LunarShadowCreations — Astraea | Gamma Hunter | Fellfang | DotW

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B a s i c s 

Name: Astraea

  Nicknames: Aea (pronounced “ayy-uh”)

  Origin: Greek, meaning “starry”

  Purpose: Named after Asterion, her grandfather (and her great-grandfather Astor)

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Female

Pack: Fellfang

   Previous Packs: N/A

Rank: Gamma Hunter

   Past Ranks: Delta Hunter

Accessories: None

Possessions: None


P h y s i c a l   D e s c r i p t i o n

Defining Features: Dark silvery-gray fur and long, flowing cheek fur (as adult)

Height: Average (33")

Weight: Average (86 lbs)

Build: Fuzzy round soot cloud (as child); lean and muscular (as adult)

Movement: Bursting with energy (as pup); smooth, but can become awkward under observation (adult)

Scars: None

Scent: The sea

Voice: TBA

   Voice Actor: TBA

Health Concerns:

   o None.


P e r s o n a l i t y

Astraea’s alignment is closest to NEUTRAL GOOD.

Her personality type is closest to TBA.



Overall, Astraea is a good-natured she-wolf who cares deeply for her pack and family. Though she is a skilled huntress (though, admittedly, better at fishing than hunting large game), she fears constantly that she will be cast from the pack and be forced to live the life of a loner. She works extremely hard to prove her worth to her pack. Though admittedly a fan of both gossip and stories from faraway packs, she has no desire to leave home, and finds her peace there, with the sea, the stars, and the stories of her gods in her heart. 

  • Curious, but Nosy. Astraea loves to learn new things. Growing up in isolation from the rest of the world, on Aerendel Island, she wondered what wonders the rest of her territory held. She loves to hear stories and learn about things beyond her homeland, though she doesn't necessarily feel the need to go beyond Fellfang's borders. But if anyone from abroad visits, she wants to hear all about their lives and the kind of things they hunt, and what legends are told in their homeland. This fondness for storytelling comes from having Orion as a father! Unfortunately, Astraea's desire to know everything everyone else is up to means that she has a propensity to be nosy and eavesdrop into others' business. Not intentionally, of course! But if she hears even a small tidbit of curious information, Aea is keen to know more. Fortunately, she's adept at keeping information she learns private...unless asked up front about it. She's honest to a fault and struggles to tell lies to those she respects or cares about.

  • Tactile and Affectionate. As a pup, Astraea constantly sought out physical contact. Whether she was brushing against her parents' legs, or exploring the world alongside her siblings, Aea felt happiest when her own fur was brushing against another wolf's. As she has aged into a young adult, she knows it's more proper to keep some distance between herself and packmates, but wolves she is particularly fond of, she wants nothing more than to cuddle up with friends. Physical affection is Astraea's love language.

  • Loyal and Hardworking, but Insecure. Astraea is extremely involved in Fellfangir culture, and holds the lofty ideals of their Code of Honor to heart. She aspires to be noble and graceful, as a lady should be, but also someone to provide for the pack, to be loyal and beloved by her fellow Fellfangir. She will put 110% into everything she does to prove her worth in the pack, because she’s desperately insecure about being a part of the pack right now. She knows her parents came from outside of the pack, and they lived as loners for a long time, and she does not want to go through that.

  • Pious and Spiritual. As much as Astraea frets about proving her worth to Fellfang, there are three key places she finds peace: her religion, in which she is incredibly pious and spiritual; the ocean; and the stars. While the immensity, the infinite nature of these things, might overwhelm another wolf, Astraea finds comfort in that which is greater than herself. She believes in the spirits of Fellfang alongside her own strong belief in the Heylian goddess Icadorityl, the goddess of healing. 


S e x u a l i t y 

Orientation: Heterosexual

Overview: N/A

Activity: Virgin

Romantic History: None    

Shippings: None


F a m i l y 

Mother: Barbosa (alive, retired)

Father: Orion (alive, retired)

     Sister: Nephele (alive)

     Brother: Qassiel (alive)

Paternal Grandparents: Asterion (deceased) and Samhradh (deceased)

     Paternal Aunt: Sagitta (alive, retired)

     Paternal Uncles: Sarin (status unknown, presumed alive) and Leo (alive, retired)

In-Law: Oscar (Leo’s mate, alive, retired)


H i s t o r y

Orion and Barbosa could be described as star-crossed lovers, though their story didn’t start out that way. They were raised together in Heyl, becoming one another’s best friends and sharing everything with each other. Barbosa was patient with anxious Orion, and Orion was a steady force of goodness in Barbosa’s life. They completed one another. When Barbosa felt called to leave the pack and explore the world, Orion turned his back on everything at home - his family, his aspirations as a spiritual leader, the sense of security pack life provided - to accompany her. They traveled to a couple of packs, including Chandor and Damasca, spending nearly a year abroad before they decided to return. 

Disaster struck, with a bear attacking them and causing them to separate. Orion was brought back to Heyl, when found unconscious from his injuries, and though his packmates looked for Barbosa, she was never found, believed to be dead. Orion was in and out of consciousness for several days as infection worked its way from his wounds. By the time he woke up, the world was completely changed.

His parents had been killed by the alpha’s son, Eir. The pack, in the chaotic aftermath, disbanded. Sagitta, his sister, had left the pack. And Barbosa was believed to be dead.

She wasn’t. She was struggling to survive, all alone, in the world. She would go through trials and tribulation, and come out mentally and physically scarred. Orion spent this time in a deep depression, convinced his beloved Barbosa had died, along with everyone else he loved (save his brother Leo). But one night, at his lowest, Orion was struck by a realization: his goddess, Icadorityl, wouldn’t have saved him without saving her. Barbosa was alive out there, somewhere. He tracked her down, following rumors of a dark wolf with blackberry eyes, speaking to loners and pack wolves alike.

Orion found her, and vowed never to leave her side again. She was shaken to the core, frightened of demons, both real and imagined, but Orion nursed her back to health. Together, they built up trust, and, eventually, reclaimed that love, that possibility of a family and a normal life, that they thought lost forever. 

Sometime later, they decided to settle down and start a family. And that’s when Astraea was born.




   o The Sea. While her father instilled the idea of star-worship in Astraea, she cannot help but find great comfort in the vastness and ever-constant presence of the sea. The stars change positions (though, her father assures her, they move through the sky in cycles, and stars that vanish will return again) but the sea, for all of its changing moods, is forever constant.

   o Swimming. In the ocean or the river, she absolutely adores swimming. It makes her feel connected to the spirits.

   o The Pack. Astraea adores the pack and everything about it - she loves her home’s culture, and even though she has heard a great deal about Heyl, and the other packs her parents visited, she thinks they all must pale in comparison to Fellfang.

   o Physical Contact. As a pup, Astraea loves nothing more than to be touching some part of someone else ALL THE TIME. 


   o Dust. Favoring water and generally moisture-rich forests and coastlines, Astraea loathes having a dry pelt with dusty particles clinging to her nose, ears, and eyes. She’d sooner be sopping wet than wandering through some dusty, dry landscape for even a few days. It makes her fur crawl!

   o Misdirection and Lies. Astraea herself is straightforward and open about how she feels and thinks, and nothing frustrates her like wolves who are not honest. It’s okay to be rather private, or quiet, but to tell falsehoods is something she personally does not abide, and it’s an easy way to strain a relationship with her.


   o Exile. Astraea worries constantly about being exiled from the pack, about not being good enough to warrant them keeping her around. She works extra hard, putting 110% into everything she does, often overworking herself, to make sure they don’t cast her out. She’s a much harsher critic of herself than anyone else is.


   o Be trusted by her Jarl, wholeheartedly.


   - Season: TBA

   - Color: TBA

   - Prey: TBA

   - Location: TBA

Extra Information:

   - While some wolves may find themselves intimidated by the immensity, the unending boundaries of the sea and sky, Astraea finds herself most at peace pondering these things. That immensity is the most tangible way to understand the gods, the very nature of the universe: immense, overpowering, and full of light and life. It’s not uncommon for Astraea to spend lengths of time staring at the

   - Astraea actively worships Icadorityl, by her father’s teachings; however, she’s been raised to embrace other religions and often finds herself entranced by the ocean, wondering what spirits are responsible for the rising and ebbing tides. She adores the ocean.

   - Aea is terrified of being forced from the pack. While she knows her parents survived very well as loners, she doesn’t think she could handle it herself.

   - Astraea cannot sleep if she isn’t making physical contact with another wolf.


    - TBA


Astraea (c) LunarShadowCreations

Original Design (some modifications) © Phelza

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Comments: 7

Phelza [2021-12-18 05:57:54 +0000 UTC]

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sea-lamprey [2021-09-02 02:04:22 +0000 UTC]

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xCinderfrostx [2021-09-02 01:49:49 +0000 UTC]

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tyger-pax [2021-09-01 05:01:00 +0000 UTC]

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EternalHusky [2021-09-01 00:46:23 +0000 UTC]

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Willowbyrd [2021-08-31 23:55:32 +0000 UTC]

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