Comments: 37
Hastur66 [2014-07-25 12:33:47 +0000 UTC]
And with the "wisdom" she's gotten from living with Littlefinger, she might just survive it..!
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LizbethLizard In reply to Hastur66 [2014-08-04 22:25:01 +0000 UTC]
I do believe so as well!
But to be honest, at the moment it looks like Sansa is rather a character to be played all the time rather than becoming an actual player in the game ...
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LizbethLizard In reply to Hastur66 [2014-08-17 13:56:10 +0000 UTC]
Buuuut it's so weird that he's kind of in love with Sansa ... I unship it so much! xD
Yeah, same here, I sometimes wonder if he even has, like, somebody he's loyal to, or if he's just trolling everyone ...
I'm pretty curious who will end up surviving, I have the feeling that either we will be happy with the ending or that something totally unexpected happens. D:
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Hastur66 In reply to LizbethLizard [2014-08-17 18:09:32 +0000 UTC]
I'm not so sure he actually loves Sansa. She reminds him of her mother, which was too high-born for him to marry back then... I think he looks at her more like a goal, and as a substitute of sorts for her mother, of course. Littlefinger is, essentially, a really small man who have been looked down on by high nobles all his life- and now, he's determined to rise high above all of them, and hopefully get them all killed in the process!
Yes! He really has me confused... He's been helping out the Targaryens since the beginning, even though Robert won the rebellion, and his was the strongest side... So I don't think he does what he does just to keep himself alive, like he often hints at. I'm... just... confused... @_@
I think both! Although I imagine the ending to be more bitter-sweet than just pure happiness..! This is GRRM, after all!
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LizbethLizard In reply to Hastur66 [2014-09-04 19:55:17 +0000 UTC]
I think so xD Peeps don't tend to find eunuchs quite as attractive as Littlefinger ...
I also read a few ones! What's your theory? :0
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Hastur66 In reply to LizbethLizard [2014-09-07 21:03:47 +0000 UTC]
Hey, I quite forgot about that detail! You're right, Jon got only Stark looks... But then, none of Ned's children has that, save for Arya. I think that might be a clue, too! Well, except that Arya isn't a bastard...
Brandon Stark seemed like a really likable fellow, and I doubt Ned would have loved him -or their father, for that matter- if they were abusing his sister! Also, Lyanna seemed like a fierce, beautiful and bold woman... She didn't strike me as one who grew up being abused! And... I'm not sure about the details around Robert's Rebellion, but I think both Rickard and Brandon had been dead for more than 9 months when Jon was born?
I think Lyana didn't want Ned to tell anybody, because her son was a Targaryen bastard... And Robert would surely kill him if he found out. Also, Ned probably felt a bit bad about helping killing Jon's father...
I agree! Ned does not strike me as that kind of person, either!
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Caramelkeks [2014-07-24 16:43:44 +0000 UTC]
oooh das ist voll schön sie sieht total hübsch aus <33 uwu ich mag total den brush den du benutzt hast 8D
ach ja und viel spasssssss <33 wohin fährst du ;U;
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LizbethLizard In reply to Caramelkeks [2014-07-24 19:27:10 +0000 UTC]
daaankeee! o3o ich wollte mal was neues ausprobieren mit der brush und es hat mir ganz gut gefallen :3
wir fahren 3 wochen nach england :3 danach hab ich dann wieder so viel inspiration zum malen dass ich ganz viele bilder raushaue :'D
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Caramelkeks In reply to LizbethLizard [2014-07-24 20:15:41 +0000 UTC]
er sieht echt total gut aus!! <33 hey sag mal du benutzt doch photoshop oder ;O; hast dus gekauft oder irgendwo gedownloaded?? O: ich würd das nämlich auch voll gern haben
ooh cool uwu viel spass und jaaaa XD du musst dir alle ideen aufschreiben damit du ja keine vergisst XD ich freu mich schon ~
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Caramelkeks In reply to LizbethLizard [2014-07-25 09:59:44 +0000 UTC]
omg hingegen zum normalpreis ist die studentenversion ja richtig günstig o___o aaah schade ich hätte gehofft es irgendwo wo es sicher ist downloaden zu können XD aber du hast recht XD
und jaa klar ich schick dir ne note <33 uwu
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LuxuryDeluxe [2014-07-24 16:35:44 +0000 UTC]
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LuxuryDeluxe In reply to LizbethLizard [2014-07-24 19:39:50 +0000 UTC]
I'm looking forward to see how Sansa is in season 5 ^^
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LuxuryDeluxe In reply to LizbethLizard [2014-08-16 16:37:21 +0000 UTC]
Yes, you are right. She is played by the other characters, but she is slowly learning how to play 'the game', and I think she'll proceed to be one of the best characters in the entire series.
Unless she dies. She'll probably die ):
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LizbethLizard In reply to LuxuryDeluxe [2014-08-21 21:34:05 +0000 UTC]
I agree! I always kinda hope for her to have badass moments xD
I have no idea! D:> I hope not, there must always be a Stark on Winterfell!
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