LunarShadowCreations — Theodosia | Vekten | Theta Magister

#dotw #pup #theodosia #vektren #vektreni #domainofthewolf #domain_of_the_wolf
Published: 2020-09-11 15:12:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 4619; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 0
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04.23.23 - Accessory get: feather!
02.04.22 - My girl becomes the first of the Horde to become a Countess! She has proven herself tending to her mother's severe Hive-inflicted wounds.
01.19.21 - Updated app art to juvenile (finally) and she's taken a task! 

Bones Log


Name: Theodosia
    Pronunciation: /thee-o-doh-zhuh/
    Nicknames: Theo (prefers to go by this); Dosia (rarely)
    Origin: Greek, meaning "supreme gift"
    Purpose: The pack and Monty were pleased with these pups' arrival, a Koor'Kipraan gift (Lunar really wanted a wolf named Theo)
Age: Young Adult
Gender: Female
Pack: Vektren
Rank: Theta Magister (Countess)
    Past Ranks: Delta Magister, Gamma Magister
Accessories: 1 red-winged blackbird feather (belongs to Nimh's familiar, Heolfor - was a gift from mum!)


Summary of Features:
Theodosia is a fairly average female in terms of size, fit but not muscular. She has the most gorgeous pelt you've ever SEEN and her mother's orange eyes. She'll grow to be very thick-furred and tall like her father. She has a rogue tuft of hair on her head like Monty, and her ears are rimmed in dark like his as well.
Height: Average (33")
Weight: Average (95 lbs)
Movement: Surefooted and graceful
Scars: Tiny scar from snake bite below jaw (rarely visible)

Scent: Dried herbs
Voice: TBA
    Voice Actor: TBA
Howl: TBA

Health Concerns:
- Snake Saliva Allergy. Theo has discovered - though unfortunate experience - that she is quite allergic to the bites from non-venomous snakes. Her body goes into overdrive in response to this material, causing her throat to constrict and her face and paws to itch and swell. Fortunately, Kiero Koi has discovered that haws from a hawthorn plant lower her blood pressure and allow her throat to open again, and simple herbal remedies can help with the itchiness and swelling. 



Theodosia's alignment is closest to TRUE NEUTRAL (?).
Her personality type is INTJ (The Architect).

  • Kind, but Straightforward. Theodosia is a no-nonsense she-wolf when it comes to administering medication and herbal remedies, but she is very kind and does her best not to snap at patients, even if they're being whiny or stubborn. Sometimes, she has been known to be sarcastic, it never comes from a place of impatience or disrespect. She cares deeply for her packmates and family, and even if she isn't great at showing it on a more personal level, she is always exchanging pleasantries when crossing paths with others.

  • Arrogant and Self-Assured. Theodosia is arrogant about her position in the pack, but quietly so. She knows she's better than her 'siblings' because her parents are Monty, former Lord Berserker and now co-alpha alongside her mother, Patron Nimh. She doesn't lord this fact over the others' heads - in fact, she'll hardly vocalize it at all - but she knows. As she looks upon them, she knows she is supreme. Thus, she is remarkably self-assured and doesn't need anyone's praise. She's also extremely secure in her position as a Magister, particularly after saving her brother, Ophion, from certain death.

  • Intelligent, Witty, and Curious. Her mind is labyrinthine, racing a million miles an hour, going down countless paths. She delights in mental challenges and enjoys using her wit and intellect whenever she can. Due to her physical characteristics, mental acuity, and ability to put on a very charming facade, with training, Theodosia could have become a master at just about any task Vektren could offer (save Necrolyte), but only Magister offered her the mental challenge she needed. She is extremely skilled at what she does and knows there is always more to learn.

  • Sociable, and Easily Bored. She can become easily bored unless actively performing work (joining hunts, gathering herbs, honing her craft, etc.). In her 'free time', she will seek out company to engage with - she enjoys speaking to others, partly because she knows she's smarter, but she also delights in learning what others have to think. She's genuinely interested in others' perspectives, even if she doesn't necessarily feel the same way.

  • Lonely. Theodosia spent her early seasons pushing herself to climb quickly and efficiently to the highest rungs of Vektren's ranks. She achieved so, but in the process, something was...lost. Though she takes great comfort in her father's closeness, and her siblings, she realizes that she failed to forge strong friendships in her youth and feels profoundly isolated. There is nobody outside of her family who gets her. She yearns to find someone who understands. 



Orientation: Heterosexual
Overview: Open to meeting someone but not actively looking

Activity : None
Romantic History : None
Shippings : Theodosia x Yossarian (lol she likes to tease him)
                   Theodosia x Aubrey (she has a confusing major crush on him but won't say)


It is important to remember that Theodosia is only blood-related to these wolves, but due to the circumstances of her birth and upbringing, she more or less considers all of her peers as 'siblings' and considers the other 'parents' to be relatives, even though not blood-related. 

Father : Monty

Biological Mother "Patron" : Nimh 
Stepmother "Nanny" : Vieste

Full Siblings: Judith (sister); Ophion and Amon (brothers)

Half-Siblings : Ivar (half-brother); Eris (half-sister)
Step-Siblings : Akai (stepbrother); Azalea (stepsister)

Paternal Family: Kaiser (grandfather); Aniu (grandmother); Sionn (adoptive 'grandfather'), Belladonna (aunt, presumed deceased), Ariah (deceased aunt)
Maternal Family: Samhradh (aunt), Asterion (uncle), Orion, Sarin, Leo, and Sagitta (cousins)



After a grueling war with Aryn and the devastating loss of the former Herald, Hekate, the new Mistress of Vektren, Nimh, decided that the pack needed its ranks bolstered. Strong soldiers must (unfortunately) start off as mere whelps, babies. While Yseult and Fornax were the only heterosexual mated pair in the pack, they were not ready to bear a litter, and so Nimh decided to encourage a more...strategic creation of new Vektreni. She herself chose to pair with Monty, the Lord Berserker, while her mate and Kiero Koi would invest in another litter, and Ghislaine and Morrigan (the latter quite foolishly) engaged in bringing pups to the pack as well.

Nimh would have four children, both of whom she would pass off to her mate, Vieste, to raise alongside her own children. The pups were named by Vieste, with some input from Monty - it was Monty who suggested this girl's name. This pup would become Theodosia - "the greatest gift." Theodosia (or "Theo" as she was delighted to go by) is an active pup who, alongside her seven 'siblings' and littermates, Amon, Judith, and Ophion, terrorized the ranks of Vektren in their earliest days of youth. 

Theodosia adores her father and tries to spend as much time as possible with him, picking his brain about his life, questions about the world around her, and his opinion on certain things. She's immensely defensive and possessive of him and this is the only major point of contention she has with her siblings. He's mine. She has affection for her biological and adoptive mothers, but Vieste (her "nanny") has real pups to love, and Nimh has made it clear from the beginning that she has more important things to do than spend time with her pups. Theo understands this and doesn't seek her mother's attention or approval - only her father's.

She will mature fairly quickly, finding active play to be much less stimulating than mental exercise. As she approaches juvenile months, Theo will seek out grown Vektreni when they're not actively working to ask them questions (unfortunately, quite a lot of questions, ranging from simple 'how tall do you think I'll be?' to more complex 'why can birds fly, but I can't?'). She likes her 'siblings' but needs them to catch up to her maturity level before she'll really be invested with them again.



Likes :
    o Monty. Her father is Theo's absolute favorite thing in the world, the one thing that's "hers" where she has to share everything else with her "siblings".
    o Mind Games. She could make an excellent Shade or Viper with her charming nature and silver tongue. Unfortunately, she is completely disinterested in politics. To make this girl happy, give her a brain teaser to mull over or tell her a bad pun, she likes both equally.
    o Birds. Theo delights in watching birds fly. She thinks their colors can be beautiful, and she finds the 'science' behind their flight (the fact that they have hollow bones) mystifying. 
    o Flying Insects (Dragonflies, Moths, and Butterflies Especially). Theo's delight in watching things fly does carry over outside of the avian kingdom and into that of the insects. She loves to watch the erratic flight of moths and butterflies, and the smoother flight patterns (and HOVERING!) of the dragonflies. 

Dislikes : 
    o Koor'Kipraan. She doesn't care that her parents didn't love each other - she understands that his 'siblings' and her were born not as a result of love, but as a result of necessity. She actually finds the prospect of pups born out of love to be a really strange concept ("what does love have to do with having babies?"). What bothers her is that there were seven others born alongside her and they were all raised together. She didn't get the one-on-one attention she felt she deserved and deeply craved. She wishes she'd been born at a different time, without so many siblings hogging the attention.
    o Aggressive Attacks. Theo doesn't really have a problem with the fact that Vektren take contracts and use subterfuge and assassinate wolves like that, but full-out aggressive, larger-scale attacks (like those enacted in the Battle of Muckrun, for instance) are brutal and unnecessary. We are assassins, not brutes. Act like it! She likes subterfuge and trickery.
    o Not Knowing Things. Theodosia needs to know everything she possibly can. Not having the answers to something stresses her out immensely - especially if she asks someone older and 'wiser' and they can't answer it. That can send her spiraling. How do you find the answers to something if the oldest and wisest among you can't provide it?

Fears : 
    o TBA

Goals : 

    x To have her sister Eris come to her for healing (aww yiss I can flex on my sister) - failed (Eris left the pack)

    o To earn Monty's approval
    o To get all the answers!

Favorites : 
    Season: Winter; even though it gets cold and prey gets scarce, there's no snakes around (and ice goes CRONCH and is delightful)
    Color: Acidic green like her father's eyes
    Prey: Duck; ducks are a relatively common sight in the wetlands but they're tricky to catch, so they're a real treat
    Location: TBA

    - In Theodosia's mind, she doesn't have a 'mother' - her biological mother Nimh is her "patron" and her nurse-mother Vieste is her "nanny". In her labyrinthine mind, she's virtually related to everybody, and has nothing that's truly "hers" - except for her father, Monty (she understands that, begrudgingly, she has to accept that Monty is shared by her birth siblings, but she has elected to overlook that). As a result, she can be extremely possessive of her father. 
        - Actually, there is one more thing Theodosia can claim as her own - her birth siblings. She loves her littermates and would like to be pretty close with them (except for when Monty's around, then they are...barely tolerated)
    - Theodosia doesn't quite understand Ed and Monty's relationship. She's convinced that Ed is Monty's friend, no matter what Monty might say, and she thinks all snakes are friendly.
    - She doesn't have much of an opinion about Eris but she doesn't like Ivar. Ivar's making moves with Monty and she won't stand for it. That's MY dad, go get your own!
    - Looks into the camera like she's on The Office a lot. Because her pack-mates need to just chill.
    - As much as Theodosia (and sometimes Lunar) will try to insist that she's the most "normal" Vektreni in the pack, she does have some quirks - she is by no means perfect. Aside from her possessive behavior, she has a near-obsession with flying creatures and a definite obsession with the crunching of ice.
    - Generally, Theo can't have just one project she's focusing on. Instead, it's common for her to have well over four or five projects she's working on - perfecting a certain poultice, trying to get certain herbs to grow in a new location, healing a packmate's wound, dissecting a bird carcass, seeing if a stream could potentially be redirected, trying to figure out the best hunting practice for catfish. These all overlap. She doesn't have the attention span to sit and work for days at a time on finishing a single project - there's a million things to learn and do in the world, and she needs to be doing them all at once! This doesn't necessarily make her work of a lesser quality - it just means it takes a longer time to get it done. *The exception to this rule is, of course, when healing a packmate. Though she won't dote over them every hour of the day, she's definitely got other activities happening on the side.


Theodosia (c) LunarShadowCreations
Pelt Design (c) Aerial-Vew


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SpookyWonders [2020-09-24 05:00:24 +0000 UTC]

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sunkissin [2020-09-11 19:05:57 +0000 UTC]

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MlSTY [2020-09-11 16:25:35 +0000 UTC]

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