS-233, 'ANTY-233', recovered from fragmented data core upon sacrificing himself to operate and detonate the drive core of a crippled Mk.VII City-Eater class Destroyer during one of a dozen system wide battles with the Phantoms 223 years after the date of this memory. The resulting meltdown created a black hole that swallowed the nearby world, eradicating the anchors for the invasion and saving 2 billion AugInt souls from being overwhelmed.
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Comments: 10

K4nK4n [2022-06-08 21:35:23 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

IndigoMystiere [2022-06-08 15:11:07 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 0

chouderr [2019-09-14 21:37:25 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Leonitus In reply to chouderr [2019-09-14 21:42:48 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

chouderr In reply to Leonitus [2019-09-14 21:47:38 +0000 UTC]

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Leonitus In reply to chouderr [2019-09-14 21:49:33 +0000 UTC]

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chouderr In reply to Leonitus [2019-09-14 21:55:30 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Leonitus In reply to chouderr [2019-09-14 22:31:42 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LordArcheronVolistad [2018-07-29 18:40:43 +0000 UTC]

Looks Glorious, and I see that this was really well-thought-out

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Leonitus In reply to LordArcheronVolistad [2018-07-29 18:47:26 +0000 UTC]

thank you. I wish there were more people to check it out but it seems I'm just too small-time to get any real notice.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0