LouistheSmall β€” Skadi, Goddess of the Hunt

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Description Goddess of the Hunt:
Renown throughout the northern lands as the greatest huntress that ever lived, Skadi was worshipped as the goddess of the Hunt in a time before written history. One of the two great heroines of Jotunheim, Skadi is the slayer of the great dragon Ragnarok, who once roosted upon the slopes of Mt. Angrboda and threatened to burn down the entire kingdom of the frost giants. A legendary feat achieved in part thanks to the giantess Sigyn, who forged the sacred bow Skadi used during her great hunt, channeling lightning through an enchanted bowstring. Fearless and true, Skadi ascended the great mountain in the days of yore, and roused the great beast from its slumber, piercing its hide and peeling apart its crimson scales with bolts of lightning so powerful they split the sky. The great beast bellowed, and its fire sought to consume the holy tree of Jotunheim, but Skadi took hold of its great horns, she tore through its enormous wings and pierced its armored chest, destroying its heart with a single, well placed shot, as the great beast ascended into the sky, only to fall upon the fields north of Jotunheim, scorched and lifeless.
Due to this great feat, Skadi earned the title of dragonslayer; and thus the skull of the great beast remains upon Jotunheim's throne room to this day. Also responsible for singlehandedly hunting down every last Greatwolf in the province, Skadi proudly wears a cloak made from the pelt of the Alpha Greatwolf, Fenrir, who devoured the god of thunder and the giantess Sif on the night of their wedding. These great deeds combined with her humble and kind nature made Skadi a beloved member of Angrboda's council, deeply cherished and worshipped in a manner similar to the witch Groa, the Forgemaster Sigyn, and the High priestess Frigg; all of which were almost always together, and shared a deep familial bond.
Much like her friends however, Skadi never quite got along with Angrboda's eldest daughter. For Heidrun was a sweetheart, albeit a quiet lass, but Hel was proud, and held dangerous beliefs which were quite frankly, disturbing to her. It was because of this that she always sought to keep her distance from the princess, and by extension Laufey and Judgryn.

The Huntress and the Stag:
Ever since her youth, Skadi always had admired the images that portrayed the gods as such fearless warriors.Beings of great power who tamed the beasts of the world for the sake of their people. But there was no God who captivated Skadi more than Orion, the Deer Headed God. A being described in legends as the incarnation of a constellation that bears his name, a hunter who taught mortal men how to fend for themselves, and how to respect the spirit that is held within every living thing. A firm believer in the nobility of the profession, the image of Orion was the reason why Skady chose to become a huntress. For giant beasts were as rare as they were dangerous, and inspiration became vocation.
Wherever the wind took her, the deer headed god was there. Throughout her journeys and her hunts, Orion watched over her, protecting Skadi and teaching her his ways as he saw the great potential that slowly blossomed within her. Every once in a while however, Skadi would begin to notice his presence, but she never suffered the mind shattering effects of looking at a god, despite locking eyes with him on several occasions.

"How long is my lord going to persist in staring from the wood, when a word is what he seeks?" Skadi said unto the darkness of the forest one night, having caught a glimpse of her admirer as she sat down in a clearing.

"Innumerable pardons huntress, for I simply like to observe good hunters honing their craft. Only, I cannot see the prey that you seek."

"That is because there is no prey." Skadi responded with her eyes closed. "There is only you..." She then locked eyes with him, noticing that he, a god, got nervous.

"Well, I..." The deer headed god stumbled over his own words, unable to back away from Skadi due to him having unknowingly entered a ring of salt.

"What is it that draws you to me, Lord of the Hunt? What is it about me that you cannot escape?" She said in an almost seductive manner, inching closer to the cornered God with a serene gaze. "Is it merely my skill that is alluring to you? Or is there perhaps, something more..?" Skadi stopped moving, resting her arms on the grass in front of him as she looked down into his eyes. "I don't mind indulging your fantasies, my Lord." The giantess said as she extended her palm to the deer headed god, an offer which he silently accepted.
Thus it is said that after that night the two became inseparable, and that from that moment on Skadi's horns contorted into the shape of antlers, due to her divine lover's embrace...

Death of a Heroine:

A covenant with the Deer Headed God:
Deep in the bowels of the earth, Skadi's body was thrown to rot. Unceremoniously and full of disdain, the greatest huntress in the land was discarded whilst the Princess Hel seized control of all Jotunheim, bringing every single man, woman, and child down into the depths of slavery beneath her uncaring boot. But as Skadi's soul nearly faded away into the roots of the great tree, a figure descended from the clouds and took hold of life essense, channeling it back into her broken body with a lantern of starlight.
"I've... Failed." Skadi's soul spoke through the lantern at the being that stood before it.
"Failure is naught but a step towards victory." The entity spoke, acquiring the form of a great elk with three human faces, six legs, and four wings. "I have observed you for eons, my champion. I was beside you when you slayed the great dragon, and when you hunted down the last of the greatwolves. I have seen your prowess in battle firsthand, and I have come with good news..."

"Speak my Lord..." Skadi barely spoke as the lantern slowly began to repair her dying body, filling in her wounds, purifying her blood, and repairing her frozen horns.

"Jotunheim shall fall... It is written." The deer headed god spoke as it projected images into Skadi's mind, images of her sitting upon the throne of the Frost Giants with him at her side. "For the Earth Mother calls for a harvest, and you shall be her reaper. Jotunheim is in need of a queen, and you bear the mark of a monarch. Blessed be your name! Skadi, Idunn's chosen, for you are to be the next Inner God of this frozen land. Bring order to Jotunheim, and slay the darkness that corrupts it. Rise, ye who yet live in death! Rise and live, once more!" At that a violent surge of cyan light burst from the lantern between them, invading Skadi's gigantic body and giving her the breath of life once more. The giantess then began to cough, taking in the salty smell of the sea that flowed in from the beach.
"Thank you... Orion. I see you still remember me." Skadi complained, thinking it would have been better to be saved instead of resurrected. The deer headed god of course knew what she was thinking, and simply placed his right hand upon the big toe of her left foot. "By the grace of Idunn we both are allowed a space within this world. And now, we are allowed one another. Have we really the time to question her ways, when our desires shall become a reality?"

"But my Lord, can it truly be so?"

"As sure as the moon is fickle, so too it is written. That our souls are bound. That you are mine, and I am yours. By the grace of Idunn you shall ascend to the throne of Jotunheim, and I shall be your consort eternal." Upon uttering this, Skadi shed a tear of happiness and quickly took hold of the deer headed god, enveloping his face with a deep, loving kiss as his body transformed into that of a man of starlight. "Mmwah!" Her lips engulfed him. "I've been waiting so long to be able to do that!" She exclaimed, holding him within the palms of her hands.
"We shall have ample time to enjoy each other's souls, in due time. Right now there is an old friend of yours that has been eagerly awaiting your return. Follow the fjords my dear Skadi, and reunite with the surviving members of the council. Pray and I shall listen, call and I shall come..." At that the deer headed god transformed back into his divine form and ascended into the heavens whence he came, leaving Skadi to her task.

The Gathering of Champions:
After her encounter with the giantess Groa and the people in her care, Skadi set out in search of the man known as Cuchulain, the champion of Idunn who much like her, was sent through time in order to bring about the fall of Jotunheim. Following the directions of her heavenly consort, Skadi travelled all across the eastern reaches of Jotunheim, gathering more and more kind jotnar to join Sigyn and Groa's forces, while seeking out the golden haired champion who rode atop the legendary Sleipnir and wielded the Crimson Shard.
Her search was long, and saw her travel through harsh and isolated locations, but after three weeks, Skadi came to stand face to face with the man who tamed the great steed of the All Father, besting its rider in single combat. A man who awaited her arrival at the summit of Mt. Sif, where an isolated tribe of orcs had just been recruited to join his forces. There, in front of the lifeless body of the giantess Borghild, sat Cuchulain. Waiting patiently upon a rock for her to arrive through the fog of an early morning.

"Ah, at last we meet. Skadi is it? I recognize your horns from an old tapestry."

"You would be correct. You must be Idunn's chosen, Cuchulain. A pleasure. It is not often one sees a human take down a giant. Quite the admirable feat, but necessary in these times."

"You flatter me, but it is the will of my Goddess that grats me strength. I am but a tool in her hands, and it is she who has liberated the people of this land. But that is why you are here, are you not? For the great day of Idunn the Almighty has drawn near..."

"Indeed Cuchulaine. Make your preparations, and gather your armies at the hills west of Jotunheim in seven days, near Sigyn's Anvil. Once there, your men shall receive all that they will need in order for this victory to be achieved. Fare thee well, Champion of Light..." At that Skadi set out towards the south in search of a dear old friend, a former council member who as touched by the moon. Meanwhile Cuchulain made his way due west, leading his allies to the place where the Gods had ordained. Swiftly he visited the leaders of the elves, and the chieftains of the orcs, giving them the directions to where they were to gather. Only he himself did not immediately go to where the armies would gather, for Cuchulain stopped by the graves of his family one last time before the war. Solemnly he knelt down in prayer to Idunn, pleading for justice to be made for those lost. For judgment to pass upon the giantess Laufey...

The First Blow against Jotunheim:

Skadi's Last hunt:

After the War:
Following her coronation, Skadi gave Frigg the honor of consuming Hel's body in order to prevent her return to the land of Jotunheim. A great ceremony was held throughout the land for this event, after which Skadi made a proclamation to the nordic peoples. "Hear me well sons of men, sons of mer, and all jotnar! From this day forward, by the will of Idunn, I Skadi, shall serve as Queen over Jotunheim and Inner Goddess of this land! From this day forth you are free from the tyranny of our oppressor! Free from the bonds that have been thrust upon you! A new day is dawning, and you all shall bear witness! That the TRUE daughters of Jotunheim are kind, and that you need not be forced to do anything you do not desire! Slaves, be free! Go back to your homes, to your family. Rejoice! For my laws are just, and my yoke is easy to bear. Go forth and prosper, and know that I, and my council, deeply love each and every one of you! May the peace of Idunn be upon you, and may Jotunheim become a paradise once more!" At that the people cheered and rejoiced, for Skadi made good on her promise, liberating all men and mer from their bonds. A great festival was then held in honor of Skadi, where the new goddess of the realm appointed Groa to be her court sorceress, Sigyn to be her advisor, and Ulfrun to serve as high Priestess.

Hel's Secret:
Not all was pleasant after the festivities however, for there was a lot of work that needed to be done in order to repair the city of Jotunheim. New walls began to be erected, as well as extensive repairs to many of the structured caught in the wake of the conflict. But as the renovations were taking place, Hel's final secret was unearthed... The fate of her younger sister Heidrun, who was found in the depths of the castle dungeon, transformed into a disturbing hybrid creature that was half jotnar and half goat.
Horrified, the council attempted to heal and stabilize her condition, as she was found barely clinging to life due to blood loss; making it abundantly clear from the bite marks all over her body that Hel, was a vampire, and that she had been feeding on her sister for an extensive amount of time. But much like Sinarys, no amount of healing magic or even potions could undo the genetic modifications made to her flesh. Heidrun was quickly able speak, and she recovered quite nicely after a couple of weeks in intensive care, but her legs remained like those of a goat, and her pupils horizontal slits. The council attempted to continue taking care of her, but Heidrun declined, thinking it was best for her to leave.
"I appreciate what you have all done. Truly, I will never forget your kindness. But every time I look at myself in the mirror I see nothing but the work of my sister. I am her mistake, her toy, her abomination... I am a beast, therefore I deserve to live like one..." Heidrun cried, quickly being embraced by Skadi and her council.
The last heir by blood of Angrboda's throne thus took her leave from the icy halls of Jotunheim, traveling to the far eastern reaches of the region where she was able to live a peaceful life of isolation, much like Frigg did towards the south.

A New Law:
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