LouistheSmall — Amaterasu Oomikami

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Description Description:
      Amaterasu Oomikami, also known as the Lady of the Dead Sun, Empress of the East, the Goddess of truth, and the Mother of the Kitsune; is a powerful goddess of light and wind who resides in the Zenthrian Isles. Just like Illumielle, Titania or Skädi, Amaterasu is one of the Inner Gods, a giant Goddess with an assigned region under her control. Just as the aforementioned deities, Amaterasu is responsible for bringing a race of giants into the world. As legend states, the Lady of the Dead Sun wove the kitsune out of the ether, grating them the ethereal nature of wind and an affinity towards dark sorceries.
Amaterasu is also responsible for bestowing the gift of foxen blood upon mortals. A gift reserved only for those who have been deemed worthy of being called champions of the goddess. Known as the Megitsune, there have only been two known instances of this power ever being granted, the first of which lead to a gross abuse of power which had to be corrected.
A strong defender of the rigidity of Truth, Amaterasu dislikes a deceiving tongue, and will show great disdain upon those who compulsively lie to achieve their own goals. She therefore blesses honest men and women, radiating a gentle warmth that grants bountiful harvests and success in the trading of goods and services. Hard working individuals often pray to her in times of need, and she listens wholeheartedly. Blessing the ways of the righteous but averting her gaze from the wicked.
Amaterasu is a strong believer in redemption however, as no one is truly lost to her. In her heart she longs for people to enjoy lasting peace at her feet, for men to bask in her warmth and enjoy her blessings as good and honest people. Due to the nature of man this is nigh impossible, but she is open to forgive sinners should they turn away from their wicked ways. The most notable example of this mercy is Amaterasu's relationship with the first Megitsune, Kasumi of Zendor; who committed many atrocities with the power she received from the goddess, ultimately being stripped of them and forced to atone for her misdeeds. In the end, Kasumi found redemption after saving the shrunken city of Zendor from the clutches of a depraved witch, earning Amaterasu's forgiveness.
As far as personality goes, Amaterasu is very kind and loving to the mortals at her feet. She cherishes them as her own precious children, and has never sought to enslave any man or elf. She grants her blessings out of the kindness of her heart, and does not demand tribute like the false kings that would replace her between the first and third eras. She does however accept the sacrifices made in her honor, such as burnt offerings, incense, and the gift of music. The second of which being her favorite, as the smell of incense is very soothing to her. Amaterasu is also fond of a particular group of mortals dedicated to worshiping and tending to the hands and feet of goddesses throughout the Lands of Dunn.

Banishment of a God:
      Early in the First Era, Amaterasu Oomikami ruled over the Zenthrian Isles, appointed by the Goddess Idunn herself, just as Illumielle was given control over Augenheim, Sariel over Alfheim, etc. There she loomed over the land and blessed the primeval men who dwelled beneath her feet, creating a race of divine beings in her image, called kitsune. Like cyclopes, fairies, and other divine races, the kitsune were an all female race of giants who served as Amaterasu's handmaidens. She loved them as her own daughters, and taught them to treat mortals with kindness and respect.
Sadly however, Amaterasu's teachings were not eagerly received by her daughters, as several kitsune found issue with her commands towards the mortals at their feet. In time most saw the goodness in their Mother's words, and turned back from their dominant ways, but one Kitsune refused. The one called Tamamo no Mae, a dark child who sinned since the moment of her creation.
As Amaterasu calmly and lovingly strived to create meaningful bonds between her celestial daughters and mortals, Tamamo only desired to keep them bound underfoot. She lived in seclusion, attempting to hide from her mother in the northeastern valleys of Zenuria, using mortal men as instruments of forbidden pleasure and consuming them as if they were treats for her depravity. But Amaterasu heard the prayers of those being abused by her daughter, and sought to put an end to Tamamo's senseless lust. Thus like a great and terrible wind she travelled across the isles, splitting the sea and sundering the earth as she came to stand before her selfish daughter with an angry yet disappointed look in her eye. Tamamo was unphased however, standing up in defiance before her own mother as other kitsune silently watched from beyond the mountains.
"What is it that you have done my daughter!? Why is it that you have enslaved hundreds for the sake of your own pleasure? Have I not given everything to you? Have I not made sure that you lack nothing? My heart aches at the sight of you, my daughter. My sweet girl... A murderer and defiler of men. Have you no shame for the blood that covers your hands? Have you no pity upon those that lie broken and beaten beneath your feet?" Amaterasu spoke with tears in her eyes, looking into the soulless gaze of her wicked daughter.
"There is no shame to be had, mother. I was made to dominate, as the superior being in these lands. Look, my feet can flatten mountains, and my tails can sunder the very earth! These men that cower beneath my arches are but tools for my satisfaction, for I am a god, just like you. Just like all of us. Why should I bother with nurturing insects, when I can force worship upon them and demand their lives as sacrifices for my needs? A preposterous notion, to think that I would not indulge myself with the souls of men. But now mother, I am afraid that your time as Mistress of these lands has come to an end. The age of Tamamo, begins now..."
At that Tamamo no Mae's eyes began to radiate an ominous violet light, as she spread open her hand and thrust it into the ground before her, crushing dozens of her slaves as ethereal chains began to lash out in all directions. Amaterasu brandished her blade and held it up high, to bring her judgment down upon her firstborn, only to be struck in the back by the violet chains her daughter had summoned. In an instant she found herself restrained, as the dark chains that sprouted from the very mountains around her pierced her skin and forced her to kneel before her daughter, an unlikely adversary. Amaterasu lifted up her gaze in unimaginable pain, as Tamamo stood over her, reveling in her triumph.
"I believe this is mine now." She said with a smile as she removed the crown off her mother's head. "Now, begone from this world mother of my kin, and witness my will take place upon this land. I cast you out into the ether, the birthplace of us all, to weep and wallow unto eternity!" Tamamo exclaimed as she performed a profaned ritual, banishing her mother from the Lands of Dunn into the ethereal realm beyond reality. The other kitsune could only watch in horror as their sister gloated over her victory, when two bright lights could be seen breaking through the western sky. Two gods who would soon fall prey to Tamamo's trap, as she had anticipated their intervention...

From that moment on, Amaterasu Oomikami became trapped in the Ether, incapable of reclaiming her throne as Empress of the East. For eons she would watch as Tamamo and her sisters lost their divinity, becoming weaker the further they remained from their mother. Bitterly she wept as Tamamo resorted to possession, taking control of the wives of the newly risen human Emperors as she struggled to manifest in her true form. For as she could no longer maintain her gargantuan size, the deceiver was forced to use manipulation and subterfuge to take control over the people.
Using the bodies of empresses throughout history, Tamamo slaughtered thousands under the guise of justice, bending the will of each Emperor she touched to commit atrocity after atrocity; causing great harm to the nation and Amaterasu, who was forced to witness it all from her ethereal prison. But the Goddess had a plan, as she could still bestow a fraction of her power to at least one mortal...

Birth of the Megitsune:
      Centuries after her betrayal at the hands of her daughter, Amaterasu Oomikami watched as men brought chaos to her lands, abusing their authority over the masses, with Tamamo influencing their every move. Among the children of men however, Amaterasu's eye was drawn to a young girl who found herself near death, as three warriors loyal to the emperor had cornered her against a great cliff. Sensing the potential of a champion within her, Amaterasu gave up part of her power in order to transfer a fraction of her essence into the young girl. This left her weak and unable to speak onto her new champion for quite some time. But as a silver wind carried the girl into the air and grafted nine tails of ethereal light onto her, Amaterasu knew that her effort was a success.
Only, that this endeavor did not bear the fruits she had hoped for, as her chosen champion found herself in a very peculiar situation. Every night Amaterasu reached out to the girl in her dreams, attempting to guide her into using her newfound power for good. And that she did, but due to her deep hatred for the Golden Empire, Amaterasu's champion became unhinged. Kasumi of Zendor, the first Megitsune, a black stain thrust upon the annals of history as she sought to weaken and ultimately overthrow the Golden Empire over the course of two years.
Determined to weaken any possible way for the Empire to recover, Kasumi went on a rampage across the island of Zendor, slaughtering every samurai she found while destroying the empire's resources. Due to her actions, famine spread across the land, and many innocents died as a result. Crime became commonplace as she removed those who enforced the law, and Tamamo smiled with glee as someone was doing her work for her; all the while Amaterasu came to regret ever creating the kitsune, and ever granting her power to Kasumi. This unhinged crusade ultimately ended when Kasumi managed to destroy the protective stave around the Silver Spear, where the Golden Palace stood. Thus the megitsune breached the Palace grounds and faced off against the Golden Emperor, only to be defeated in single combat after an arduous battle that lasted three days and three nights. In the end, the Golden Emperor threw Kasumi into the sea, where a strange mystical current sent her thousands of years into the future. But Amaterasu remained, waiting for Kasumi to arrive and for someone else to take her place.
      Thus, in the span of nearly 3000 years, Amaterasu watched as Empires rose and fell, as Tamamo committed atrocity after atrocity, as Champions came and went, and as many world threatening events transpired beyond the shores of her once prosperous domain.
But not all hope was lost, for when Kasumi appeared on the shores of the Isle of Serpents, a successor was born. In that moment, Amaterasu was torn between two opposites. For in the mountains of Zenthria a newborn girl harbored a pure soul fit for a champion of light, meanwhile Kasumi sulked over her defeat and vowed to have her revenge on a man who had perished long ago. Thus over the course of two decades Amaterasu observed them both, strengthening her successor Yui Akane, as tragedy followed her; While also trying to soothe Kasumi's heart as she became consumed by anger, even going as far as to steal the forbidden secret of kodoku from the lamia queen. Both girls went on their respective journeys as Tamamo manipulated the current emperor into committing genocide, but Amaterasu had a plan. And so on one fateful day after years of rearing, Amaterasu bestowed the legendary Blightrender upon her new champion.
She then lead Yui Akane to the Summit of the Silver Spear, knowing that Kasumi would return there to challenge a foe that was no longer there. She whispered to her in her dreams, instructing her on how to steal the power of kasumi and assume the mantle of the Megitsune. A crucial part in her plan to return to the Lands of Dunn and reclaim her throne.
And Yui did just so, following Amaterasu's instruction to the letter and facing off against Kasumi at the site of her defeat. With the assistance of her yokai companion, Yui defeated Kasumi by disabling her powers momentarily, thrusting her blade into Kasumi's chest and claiming the power of Amaterasu for herself, becoming the next Megitsune. Using this power, Yui would follow the Goddess's instructions and take Kasumi to the Pits of Endarea, where she might atone for her misdeeds. Amaterasu thus sent Yui on a final crusade. A showdown against Tamamo no Mae in the Palace of Cinder, located in the center of Zenthria. There she would meet with the champions of those that fell soon after Amaterasu. The remnants of two dead gods, reborn through avatars of vengeance.

The End of an Empire
      The day was the fourth day of the fourth month, on the fourth year of the fourth Era. A symbolic day to the people of the east said to bring forth a terrible calamity. Thus the champions of the fallen stood before the courtyard of the palace of Cinder, wielding the anger of their masters against the royal guards who protected the kitsune and her puppet of flesh and bone.
Yui Akane, the Last Megitsune. Yorinobu "Orochi" Tokugawa, the Once-Eaten, and Gosaku the Headless, the flameless aspect of Susano no Kami. Together the three champions of the gods did battle against the Samurai corps, fighting visciously yet elegantly until there was no one left to oppose them. They breached the Palace doors in a matter of minutes, fighting their way inside until they reached the throne room where an old and dying emperor sat on a lavish throne. His flesh wasting away and his bones clearly visible through the embellishments of his robes. But beside him stood a woman, fair and ever-beautiful. Young and vibrant, with one eye of Jade and another of Moonstone.
She looked upon the Chosen Three with great contempt, slicing the Emperor's throat with just the touch of her fingernail.
"And so the echoes of my ancient foes return to the ground beneath my feet. Three children, chosen by dead gods in hopes of stealing what is my birthright... The shadow of my mother, the dinner of a mermaid, and the puppet of a stubborn lord that writhes within me... How quaint. I'm sorry to say that all of this bravado is pointless, as I am the rightful ruler of this land, as I have been since Time immemorial. You shall die here, even you, revenant. And from your ashes my dynasty shall be born anew..."
Tamamo spoke through borrowed lips as the three warriors before her readied their assault. What soon followed would be one of the greatest battles in the history of Zenthria. A colossal clash between Tamamo no Mae as she assumed her true and terrible form, and the champions of the old gods Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, and Susano. Elemental chaos ensued as Tamamo no Mae set the city and the wilderness ablaze with her fiery breath, attempting to destroy Orochi the Once-eaten, who wove the rivers of the land into destructive tendrils of awe inspiring might. Using Amaterasu's power and clinging to her instructions, Yui Akane soared through the air, weaving a storm of wind and lightning; meawhile Gosaku the Headless moved to exorcise the Eldritch flame of his Lord, concealed within Tamamo's bosom. Mountains melted and hundreds were consumed by Tamamo's flames, but after an arduous exchange of elemental magic, Tamamo was restrained long enough for Gosaku the Headless to finish his ritual, which resulted in a massive fiery explosion that created a large ravine across the city.
When the dust cleared, all that was left of Tamamo was but a human sized kitsune, drained of her power and exhausted of her energy. In front of her stood the reborn Susano, for it was his eldritch flame that fueled Tamamo no Mae's destructive power. Thus it came to pass that Susano brought an end to her cruelty, by executing her in the midst of the ruins of the Palace of Cinder, reducing her to ash and denying her reincarnation. This act broke the binding spell cast by the mad kitsune, liberating Amaterasu from her 3000 year old prison.

Amaterasu's Return:
      As the witch's spell became undone a holy golden light pierced the sky with the sound bells and a choir of maidens. Moved by the vanquishment of evil, the Trees of Dunn shifted from their ominous crimson glow, to a golden splendor befitting the return of a god. The skies became a soft blue as if midday, as Amaterasu descended from the ether, gently landing on the ruins of the Palace of Cinder. And so, after being inprisoned for thousands of years, the Lady of the Dead Sun finally returned to the Lands of Dunn, causing a great stirr among the people.
With a gentle smile across her face, Amaterasu waved her hands at the ruins at her feet, restoring her throne in the midst of the ruins, letting her radiant golden tails spread like the branches of Idunn's trees and radiating an everlasting warmth that began to heal any injured that remained close. Graciously she beckoned the three heroes to the ground before her feet, as she bent down towards them, saying:
"From the bottom of my heart, I give you my thanks. My kin would surely be proud of what you have accomplished, as indeed I am. Orochi, Yui, and my dear Susano. You have my eternal gratitude. Now I can finally rule this beautiful land, and protect all, just as Idunn, and my mother Nu-wä intended. What you have done today is nothing short of admirable, even for a God. A true heroic endeavor. Now go, and seek out your happiness in this world. You have my blessing, my children..."
With that Amaterasu stood up in a radiant splendor, her ivory dress filling the streets as she began to repair the land, restoring Zenthria to a healthy, thriving land fit for a Goddess to sit upon, with just a wave of her hand. Gently she took her seat once more as Kitsune began to appear, embracing her warmly as their mother had finally returned.
And so it came to pass that ever since that day, Amaterasu's blessings made the Zenthrian Isles flourish into a beautiful land. She took the ruins of the Palace of Cinder from beneath her throne and placed them high on the Gilded Spear, Mt. Susano. A gift to her brother, so that he might have a shrine of his own. Thus, with the help of her champions and her daughters, Amaterasu's Empire became a shining example of what it once was.
Not long after, Amaterasu assigned the kitsune to watch over shrines spread about the isles, to teach mortal men the discipline of their elemental magic; all while the goddess herself allowed for bountiful harvests and prosperity in the lands beneath her feet. Seeking to honor her champions for their efforts, Amaterasu made it so that each year a great festival would be held on the anniversary of her return. This holiday became known as the Festival of the Three Winds, where the kitsune would gather around the city of Zenthria and sing in honor of their mother and her champions. Food and drink was offered abundantly by Amaterasu herself, and the people were invited to come and celebrate for the span of three days, representing the 3000 years Amaterasu spent in the Ether.
Effigies of Tamamo are burned on the third day, after which crowds gather at Amaterasu's feet to kiss her lovingly, showing their gratitude for her blessings.
As time went on, Amaterasu and Susano's interactions blossomed into courtship, as the two gods found solace with one another. Thus it came to be that the Dynasty of the Flaming Fox was born. A great empire that stands unto eternity.
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