MlSTY — [DoTW] Adalinda - Mhor

Published: 2022-03-28 16:52:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 4690; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 3
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Couldn't keep away from Mhor anyMORE xD

I regret nothing


Name: Adalinda
Meaning behind name: Noble Serpent 
Age: Adult

Gender: Cisgendered Female
Height:  30"
Weight: 50 lbs (Underweight)

Build: Thin with mostly short fur, with longer fur length on her cheeks and the tail.

    Physical - Healthy: Adalinda has no physical ailments.
    Mental - Poor: After everything that Adalinda has gone through in her life, to now learning about Akasha's death and the possibility of reincarnation, Adalinda has adopted an obsession to whether maybe Akasha could have the potential of being reincarnated herself in her own lifetime. She often checks for signs from younger wolves to see if they possess any likeness to her late love.
    Emotional - Healing somewhat: Adalinda is slowly healing from the realization that Akasha is gone. However, she has regressed backwards a bit with Rowena's revelation of being a reincarnate of a wolf. While it matters very little to Adalinda as to whether Rowena was the reincarnate of Aewen or Cassiopeia, Adalinda's new obsession is setting her back from her healing process.

Accessories: x2 raspberry leaves behind her right ear [Optional]
Territory: Mhor

Rank: Cleric


Parents: Raya (Mother, deceased) and Cornelus (Father, deceased)
Ex Mate: Conall
Offspring: Hart (Son, Alive), Buck (Son, NPC), and Aoife (Daughter, Alive) 

Maternal | Timid | Insecure | Observant | Determined | Loyal

While Adalinda wished that she had pups under better circumstances, but she absolutely adores pups and often finds herself missing her children. She is extremely fond of taking care of others with a more motherly approach. She had always been someone who loved to care for younger wolves, and anyone who enjoys a good story or two. After Adalinda had her first and only litter of pups, her maternal nature was inhanced. Even before the events with Conall tearing her away from Akasha, Adalinda had always been shy and afraid to face new wolves. Her fear of other wolves only got worse after those events though, as Akasha was her true love, and Conal had taken that away from her. Ever since those events, she had been very afraid to do much of anything, in fear that her "mate" would lash out at her. While Adalinda was always timid, she always knew how to defend herself physically and mentally. That unfortunately does not apply to Adalinda now, as her confidence diminished when Conan took the only real love she had felt for another wolf away. He made her feel weak, and that if she partook in any actions that even slightly questioned or went against his beliefs, then she would be penalized. One of the tasks that Adalinda was never able to do, was that of a healer. She always wanted to be one. So when she was denied that chance, she didn't exactly want to give up on this dream. So she would from afar, observe what herbs the healers of her pack would use on other wolves, or other treatments that would be given out to someone so that one may be healed to the best of one's capabilities. After she was able to leave Conall and the pack he led, Ada knew what she wanted. She wanted to see her dear love once again. Maybe for the chance to start over again, and be in that healthy relationship that Ada always longed for with Akasha. Adalinda may not have liked Conall or the circumstances that she was in, but she was a loyal and devoted wolf of Drameir. She hopes that now that she is in Mhor and has the freedoms to express herself a little more freely, that she can perform her desired duties, while upholding to the pack's laws and culture. 

Pre-Group History: -CW: Backstory contains violence, death, misogyny, homophobia, and SA/rape -

Adalinda was the sole pup born to Raya and Cornelus of the Zeolt pack. When her aunt, Trinity, was the sole alphess to the dying pack found out the gender of the pup was, she plead with her sister Raya to allow her to betroth Adalinda to the Drameir pack's heir, Conall. At first Raya was hesitant, because Drameirians were known to being a very dominant, aggressive pack. It took her father, Cornelus to convince his mate that unfortunately Zeolt was dying, as they were limited to themselves, their daughter, their alphess, and two of the alphess relatives. Should they agree to betroth their only offspring to the heir to Drameir, then it would ensure that Adalinda would live a better life than she would in Zeolt, and that everyone would be able to survive the harsh winter.

After Trinity had the okay to betroth her niece out, Zeolt disbanded when Adalinda was a juvenile, and they all moved to Drameir, where she would meet Conall for the first time. Conall was a large dark wolf with an arrogant and aggressive disposition. He was already a young adult, and was not the most kind wolf to Adalinda. There was never any sort of love between the two wolves, however Conall viewed Adalinda as an assit to him for producing his future heirs. So while he did not treat Adalinda all that well, it was nothing compared to how he treated other wolves in his pack, especially other females. When she first joined Drameir, something that she had always wanted to learn was to be a healer. She did not have that opportunity when she was younger, because she had been a pup, and also that her remaining packmates Zeolt had other roles. With this in mind, she figured that her move would spell for the perfect opportunity to learn from Drameir's healers. When Conall discovered that Adalinda had been learning from the healers about herbs and treatments for wounds, he yelled at her and told her that the future alphess of his pack should never stoop herself to do a weakling's job. He then informed his father and the alpha that Adalinda should train to be a huntress, as he felt it was a more suitable position for someone who would one day be an alphess. The alpha agreed with his son and assigned Adalinda to train with the other hunters and huntresses of the pack, much to Adalinda's dismay.

As a young adult, Adalinda was not too happy with her position, but she complied with the demands of her betroth and her aging, dying alpha. On one of her many solo hunting trips, after she had caught a young deer, she caught a rugged brown rogue had been stealing her fresh kill! The nerve that rogue! Thankfully, she had caught the rogue and demanded that she give her back the kill that she rightfully caught in her own territory. The brown female soon apologized, impressed by her quick thinking, immediately gave the kill back. However, the rogue insisted that she learn of her name, which was confusing to her at first, but gave it anyways. The rogue, Akasha, soon made small talk and expressed that while she had no ethical excuse for her to steal food from her, that she was only looking to eat something. Adalinda was charmed by Akasha, then insisted to catch her a nearby rabbit for her to eat. Unbeknownst to Adalinda, the two became very fast friends.

The gray female would find herself sneaking out of camp in the middle of the night to meet up with Akasha, who was drawn to her just as much as the gray female was to her. Their friendship quickly blossomed into something more. Adalinda knew that Akasha felt the same way, just by how Akasha behaved and looked at her whenever they greeted each other, as well as whenever they had to depart for the night. A few weeks after spending time together, they both verbally confirmed what was already known. They loved each other. This was someone Adalinda knew cared for her wellbeing and her interests. Akasha knew how to tick her off in the most annoying and yet most affectionate of ways.

-Violence, Death, homophobia, and subtle mention of SA/rape present here. Skip if this is triggering to you-

The night that Akasha took Adalinda to meet her mother was the worst night of her life. She discovered that Conall was onto what she had been doing all these weeks, and was even more disgusted with the fact that Adalinda had been with Akasha, who was a female rogue. Her betroth deemed her a tainted wolf, however claiming that she could still be saved. He ordered one of his wolves to kill Akasha's mother, which was done swiftly. She could not remember much as she watched in horror some of the wolves she came to know as her packmates blindly kill a wolf to satisfy the orders of her betroth, and him attacking Akasha, who made it out alive, but not without her scars and being chased out of the territory. This was the last memory Adalinda had of Akasha, which broke her heart. She never wanted her love to ever go through this pain or suffering, and she never knew that Conall was onto what she had been doing every night. Actions are not without consequenses in this case. Conall soon turned to her, and immediately forced himself onto her as punishment for her "crimes"...

-End of the trigger warning-

It was no surprise to her that a few weeks after the Akasha's mother was killed before her eyes and was forced to be stripped away from the only wolf she ever loved... that she was carrying Conall's pups. This filled her with such dread, because she knew that one way or another, other wolves would find out. When her betroth found out, it was the first time she saw him smile. But this smile was one that did not feel loving, but rather one filled with so many thoughts that only boosted his arrogance. He called for their marriage to transpire effective immediately, so that his pups would be considered legitimate in the eyes of the pack and the culture in which they abided by. Conall's father agreed to initiate the wedding, and even announced that he was no longer in the prime of his life, so Conall would take over in leading Drameir as their new alpha. Adalinda was used to hearing that wedding are typically the happiest day of of any wolfs' lifes. For her however, her wedding day was one of the saddest day of her life. She was going to marry the wolf she never wanted to be with. Throughout the ceremony, she felt hollow, and wished that she were marrying Akasha rather than Conall. After her wedding concluded, she rushed herself back in the den she now shared with Conall, and spent the night to cry herself to sleep.

T'was not long after she gave birth to her litter with Conall. She gave birth to two males and a female; in that exact order. Adalinda named them before Conall had a say in their names so that she could feel like she was in control of what happened to their pups for once. She named them Hart, Buck, and Aoife. While Conall was annoyed he was too late to name their children, he was surprisingly alright with their names, as long as he had a say in their upbringing. He could care less about his newborn daughter Aoife, so he planned for her to be raised by her mother without much intervention. All that mattered was that he not only had an heir in their Hart, but he also had a spare should anything happen to his original heir. While it was painful that her pups would be related to such a disgusting wolf like Conall, she knew that these pups were also a part of her as well. Knowing this helped her love her pups so fiercely, and she took tremendous care for them. She had a wonderful relationship with her pups, and ensured that her daughter hardly got mistreated.

Like mother like daughter, her youngest pup, had aspirations to become a healer, just as she once dreamed for herself. Conall tried to do everything within his power as an alpha to prevent this from happening, however Adalinda couldn't take this egotistical maniac anymore. Causing a scene in front of the entire pack, she expressed how much she hated him and how much of a living hell she made her own life by preventing her to do the profession she yearned to be a part of and overall mistreating her ever since she first arrived in Drameir. Upon hearing this, Conall expressed that he was tired of Adalinda's constant complaining and that she already did her duty to him by providing him the heirs he always wanted. Upon saying this, he ultimately decided that he would exile Adalinda from the pack. He would promise that their daughter would be a healer like she wanted, but she no longer was going to have access to influence their children any longer.

Being exiled from the pack broke her heart for her children. She wanted her children to join her, but she could see that her children were being prevented from joining her in departing the pack. A few days into her exile, she then realized that she no longer was in Conall's clutches of control, and she could maybe try to find Akasha again! She did her best to look for her one true love by asking wolves of the area if they recalled a dark brown female with blue eyes, and scars on her ears and nose. This eventually lead her to the domain, unknowing to the fact that Akasha was no longer alive.

Group History: 




Orientation: Demiromantic Demisexual [LESBIAN LESBIAN LESBIAN]

Turn ons: 
  • Females (They're pretty)
  • Sleek and slender bodies
  • Someone who will listen to her and help her heal.

Turn offs: 

  • Males (Sorry boys, she just isn't interested. Nothing against you personally.)
  • Dark black furred wolves with amber eyes [Her ex husband had these features]
  • Arrogance 
  • Larger wolves

Fun Facts: 
  • Adalinda was hopeful that she would reunite with Akasha now that she ran away/got exiled from the Drameir pack.
    • She was unaware that Akasha is no longer alive until Serren broke the news to her. It left her wrecked.
  • She is not interested in a romantic relationship, and won't for some time.
  • While Ada never loved Conall, she always loved her offspring.
    • Adalinda in general loves pups, regardless of whether they are her's or not.
  • Her favorite prey is deer.
  • Behind her former mate's back, she would brush up on her herbal skills whenever she found a break from performing her hunting duties.
  • She finds snakes horrible, disgusting creatures. She is terrified of them.
Design: Me 
Character: Me

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Comments: 12

RuvaakBeyn [2022-12-09 01:42:58 +0000 UTC]

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MlSTY In reply to RuvaakBeyn [2022-12-09 15:08:42 +0000 UTC]

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RuvaakBeyn In reply to MlSTY [2022-12-09 15:36:30 +0000 UTC]

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Madrox1275 [2022-05-06 03:01:47 +0000 UTC]

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MlSTY In reply to Madrox1275 [2022-05-06 03:22:26 +0000 UTC]

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Madrox1275 In reply to MlSTY [2022-05-06 03:22:54 +0000 UTC]

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Bluebellpaws [2022-03-29 01:32:16 +0000 UTC]

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MlSTY In reply to Bluebellpaws [2022-03-29 01:52:06 +0000 UTC]

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Lotus-Wolfdragon [2022-03-29 01:05:38 +0000 UTC]

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MlSTY In reply to Lotus-Wolfdragon [2022-03-29 01:31:38 +0000 UTC]

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goosened [2022-03-28 23:49:41 +0000 UTC]

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MlSTY In reply to goosened [2022-03-28 23:53:25 +0000 UTC]

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