Linkzilla — Godzilla Month 2010 '23'

Published: 2010-11-28 03:51:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 10594; Favourites: 126; Downloads: 35
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Description The Mistake of 1998


In all honesty, I have no idea why this entry is in the Godzilla File. It has nothing to do with the History of Godzilla – well, it has a small part that took place in 2004. But we’ve got a while to go. The point is, Godzilla hadn’t been seen in three years. People were still skeptical about the incident after Meltdown, and everyone was being cautious. Plus Godzilla hadn’t ever appeared in America at that time. And that’s how the mistake was made…But Ironically; the mistake was made by a Japanese citizen.

I’m just going to get through this as fast as possible because, this file is actually painful for me to sit through, so bear with me. The sooner we get into it, the sooner we can finish it.

It began about fifteen years prior to these events. In French Polynesia of ’83, the French were conducting tests of their own Nuclear Weapons in case the Atomic Wars did begin. They tested their first bomb near the islands. The islands were famous for many species of lizards and reptiles on the island. When the huge mushroom cloud went up into the air, most of the Iguanas and Komodo Dragons fled to the water. However, the various nests on the island were left for the fallout…One lucky egg survived the radiation.

Fifteen years later, there was an incident, ironically involving the aforementioned Japanese. A large Japanese fishing cannery was in the south pacific during a storm. They detected something large moving towards them on the sonar. The whole crew began to panic. They originally believed it to be a submarine, so they began trying to establish contact with it. But no response came. Then, the huge object struck the side of the ship. After nearly knocking everyone on board off their feet, it stopped. The crew began to fear the worst when the heard a very loud and booming roar. Suddenly gigantic claws pierced the hull, allowing tons of ocean water into the ship. The ship began to go down. The ship’s cook – an 80 year old man – had put on a life jacket and opened an emergency door to bail out of the ship. When he opened to door out into the storm, he had just enough time to see a massive tail swoop into the ship’s bridge. He jumped out into the ocean and watched as a huge creature took the ship down. Because of the stormy night sky and due to old fears and experiences, there was no doubt in the old man’s mind what it was…but as I mentioned before, he was wrong.

In Chernobyl, Ukraine, Radiation Biologist Dr. Nikko Tatopoulos – Since no one could properly pronounce his last name anyway and I’m too lazy to make a joke about it, we’re just going to call him Nick – was investigating the affects of the Nuclear Spill on the Chernobyl Earthworm. The worms had grown 17% larger than they were originally. However, suddenly a helicopter landed in the area. Soldiers went to Nick’s van and began taking his equipment. Two agents – One Carl Torrington of the US State Department – told him he was being reassigned. His work in Chernobyl was done.

Papeete Tahiti – The cook had survived that night and was rescued. He was being kept in Hospital in Tahiti. He had become reclusive, completely shut in. He wouldn’t talk to anyone; he wouldn’t say anything about what happened he was in shock. Many French Agents arrived there. The lead agent – let’s call him Philippe Roache, ‘cause we’re going to get his name eventually – told his men to clear the doctors and nurses from the old man’s room. One of them took a Geiger-Counter and checked the man. He was extremely radioactive. The evidence was building. One of the French agents began asking the old man what happened in Japanese. But the old cook just starred at the ceiling, his hands together, breathing hard. Philippe took out his lighter and lit the flame. The old man looked at the tiny fire. Philippe began moving it back and forth and the old man followed it. Philippe asked him what he saw. The old man finally spoke. He said only one word and repeated it. But the answer was nothing short of terrifying.


Why do I say it was terrifying? Because it terrified me. I had done my research on Godzilla and Nuclear Radiation Mutations. I had had contact with Philippe before their search started. Once this happened, Philippe called me and told me what the old man said. I told Philippe that this wasn’t their situation had just become worse than before. I suspected that he was attracted to French Polynesia due to the radiation of the tests. I told them that we had to alert the Japanese and the American governments. He begged me to give them more time so that they could cover it up themselves. They didn’t want anyone to find out the mistake their country had made. I gave them the time. But I was still shocked to learn that Godzilla was still alive…imagine my disappointment.

Nick had been taken to the Gulf of San Miguel in Panama. There he met with Colonel Hicks. Before disclosing any information to Nick, he told him not to say anything to the press. He took Nick into the fields of a destroyed village. Nick assumed that there must’ve been a hurricane or a tropical storm. But he noticed there were men with Geiger-Counters checking for Radiation. Nick assumed that it was a Nuclear Spill and told the Colonel that Accidents and Spills weren’t his field. The Colonel knew that. Nick continued to explain his role as a Biologist; studying Radioactive Samples. He and the colonel had climbed into a ditch four feet deep, there the Colonel told him to study the Sample. Nick couldn’t see it even though the colonel told him he was standing in it. Nick searched around for it, but could only find it if he was in the sky. You see, Nick was standing inside of a footprint – the largest footprint ever made.

Nick was astonished. He knew no animal in the world made footprints like that. The Colonel said no one on the island saw what made the prints; it happened so fast that no one knew what hit them. He was introduced to Elsie Chatman of the National Institute of Paleontology and Dr. Craven, who had received the tape from the French. The tape showed footage of the Cannery when it was brought to the surface and of the Old Man when he told them what he saw. Seeing the tape, it all made sense to Nick. The footprints were clearly reptilian, and the thing that made them had to be at the very least three hundred feet tall. Godzilla was back. However, the French told them not to alert the Japanese authorities about Godzilla, due to not wanting to cause a panic. The team boarded the Helicopters and made there way across Panama following the footprints.

They received word that there was another incident; this time in Jamaica, near the Great Pedro Bluff. The thing was moving. They made it to the shore where they found another fishing ship. It had been thrown onto the beach. There were huge claw marks in the hull. Hick’s noticed there were people down by the ship and ordered them to leave. Philippe appeared and said they were with him. Philippe told them they were from La Rochelle Casualty and Property Insurance, they were preparing a report. Hicks told them to clear out. They did but not before Philippe noticed Nick taking a skin sample he found near the tear marks on the hull. Afterwards, Philippe faxed me pictures of the ship. This is where I had my suspicious.

“It’s the size of a chicken, it looks like a chicken, people have told me it is a chicken…but it’s not acting like a chicken.”

Godzilla rarely left anything in tact after bringing down a ship. And he never took them down with his claws or tail. It was always with his fire breath that brought the ships down. Plus, in the past, Godzilla had no reason to attack fishing ships, unless they entered his territory. But this was far away from Oto Island and definitely far away from the Bearing Sea. And this far away from his nest, why attack fishing ships? Usually he’d only attack ships if he knew they were carrying nuclear supplies or something. Something was definitely wrong.

Somewhere along the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, three fishing trolleys were bringing in fish with their large nets. However, suddenly the ships stopped. When they increased the engine power, they still didn’t move. They shut their engines down for fear they were overheating. Suddenly the ships were being pulled backwards. They were dragged down. Hicks heard about it while Nick was examining the skin samples he found. They were worried; he was only a 200 miles off the coast of the US. None of them wanted to believe it was Godzilla. Elsie proposed a theory that it might’ve been another species of Dinosaur that like Godzilla and Titanosaurus was leftover from the Cretaceous. But Nick sensed that the radiation was the ultimate clue. It was too big to just be a dinosaur. But he didn’t believe it was Godzilla. He said it was first sighted in French Polynesia and started talking about the Radiation. He felt that this was some sort of hybrid mutation caused by the fallout. A new monster…but others wouldn’t see it.

In Manhattan, the city had seen its third week of heavy rains. Near the East River, the fishing businesses were bringing in their catch. That’s when it happened. Two large spikes were seen heading toward the island, causing tidal waves. A loud roar was heard and the creature appeared. It was a gigantic, reptilian monster with spikes along its back. Its huge feet took up the width of a whole street. Its toes were longer than a taxicab. Its jaws were big enough to pick up a truck and swing it around. It stormed through the streets, even tearing through the MetLife Building. Eager to get a good look at it, Victor ‘Animal’ Polatti took a news camera with a fresh tape and got in front of the beast. He filmed a brief shot of it – at which point that I must mention that the sounds it made were definitely similar to Godzilla’s roars – before nearly being crushed by the monster’s foot.

The team finally arrived in New Jersey. Major Hicks was put at the command of Sergeant O’Neal who told them that Mayor Ebert agreed to evacuate the city. He then told them that after the creature attacked, it disappeared. They believed he returned to the river, but Nick said that he was still in the city somewhere. It was like no other island in the world; a place where he could easily hide. The news came on. Anchor Man Charles Caiman of Channel 12 reported on the creature with the footage Animal captured. The radioactivity distorted the film, but they were still barely able to see the creature.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, what you are going to see will shock you beyond belief. This is footage that we have that indicates that Godzilla is loose in Manhattan. WIDF’s exclusive footage shot barely half an hour ago by WIDF Cameraman Victor ‘Animal’ Polatti survived, to bring us this shot. The rumors that Godzilla was still alive in the form of a ghostly apparition after his shockingly graphic meltdown in 1995 were apparently true as the creature has now made it here to America. The question now ladies and gentlemen is how we can defend ourselves from it.”

The footage was very fuzzy and it was too close, but it did somewhat look like Godzilla. Regardless of what Nick believed, news began spreading all over the United States.


“This Town is an Apple; Godzilla Takes a Bite!”

“King of the Monsters in the NYC!”

Headlines like that spread all over the country. People greatly began to panic on what was to be done about this. However, one Audrey Timmons – an aspiring journalist – saw this as an opportunity to launch her career. She was Caiman’s personal assistant. She was also Nick’s college girlfriend and she saw him on the news with the military. She believed that given the chance, she could get inside information from Nick. However, Caiman ignored her. So she stole his press badge and made it into her own. That way she could stay in the city even after the Evacuation.

Mayor Ebert and his assistant Gene – ha-ha – arrived at the Military Base in New Jersey. He told the press that he was going to get the city back on its feet in no time. However, he was confronted by Philippe, who – instead of being a casualty insurance agent – said that he was now a Building Insurer who represented 13 percent of the buildings in the city. He told them that the mayor had their support, but in reality, Philippe planted a bug on him so he could listen into whatever conversations the mayor had. Philippe and his men were in their mobile headquarters disguised as a UPS Truck. They were listening into the Militaries discussion about what to do about the creature.

O’Neal informed Hicks that the troops had run into a problem while searching the city. Down in the Subway tunnels, they discovered that the station had been ripped apart, leading into a now larger tunnel. Godzilla was burrowing. He could’ve burrowed outside the quarantined zone by now. There were 14 tunnels that led off the island. He hadn’t used any of them, so Hicks ordered that they’d be sealed with cement or bombs; they had to be sure the creature didn’t leave the island. But Nick proposed a theory that they play on Godzilla’s instincts. Instead of looking for the Creature, they make it come to them. They just needed bait. They found some fish in the subway tunnels. It made sense why he took down the fishing canneries as well as the Trolleys. But it was something that confused me even more.

Regardless, they ordered a dozen city dump trucks and filled them with at least three tons of fish. They set up their trap on 175th Avenue in front of the Flatiron Building. They brought in tanks and missile launchers. They dumped the fish in the center of the road. Philippe and his men watched recorded feed of the events from their hotel room. Philippe knew that this was a very clever move. They piled up the fish and waited. However hours later and Godzilla still hadn’t shown up. To make things even more irritating, it started raining again. The mayor was beginning to wonder if it was going to work. That’s when Nick noticed the Manhole Covers over the Sewers. If the creature had been burrowing, he’d have broken into the sewers by now. He went over to other troops – one of them being one of Philippe’s men – and told them about his plan. They assisted him in removing as many as they could. He took a crowbar over to one solitary one down the street and removed it himself.

At that moment he heard a low growling sound. He opened the right one. Down the street the asphalt started to break up. Chunks of dead flesh spewed out of the manhole. Suddenly, the entire ground lifted up. The creatures head broke through. Nick retreated and watched as the creature rose out of the ground. It must’ve been at least 300 feet tall. Whatever skepticism he had about this being Godzilla died when it stood in front of him. The flash of his camera got the thing’s attention. It looked down at him curiously before roaring at him. Godzilla then walked over him and went after the bait.

He began eating the fish just like they planned it to. However, the radiation began distorting the Military’s equipment. Fearful that the creature would leave before they got back online, Hicks ordered that they fired everything they had on the creature. Godzilla turned around, easily startled by the fire. They launched their missiles at him. He ducked underneath them and they destroyed the Flatiron building. Godzilla made a run for it, moving faster than he ever did before. But like many other times he trampled the tanks that stood in his way. Some military trucks went after him shooting. He turned around and exhaled this gas. It was some sort of flammable substance that reacted with the air. It was highly flammable, turning the flames of some destroyed cars into a blasting fireball. O’Neal sent in the wave of Choppers after him. It was strange, Godzilla was running from the Choppers, and he was pulling away from them. They shot Heat Seeking Missiles at him, but they missed and destroyed the Chrysler Building instead. He was cold blooded after all. Then they followed him to a building he’d ripped through. They shot at hit from the other side of the building. It sounded like they killed him, but he busted through the building behind them. He psyched them out. He destroyed two of the choppers and went after the third, eventually destroying it. He disappeared again after that. No one saw where he went.

O’Neal stood shocked. The monster did all that destruction and they did nothing to it. But Nick found blood near the remains of the fish. He scooped it up and took it to be examined. This thing had to have been Godzilla – so far it proved to be invulnerable to bullets. But at this point, I’d like to branch off and continue talking about MY involvement with the story. The French had been recording the whole incident and had been broadcasting the feed to my headquarters. When I got a shot at the beast, I cursed out loud. I was so angry by the site of it. I knew it wasn’t Godzilla. I then told the French about the problem that they had. If anything the creature was some sort of Mutated lizard from the islands. I then told them that I’d pull some strings to keep the Japanese from worrying about the incident. The news about this new Godzilla wasn’t to leave the states.

But I was also monitoring the footage of Nick and saw that he had found a sample of the Creature’s blood. I began to try and make contact with Nick but was unable to reach him. I then left for New York. Nick had gone into a pharmacy and bought some pregnancy tests – why? Don’t ask me. I was just to understand that he wanted to identify Gonadotropic Hormones or Clomiphene Citrate. At that point he ran into Audrey who saw him going in. They began talking and he offered to take her back to the base for a cup of tea. Once there he began talking about the work he was doing for the Military. He kept testing the blood samples and determined that the creature was indeed a male. But he also found something that was interesting while at the same time, deeply, deeply disturbing. The creature was pregnant. (This is usually the part where I break out the Alcohol folks.)

He realized it made sense. The creature had traveled so far north because it was nesting, planning to lay its eggs. Audrey wondered how it could be pregnant without a mate, but Nick speculated that the hermaphroditic creature could reproduce asexually. He began to worry on the basis that a lizard could lay up to 12 eggs at a time. He immediately went to the lab to see if he could confirm this. But he left Audrey alone in the tent, with the tape of Godzilla attacking the ships, the footprints in Panama and in Jamaica. She took the tape and left the base preparing to use it for a story.

When Nick told Hicks and the Generals about this new development they were a bit skeptic. He explained to them the evidence and the asexual reproduction. Hicks proclaimed that after they killed Godzilla they’d search for the nest, but Nick said it was too late as the eggs were going to hatch soon. He believed that Godzilla wasn’t eating the fish; he was collecting it and taking it back to his nest to feed his young. This worried a lot of them, because up to a dozen could be born, all completely capable of reproducing on their own. Then Channel 12 News came on. Caiman stole Audrey’s report and cast it off as his own, showing the footage from the tape she stole. Hearing the Japanese may say the word ‘Gojira’ while referring to the creature confirmed nearly all of New York that it was Godzilla. He also talked about Nick’s theory that the creature was nesting and was planning to give birth – once again bringing up the theories that Godzilla could reproduce asexually resulting in both Minya and Godzilla Junior. Seeing this on the news and hearing him mentioned by name, the Generals believed Nick went to the press. They immediately removed him from the project.

Audrey met Nick in the street while he was packing into a cab to go to the airport. She apologized for doing what she did and admitted that she wasn’t a reporter. It was why she needed the story. But she didn’t mean to ruin his reputation. Nick ignored her apologies and left. Animal got into his van to follow Nick to the airport to talk some sense into him. But Nick’s cab didn’t go to the airport, it passed right by it. Nick ordered the driver to stop and let him out, but the driver refused, revealing to be Philippe. He was part of the French Secret Service. After I was interested in seeing Nick take the blood samples, I told Philippe and his men to monitor him. When they heard his theory about the creature being pregnant they got worried. When he was dismissed, they knew they had to intercept him. So they ‘kidnapped’ him. Philippe told Nick that the Military wasn’t going to search for the nest on the grounds that they no longer believed what Nick said. Nick wasn’t sure to trust him, but Philippe was the only one who wanted to find the nest as much as he did.

He took Nick to a warehouse – Animal following all the way – where he and his men were preparing. They had tons of weaponry and equipment. They wanted all the secrecy because they didn’t want the Americans to learn about how the French were responsible for the creature. They were planning to sneak back into the city. Nick told them that the best place to start looking was the subway tunnels where they first found the fish. They invited Nick to join their team to look and he accepted. Animal slipped away before he was seen. He saw everything they were doing. He went back to Brooklyn and told Audrey about it. He was planning to follow Nick with his camera and invited her to come; convincing her that if she was the one that proved he was right, would fix his relationship with her, his reputation and launch her career.

The French agents with Nick as well as Audrey and Animal snuck back into the city without many complications. Meanwhile, Hicks was preparing another trap for Godzilla with the same ploy as before. However, this time, they set up in Central Park. The open area would leave Godzilla without a place to hide and they’d use missiles that didn’t rely on heat-seeking technology. This time they had at least four times as many choppers as they did as well as much more firepower. They set everything up and now all they had to do was wait.

Animal and Audrey finally caught up with Nick and the French agents. They were searching the tunnels when the ground began shaking. Godzilla appeared and began crawling through the tunnels up to the surface. He began walking toward Central Park and stepped away from some of the buildings. However, before clearing them and completely entering the park, he spotted O’Neal’s group of soldiers waiting for him. He then saw the fish lying out in the open with the search lights on it. He hesitated before turning away. When they saw he was leaving, O’Neal ordered them to open fire on the creature. Godzilla made another run for it. This time the Choppers kept him from getting back underground. They drove him toward the River where blockades of tanks were waiting for him. However in a single bound, he jumped completely over them and got into the water.

But before he escaped, the Navy revealed they had a surprise waiting for him. They deployed a fleet of submarines towards him. They fired torpedoes at him, but he easily dodged them. When the torpedoes locked onto him and began following he swam toward the submarine that shot at him. He swam under it, cutting the hull with his dorsal spikes and leaving the torpedoes to impact into it. Godzilla headed back toward Manhattan and tried to burrow into the ground. However two submarines got behind him and fired four torpedoes at him. They struck him making a direct hit. Godzilla stopped moving after that. They did it, they killed Godzilla!

Nick and the French followed the tunnels Godzilla came from and found more fish left behind. They made their way to a hole in the tunnel leading back to the surface where the nest was. It was Madison Square Garden. It had to be the nest; there was fish all over the place. Imagine Animal’s anger when he and Audrey learned that he trashed the garden. Nick and Philippe came across three eggs; all larger than the one Godzilla Junior hatched out of. But there were much more. From where they stood, there were more than twenty. One of the men made it to a fuse box and turned on the stadium lights. When they came on, they saw eggs scattered all over the stadium. There must’ve been more than two hundred of them. They began planting bombs on them, but it was quite clear that there weren’t enough explosives.

To make matters worse, Nick heard sloshing sounds coming from one of the eggs. He put his ear against it and heard high pitched moaning sounds. Then the shell broke open to accommodate a large reptilian head. It squealed out into the air as the rest of its body broke through. Then the other eggs started sloshing around as well. The babies were about the same size as the Velociraptors from Isla Nublar. They broke out of the eggs and began eating the fish. Animal and Audrey saw it happening and Animal began filming it. Audrey wanted to leave thinking they had enough footage. Animal then got scared when he saw a baby appear behind them and began eating the fish. They were cautious as to not startle it. One of the infants began sniffing Nick and Philippe; curious, the two began sniffing themselves. They smelt like the fish because they were around them so much. The dinosaurs roared and began snapping their jaws at the humans, prompting both groups to run for their lives. They headed for the doors leading out of the stadium, Philippe radioing his men, telling them to lock the doors to contain the creatures. Two men got eaten and a few of the doors were unsealed. Audrey and Animal escaped into the shower room and realized they were cornered. However they climbed up into the ventilation shafts.

Meanwhile, since Godzilla had been killed, people were demanding to be let back into the city. Hicks wasn’t letting them in because he was trying to organize a diving party to retrieve the monster’s body to be sure. At that point, Elsie convinced Hicks that they had to search for the nest. They had nothing to loose.

Philippe gave Nick his phone and told him to call the Military to send a bomber to blow up the Garden. Calling 555-7600 and announcing Code Dragonfly would get him through. But the lines were busy. Nick tried a payphone but still couldn’t get through. The two surviving agents met up with them, telling Philippe the others had been killed. Philippe told Nick that his men would hold them at the base and that he’d have to go and get help. Nick immediately started looking for an exit. Philippe’s men both came across doors that had been broken through and got killed. Nick realized he was cornered as the Babies had gotten loose from the stadium and were in the hallways, trying to break through the double doors on both sides. He escaped by climbing into an Elevator. When he tried to get to the lower levels, he saw that they were loose on that level as well. He went back up and ran into Philippe, telling him that there was no way out of the building.

Audrey and Animal fell out of the shaft they were in, right next to Nick and Philippe. Nick was surprised to see both of them. Philippe destroyed Animal’s camera not wanting any evidence of his presence there. He asked them if they had anyway to contact the outside. Audrey remembered that there was a news station inside the garden for broadcasting the games. The Babies showed up and began chasing them – but not before Animal got the tape from his destroyed camera. They ran for the broadcasting booth and locked the doors behind them.

Remembering that the Military was watching the News broadcasts, Animal suggested they go live. They sent the Feed to the TV Broadcaster and asked him to put them on live. After showing him the footage of the entire stadium full of infants, he agreed. They went live all over the city. Audrey and Nick showed them the view of the creatures as Nick explained that each creature was born pregnant and fully capable of reproducing on their own. In a few short weeks, they could replace mankind as the dominant species of the planet. When I saw them, I won’t lie that I was terrified. But I was positive that I was correct about these creatures. I was only a few hours away from New Jersey at the time. Nick and Audrey told the Military – who were watching it – to destroy the Garden as soon as possible. The Military sent a message to them saying they got the feed and were going to destroy the building. They had six minutes to get out.

The babies had broken through the doors and were coming after them. Philippe shot through the glass and threw a rope down to the stadium below. They escaped down the rope and which point Nick noticed all the fish was gone. They looked for an exit and inadvertently ran into some of the infants. Nick knocked over the gumball machines and souvenir sports ball stands and managed to trip the babies up. When they made it to the exits, they found a whole heard of the creatures standing there trying to find a way out of the building. They only had thirty seconds now. Soon the babies that were chasing them caught up; they were surrounded. Philippe shot down the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. When they crashed to the ground, the babies scattered away. They ran out of the building and Philippe barricaded the doors with his gun.

The Jet Planes had just fired their missiles when they came in range. The little Godzillas broke through the glass on the doors and tried to get out when the missiles impacted. The entire Garden went up in flames and the babies were destroyed. However at this somewhat relieved moment, a low roar was heard. Godzilla burst out of the ground and roared. Apparently the Military didn’t kill it. The huge beast stares at the humans before looking down over his killed brood. He sadly nudges one of the killed offspring and then turns toward the humans again, clearly angry. He roars at them as he emerges from the hole. They all begin to run as he chases after them.

They get into an abandoned Taxicab. Philippe uses his knife to turn over the engine. The monster continued to chase them through the city. The cab drove to Broadway where they came across O’Neal and his troops headed for the garden. O’Neal was shocked when he saw the creature. He radioed back to Hicks.

“He’s back sir…he’s back. Godzilla is still alive!”

Godzilla then cornered the cab in the blocked off Park Avenue Tunnel. They were trapped. Luckily Nick threw the cab’s ID card out the window toward O’Neal when they passed him. He got to the Cab station, found the cab’s frequency and called them over the radio. He told them that they had to lure the creature out into the open to get a clear shot at him. Nick told Philippe to head for the nearest suspension bridge; the Brooklyn Bridge. Philippe floored the gas and headed for Godzilla’s head. He turned on the high-beam headlights, the flash blinding the monster. He retracted his head allowing them to escape. They then began leading him toward the bridge.

When they got there, they noticed that he was no longer following them. Suddenly, his head burst through the street of the bridge, leaving the cab to flail out of control into his waiting mouth. He tried to bite down on them, but the asphalt he also took in was holding him off. They were about to be swallowed when Nick saw that a loose power cable hanging nearby with the electrical discharge still sparking. He took the broken end and rammed it in between the gum and one of Godzilla’s teeth. The monster roared in pain and fell to the bridge opening his mouth. Philippe floored it and the car flew out.

Godzilla jumped onto the bridge still trying to get them. When they came to the first archway of the bridge, Godzilla climbed over it. Even though that slowed him down, he was making surprising headway toward them. He was getting faster. He was almost on them. He jaws were just on the end of the cab! However, he didn’t look up to see that he had inadvertently passed under the second archway. Breaking the support, the suspension cables fell onto him, trapping them there. Hicks had heard about this and ordered the Jet planes that destroyed the Garden to head toward the Brooklyn Bridge.

With Godzilla trapped, they fired their Tomahawk Missiles at him. The first impact hit hard into his side, but he was still moving. They circled around and fired again. While he was very bullet proof, he hadn’t been hit with missiles before. They cut deep into his skin making vicious wounds. The group left the cab. Nick stared at the creature. Godzilla had never been injured by missiles before. This creature was bleeding. Godzilla stared back at Nick. There was a moment where he began to feel sorry for the creature. It bellowed in pain. It was dying. It used the last of its energy trying to lunge forward one last time. It fell down, its chin crushing the Taxicab. The group had run far from it before it happened.

The crowd watched the beast. They saw that its breaths were deep and shallow. They heard its booming heartbeat as it got slower and slower. Eventually, the creature closed its eyes. It was dead now. Godzilla had been killed!!! The crowd cheered the group of heroes that trapped the beast. Hicks told O’Neal that he’d just done one hell of a job. Nick refused to talk to any of the reporters saying that he promised the story to Audrey. Audrey quit her job as Caiman’s assistant. Then Animal checked his new camera that he got from the Broadcast Booth, the tape wasn’t in it. He knew he put it in there, but it was gone. Nick then noticed that Philippe was missing. The cellular phone that he gave him was ringing. It was Philippe on the other line. He was calling from a nearby payphone. He told him that he’d send the tape after he’d removed a few details. He most likely didn’t want to be caught on camera. He thanked Nick for his help and said his goodbyes. He then came to me with the footage he had – but we’ll get to that in notes. Regardless, it looked like the world was finally at peace again.

However, the story was not over…In the burning rubble of Madison Square Garden…something Survived! A single un-hatched egg had survived the explosion. It hatched revealing another baby Godzilla.

However, this baby didn’t cause as much trouble as its parent had. Nick convinced Hicks to give him a search party into the garden in case any of the creatures were still alive. Hick agreed. When Nick was separated from the group, he came across the egg. He was standing there when it hatched. The creature imprinted on Nick as its parent, but quickly fled the scene. When it returned now juvenile in size, it didn’t attack Nick as it still considered him its parent – kind of similar to how Junior easily imprinted on Azusa as its mother. Nick adopted the creature and used it for good. Organizing Team H.E.A.T. he and others traveled the world with their new Godzilla to fight off other mutations that were awakened due to radiation.

Now, I mentioned before that I was headed for New Jersey. When Nick got back there, I met with him. I asked him for a sample of the creature’s blood that he had. I compared it to Godzilla’s own blood. It was strange. Then I went for a skin sample from the creature’s corpse and compared it to Godzilla’s cells. They were strikingly similar; this creature wasn’t Godzilla, but it had G-Cells. Somehow, when it was born the mutation allowed it to assimilate Radiation. The island was radioactive in 1983; it was possible that while Godzilla was under the radar, he went to the island to absorb radiation, leaving traces of skin cells behind. That’s how the iguana was able to mutate into a dinosaur-like creature. But I had finally proved that this monster wasn’t Godzilla.

As more evidence, I took Japanese Newspapers I had from Japan and showed them to every Newspaper editor or News Broadcaster in the city. When I showed them actual pictures of Godzilla in the papers and compared them to the new monster, they could see the differences. My corporation called the creature GENO – Godzilla In Name Only. Headlines that followed looked like this.

“SORRY. NY Reports Wrong – Creature NOT Godzilla.”

“GENO’s False Kingship! Large Reptilian was not the Japanese Creature. Old Man claims that due to the storm he was not able to fully see the creature and identify it as Gojira.”

“Just Monster; not King of the Monsters. Hermaphroditic Animal was a completely new creature. Godzilla remains dead.”

“The Great Mistake: Godzilla Unhappy in his Grave. USA regrets reporting that a creature so easily destroyed by conventional military arsenal was the Great Godzilla.”

Since it was now clear that this was not Godzilla, reporting of the incident has led this file to be called ‘The Mistake of 1998’. However, when I was watching the tape that Philippe showed me, I was astonished. I began to believe that this creature was MORE dangerous than Godzilla. It was easily killed by missiles; but its true strength was in numbers. If any one of those creatures were allowed to get out and multiply, it would be disastrous. Just from sheer numbers, the creatures could outdo the monsters on Monster Land.

But that still didn’t douse my disappointment or my burning rage from such. Three years of countless hours of research, endless months of searching and endless discouragement and skepticism, I thought I had finally found him; that I had finally proved he was still alive. And just when I thought I had the greatest lead, Godzilla once again slipped through my grasp. The creature that I got didn’t even fit the requirements. It was only 300 feet tall. It was slimmer and pitched forward like a tyrannosaurus; its large head was balanced by its tail. Its spikes were not like Godzilla’s dorsal plates. They just curved upward, no spiky branches whatsoever. Its feet only had three toes while Godzilla customarily had four. And plus, he didn’t breathe radioactive fire. The gas that he did breathe was indeed flammable. However, Tatopoulos’ monster had the ability to breathe Atomic Breath, though green in color. And luckily, when I found out about the creature, it had been proven that the monster was somehow sterilized.

I showed footage of the monster from the Japanese. They were somewhat insulted that it was considered Godzilla. When they watched the monster get blasted with the missiles, I’ll never forget the words they said to me.

“Zilla…We call Godzilla as such – because he is invincible…a god. This creature is no god. It is not worthy of being called Godzilla, even in name only!”

I decided to scrape the Geno name and allow them to change it to Zilla. The irony is, Zilla would most likely translate out to Jira in Japanese. And there was another Godzilla-like creature known as Jiras. Needless to say, the name stuck around my organization. My superiors however had an even harder time trusting my judgment after this wild goose chase. They told me that my obsession with finding Godzilla was giving me delusions of Grandeur. However, a year later, I was proved right to have been looking for the King of the Monsters the whole time. Like Steve said, “Godzilla will Live.” And he did.

Though one final note that I’d like to go over before you go is what else happened that night. Nick spent the rest of the night meeting with me and then trying to convince Hicks to allow a search party. The crowd then left to go back to wherever they were staying until the bridge was repaired. Other than a few guards and maybe one or two onlookers, Zilla’s corpse was unguarded. In the black of night something came. It was a huge figure that flew in from the night sky. I heard the change in the winds that sounded like the beating of wings, and I saw it land alongside the Brooklyn Bridge. It was dark and couldn’t exactly make it out, but it was about as large as Destroyah. I realized what it was when I saw the three pairs of glowing red eyes.

It stared at Zilla’s corpse curiously. Then it lunged forward and grabbed the body. It began shaking it around, breaking all of the bones. It took off into the air with it. Knowing what this creature was, I knew I had to get back to Tokyo as soon as possible. I hear that the body was found later in central park with bite marks riddled across it. The head was torn clean off. They found it skewered through the eyes on the tip of the Empire State Building. This would not be the body’s final fate though – you’d have to check the Zilla file for that information. I reached Tokyo in the morning. I was right to suspect what it was. Ghidrah was back, in a newer and more powerful form called Grand King Ghidorah. Luckily, Mothra was there to fight him off. For more information, see the Mothra File – the Rebirth of Mothra Entries – coming soon. You’ll also have to see the Mothra File for Godzilla’s triumphant return. I’m working on having it transferred to this file as we speak.

Well, I was disappointed that this as I was hoping to see Godzilla again. But he was alive the whole time. I was right. He was back less than a year later. And then, he would rejoin his fellow Monsters in what is perhaps the greatest battle in Godzilla’s History. And yes folks, this means, he did remember. (I find it Ironic that Zilla attacked New York.)

Next time, From the Laboratories and Arsenals of all civilized nations, the newest most devastating of weapons blast into action in their effort to Destroy All Monsters – Thank you; see you tomorrow.


...hm...maybe you not being able to see this one is a blessing in disguise?
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Comments: 28

menslady125 [2017-11-03 00:33:36 +0000 UTC]

GAG! This movie stunk! It was an insult to Godzilla!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TPCKRULEZ [2017-06-07 20:49:29 +0000 UTC]

Best Godzilla movie 

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

SilverTrunks06 [2016-04-04 19:23:47 +0000 UTC]

One of My Favorite "Godzilla" Movies

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ComannderrX [2015-04-20 05:44:50 +0000 UTC]

very in formative

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

SP-Goji-Fan [2014-11-13 16:19:33 +0000 UTC]

My number 1, worst Godzilla movie ever. It's even worst than Godzilla's Revenge. And besides he's not worthy of god, he's just Zilla.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TheCastlevaniaChapel [2014-05-17 16:53:20 +0000 UTC]

Zilla \._./

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BaryMiner [2013-08-05 14:10:11 +0000 UTC]

Love this movie

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Spinozillasaurus [2013-05-25 23:08:14 +0000 UTC]

Please link delete TurokSwe's comment he is a moron who lies about Zilla and committed and i Quote "Such a Small Crime" he faked the Zilla logo and passed it as an oficial one.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Pellchinnn [2013-05-02 11:03:45 +0000 UTC]

Nice picture! American Godzilla rules!

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

SP-Goji-Fan In reply to Pellchinnn [2014-12-28 22:56:52 +0000 UTC]

Zilla 1998 is no longer the American Godzilla anymore. The new 2014 Movie came out, www.hobiebarnes.com/wp-content… . This is the true American Godzilla.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pellchinnn In reply to SP-Goji-Fan [2015-01-18 09:28:05 +0000 UTC]

You're delusional, dear.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Spinozillasaurus In reply to Pellchinnn [2013-05-19 03:00:15 +0000 UTC]

you get the heck out of here linkzilla plz delete hi comment this guy is a troll who thinks Zilla and godzilla 98 are not the same and thinks the name change is fake and by fans please do it

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Pellchinnn In reply to Spinozillasaurus [2013-05-19 10:20:48 +0000 UTC]

Behave, kid. What have I ever done to you? All I did was leaving a nice comment on this piece of artwork and then you came and attacked me. Get real.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

maxvision92 [2013-02-11 01:22:47 +0000 UTC]

Didn't Godzilla attack New York in Destroy All Monsters?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Linkzilla In reply to maxvision92 [2013-02-11 02:52:35 +0000 UTC]

Yes - yes he did. The end of the description references that. But as you have undoubtedly seen by now, I have yet to write the Summary of Destroy All Monsters.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

maxvision92 In reply to Linkzilla [2013-02-11 03:06:59 +0000 UTC]

Oh, right, it takes place in the future. I tell ya, keeping track of that timeline...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Linkzilla In reply to maxvision92 [2013-02-11 03:13:57 +0000 UTC]

Its easy for me - but then again, I've made it into a personal hobby of mine.
A lot easier than that Bullshit Zelda Timeline, I'll tell ya that.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

zillafire101 [2011-07-15 20:24:35 +0000 UTC]

THE worst godzilla movie ever.It's not even godzilla,it's zilla.
Great job on the sprites anyway.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

fred45erthas In reply to zillafire101 [2012-06-30 06:47:06 +0000 UTC]

true worst Godzilla but was it shit as monster movie?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

T0misaurus [2011-07-12 18:35:45 +0000 UTC]

Good ending Godzilla ated the corpse of that fake

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Linkzilla In reply to T0misaurus [2011-07-13 02:07:23 +0000 UTC]

Hm...if you read it again a bit more carefully, you'll realize that whatever that thing was...it wasn't Godzilla.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Linkzilla [2011-07-11 21:21:07 +0000 UTC]

You know...I'm actually a bit disgusted with myself that I was able to call the creature Godzilla so easily throughout the description.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GodzillaK90 [2011-06-17 11:42:16 +0000 UTC]

Flagged as Spam

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Linkzilla In reply to GodzillaK90 [2011-06-17 21:19:57 +0000 UTC]

Actually...I didn't make it.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

T0misaurus [2011-06-16 16:17:05 +0000 UTC]

Rly?1998 film?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Linkzilla In reply to T0misaurus [2011-06-17 21:19:46 +0000 UTC]

Please read the description.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Burninggodzillalord [2010-11-28 04:46:41 +0000 UTC]

What would have been Godzilla 2000...

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Linkzilla In reply to Burninggodzillalord [2011-06-16 09:50:58 +0000 UTC]


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Burninggodzillalord In reply to Linkzilla [2011-06-17 00:57:04 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0