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"Sinemurian, Trento. Ilustrated here is one of the most important tracksite find on the Lower Jurassic of Italy, defined as a semiarid, coastal sustaining environment for sauropods and theropods that lived in the western margin of tropical Pangaea at the Trassic-Jurassic transition. With isotopic analyses was revealed that there was influence of meteoric waterand diegeneric transformation of sediments. Mostly a tropical environment, washed by Tethys waters.
FLORA: Several generic plantae reported from same age sediments of the Osteno Formation, including Equisetites, Pachypteris, Zamites, Otozamites, Pagiophyllum and Brachyphyllum.
FAUNA: Mostly of the remais are based on footprins, so it´s restoration is merely expeculative. In the spring of 2001, three slabs bearing evident tetrapod remains have been discovered and brought to the Museo di Storia Naturale di Milano (MSNM) by the amateur palaeontologists Silvio Mariani and Angelo Zanella. The specimens, now housed in the Fossil Vertebrates Collection of the same Museum under the numbers MSNM V4012, V4013a and V4013b, were originally difficult to interpret but after careful preparation are now available for study. Left to rigth:
Cf Thalattosuchia sp. One of the tree reported Thalattosuchians from the Sinemurian of Monte Pasubio along with remanis from France and Colombia. Was also the first vertebrate fossils find on nearby locations. Based on theeth and several partial remains reported by Avanzini et al in 1990, who assigned it to Thalattosuchia, probably as a basal Member.
Ornithischia spp. Based on the presence of the ichnogenus Anomoepus, represented here as a Leshotosaurus-grade ornithischian.
Saltriovenator zanellai (Dal Sasso et al., 2018) the oldest know Ceratosaur, sister taxa to Berberosaurus liassicus. The depiction of This predator also can be erroneus here. Probably Coming from what´s now the north of Africa, maybe land brigdes help them to get to the Adriatic Platforms.
The Lavini di Marco Sauropod. No big information about this specimen, only that is based on several fragmentary remains. Clasiffied originally as a Cetiosaurid, looks to be a Vulcanodontid-grade Sauropod.
Thalassemydidae indet. reported from same age Rocks of Germany by Schleich (1984). Based on a Pleural (plate 8).
(“Pterodactylus longirostris”) (Lioy, 1896) reported, but not find again until 2007, considered to be a Caelestiventus grade Dimorphodontid, different to D. macronyx.
-Avanzini, M., Frisia, S., Van den Driessche, K., Keppens, E. (1997): A Dinosaur Tracksite in an Early Liassic Tidal Flat in Northern Italy - Palaeonvironmental Reconstruction from Sedimentology and Geochemistry. – Palaios, 12:
-Avanzini, M., 1998. Resti di vertebrati dal Giurassico inferiore della piattaforma di Trento (Italia settentrionale). Nota prelimiare. Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali. Acta Geologica 73 (1996), 75–80
-M. Delfino and C. Dal Sasso. 2006. Marine reptiles (Thalattosuchia) from the Early Jurassic of Lombardy (northern Italy). Geobios 39:346-354
- Dal Sasso C, Maganuco S, Cau A. 2018. The oldest ceratosaurian (Dinosauria: Theropoda), from the Lower Jurassic of Italy, sheds light on the evolution of the three-fingered hand of birds. PeerJ 6:e5976
-G. Pinna(1985). Exceptional Preservation in the Jurassic of Osteno. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences Vol. 311, No. 1148, Extraordinary Fossil Biotas: Their Ecological and Evolutionary Significance (Oct. 17, 1985), pp. 171-180 -Leonardi, G. & Mietto, P. (eds) Dinosauri in Italia. Le orme giurassiche dei Lavini di Marco (Trentino) e gli altri resti fossili italiani. , 497 p., illustrato.Edition: 1st. Chapter: 8. Publisher: Accademia Editoriale, Pisa-Roma. Editors: Giuseppe Leonardi, Paolo Mietto
-Lioy, P., 1896. I coccodrilli fossili del Veneto. Atti del Regio Istituto Venetodi Scienze Lettere e Arti (7) 7, 753–783.
-Schleich, H. H. (1984): Ein neuer Schildkrötennachweis aus Lias-Sedimenten Deutschlands (Testudines: Chelonioidea: ?Thalassemydidae). NaturwissenschaftlicheZeitschrift für Niederbayern, 30: 56-62 "