liracal — TET : Mintfur

Published: 2015-02-07 04:28:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 1781; Favourites: 45; Downloads: 3
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General Information

Name: Mintfur Mintpaw Mintkit

                Mint: For the color of her eyes.

                Fur: For her soft, smooth fur.

 Nickname: NA

 Age: 30 Moons

 Gender: Female

 Sexuality: Bisexual  

 Season of birth: Winter

 Physical appearance: Mintfur is an average sized she-cat with mint-green eyes and a soft light colored pelt.


 • Description: Mintfur has sharp mint-green eyes along with a soft pelt. Her fur is a light cream-ish color with darker markings along her back, legs, and tail. What is unusual about this slender she-cat is the shape of her ears. None of her siblings or parents had round ears, so Mintfur guesses that it is just some form of a genetic mutation in her bloodline.

 •Accessories: Not one for accessories, Mintfur likes to keep things simple. All she needs is something to tie her mane back in and she is set to go.

 •Breed: Mintfur is for the majority a snowshoe cat with a bit of American long-hair mixed in.

 •Size/Weight: Just falling before the average height for the female cat, Mintfur is a little under average for her age. Seeing as the petite she-cat, Mintfur didn’t really have any sort of physical training so she isn’t as muscular as most other cats. Her body is slender and nimble which allows her to squeeze into small spaces. When it comes to appetite, Mintfur usually doesn’t have the stomach to eat. Ever sinze she was young, she had a tendency to get sick after eating food. Mintfur likes to eat very little at a time, although she usually just eats herbs to help with her hunger pains.

 •Fur: Considering that Mintfur spends quite a bit of time trying to maintain her long fur; her fur has a soft, silky texture to it. When she runs, it isn’t long enough to slow her down. In fact, she keeps it so neat that when she runs the wind easily blows through it. Although Mintfur isn’t afraid to get dirty, in fact she enjoys it just as much as she does cleaning her fur. Grooming herself is sort of a stress reliever to her.

 •Structure: Mintfur is not muscular. She is very slender and thin. Although you may not be able to tell because of her fur, Mintfur is a lot skinnier than she actually looks because of her strange eating habits.

 Clan Information

Birth clan: BirchClan

 Current clan: BirchClan

 Rank: Medicine Cat?

 Mentor: Softfoot NPC

 Apprentice: N/A

 Past apprentices: None


[Scared Easily] [Stressed Easily] [Grudge Holder] [Creative] [Flirtatious] [Compassionate] [Hardworking] [Fun] 

 Scared Easily: Mintfur can get easily spooked, whenever someone comes up to her without her knowing, she could basically jump out of her own fur. Conflict also scares the young she-cat, whenever fighting happens Mintfur would rather be stung by a thousand bees than having to fight.

 Stressed Easily: Seeing as Mintfur is a medicine cat, her job can become pretty stressful. Sure she likes helping others, but it can get pretty overwhelming fast. Probably one of the things that stresses out Mintfur the most is when cats try to refuse her help, when something like that happens Mintfur can lose all her patience.

 Grudge Holder: If your cat crosses Mintfur, she will most likely never let you forget what you have done. When she is hurt by someone, she will act more hostile around that certain cat or just not talk to them at all! For example, when her sister was killed by a rogue Mintfur never forgot that day and now she hates being around any sort of rogue. In her mind, since one rogue hurt her, then all rogues are blood thirsty killers.

 Creative: Mintfur has a large imagination, and she is always trying to find new ways to do things. When it comes to medicine, Mintfur is always coming up with new crazy mixtures of stuff to see if she can create new sorts of medicine. Sure this could be a good thing, but it can also be bad. Once Mintfur tried to create something for headaches, and when she tested it on herself she had a horrible stomach ache for about a week.

 Flirtatious: Mintfur loves to flirt, she likes it when she watches cats fall for her. This is sort of a bad habit because sometimes she can cause unnecessary drama for herself or others. Although, for some odd reason, it helps boost her self-esteem, it makes her more confident. It also helps her talk to other easily.

 Compassionate: Mintfur cares for everyone in her clan, she loves to help others and will do anything to help others. If your cat was going through a rough time, Mintfur would always be there to offer advice or just listen to what your cat has to say. Whenever she gets a new patient, Mintfur treats them like they were her own family.

 Hardworking: The clan always goes first before anything else for Mintfur. She always seems to be as busy as a bee, running all over the place, heading out every day to look for herbs, and scrambling around in her den for when she helps others. Mintfur doesn’t really like to waste her time doing childish things, so she is always trying to find some sort of work to keep her occupied.

 Fun: Even though it seems like she doesn’t like to goof off, if there is time, Mintfur is always one to goof around just a little bit. She also likes to tell jokes a lot, and she loves to play. Sometimes it seems like Mintfur is still a kit at heart.   



Mother: Morningdew [Deceased]

Father: Blackfur [Alive/NPC]

Brother: Patchtail [Alive/NPC]

Sister: Lilyfur [Deceased]


Before Birth

     The sky began to turn red as the sun set below the horizon, a pale cream-colored she-cat was out on a lone patrol. Nearing the end of her already long patrol Morningdew, the light colored she-cat, decided to explore a little beyond the borders of her clan’s territory. Morningdew was a young cat at the time, she was always poking her nose into places she shouldn’t. As she made her way through the strange new land, the small she-cat soon found herself lost. Panic arose in Morningdew as she began to frantically run around, trying to find her way back to her clan’s borders. Just then, Morningdew heard leaves rustling above her. Whatever it was that was above her in the trees sounded too big to be a squirrel or bird. Just as fast as the sound started, a black tom cat dropped down and landed on top of the she-cat. The startled Morningdew, without a second thought, clawed the tom’s face. Teetering backwards, the massive tom fell back on his back, holding a paw up to where Morningdew had scratched him. After a while of tension, the two cats started to like each other. It turned out that the tom, Blackfur, had been exiled from his clan. Blackfur stated that he had been falsely accused of the murder of one of his clanmates.  Morningdew began to feel pity for Blackfur, and before she knew it every day she would go and meet him outside the clan’s territory.

                After a couple of moons, Blackfur and Morningdew decided to become mates. Some of the cats from Morningdew’s clan started to become suspicious of her constant absence. One day Morningdew had decided to stay in camp for the day for she felt ill. After a couple of days, Morningdew found out that she was carrying Blackfur’s kits. Rumors started to spread that she had been seeing a loner, but Morningdew tried to block out the rumors. A little while later Morningdew gave birth to three healthy kits.


                 Mintfur was born into a litter of three, she had one brother and one sister. The three kits were very close with one-another, always playing together, always sticking by each other, and always looking out for each other. It seemed as if the young she-cat had a normal kithood, but everything turned rotten after about three moons. Some of the other kits in the nursery would make fun of Mintkit and her siblings Patchkit and Lilykit. They told them that they were useless since their father was a loner, and that they should be banished just like their father was. Of course the three kits didn’t understand any of what was happening to them, so their mother explained to them why the other cats were treating them horribly. Aparently when Minkit and her siblings were still fairly young, Morningdew had snuck off to go see Blackfur and tell him about their kits. What Morningdew didn’t know was that a cat from the clan had followed her, and once the news got back to camp it spread like wildfire.

                 After about two more moons, Mintkit had gotten used to the constant harassment she received from the other cats. No longer did Minkit care what others thought of her, as long as no one tried to harm her or her family she was fine.  Mintkit, Lilykit, and Patchkit started to get curious about their father, they wanted to meet him to see if he really was the brave cat that their mother said he was. Morningdew assured them that one day they would be able to see him, when they were older and able to understand the circumstances better.


                 Soon the day came for Minkit and her siblings to be appointed apprentices. All three kits were going to be training to become warriors. After her apprentice ceremony, Mintpaw couldn’t wait to step foot outside the camp. When the three newly apprenticed cats were shown around the clan territory, they couldn’t believe their eyes. Everything was even more fascinating than they ever imagined. When training began, Mintpaw wasn’t half bad at hunting although her fighting could use some more practice. Patchpaw was an excellent fighter and Lilypaw was good at hunting like Mintpaw. Together as a team, they seemed unstoppable. One afternoon, Morningdew gathered all her kits up for an important talk. Mintpaw and her siblings were a bit worried, but it soon went away when their mother said that she was taking them to see their father for the first time.

                 As the four cats made their way through the forest, Mintpaw felt like her insides were knotting up for she was extremely anxious to see her father. After a little bit more walking, Morningdew stopped her kits and told them to wait patiently while she went and looked for Blackfur. Soon Morningdew returned with a jet black tom. When Mintpaw saw him she was actually a bit terrified of him, he had a menacing look in his eyes. Although when he saw the three young cats, his eyes lit up with happiness and a big smile spread across his face. Even though he seemed to love Mintpaw and her siblings, she thought something seemed a bit off with him. Although she just couldn’t put her paw on it.

                 The rest of her apprenticeship was like any other normal day in the life of an ordinary cat. The only thing that was different was that Morningdew had succumbed to illness and passed away. Sure Mintpaw was upset, but she knew her mother was in a better place and wasn’t suffering anymore. Mintpaw and her siblings set off one day to go and find their father to tell him the news of their mother’s passing. When they found him they explained what had happened, they thought that maybe Blackfur would understand but they were wrong. Something snapped inside their father, his eyes seemed to burn with hatred, but he tried not to show any hatred towards the three siblings. Instead Blackfur turned around and walked away in silence.


                 The day finally come for Mintpaw to become a full-fledged warrior. At her ceremony she was given the new name of Mintfur. Patchpaw became Patchtail and Lilypaw became Lilyfur. It was one of the best days in the young warrior’s life. The first couple moons after Mintfur became a warrior were pretty laid back, until one day that changed Mintfur’s life forever. One day when Mintfur was on a patrol with her sister Lilyfur and three other cats, a group of rogues anmbushed them. Mintfur fought as hard as she could, she felt like they were winning against the other group of cats. That is until a blood curdling scream filled the air around Mintfur, looking around to see who made the noise Mintfur basically breathless. One of the rogues had Lilyfur pinned to the ground, its large claws dug into her soft pelt. Mintfur rushed over to save her sister but when the rogue saw her, he slashed open Lilyfur’s stomach and ran away. Mintfur froze in her tracks and stared wide eyed at her injured sister, tears began to form in Mintfur’s eyes as she watched her sister lay helplessly on the ground. Slowly walking up to her sister, Mintfur crouched down next to her a prodded her sister’s body with a paw. Mintfur begged her sister to wake up although in the back of her mind, Mintfur knew she wouldn’t.

 Medicine Cat

                 After the incident with the rogues and Lilyfur’s death, Mintfur felt useless. She desperately wished there was something she could have done to save her sister. Mintfur spent less time out patrolling and hunting, and spent more time in the medicine cat den learning little tricks to heal small wounds. All this knowledge fascinated Mintfur, she wanted to absorb everything there was to know. After talking with the medicine cat and leader, Mintfur was allowed to start training to become a medicine cat. Mintfur caught on quickly to everything she was taught, and she was becoming an excellent medicine cat. Being able to help other cats was always a great joy to Mintfur. Now that she knew all the knowledge she did, Mintfur vowed to never let what happened to Lilyfur to happen to any other cat. Looking back on the day when Lilyfur died, Mintfur wished she could go back and save her. There so many things she could have done to save her sister, but maybe it was her destiny.

                 After the passing of the old medicine cat, Mintfur was promoted to full medicine cat. Mintfur felt extremely proud to be saving lives of other cats, it was probably the most important thing to her. The clan always came first before anything else.


Fetishes: She loves long fluffy tails for some reason.
Favorite food: Squirrel, Moue, Vole, Rabbit, and Fish
Standards: Mintfur likes to be around cats that take their job seriously, but can still have fun if they want to.

Theme music:

Reflektor- Arcade Fire
Joan of Arc- Arcade Fire
Valley of the Dolls- Marina and the Diamonds
Fear and Loathing- Marina and the Diamonds
Dark Paradise- Lana Del Ray

Hobbies:  Running, Hunting, Playing with kits

Strange Habits: Grooming herself constantly, she doesn’t like to eat food at the bottom of the fresh kill pile, she tends to scratch her ears a lot if she gets nervous or stressed, and usually only eating once or twice a day.


Roleplay Example:

 From The Frozen Lands

Heatherpaw gazed around the frozen landscape, her eyes sparkled with fascination as she looked around at everything. She was on a hunting trip with her mentor, her sister, and her sister’s mentor. She bounced around in the snow while she looked for prey, she dug little hole in the snow with her paws to see if any prey was burrowed underneath the white blanket of snow. Heatherpaw twitched her nose as a snowflake landed on it she then looked around her and she realized it was beginning to snow. She looked around and she spotted her mentor in the distance she bounded over to him and she looked up at the sky and she noticed how it was beginning to snow heavier by the minute. They were quite far away from camp and she hoped that they would get back before it begun to snow heavier. Heatherpaw’s mentor signaled that they should head back to camp right away, she nodded her head and she started to head back with him. As it started to snow heavier Heatherpaw had to narrow her eyes so she could see without getting snow in them. A shiver went down her spine as a cold blast of wind hit her square in the face. She looked at her mentor as if expecting him to do something, he was looking at some rocks.

                 “Quick over to those rocks, be may be able to find shelter in them.” He spoke in a firm voice as he trudged through the snow to get over to them. Heatherpaw nodded and she followed him towards the rocks, she then spotted her sister and her mentor heading in the same direction. Heatherpaw’s eyes saddened slightly as she noticed how cold her sister looked. Soon they all reached the rocks and they huddled together to stay warm, they all didn’t even notice that Breezepaw wasn’t with them.

                 Once the snow started to cease, they exited their small shelter and they looked around them. Heatherpaw’s eyes widened when she noticed Breezepaw was nowhere to be seen. “Breezepaw?” Her breathe quickened when she heard no answer, “Breezepaw?!” Heatherpaw frantically looked around the area, the mentors were searching as well.

 “I swear she was right behind me when we were walking towards the rocks…” Breezepaw’s mentor said quietly. Heatherpaw then noticed a small lump in the snow and she ran over to it, and she started to dig into it. Her eyes widened in horror when she saw the frozen body of her sister. 




 mintfur belongs to me
TET belongs to INfernoLynx  

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Comments: 13

Sun--Ray [2015-04-20 15:39:19 +0000 UTC]

Well, I'm glad I choose Birch as the clan for my little Cottonpaw, so he can meet this wonderful lass ^^
She is beautiful *v*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

liracal In reply to Sun--Ray [2015-04-20 19:57:33 +0000 UTC]

ah thank you! c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DynamicPanther [2015-03-19 19:02:28 +0000 UTC]

Look at this gorgeous lady~

Pythonstar is a lucky leader~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

liracal In reply to DynamicPanther [2015-03-19 19:14:43 +0000 UTC]

Ah thank you!

we should totally have an RP between the two of them sometime!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

xShroomii [2015-02-15 20:12:26 +0000 UTC]

She's so adorable, I love her ears <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

liracal In reply to xShroomii [2015-02-15 20:54:32 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! c:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ShunamiWaters [2015-02-08 13:28:23 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

liracal In reply to ShunamiWaters [2015-02-08 16:37:10 +0000 UTC]

omg thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ShunamiWaters In reply to liracal [2015-02-08 16:45:03 +0000 UTC]

No problem! 

I hope our cats could meet when the group opens! nwn

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

liracal In reply to ShunamiWaters [2015-02-08 16:53:33 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ShunamiWaters In reply to liracal [2015-02-08 16:58:12 +0000 UTC]

BlackTail: See you then~! -wink-

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

environmentally [2015-02-07 04:30:55 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

liracal In reply to environmentally [2015-02-07 15:26:03 +0000 UTC]


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