Loppyr — Hravart

#oc #illustration #potrait #art
Published: 2017-02-08 20:08:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 1335; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 0
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Description Holy mama I procrastinated on school art to do this unrelated art i cannot

But yes, welcome Hravart! gay space baby, done over the span of a week, and probably my best digital-human drawings in a long time. Tragic backstory ofc, and I may plan to have him in maybe a future PMV??? If I can master drawing humans in scenarios.

Brief Bio, if anybody cares:


Hravart Kleishiuu
Name meaning 'Fire Rose' in Armenian, hrat meaning "heat, fire, Mars" and vart "rose."
Also responds to Hratchouhi [Meaning 'Fire-eyed']
Has lived for 3477 years, physically equivalent to a 22-Year-Old human.
Birthed on the equivalent of November 4th in Earth.
Belongs to the male gender.
Sexually attracted to males only, homosexual.
Born to the species of the Sekveris.




Eyes linger upon =Saebyeok
Crushes upon nobody.
Hopelessly in love with Saebyeok.
Cut ties with Agnar (Technically).
Spends extra nights with nobody.
Sires no children.


Respects: His father [Deceased], His mother, two older brothers.
Glares at: Agnar [Deceased]
Holds Hatred for: Agnar [Deceased]
Grieves for: His other brothers [Status unknown], his Father [Deceased], Agnar [Deceased]



Height: Around 170.8cm.
Weight: Varies often between around 80kg and 46kg.

Hravart's build is usually lean, though it tends to switch between thin and lean, depending on his daily actions. While not exceptionally fit and muscular, Hravart tends to rely on his slender body for fast and swift movements. His skin is a dark tan and often littered with scars, specifically around his facial region and his torso. Other than the area around his scars, Hravart's skin is generally smooth to the touch, abnormally different than human's skin. He has a pair of amber-orange eyes which often tends to have a hint of bright blue in them, brought about by his 'predicament'. Hravart has a messy mop of dark burgundy hair that falls to his shoulders, when not tied up in a bun or ponytail. It feels no different from a human's hair. He has spots of white freckles that seem to strangely shine in a dark area, and sometimes seem to move.

Hravart tends to bear many scars across his body as proof of his previous lifestyle that was more than not often filled with battles and life-threatening situations. Some of the more notable scars would be a large, uneven line that circles his neck, the strange dot-scars around his lips, his torn left ear, a deep scar at his right side, just under his ribcage, and a burn-scar near his pelvis.

He constantly keeps a small, hourglass-shaped trinket with him, and can sometimes be seen wearing it as a necklace or a bracelet. When not worn, it's inside one of his pockets or in his enclosed fist. He also seems to be a jewellry enthusiast and can sometimes be seen with earrings, ear cuffs, necklaces, bracelets, rings and anklets.

Back in his home-realm, Hravart usually dons a dark-coloured tunic with loose black pants and a maroon, long overshirt lined with fur. He wears dark-brown fur boots and may have a grey-brown cloak over it as well.
His ceremonial dress consists of a long-sleeved black tunic, along with black and gold bottoms that are akin to dance pants, with an extra layer of cloth at his hips that falls-mid thigh and acts as a cut skirt. He wears a red and gold vest-like cloth over it, half-cloth and half-armour with a long piece of cloth that falls over his crotch, like a loincloth. He has armoured shoulder-plates and braces, and often has a cape. He wears a lot of jewellry when donning his ceremonial armour. 

On Earth, Hravart never really seems to have a preference for his choice of clothing, as it often depends on the weather itself, or where he's located at. When relaxing at home or a location close to home, he tends to wear any sort of long-bottoms, including jeans, leggings, harem pants and khakis, alongside a pullover-hoodie or a simple shirt. When travelling far he wears a long-sleeved shirt or a shirt with a jacket worn over, or his own clothing from his homeland, though he often avoids it after all the strange looks he attracted. He likes the trend of tying a jacket around your hips.

Hravart owns and sometimes carries around an array of weapons, ranging from different daggers, a scimitar-like sword, a crossbow, and of course, his beloved double-bladed sword, Aglaia. 




Don't read if you don't want spoilers, I guess?? There no reason for spoilers, though, considering how I'm not making a comic of his backstory nor do I really roleplay humans with anybody other than me bae. Aspects of his story will be more or less told through AMVs, PMVs or Animations, if I ever finish them.

This part is very long, but I left out Hravart's main, present story for another time when I post a scene from it. It's still WIP. If you see anything that doesn't make sense, I wrote this at 4am on two days so-

Growing up

Hravart was born as the third son of the King and Queen of Sekverilum, a realm that housed the species of the Sekveris. While having royal blood running through his veins gave him many advantages throughout his life, he often had to compete between his five brothers. While in their childhood it was competing for their parents' love, as they grew up it soon became competing for the highest status or power in Sekverilum. However, competing for the throne was useless as it was already secured to the eldest, so they competed over strength. Sekverilum was well-known for its strength and warriors, and for being victorious over many wars.

The five brothers grew up to be insanely skilled warriors, each of them held leaderships for different positions, and all of them were the generals of Sekverilum's army. Hravart trained specifically on swords, daggers and the crossbow, and, like the rest of his brothers, was eventually given a special weapon of his own, known as Aglaia, meaning splendour or beauty in Greek. She was a double-bladed sword with beautiful engravings on her, and could be split into two dagger-like weapons, or transformed into a simple staff that looked innocent enough. Other than physical strength, Hravart took it upon himself to learn a little magic, and though he uses it seldom in battle, it's useful for other sticky situations.

A New Era

However, a time came when another realm declared war upon Sekverilum, involving the weakened king (Their Father) and a new ruler of the other realm, intent on taking over Sekverilum. The battle was unexpected and was brought straight to Sekverilum's doors under the cover of night, and despite the war that ensued over 3 months, Sekverilum was finally taken over and their King was killed, while the Queen was forced into hiding. The brothers spilt up in the confusion, and Hravart doesn't know what happened to any of them save for his younger brother, the fourth son, as he was executed directly before Hravart himself. Instead of following suit, however, Hravart was more or less taken as a prisoner for reasons yet unknown, alongside a few civilians deemed to be 'useful'. The enemy was a hatred-filled and cruel leader that went by the name of Agnar, and his army followed suit. As Sekverilum was slowly transformed into another kingdom, Hravart became part of slavery and was eventually sold to his new master that would be his nightmare for the next few years. It was none other than his enemy, Agnar. Whilst Hravart was not his only slave, the third prince was paid a lot more attention to by Agnar than the rest. He was subjected to various creative and agonising tortures, and this resulted in his dignity and mind being shattered. Over the course of the years, Hravart developed a sort-of Stockholm Syndrome problem, though it went away slightly in the future when he came to the realisation that it wasn't right to love his captor. This went on for quite some time and as Sekverilum turned into Agnar's playground, there, of course, grew a revolution between survivors who managed to stay hidden within the kingdom. They were led by none other than the queen and her oldest son.


The revolution's first major plan other than secretly offering destroyed civilian families help was to free the main castle of Agnar's slaves and unwilling servants, and the plan was carried out in the middle of the night. Hravart awoke in Agnar's chambers with a jolt when the door banged open and armed warriors rushed in, one ushering and escorting Hravart and other slaves out while the rest took on Agnar's own warriors, and of course, Agnar himself. Disorientated and confused, Hravart willingly followed and eventually was brought to a room deep beneath the city, where he reunited with his mother, and later on after the battle, his brother. He recovered slowly there.

Whilst initially happy upon the success of the plan, his family eventually noticed how odd and destructful Hravart would be at certain times, a proof of his ordeal, and disorder broke out within the family, including many arguments between the two brothers, while their mother looked on and tried to prevent them from fighting. Since Agnar was unable to be killed in their previous plan, the new ruler now knew of a growing revolution, and soldiers were often searching the city for places where members of the revolution would be hiding, and slowly, their numbers were being lowered as more members were found and killed. The remainder of the royal family quickly thought of a plan to assassinate Agnar due to time pressure, and was quickly launched the next night despite the improved security of the castle.

Even as Hravart was commanded to stay in their hideout due to his brother worrying that his 'irrational attitude' might ruin everything, he snuck out anyway and joined the fight, now with newfound anger for Agnar. He fought his way through the castle after regaining Aglaia and even though he was exhausted by the time he reached Agnar due to his still-weak body, he arrived in time to witness his brother slaying Agnar, slicing his head clean off. Instead of being happy that his previous nightmare was slain, Hravart felt anger instead and screamed and yelled at his brother, who was understandably confused. His brother, not being good at resolving confrontations, became angry as well and it became a shouting match between the two. His brother pointed out how Hravart was acting weirdly to which he denied vehemently, and in the situation both their emotion ran high. In an attempt to escape the situation, Hravart used the last reserves of his magic to teleport himself far away from Sekverilum.

A New Start

His blind teleportation led Hravart to the outskirts of a city in Earth, and after composing himself he explored the land, and learnt quickly about the different human cultures and such, after being given many weird looks by other people. He was passed off as a 'Crazy hobo' by a passing stranger, and was often ignored when asking for help, but eventually made his way through the slums of the city and found a friend, another homeless person who saw him as a rather funny man and helped introduce him to Earth and it's people. The previous prince decided that it was a nice place to escape his problems. After a year, he gained a job and money, and bought a small apartment to live by on his own. His friend went another path and they ceased communication overtime. Hravart lived on his own for some time, and eventually met Saebyeok, who would be his partner for the rest of his life.


He has a medium-ranged voice that can easily change tone. When incredibly emotional, Hravart's voice tends to break.


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