Lutherniel — Dramatic Diomedes

#40k #dawnofwar #spacemarine #warhammer40k
Published: 2017-01-22 14:31:44 +0000 UTC; Views: 31665; Favourites: 608; Downloads: 165
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I've been playing Dawn of War 2 again.


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Comments: 64

Zakanuva [2023-03-18 03:29:24 +0000 UTC]

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ColonelBSacquet [2022-11-11 10:19:33 +0000 UTC]

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Hells33k3r [2021-05-16 17:18:14 +0000 UTC]

👍: 2 ⏩: 0

Skeith-Skeith-Skeith [2019-02-13 13:29:27 +0000 UTC]

SO as I understand,
their Primarch is Magnus the Red and their chapter master Kyras is a traitor.

👍: 2 ⏩: 2

VNPilot12L4 In reply to Skeith-Skeith-Skeith [2020-10-26 16:30:50 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0

Mrdtd1 In reply to Skeith-Skeith-Skeith [2020-08-29 22:59:04 +0000 UTC]

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Moron15 In reply to Mrdtd1 [2023-04-27 17:57:20 +0000 UTC]

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Brokenhoof [2019-01-29 06:43:48 +0000 UTC]

When you find out your primarch is into nibbling on knife ears

👍: 9 ⏩: 0

Enriks-Da-Writer [2018-11-24 04:05:36 +0000 UTC]

When your Baneblade-tism fails because of a wooden Baneblade.

👍: 6 ⏩: 0

HydraliskMarineSC2 [2018-03-14 14:42:36 +0000 UTC]

nice meme

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ElectedPony [2018-03-01 14:42:40 +0000 UTC]

Wery cool!

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Stargazzer811 [2018-01-25 06:53:24 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, but he's such a badass in Dawn of War 3.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

RoboKitty [2017-12-15 02:49:02 +0000 UTC]

Feel free to call my lore knowledge weak, but I never understood why Diomedes had a crisis of faith. The Emperor never betrayed the Blood Ravens, Kyras did. So, as pointed out by Cyrus, you just shoot Kyras and keep worshiping the Emperor

👍: 2 ⏩: 0

EffKay9 [2017-10-04 13:35:56 +0000 UTC]

DIOMEDES: every century served.... every battle in the emperor's name... all ordered by a heretic... all the glory's a lie... there nothing but to say....
THE ANCIENT: NO! YOU HAVE FAILED! *throw off his helmet*
CYRUS: *facepalm*

👍: 2 ⏩: 0

scorchwillow [2017-09-10 13:31:52 +0000 UTC]

Omg XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

General-Skull [2017-05-14 13:22:01 +0000 UTC]

oh was sad at first but then Gabriel happened and well things got better

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Morghat [2017-04-18 16:56:03 +0000 UTC]

Maybe you should put a [SPOILER ALERT] in the title.

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Rexlare [2017-04-18 05:50:11 +0000 UTC]

Or when you find out one of your favorite artists draws porn
I can relate to this poor marine.

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

leebk201 In reply to Rexlare [2017-04-20 09:43:58 +0000 UTC]


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Rexlare In reply to leebk201 [2017-04-20 16:35:39 +0000 UTC]

Do you know the definition of Erotica?
Honest question.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

leebk201 In reply to Rexlare [2017-04-25 17:25:47 +0000 UTC]

I am not a dictionary. 

The fact that someone draws some porny pics apart from other non-porny pics has nothing to do with each other. If such knowledge hinders the enjoyment for you, then the "problem" is in you.

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Rexlare In reply to leebk201 [2017-04-25 17:42:28 +0000 UTC]

All I needed was a yes or no answer.
In that case I implore you to read on. You may learn something new.
Erotica is by definition:
"An artistic genre of representing the beauty of the natural human form without intending to cause arousal or sexual stimulation from an audience."

Erotica is a field of artwork that has existed for centuries, and it exists for a distinct artistic purpose. It's not for people to look at to get a hard on or feel like jacking off. It's meant to display how the human body is something beautiful. Male, or Female, the human body is a beautiful thing, and that's what Erotica shows. The way our muscles form shape, the way our bodies curve and move, the attractiveness of a woman's breast or a man's strong robust arms. All of it serves to remind us on how we are physically beautiful creatures. And of course, the way they're drawn/pose they assume has impact. You can't do a zoom in shot of a woman's vagina, or have her in some pornographic pose like sticking her head between her legs and say it's not pornography.
And of course, there's romantic Erotica which shows two subjects who are showing the beauty of their body, and their love. This isn't done through displaying their sexual interactions though, it's shown through the normal displays of love. Kisses, embraces, loving expressions. The only difference is that their bodies aren't hidden under clothes, but displayed openly to each other to show how much they trust and care for each other. It's sexy, but it has meaning and impact. How far artists can go before it becomes porn is not always subjective, but to define every way you can present it without it being porn would take too long to describe for you now.

And this is why I hate porn. Pornography isn't meant to show any sort of natural beauty, or hold special meaning. It's certainly not for you to look at and say "Wow, that's really well done how you shaded and made that. Real pristine artwork." No, porn is simply for people who are lonely and need something to jack off to. Porn has no love, no compassion, no artistic purpose. It's often vulgar, disgusting and often appears violent. Not too mention the copious fetishes it revolves around.
But what is worse than porn, is porn in an artistic medium. Because this means that someone, who holds the ability to create artwork - a talent that not everyone is able to do - the ability to make anything they can imagine... and they squander it with pornography. Something that is by nature, inartistic and grotesque. I'll be honest, I feel that people who draw nothing but erotica are guilty of not only being single focused and not broadening their horizons, but depending on how you draw your erotica, it also can show whether or not you look at erotica seriously, or as simply what some would call "soft-porn".

So no, I do not agree that the problem is in me. I understand that by nature, we humans are disgusting creatures that still bend our will to our primal instincts and often care little for keeping hold of history's sanctity and purity. Sadly, artwork is a grand example of this failure. I accept that not everyone holds my view, and some may even call me a zealot. However, fact is that I simply do not care for the opinions of those who believe pornography is a form of art. I know where I stand and I know where they stand. I know which side is greener and cleaner, I know which side is dirtier and unkempt. I know how I respect the history of artwork and I know how others defile it.
And that's good enough for me.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

leebk201 In reply to Rexlare [2017-04-26 09:02:11 +0000 UTC]

Well, too bad, you won't get what you want.

Yeah, a quote, how suprsing, thanks Mr./Ms. Dictionary.

Sometimes human body (either sex) makes me to feel like i want to vomit just by looking or thinking about it, then there are times when i think the opposite, hows about that? To me a human body is actually kinda crude construction with a decent amount of flaws, but whatever. 

Pornography is just a dumbed-down version of erotica, even a deceitful version of it if you want... a farce, an act. Hating it would be a mistake and thing are not one dimensional. There is time and place in the world for practicaly everything, life can throw people in a lot of ambigious situations where it's hard to tell what is good or bad.

Guilty concept is for the most part a tottal BS that does more harm than good. So you are telling me now that people who draw only EROTICA are guilty too? Puritan levels to the max.

Yeah, pornography in human "modern" civilization today is something that is grotesque, passionless abomination but so does may other things, educational system, food industry, laws, human rights (lol), politics, yada-yada it's all part of the huge screw up humanity is (in). The whole big picture is ugly, pornography is just a really small and not that important part of all of it, it's just a "solution" that is sold by the very same people (roughly speaking) that produce "problems" (lack of the sexual/romantic/gender(identity) education, relationship managment, sexual miniority harrasment, reverse/discrimination, etc.), at this point the removal of it will do more harm than it will help, not because the removal/transformation is bad, but because civilization is fucked up that much. It's like if everyone stoped lying for a month or two on the planet-level scale, it will be an apocalypse, not because truth is bad, but because there are that many deceit that it's an integral part that keeps (slows down) everything from falling apart. 

The thing is - you want people to act like you want them to act, seems like the "problem" is in you. 

Humans by their nature are not disgusting, neither they are beautiful, they just are. "primal instincts" is the integral part of what makes a human - human and not some inhuman robot-esque creature, Mice from The Matrix movie had a really good quote about it.

Keeping hold of history SANCTITY and PURITY?! Precious face, have you paid a good attention to the known history of humankind?

You think the pornography is bad in itself, where in reality it can be one, another or neither, inbetween or everything of that, like many other things in this weird world.

ps: funny, i actually though i canceled the reply before it was sent, because i did not want to be bothered... but, mkay.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rexlare In reply to leebk201 [2017-04-26 17:35:23 +0000 UTC]

... I understand. I see your perspective on this matter, and you have your valid points.

Yes, sadly I must agree with you that if something like pornography were to be removed in today's society, it would end up causing a great level of chaos, and the world is already chaotic. When something is deeply rooted in society, it's hard to tear it back out, especially should it grow to the size of a massive tree. Perhaps piece by piece would gradually reduce its shape and influence, but to completely remove it would cause harm. That I do not question or argue.
Nor do I question that Porn is just one of the many screwed up things in our society, but again, those subjects are irrelevant to our current conversation, so let's just focus on the porn aspect for now. 
And yes, let's face it, humans are disgusting no matter how many attempt to disprove that. You've said it yourself, and I'm willing to be those times where you disagree are very rare and few. But now comes the part where once more, I must provide my counter argument to your claims.

You either mistake my words, or are so intent on winning this debate that you're trying to twist my views against me.
First off, I do not want everyone to be like me. If that was the case, sure, we'd have no wars, corruption would all nonexistent, and the general intelligence quota may just rise up. But it would still be chaos. The best thing about humans is that we're diverse, we all believe in different things and have different emotions and ways to convey them. 
So no, I don't want everyone in the world to believe everything I believe. What I WANT is for artists of today to realize how pornography isn't artwork by definition and has no place in the art world as it lacks any semblance of passion or artistic liberty. And that's not just my opinion, that's how art has historically worked as a whole. Erotica is art, and its definition is solid. Hell, even Deviant Art understands this, their anti porn policies forbid explicit porn because it's not artwork, and... well even if they suck at their job at filtering "ART" on this site, their initial intentions are still solid.
Sanctity and Purity of history and tradition. You know EXACTLY what I'm referring to. I'm not speak of the countless wars and bloodshed that's happened, the great amount of kingdoms that have fallen through corruption and deceit, nor the great amount of failures we've suffered. If I wanted to give my full view on history and what its shown us about mankind, we'd be here for another great while, and I'm not aiming to waste time with a subject that's not relevant.
You know that when I say Purity and Sanctity, I'm referring to its use of fine artwork. In ancient history, humanities greatest achievements were technology and cultural artwork. The Greeks and Romans understood art. The Asian cultures of China, Japan, Korea etc. understood art. The Middle Eastern kingdoms ABSOLUTELY understood art. Even basic tribal communities and cavemen understood art. It's simply (in my belief) the one thing that we humans have historically always been strong with. Until today of course.
Finally, you again mistake my comments. 
In my belief, those who draw porn are guilty of such pestilence.
Those who purely draw erotica are guilty of something else entirely, assuming that they aren't drawing it simply because it's "soft porn" to them.

The reason I dislike those who draw purely erotic subjects isn't because it's a bunch of boobs, but because they're limiting their potential. Art is about having a great skill to imagine and create almost anything, so if you only know how to draw a female subject (And or exaggerated/unrealistic ones at that) then where's the rest of your artistic ability? That's why I do my best to draw new things when I can. I've drawn humans, armor, weapons, animals, cartoon characters, machines, robots, landscapes, cars, vehicles and more. And while I'm far from mastering any of it, I can at least draw more than one subject.
And yes, the same scheme applies to those who purely draw one subject. Even if you're a master of drawing cars, can you ever draw the human that's supposed to be behind the wheel?
Oh and before you argue that what I just said would imply that drawing porn would continue to advance your knowledge of drawing, that's not true. You can easily draw the same poses, expressions, bodies etc. without the need for it to be pornographic. Rather than drawing a hulking hunk of a man mounting and penetrating a big tit woman, you can easily draw them in the same position but clothed, and rather than have them perform sex, have them look longingly into each others eyes, as if they were lovers. Hell, you can't even make drawing porn part of an artistic profession, UNLESS you work for porn hub. You think comic book companies or visual art departments NEED pornography in their works for public viewing? 
You see? Porn is simply unnecessary in the art world. I don't see its good side because it distances us from each other. It provides this idea that love and compassion don't matter and all that does is sexual pleasure. When in reality, love is likely the most powerful emotion our species has.

So, how do you reply to this? I certainly hope you have more insightful words to say, and don't just repeat your last message.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

leebk201 In reply to Rexlare [2017-04-30 19:11:30 +0000 UTC]

>... I understand. I see your perspective on this matter, and you have your valid points.

After i typed that to be honest i thought about all of that as a load of crap, well, it's not bad to wrong on that kind of matter i think.

>You either mistake my words, or are so intent on winning this debate that you're trying to twist my views against me.

I don't really have a "goal" of sorts, it's just my natural/default-response/reaction. Can't say that you are wrong on this matter either. I know about what i am doing i mean, it's just that i ignore it when i am in the process so to speak. In short - i don't backdown, i can't; i don't feel any pleasure doing it either if this is what you are asking, so essentialy any kind of trolling is beyond me.

I think the world is screwed in it's core, the basics, "built" this way. It does not matter if you fight the "dragon", it does not matter if you defeat the "dragon", it's just a matter of time when everything crumbles down under the weight of itself. Like caterigozation/systematization of everythings bites humanity in the nether parts because there is too much categories now. And art is part of it all too. Culture grows, becomes more in tune with accepting what was forbidden before, toleration and stuff, then it all goes smoothly for sometime, but then it twists and degenerates more and more till the boiling point when it blows up and people begin to forbidd some of the things, then more of that, than even more, the the culture stagnates and after sometimes it's back to the square one. So in a sense, i don't see much point in all of it, it does not matter (although i can't accept that still). Plus the very real possibility of being wrong, i won't like it one bit, but eh, whatever.

No rules, no dogmas, no rights or wrongs. I dare do all that may become a man who dares do more is none, perfectly describes my stance (while i am "here" i mean). When people see something horrid that other peoples do and say that it was "inhuman" i correct them and say that it is humane, because it was done by humans. I am pretty much sure that it's not the direct or may be even indirect response to what you said, but... 

I can't agree on "sanctity and purity" though, it look like a recipe for a disaster in the long run. Plus it looks to me that you are idolizing the ancient civilizations, i think that truly worthy civilizations were destroyed to a scuh point that we don't even know that they existed, but that's beside the point, because how can i know what i can't know... yeah i really like the survivors bias thingy.

As i said before "guilty" concept has no value to me. The person who feels "guilty" is the only one who "guilts" herself, never other person.

Why do you think they are limiting their potential? Do you personally know each one of them? Is there even connection with one another? What's potential anyway? When you did nothing you can do anything, but the moment you did something you lost all other options for the sake of one. What potential? There never was one. Just do the stuff you are enjoying, said potential will be in a better shape than ever if you don't bother yourself with it. You can't "enlight" people, they must realize it themselves, so no, they are not limiting their potential, they are on their own path.

I just think that it's really not worth your time to dwell your mind with such things, it's like fighting windmills, you can't win, because the concept of win/lose can't even be applied to that. It's like wanting to kill a barrel, you can't, the barrel is not even alive, it's outside of context "problem". Focuse (i mean it looks like you are already doing it, but still this distraction of yours is just... it won't any good to you) on yourself, on what you do, forgett about those fags who drew whatever they drew or whatever even they do and call it an art, it must not bother you. It won't make you any good. Plus it looked like you are enforcing your opinion un to others, which triggers my hair trigger personality.

I am sure there are good examples of pornography art somewhere. I can't say about something that it's an utterly "bad","evil" or that other thing is utterly "good" or whatever, there is a place and time for everything. Even sides have sides. 

>You see? Porn is simply unnecessary in the art world. I don't see its good side because it distances us from each other.

Too much of anything will end up very badly. That's the problem with pornography and many, many other things. The more of anything the lesser it's value, and i am talking about true value, if something required a lot of sweat, tears, blood it must damn be good, those three things are the real "money". In short - good things are better when they're a rarity...

>So, how do you reply to this? I certainly hope you have more insightful words to say, and don't just repeat your last message.

Hell if i know. I like your taunting attitude though, it's really cute and makes me feel... well, i dunno it's cute in a very good way, it's... cute. I could say "amusing", but i dunno, feels like an offense and that's not what i am trying to say, like not even near, at all.

👍: 0 ⏩: 2

MurthorOathstone In reply to leebk201 [2017-09-19 00:12:21 +0000 UTC]

When the hell did a goofy parody of Dawn of war 2 turn into a damn debate over good and evil and porn?  Lighten up you two.  jeez

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

leebk201 In reply to MurthorOathstone [2017-09-21 18:17:37 +0000 UTC]

Heaven if i know!

I just did what i do best. I took someone's reply and i turned it on itself.

You know? I just do things.

ps: actually not, unless... yes, otherwise - may be.

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Rexlare In reply to leebk201 [2017-06-14 04:31:04 +0000 UTC]

First off, I'm just gonna clarify one thing.
The only reason I haven't responded sooner is because my computer was in need of serious repair. But now it's all fixed up and I haven't deleted your last response. Just waited for the right time to respond.

I don't think you're trolling really, just aggressively seeking victory. But I suppose I'm so used to seeing people do that in a debate, that I can easily be wrong about that.
I see that you seemingly have this belief of "History repeating itself, and nothing will change", when you talked about fighting the "dragon". I can see that point of view for certain. But here's the thing I think people are forgetting. History will repeat itself, because no one is trying to learn from History and avoid repeating it. For that reason, societies do tend to adapt and change, allowing things previously forbidden, without learning what happens to other societies when they do the same thing. People simply don't try to understand the consequences of what happens anymore.
And if I am going to be honest, YES, I do idolize ancient societies. Were they perfect? No. No society is perfect. But their views were more realistic, practical, some even honorable. Compare ancient societies to us nowadays. The main difference is that the ancients were more focus on everyone being involved and educated on doing things that would make their lives meaningful and easier. Compare to today where we have a great amount of people who don't even know how to plant and grow a single tomato plant. I may be biased in the way I write it, but my reasons are long.

I disagree with you again about Potential. You seem to have a very narrow view on what Potential means. It's not so much about if it exists, or what its focused on. Potential is simply to evolve, break out, learn and advance. Just like how human societies are trying to learn their potential in technology and science almost everyday, I feel that EVERYONE should do the same. Become stronger, smarter, better as a person. Rather than sit and stagnate because "Oh hey, it's working".
But again, you seem to think that potential isn't a real thing. You're starting to seem almost pessimistic with the way you view life. And this is coming from the guy who worships Death as his god, saying that you're looking at life too narrowly.

You are correct, in that I shouldn't let it bother me. I know, it doesn't affect me. But... I guess you could say, while me giving the impression of trying to enforce my views triggers you, it triggers me to see (what honestly feels) EVERYONE on the internet who has some ability with art does pornography. What makes it worse now is that some people, who's skill with art is nothing above NOVICE, have the audacity to make a Patreon just so people can see their "Exclusive porn". I feel sorry for the poor fools who waste money on that. And for what? Poorly made porn? And again... Porn isn't Art. Not in nature or definition will it ever truly be art.

But, even I must admit that you are correct about one crucial thing... pornography, like so much else, is such a deeply rooted thing nowadays. It can't be eradicated in one day without consequence. Still, I hope that one day it can be. The decadence is simply destroying our people... among so much else.

But let's talk about the real important thing. 
Your last paragraph in that response.
First off, I can't help but feel you're low key flirting with me, calling me "cute" and what not.

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leebk201 In reply to Rexlare [2017-06-14 19:31:58 +0000 UTC]

Hey you don't obligate to do anything you know! Although it was indeed pretty damn ago. I kinda lost the inner spark on this matter of dialogue, so my thoughts might seems like out of place, i will try my best to understand what i said and why in the reflection of your own replies.

> just aggressively seeking victory.

I think you are right, although i myself feel different about it. I mean, i don't enjoy it, if i "won" i won't feel good, if i lose i won't feel good either, but can't refuse either, so i struck in the no mans land in a sense. And i know it, it's a weird state where you know what to do right but still do it the other way, a conflict of personal code and, well - common sense. I never feel good after being aggressive, but i won't admit it either, because - stubborn, although i can say what i am saying now. I don't do trolling myself, but i feel like i often appear like one, i mean i don't start conversations with the logic like "hurr-durr, i want piss off this guy or that gal or that queer", mostly it's reverse - "well, this conflicts with my inner core, i need to argue about it and see why".

Can't and won't argue about ancient civilizations, i do enjoy them too. Plus there is a lot of civilizations that were lost to the history, who knows how great they were? I mean they had tech much better than say europe had  in middle ages, one word - Aqueducts. Although i might be (partially) wrong, had not refreshed my history knowledge for awhile. I just noticed the pattern that at some point of time everybody seemingly lost a decent chunk of knowledge which seemed like suspicious.
> And this is coming from the guy who worships Death as his god, saying that you're looking at life too narrowly.
Um, you are talking about yourself or not? I praise/respect(?)intrigued by death but i don't worship it and won't worship anything, ever. Worshiping is... no, just... no! I am pessimistic, yes, i am even aware that it clouds my judgment/thinking.

Well there is a time when it's better to refuse to act and a time where it's better to intervene, balancing it is what important. Well, many people want their slice of a pie of money for different reasons, i am pretty sure you know how it works, i don't want to judge, accept or approve anyone though. When art is done not for the sake of art... it's sad and, i dunno, it has little to none passion in the art? It might look good but something is missing.

Why erase? Don't you think that a better route would be to transform it into something different, better, dare i say - educational even. D: Like people in love breaking apart transforming their love in to hatred because they don't know what to do with the sheer amount of "energy", it works backwards too, that's what i believe.

Flirting, huh, have not heard that word for years. I mean, i just sincerely liked this:

>So, how do you reply to this? I certainly hope you have more insightful words to say, and don't just repeat your last message. 

I just... really enjoyed those sentences, i dunno, is if the words themselves were alive. It makes it a complement i think, at least it is the most fitting word i could find in my small vocabulary. I hope i did not repeat myself, i honestly can't tell myself if i did (not).

I think or feel? May be believe? Umm... sense then, no... i feel like i want to think that i believe what you are saying is right/positive/useful/constructive/beneficial, may be i even do know that, but i can't accept it right now in my current state of mind and life coordinates, i need to come to it through my own road, built a foundation for those thoughts if i ever do that of-course and then actually come to acceptance with it. I think if there were more people like you, the world could be at least a bit better.

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Rexlare In reply to leebk201 [2017-06-15 05:24:10 +0000 UTC]

Why does everyone think I feel OBLIGATED to respond to others. If I'm going to respond to someone, it's because I'm interested in the conversation, or have something to say. If I don't feel a reason to respond, I'll just flat out not respond.

It sounds like to me that you just have a hard time admitting if you're wrong. Not because you need to be write, but more that you feel insecure with "Defeat". As if it marks you as lesser to your opponent. There is no shame if you admit that your point of view is incorrect or not as valuable as someone else's, so long as you really believe it. You make it clear that you don't feel pleasure out of victory or defeat, so why worry about either one? I think instead it's best to look at it as "Who is honestly correct in a logical sense?" and if it's a matter of personal opinion, there's barely anything wrong with saying "Honestly, I think you're right, but I still side with my original opinion." and then you and the opponent can "agree to disagree".

Yeah, my history is rusty, but I admire ancient civilizations still.

And just to clarify, I am the guy who worships Death. Yes, my faith belongs to the god of Death/Fourth Horseman/Grim Reaper/Etc. But even with worshiping a being that seems so dark and evil to most people -even though that's the opposite of what Death is- I'm not as pessimistic on life.
Which is what I was getting at. It seems like you're very pessimistic and narrow on your outlook of the world.

"When art is done not for the sake of art... it's sad and, i dunno, it has little to none passion in the art? It might look good but something is missing."
That's the backbone of my argument really. And that's why I detest pornography. Because it's not done for art, most people do it for money. Because how many Patreon's are there, by artists who (I'm being honest) do low quality/novice level artwork where the reward for money is just porn? I'll answer that with "A LOT". Porn isn't done to drive a message, show the beauty of the body, or do anything else but to provide something to arouse peoples sex drive, or to make money.
There's no passion, no beauty... NOTHING. And it saddens me to see so many people do it... so many with popularity too.

Honestly though, you're right. I think that even if something is awful, it should be used for education. 
Take war for example. It's a tragic event all too familiar with our race. It results in the death and torture of countless lives, destroys nations, ruins precious resources and relics of history, and causes so much horror... yet we can learn much from it. Nations increase their power through war, economy goes into full bloom with production and jobs, new weapons and technology is made, and more.
However what can we learn of pornography? You can't learn it for sex, because there's already sex-ed classes that teach about it in an educational way. Like I said before. Porn exists, for one purpose. To satisfy peoples sexual depravity.

Well what can I say? I have a way with words.

Why do you feel you can't accept it? 
And further more, I do like to imagine that I am an exceptional human being. Not perfect by any measure. But perhaps a little more calm, a little more logical, a little smarter and wiser. But I'm one out of countless individuals. And let's face it... the human race is doomed. They're the snake that eats its own tail, they're the ones shooting themselves in the foot. And until they gain the common sense to put the gun down and just try to get along, this cycle will only continue.

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leebk201 In reply to Rexlare [2017-06-15 16:34:38 +0000 UTC]

Beats me!

It might sound like that, but it's not... it's complicated. If i considered myself wrong i would either silently show myself off or if i had a bit lesser bad mood i would apologize and outright admit that i was wrong and/or the other party were right. I am not a graceful loser, never was, it bothers me. I feel like i am lesser to my opponent, every and each time, at the same time it forces me to go head over heels to build a proper response, it's a weakness but i try to make a good use of it. That's the thing, i know how i often appear and i know what is the best approach but then i get overwhelmed and do it how i want instead of how i should. I worry because i am not perfect and i do mistakes and i can't swallow it so i go to a different length to rationalize it or whatever, i mean i am not always wrong obviously, dare i say more than not, but i am never confident, there is always this looming feeling that i might be wrong and i do not know it. Person raised me was a perfectionist, everything less than perfect where i could do it perfectly was not enough.

I often wish i had to live through all the humanity history to see it through my own eyes. The reasons i stopped being interested in history is because of suspicion that a lot of knowledge was lost, got corrupted, was mistranslated or is an outright deceit... and it's really hard to see through all of that to reach the truth... and even then it might be incomplete truth or a part of it, ugh.

Death is a great thing. I had a weird fascination with it since i was in my teens, i mean the biggest enigma what can be more interesting for a human mind than that? Then i watched Game of Thrones and that part about death being the faceless god, that every other god is just a face that Death utilize, it really get under my skin, it's out of context but i took the part what i liked the most. Death is a gift, must be spread wisely and upon those who deserve it, life can/is much worth than death, death is instant where the road to death might be very long and painful, but ultimately said road is part of life itself not death. Pessimistic yeas, narrow... not really sure.

The difference between us is pretty simple. I believe that porn can be done to drive a message, show beauty of the body and arouse people in a not twisted way, although emphasis must be put for the most part on the previous two; you do not see it this way. Correct me if i am wrong.
Making stupid porn pays off more and is done easily than something provocative (in a good way) and with a good story attached to it, on the other hand there are a lot of people doing porn simply for the sake of art, i mean no profit making attachment. I mean, educational pornography is rare, like really rare.

Ironically i think war is an utter abomination and must be left in the past, i don't say that everyone should be pacifistic idiots though, because even if humanity manages to finally unite and stand as one, there is a looming possibility of extraterrestrials, so... better be prepared. Good things are better when they are rarity. I did not had sex-ed classes during my school years, but from i heard from people they suck anyway, but at the same time i do acknowledge that they have at least some positive influence and that's better than nothing, does not matter how small the influence is. What i want to say that things that have great influence must have some structure behind them that is constantly reinforced to prevent it from going out of hands and get twisted and corrupted. Sex drive can't be get rid off normally so it must be structured and trained so to speak.


Hard to tell, really. I think it won't stick with me for too long, like a glue for wood used on metallic surfaces, it might even work for a bit, but ultimately it will fall off. I feel if i do that, i will lost some crucial part of myself, i am talking overall not only about this particular case, like i won't accept that reality is like it is, because to me it means - surrender, even if my mind, may it's just hubris i dunno, but i won't do it even if it makes me feel bad. May be someday or not. I don't really feel that humans are doomed, i mean they are like roaches, i might hate humanity and despise being part of it, but i won't ever underestimate it. Humans are as frighting as they are creative, often both. What i fear is that humanity will expand in to cosmos while keeping this attitude, which is really scary thing to think about, with the level tech advances and it's destructive capabilities increasing... among with hostility. I want to believe that humans would unitse somewhen, but i don't have faith neither hope for it to happen.

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Lutherniel In reply to Rexlare [2017-04-18 05:51:13 +0000 UTC]

Isn't that a good thing tho

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Rexlare In reply to Lutherniel [2017-04-18 05:51:51 +0000 UTC]

Not in the least bit. 
Erotica? Yes, that's perfectly art.
Porn? NEIN.

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bibotot [2017-03-29 17:09:16 +0000 UTC]

Wow. Wait until he finds out who the Primarch of the Blood Raven is.

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Razvan563 In reply to bibotot [2017-04-06 07:20:02 +0000 UTC]

I think Gabriel and Thule know.

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HydraliskMarineSC2 [2017-03-11 10:42:53 +0000 UTC]

what it this meme name ?

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Lutherniel In reply to HydraliskMarineSC2 [2017-03-11 10:43:48 +0000 UTC]

Dramatic dmitri

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HydraliskMarineSC2 In reply to Lutherniel [2017-04-26 14:54:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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HydraliskMarineSC2 In reply to Lutherniel [2017-03-12 17:03:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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KateMetalHead [2017-02-12 17:01:15 +0000 UTC]

Diomedes presents: The five stages of grief... he still struggels with the 5th but he excels at the first.

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Slapsticky [2017-02-08 21:54:55 +0000 UTC]

Fight the evil, fascist imperium! Join the heretics!

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leebk201 In reply to Slapsticky [2017-04-20 09:44:46 +0000 UTC]

Fight everyone, join Malal.

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masterno93 [2017-01-27 04:22:46 +0000 UTC]

HAH take that you bloody magpies

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Momoisdrug [2017-01-23 11:33:26 +0000 UTC]

Instant classic meme

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MancyCrush [2017-01-23 03:17:19 +0000 UTC]

Brava i am hit!

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Saphirone-Arnes [2017-01-22 22:01:39 +0000 UTC]

Another drawing going to memespam /tg/. Here we go !

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wilsva0112 [2017-01-22 20:42:12 +0000 UTC]

Insta Fav!

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ZMKI [2017-01-22 18:25:34 +0000 UTC]

I just finished playing DoW2 & their expansions just a few weeks ago in preparation for DoW3.

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ChaosKillerGabriel [2017-01-22 15:33:31 +0000 UTC]

that moment when you killed your former chapter master ...  

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Scrap-Lord [2017-01-22 15:29:04 +0000 UTC]

Bo ho, blood magpies are the worst chapter anyway.

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