Lorespinner — baby boy

Published: 2019-03-27 01:50:06 +0000 UTC; Views: 302; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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Description Shortly after being dropped off at the nook, she began to get acclimated to life there, learning that pleasantly enough, she was actually provided both food AND warmth! But the wyngro that brought her there wasn't around for a while. She would see them fleetingly, and they came by a few times and talked to the tan lady with the red, then played with her for a bit before leaving again. 

She learned that the tan lady was Alma, and she was given the name Z̝͏̴͙᷾͏᷈̄͟͏͟͏ͩ͏͕̖͘͏̧̯͊͏̨͎͑͏̫͆̍͏̲͂͠͏̻ͨ᷉͏̰͍̣͏̣᷀͑͏̸᷇͘͏̴ͥ̂͏̮̓̋͏̧̼̎͏̹ͥ᷀͏̐ͤ̕͏̖͂͐͏᷿̞᷃͏ͯ̇͘͏̤̤̊͏͙̋̂͏̴͑͞͏̵ͧ͂͏̤ͦ̊͏̬͋́͏̖͋̽͏̡̊͘͏͖̚͢͏᷄ͥ͞͏̦̎᷅͏̜̝͞͏̣̪̽͏͍᷿͋͏̨᷂ͥ͏̤̽͘͏̺̌͐͏̺̙ͬ͏͈̦ͤ͏̺͂̇͏̴̓͂͏̢᷈̊͏̨͖͋͏ͥ͘͜͏̓ͣ͢͏͚͋͊͏̦̹͊͏̤̂ͯ͏̼᷉̈́͏͈ͣ̿͏͚͕̘͏̙͛͘͏̷ͭ͡͏̓̎᷁͏̘̫͇͏͓̃͂͏͇ͭͥ͏̡̡͐͏̡̣̐͏̻ͬ͘͏̜̑͟͏̸͈ͅ͏̡̦̕͏̩̥͐͏ͨ᷀͊͏͊ͬ̈́͏͎ͯ̇͏̒͘͠͏͉̋͌͏͗᷇͟͏̢̰ͧ͏᷉͂᷆͏͓̼᷃͏̭᷇͜͏̡᷆̕͏᷀᷇͘͏̙̹͘͏ͨ̽᷆͏̱̳ͤ͏᷅͊̉͏̖̃͟͏̉̒͒͏̩̦ͤ͏͉᷅͘͏̞̓͝͏̶᷂ͮ͏ͤ᷉̏͏͕᷄͂͏ͮ᷄͝͏̵̵̤͏᷁͆̒͏͘͜ͅ͏̯̄̉͏̝͆̎͏͉͛̀͏̅͋͗͏̬̳̭͏̧̒ͬ͏ͤͮͮ͏̼̋͘͏͕᷉̃͏͉ͣ̚͏᷂̪ͩ͏͖͂̄͏̪̠ͤ͏͈̒͞͏̫̼ͫ͏ͧ᷆͘͏̡͈͒͏̻̐ͅ͏͓̜᷆͏᷀ͦ̔͏̡ͨ͒͏̰̎͊͏̾ͫͣ͏̧̈͘͏̸̐͘͏̇᷅͟͏̛̱ͨ͏̔͂̿͏̓̔͝͏̊᷉̄͏͇̒͟͏̥ͩ͘͏̐͋ͨ͏̮̓̅͏͕̾̊͏̣a᷁͏̔̐̎͏͂̂̔͏̱᷇͆͏̑᷾͘͏̬᷆̕͏̖᷊ͬ͏ͦ͢͞͏̱͂᷉͏̨ͬ͗͏̦̦̱͏̼̣ͦ͏̆̒͘͏͓̆ͫ͏̝͊̑͏͕̦ͨ͏̧͚̭͏̵̪͞͏͚̃ͩ͏ͥ̆͒͏͏̜͘͏̶̥ͯ͏̳ͯ͢͏̵̥͗͏͂͂͋͏̲᷿̇͏̺᷊͝͏̗᷃͢͏͔᷇͘͏̲̗̂͏̰ͤͮ͏ͤͩ᷾͏̖ͬͥ͏̹̹ͯ͏̹̣ͫ͏̮ͣ̚͏̳͗͘͏̷̜᷈͏͈̤͗͏̫ͥ͠͏̭͋͂͏̻ͥ͐͏͓͊̕͏̢̠͊͏͎̑͘͏̦ͦͫ͏᷿ͬ͂͏ͭ̚͞͏̊̆̚͏̶̸͛͏̜̤̇͏̀̅̾͏̛͋͘͏̡̑ͬ͏̎̃͠͏̶̿̾͏̢͇͂͏̖͇ͯ͏̞͂͢͏᷅ͦ͌͏̝̆͘͏̵͛ͥ͏̙̔͐͏̳̲̦͏̢͔͇͏ͩͬ͡͏ͬ͐̀͏̬̪᷾͏̧͕͘͏̭̽ͨ͏̧͑͆͏̘ͫͬ͏̡͂ͅ͏̢͕̆͏͉͊ͫ͏̨̊̏͏̎᷅͘͏̩̠̓͏̢̺͡͏̛᷄ͅ͏̲͆᷀͏͕ͧ̔͏̜᷄̅͏̶̼ͪ͏̡̬͘͏̎̓ͮ͏͛ͭ͝͏͕᷿̞͏̛̱͂͏̧͐᷇͏͌ͧ̒͏̌̔̇͏̸̇͘͏̥̟͊͏͕̆ͨ͏̅͛ͧ͏̻ͬͯ͏̜͞͝͏̶̴̗͏̧̞̜͏͉ͩ͘͏̤̬͋͏̗̯̐͏̰̣̥͏͂̑͞͏̩̤᷈͏̂᷆̇͏̝͕͝͏͎ͫ͘͏͖̈ͭ͏͕ͩ̂͏̨͕ͯ͏̯̅᷇͏̫̲ͪ͏͙̩̈͏̴̫͋͏̻̔͘͏̬̏̊͏̡̱ͧ͏̤᷄̎͏᷊͐͂͏̠͝ͅ͏͍́᷀͏͚̻͒͏ͤ͘͢͏̝̩ͨ͏̷͚̀͏̱᷆͗͏͌i̫͏᷆͐͒͏᷄͗̑͏̌̊ͭ͏͖͘͟͏᷄᷃̌͏̦̩̄͏̛͍͋͏̣̏͂͏̤̓̌͏͐̿͟͏̠ͥ͏͏ͫ᷃͘͏̑ͥ̈́͏̲́᷄͏̟ͪͮ͏̱͏ͮ͏̶̬͢͏͒͘̚͏̤̦ͭ͏᷀̊͘͏̬᷇᷈͏̙̓͡͏̔ͫ͞͏̓͂͜͏̷̞̕͏̜̙̚͏᷂̽͌͏ͨͣ͘͏̬̠ͩ͏̴̢͢͏̯̍ͮ͏̺͛͠͏͍͈᷉͏͖̪̫͏᷂̊̓͏̤͆͘͏͆̔̉͏ͯ̇̾͏̷͖᷈͏᷇͂͡͏̖͏̫͏̶᷀͗͏͙ͩ͡͏᷄͘̚͏̡̮̽͏̹͊̐͏̺̞̏͏̵̡̉͏᷂̃͒͏̣̟͘͏́͞ͅ͏ͪ̉͘͏̧͒ͦ͏᷿̅͝͏̶͐ͅ͏̴͇͂͏̑᷇̌͏̧͚̂͏̋ͦ̕͏̑ͫ͘͏͓̈̉͏̠ͮ͘͏̞᷉̑͏̰ͪ̌͏͛̂͞͏᷄᷾ͅ͏̑̌͠͏̨͘͢͏̷̬̽͏̵̃͠͏͙̮͠͏̡͂̾͏͔͐̂͏ͭ̉͟͏́᷇᷾͏᷿ͮ͘͏̳᷄̋͏̞̙̝͏᷂͛̅͏̡ͯ͡͏̥ͨ͞͏᷿ͦ͢͏̍̑̅͏̰̹͘͏̷̧̅͏̹̫͂͏͔̍ͥ͏̾͂̒͏̝̌͌͏͇͖̜͏̭̒͟͏͇̆͘͏̖ͮ͞͏͓̲̚͏᷉͛ͦ͏̶̧͙͏̩̗᷄͏̑̔͠͏̛ͬ͂͏̟̕͘͏̧᷀͝͏͙᷄͠͏̞̉᷾͏̗͂̍͏͕᷉̑͏᷂͇᷁͏͈͚᷀͏ͧͣ͘͏̟ͮ̐͏̤᷁ͬ͏̝᷂̋͏̛̀͊͏̺͛̆͏̗̃ͣ͏̼̈́͂͏͑͘͝͏̶̣͑͏̙͈ͮ͏͚᷂̆͏̨ͨ͂͏ͫ͐͋͏̵͇̃͏̷᷉᷈͏͕̱͘͏͏͑̎͏̤̹͓͏͕̫᷄͏̏ͫ͆͏̦̟̆͏̃̀͑͏̨̙̇͏̓ͫ͘͏͈̏͠͏̬͈̪͏͂͢͟͏̱̮͂͏᷿̄͢͏̸͈᷀͏͖̱ͭ͏̍͘͡͏᷂ͥ͋͏ͮ᷄͜͏̟̔̇͏̶̛̼͏͊̀̚͏͚ͣ̆͏̠᷉͟͏͈̔͘͏̦̓͂͏̖̭̒͏̡̄̈͏͔͂͢͏̛ͨ͐͏̭᷅́͏᷿͖͢͏̸͛͘͏̗̘ͦ͏̈̈́ͫ͏̶̢ͪ͏᷆n̈́͏̘̾̌͏͖͏̹͏́᷾͞͏͈̜͘͏͕̀͝͏̖͛̋͏̲̍̂͏̮͌͂͏͖̗͡͏̪̄͂͏̔́͞͏̼̈͘͏̶̴͙͏͖̎͟͏͕̾͟͏̳̳̮͏̢̦̝͏͍͖̎͏̦̱̽͏᷆̚͘͏͖ͨ͝͏̦̽͞͏ͫ͂͡͏̳͂͒͏̘̰̀͏̖̏͢͏̻ͦͤ͏͔̈́͘͏͔ͥ͡͏͚̘͞͏̠̭ͅ͏͗̍͟͏̲̞̠͏̲ͬ̿͏̡̖̙͏̸̂͘͏̎͏͚͏̧ͪ͠͏̢̘̄͏̏͂᷅͏̝᷂̔͏̭ͩ͗͏᷊̓͗͏̶͔͘͏͍͉ͣ͏̲̼ͤ͏̝᷆̚͏̑ͦ͢͏̯̞̃͏᷂͉́͏͇̊᷾͏̠᷆͘͏̛̫̓͏̲̑̌͏̣̪͆͏̠͂͞͏̄͡͝͏̡̘̱͏̷̗̉͏̰̈͘͏̤̘̂͏̺̰ͫ͏͎̕͝͏̩᷇ͥ͏̱᷂̜͏̫ͫ̒͏ͭ͏̅͏̻̝͘͏᷀͌̚͏̷̟̥͏̸͇ͨ͏̝͂ͬ͏᷿͋̈͏͕͙͆͏ͧ̉͡͏᷊͘͝͏̷̖͍͏͎͘ͅ͏̞͊́͏̛̳͂͏̭͓᷀͏̮̲͠͏̲͛̆͏̖ͮ͘͏̦̟̚͏̷̧͕͏̡̢̉͏̱͔͂͏̫̟̟͏͔ͫ͟͏̬ͣ᷆͏᷄͘ͅ͏̥ͬ̉͏͈ͨ̏͏̋̈̏͏̣ͩͮ͏̙͌̇͏̡᷊᷉͏̹͓̯͏̢̭͘͏̵̧̟͏͍͂ͨ͏̹̈͢͏̢͊͂͏̯͒̈́͏ͪ᷆̿͏̦̈́᷇͏̻͋͘͏̶̳ͅ͏͏̂̄͏ͥ̄͞͏̶̘᷊͏̭̓͐͏͔̑͛͏͕̾᷆͏᷂̃͘͏̭᷈̚͏͈̲᷆͏̘̫̍͏̅͂̈͏̛᷇ͅ͏̃̋́͏͚̗̣͏̈᷉͘͏̜̔ͦ͏ͦͩ̊͏̭̤ͫ͏̛e͒͏̞̅͡͏̯̞̄͏̶̈́᷀͏ͦ̇͘͏̻͂̌͏͍᷀͝͏᷊̊ͪ͏̵ͬ͂͏͔̍̍͏̸̮᷆͏̨᷾ͤ͏͖͓͘͏̙͂̎͏̐̍᷀͏̠᷈͟͏̝̫ͭ͏̟͂̕͏͒̌͂͏̥̩͘͏ͪ͘͞͏̓ͩͅ͏̖̗̿͏̆͗ͬ͏ͣ͂ͣ͏̶ͦͧ͏ͤͯ͊͏̮͑ͅ͏̑᷁͘͏̢᷃ͦ͏᷃̒͜͏᷁̓̀͏̞᷆᷆͏̖̦ͥ͏̢̰̿͏̩̤̊͏̙ͧͮ͏̌͐͞͏͈͘͡͏̠͕͜͏̢̘̗͏͎̑͌͏̶̋͂͏̺̒̎͏̷᷿᷉͏͕̋᷇͏ͬ̍͘͏̵̥͗͏̵̼̗͏̲͋̌͏͋̕͞͏ͧ᷈͠͏̧̗͐͏̖͕̻͏̧̎͘͏̢᷇ͪ͏̓̓͜͏̢͓̃͏̙ͧ͂͏̨̉᷾͏̧̍̓͏̴͈᷁͏͌͑͘͏͚͙͟͏̳͎̒͏ͪ̄̏͏̺ͥ͡͏̢ͭ͛͏̜͚ͬ͏̮᷾͠͏̳᷀͘͏̝ͣ᷇͏᷿̐͜͏̼̆͞͏̝̺͂͏͈̬̼͏̬̓ͦ͏̴̠᷊͏̤͘͠͏̌͋͢͏̡̎̓͏̸͉ͮ͏̥ͬ͒͏͛͛͡͏̜͢͡͏͛̂͌͏̑̔͘͏̏̆́͏͎͔̥͏̜̙ͨ͏͂᷅̕͏᷄͛᷃͏͎̑ͩ͏̻̆᷄͏̹̮͘͏̟̘͂͏̟̽͜͏᷀̍᷁͏ͬ̄͜͏̨̫ͦ͏̗ͣ͢͏̷̗̆͏᷿̉͘͏̸ͪͮ͏͔ͧ͒͏᷈͗̈́͏̅͂ͩ͏̬̇̏͏ͣ̔͜͏̭ͭ̉͏͚̩͘͏̜̼̋͏̟̳ͤ͏̡̛̮͏᷾ͬͅ͏͎̩͎͏̓̔̑͏͆᷾ͨ͏ͬ̐͘͏͙̙̕͏̷̾̽͏̰͙͔͏͂̕͡͏̉̃͠͏̴̞ͬ͏᷿̯͚͏᷃̄͘͏ͯ̑͏͏̖̊ͭ͏᷿᷅͛͏᷇ , but... she wasn't fond of the name, if she was very honest. She asked Pidge, the wyngro that kept visiting, for a different name, hoping he would make        one that she liked better. Sure enough, she was much fonder of Shanti. It sounded much prettier, and much more like her.

Shanti dealt with some bullying at the nook, but wasn't really too badly affected by it. Some of the nasty words they said she didn't understand, and others stung. She didn't like being called stupid or ugly or unwanted. She much preferred to be called Shanti. It wasn't all bad, since a good number of the wynglings were nice, and she always had someone to play with. She just didn't like the bullies.

But then... then Pidge came and told her she wouldn't have to live at the nook anymore! She could go home with him and live with him and his new egg! She would have what many wynglings in the nook dreamed of having: a family. 

She settled in quickly, having already grown accustomed to Pidge's presence in her life through his visits to the nook. She learned fast to be careful around the egg, and she wasn't allowed to handle it without Pidge's help because it was too big for her, but she LOVED the eggy! It was going to be her little sibling! She tried to help Pidge with it as much as possible, and vowed to herself to be the bestest big sister and protect them when they hatched. 

And then they did! Shanti wasn't in the room when it happened, but when she saw them for the first time she knew her new little brother was the tiniest perfectest most amazing little wyngling ever and she was going to take the best care of him, besides Pidge probably. She was going to make sure that he didn't get himself into any trouble, especially when Pidge gently explained that the baby was born a 'bright,' and would be sickly and weak. She actually kinda thought, even though it was impossible, that she and her little brother bore a bit of a resemblance - they were both very pale with a pink spot on their heads. It was like she was MEANT to be his big sister.

Shanti loved Ludvig, even though he hadn't shown much personality yet. Even when he bit her the first time she tried to hug him, she was pretty sure it was an accident and he didn't mean any harm. She and her baby brother would get along the BEST.


shanti is very very excited to be a part of a family!! she already loves pidge and ludvig very very much.

 8 / 1975   
art and shanti 
pidge and ludvig
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Comments: 5

SeventhBard [2019-03-27 05:54:39 +0000 UTC]

Shanti: want the bab
Pidge: wait noooooooooooo

precious! <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lorespinner In reply to SeventhBard [2019-03-28 15:08:27 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Shanti just wants to hug her new baby brother so bad she cant stand it :b 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

The-Dirt-King [2019-03-27 01:52:59 +0000 UTC]

Aaaa I’m tearing up, this is adorable and the story is so sweet!! Pidge and Ludvig love Shanti too, even if Ludvig shows it poorly!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Lorespinner In reply to The-Dirt-King [2019-03-28 15:04:57 +0000 UTC]

Awww man, thank you!! I'm sure Shanti believes that Ludvig loves her too even if he makes it a little hard sometimes <:3c 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

The-Dirt-King In reply to Lorespinner [2019-03-28 17:16:03 +0000 UTC]

I’m very glad ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0