Lopparai — Golden Trio

#kiara #pridelands #siblings #thelionking #thelionkingfanart #kopathelionking #thelionguard #kionthelionking
Published: 2023-02-05 17:59:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 3256; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 0
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My take on Simba and Nala's children.

1. First we have Prince Kopa - Simba's firstborn son. He's the cub at the end of the first film. My headcanon for him isn't very original and so he went missing as a child and reapears after the war in TLK2. And the reason for his disappearance is...

idk yet maybe I will go with Zira's revenge route or maybe not. We will see. As for his return - he ends up with Vitani (I really like this ship ehh..) but they don't have any children. They are fun uncle and auntie for Kiara and Kion's cubs. His role in pride isn't very specific. He doesn't want the throne as he feel Kiara is more suited for this. Besides he loves freedom and beaceause of that he helps in any way he can. He acts as advisor for Kiara, he helps with guarding the borders, sometimes he delivers messages between prides, but most importantly he's a great nanny! Cubs love uncle Kopa! And Kopa loves his family dearly. Sometimes he wishes of growing up with his siblings. But what's in the past stays in the past. So instead he tries to make up for all of that lost time.

2. Secondborn cub of Simba and Nala - Kiara. Future queen. If Kopa was not lost she would be the lion guard's leader. At first she doesn't want to be the queen. She misses Kopa. She's angry at their parents for not waiting for his return, she's angry at everyone for moving on. And she's angry at Kion. He took position in the lion guard without second thought. And with that he started spending time with his new friends. She felt left out not only by Kopa or her parents, but also by her younger littermate. She had that feeling for a long time and so she started going out for her own. She didn't want to play with Kion or Zuri and Tiifu. She wanted to be alone and see more of the pridelands. And maybe she had a tiny hope that she will meet Kopa somewhere and they will go home togehter. But of course nothing like that happend. Simba's overprotectiveness didn't help her also. So she continued her trips. She escaped her royal lessons or her mother's invitations for time together. At last at one of her escapades she met Kovu... and Zira. After that Simba decided to train her for her future role more seriously. She was angry of course. She had to learn stupid royal things when other cubs played and explored. As if that was not enough Kion constantly reminded her about her adventure when she nearly got herself killed. They bickered all the time. Kion used to say that she "had a stick up her royal ass". For her he was so infuriating. Kiara wanted to bite back so she started to say hurtful words towards him. Their reliatonship started to fall down. Their parents were shocked and scared. They knew the cubs had sibling rivarly but this started to go out of control. So Simba and Nala tried to make them reconcile. Nala took them on trips and treid to make them work together (The trail to Udugu). Simba showed them the jungle where he spend his childhood and place where he met his father's spirit. And everything started to seem better for a while. They weren't as close as they could be but the bickering lessened and they could talk without insults. The King and his Queen were happier until one day their children clashed again. It started small really. Nobody even remembers what the argument was about. But one thing led to another. One insult to another. And when Kion started Kiara's queen role subject it went downhill fast. The Princess couldn't keep her anger hidden anymore and she screamed everything that she felt. Her disappointment for her parents about them forgetting Kopa, the anger towards her younger brother and resentment about becoming The Queen when it was Kopa's role. Her family was stunned. And for the worse at the end of her monolog she declared she hates her parents and Kion and she run away. Where? She didn't really know. To a place where her paws could take her. She didn't care about her parents' cries for her to return and her brother's sobbing. She went a long way into the pride's borders. She was determined to disappear but The Great Spirit in the sky didn't accede. The pridelands saw the biggest storm since King Mohatu's reign. And so in her blind run Kiara slipped on the mud and got hurt. The injury wasn't really big but she couldn't continue her escape. She took shelter between some rocks and curled in herself.

At the same time royal family was going sick from worry. When Kiara run away they didn't expect for her to not return. They wanted her to cool down. To think. But the more time she didn't come back the more Simba was angry for himself. It was his fault. He felt like failure when he watched his dear son crying in his mother's paws. He decided to create a search party. That got Kion's interest. He insisted to his parents' protests that he will look for his sister with his friends. And so everyone started looking for The Princess. But they weren't very lucky. When Kion with his guard wanted to search Kiara in another place a gust of wind made lion cub to change direction. He separated from the others and they didn't notice. Kion went after the strong gust. In the meantime the storm came. The prince was more and more scared but something told him to go further. When he got tired and soaked to the bone to his despair the gust of wind disappeared. He wanted to cry from exhaustion and just be home. But then he heard a faint sobbing. Going after it he found his sister in a little cave. When they saw each other both started ugly crying. Apologies were shared. The siblings talked like they didn't in years. Kiara told her brother about her feelings. Kion confessed he missed his brother too but he didn't know how to talk about everything what happend. He admitted he felt without purpose before he wasn't leader of The Guard. Lion cubs swore that they will talk to each other honestly from now on and that they will always has each other sides.

The next day there was no trace after the storm. Cubs started making their way towards Pride Rock, Kion helping Kiara to walk after her injury. Not long after they were found by their family. Simba and Nala with tears in their eyes hugged their cubs. Of course the four of them had a very long talk. Simba and Nala told their children that they never forgot about their big brother but the thought of losing him was too depressing for them to bear. They were scared too pass their sadness to Kiara and Kion so they pretented that everything's okay. The King confessed his protectivness came from fear of losing another child. Parents told their cubs that from now on there were no secrects and they can talk about everything. Kids made Simba promise he will give them more freedom. He tries to keep that promise. Usually...

So from that day siblings started to grow more close. Of course that didn't happen in one night. But as they grew they shared every secret and feeling. A lot of help for them was their grandmothers Sarabi and Sarafina. They told them the real story of Mufasa and Scar. Not only their ending but also their begining from when they were only cubs.

So when Kion goes to The Tree of Life Kiara is sad but bids him farewell and makes him promise that he will come back in one piece. When he returned after the war in TLK2 his first thought was to kill Kovu to protect his sister XD But actually after all of explanations he starts to like his sibling's mate (after threatening him that if he hurt Kiara he will hurt him). Because of Kovu and Kiara Kion starts to thinks of his love for Rani too. He confides in his sister. She doesn't want to let him go so far but she wants him to be happy. So she gives him her blessings and convinces their parents to let him go. They attend to the wedding and coronation and it's beautiful! But Kiara can't help to dislike Rani. She doesn't voice her concerns but swears to her littermate that he has a family and home in the Pridelands and something happens in his life all of his family waits for him.

Who could have known then that Kiara would be right?

3. And last at last ! The youngest and second son of Simba and Nala - Kiongozi "Kion". The leader of The Lion Guard. In my AU there is no magic roar or talking with grandpa Mufasa and other spirits. I thinks it sucks XD And also makes Simba meeting his father's ghost in TLK like joke. But anyway! Kiongozi is born in the same litter as Kiara seconds after her. Not for the Kopa's disappearance he would be his brother's advisor, or memeber of Kiara's guard. I don't think he would be betrothed to a lioness from another pride cause Simba doesn't go with a lot of traditions. He just pretends he does xd.

When Kion is young he forms his guard to his liking. It consist from him and the animals we know from the show. At first Simba isn't amused. He's more like irritated but he gives Kion's guard a chance. Well at first they don't go at dangerous mission, they're only children! Simba isn't mad to let children do somthing like that! But after some time and guaidance from warriors from the pride they start their work (normally they would be trained by the previous guard, and working under them until time they're ready to do it themselves. But because of Scar there wasn't any preveious guard). They have their ups and downs as a guard but they are mostly okay.

From Kion's perspective Kiara is stiff and a bit snobby. He doesn't know about Kiara's feelings and unsecurities. After their argument, Kiara's escape and their amends they grow really close. He spends more time with his sister and learns that she's really funny too. They cause mischiefs together when they are free from their duties. So Kiongozi is sad when he has to go looking for the cure for cobra's bite to The Tree of Life (it doesn't make lions evil but it makes them more aggressive and without control). He met Rani and The Night Pride there. He got in love with the next gueen and decided to come back to her. When his parents tried to pursue him to wait with the marriage it's Kiara making them let him go. He loves his sister and is grateful for her help. Kion passes the torch as the prideland's lion guard's leader to Vitani and comes back to Rani. He marries her and becomes her king. Everything seems to be perfect but he can't forget Kiara's words to him after his weeding.

Sooooo it's basically summary for my headcanon. Simba has three cubs, there's no magic roar and spirit talking. Kopa comes back(maybe will think about his story someday), Kiara's the gueen of The Pridelands (she accepts her role and is happy with that) and Kiongozi is king of The Tree of Life. I want to expand this story to times after their cubs are born. Kiara ends with Kovu of course, Kopa with Vitani and Kion with Rani (and with someone else after her). Kiara has four cubs, Kion one son with Rani (if you like her you won't like my stories. She's a total bit..). Kopa is fun uncle without any kids XD

Well and that's practically all for now.

Background and characters belongs to Disney.

Art to me

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