Lynseun — Ichika Year 3 App

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Ichika Adachi Year 3 App

Basic Info

Full name:
 Ichika Adachi [いち花, 足立]

Additional names/Aliases:  

  • Ichika-chan (By Ichigo Yamaguchi, her uncle, and family members.)

  • Smile Stonebreaker/Smile (Ways of Wandcraft MMORPG character/Her Online Username) 

Age: 20

Birthdate: December 14, 2001 

Height: 8'1"

Weight: 361kg

Gender:  Female

Background Info


  • Charismatic 

  • Energetic

  • Studious

  • Persistent

  • Determined

  • Aggressive

Monsters and other creatures were believed to be myth. Tall tales of fiction created by authors and poets to inspire fear, wonder, and mystery to their audience. However in the modern-era, they live alongside humanity but with severe restrictions from their old lifestyles and culture. Since the expansion of human society, the homes where monsters once reside have been disturbed and agreements between the leaders of each side had to be made in order to ensure their peaceful coexistence. Most countries have developed designated areas for their respective monster populations. To quell the unease and unrest between the two groups there have been attempts for cities to have combined populations of monster and man between them. 

Ichika Adachi was born to a family of oni in Osaka Japan. Her parents were representatives of their species and thus were often too busy to take care of her because of how much work they had to do. Her care was left mostly to her uncle, Ichigo Yamaguchi, who treated the young oni as if she was his own. She was born with a birth defect that made her take more of the characteristics of a cyclops than an oni. She only had one large eye and lacked horns like that of the rest of her family. This was a rare, but not entirely unexpected occurrence as all giant races such as oni, trolls, titans, were descended from those that first lived in Scandinavia, and the characteristics of each would sometimes appear in one another.   

Ichika grew up learning about the world and the society they now lived in through school, and she made friends with both her fellow yokai and human classmates alike. She developed a bit of a rebellious streak after realizing that she was stronger than most of her peers. She often got into fights and brawls after school which landed her in trouble with local authorities often and get scolded by her family a lot for making their job harder.

Her uncle, Ichigo, pitied the harsh treatment she received from her parents although he agreed that it was necessary for the young oni to redirect her aggressive energy elsewhere. He decided to help Ichika by allowing her to devote her time and energy to exercise while also introducing other hobbies on the side, anime and video games. Ichika was reluctant at first but eventually came to enjoy these newfound interests. Among her favorites was the game, Ways of Wandcraft, where she plays as an Orc Warlord. The satisfaction she got from exercise and the many raids she participated in allowed her to find balance between her schoolwork and her hobbies, and her attitude improved greatly because of it.

Attending the Academy: 

One day a suspicious looking letter appeared in Ichika’s room. It was an invitation to attend a school called Legacy Academy. She was suspicious toward the item and decided to consult her uncle, Ichigo about what to do with it. After they read the contents they decided to take a trip back to their ancestral homeland to consult with their elders on the authenticity of the item. The elders deemed the invitation a  legitimate magical item and Ichika got reluctant permission from her parents to go. They only approved because Ichigo volunteered to go with her to make absolutely sure that there would be no threat to Smile. After she packed her things, she and her uncle held on to the invitation. The magic within activated and teleported them to the school grounds, right before an enormous red stone. From there, Smile’s life in LA will begin.

Her stay in Legacy Academy has been somewhat uneventful given her mother's condition that she would not be making any sort of trouble. Apart from participating in the Halloween Event of 2021, she usually maintained a steady routine of working out, studying, and catching up with her friends back home. Opportunities to hang out with other students in the academy outside of her own classmates in physical might are few and far between, though she has been making a bit more effort in reaching out in recent years.

Ability Info


Mutant Oni - Ichika is born much stronger when compared to other oni. It was thought that oni were the malice and evils of humanity that was given monstrous form in ancient times, however this is not the case. In their history, oni, trolls, cyclops, and other titanic creatures were descended from the frost giants that were driven out of ancient Greece during the Titanomachia. Eventually they evolved and adapted to their respective regions and became the creatures they are known today. Ichika in particular has mutations that give her the facial features of a cyclops despite having the body of an oni.


  • Enhanced Physique - On top of her naturally stronger build, Ichika has become accustomed to exercising daily to maintain and improve her body. She has enough strength to be able to lift things that are roughly 3x her own body weight and her stamina and agility have improved exponentially as well.

  • Enhanced Hearing - Ichika’s hearing is developed to the point where they can hear better and farther than other oni. An example of this ability is that she can hear a twig snap from 1.5km away. 

  • Hardened Skin - Ichika’s skin is similar to durable leather which makes it difficult to penetrate. It gives her increased physical defenses as well as resistance to extreme weather conditions such as hail or drought. 

  • Enhanced Regeneration and Recovery - Oni can heal much faster than other monsters or humans. In the event that Ichika were to break a bone, it would heal completely within 2 weeks without the need for a cast. Light cuts or scratches can heal within hours while more severe wounds can take anywhere from half a day to a week depending on severity.

  • Martial Arts Proficiency - Ichika’s training allowed her to become a very capable fighter. In addition to her natural strength, she has knowledge of the basic techniques in several fighting forms such as Boxing, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, and Karate. She has recently added studying styles such as Capoeira and Bai Ji Quan. She has taken an interest in naming her own attacks due to the influence of anime and martial arts movies. She can empower physical abilities with thunder and lightning the help of her recently grown oni horns.  

    • Fists of the Red Oni - Ichika throws a barrage of quick jabs in one direction. She weaves her body and follows through with footwork in order to keep the offense as needed. 

    • Rising Horn - Ichika ducks down and throws a rising uppercut with a clockwise spin.  

    • Kanabo Axe-kick - Ichika raises one leg and brings it down with enough force to destroy a 6in concrete wall.

    • Kanabo Storm-kick - Ichika kicks repeatedly with one leg. She can use the other leg to hope and follow through to keep the offense as needed.

    • Savage Disaster - Ichika grapples an opponent and throws them into submission around three-five times. 

    • Ichika Dance - Ichika considers this her ultimate signature attack. A devastating combination of jabs, hooks, kicks, and grapples that begins with a punch to the opponent's solar plexus. She will begin to unleash blow after blow while the target is still reeling. 

  • Intimidation - A racial ability that all oni possess. It allows them to intimidate an opponent into submission by attacking them mentally using sheer force of will. It cannot work against people with courage or have good resistances against psychic abilities. Ichika’s version of intimidation is simply by virtue of her aggressive disposition and enormous size. She has yet to learn the racial ability from her family. 

  • Presence Concealment - A racial ability that all oni possess. Fully grown adults can completely become invisible to others but only after years of training and incredible focus. Ichika has learned to reduce her presence by slowing down her heartbeat and maintaining minimal movement. 

  • Oni’s Fury - A racial ability that all oni possess. An instinctual survival reaction to imminent peril. Ichika’s body heat, (Normally 40.2 degrees Celsius, the natural body heat of oni.) will rise exponentially to the point where the heat causes her blood to boil. The increased blood pressure causes a static build up that creates a small barrier within a radius of 5m around her. The electrical arcs within this barrier are as powerful as a bolt of lightning. Her skin hardens to the point where cracks form on her skin that will then release miasma into the air. (Ancient Oni had much more potent miasma, however in the modern era the most harm this can cause are flu-like symptoms.) In this state, Ichika loses her reasoning and logic and will attack anything within sight that she considers a threat. The ability is a defense mechanism back when oni still hid from, and fought against, humans, but in the modern era there is very little threat to Ichika’s life that it has rarely happened. In the event that it does, she can be calmed down by splashing a special kind of sake on her face. She keeps some within a gourd shaped canister with her at all times.  


  • Overconfidence - Ichika has a tendency to overestimate what she is capable of and believe that she can take on a much stronger opponent through sheer strength alone. Although during her time as a high-school student, she never actually met anyone more powerful than her other than the older oni in her family. She believes that she can talk or muscle her way out of the consequences of her actions.

  • Sensory Overload - Ichika’s mutation has caused her to be vulnerable to sensory overload towards her sight and hearing. A sufficient disturbance to either sensation is not fatal, but is a very painful and disturbing experience for her. 

  • Physiological Vulnerability - Ichika has several other weaknesses on her body in spite of her tough skin. Strong blows to her joints, and areas that have connective tissue can hurt her. She is also vulnerable to sharp metal weaponry.   

  • Soybeans - Oni are fundamentally weakened in places where Buddhist rituals with soybeans are regularly practiced. They can also be banished or bound using the beans to the will of an onmyouji.  

  • Buddhist Sutras - Oni were once considered evil spirits and malicious beings and have been demonized as such along with other yokai from Japanese folklore. Reading Buddhist Sutras within earshot would cause them great distress and suffering and give them a sensation similar to being boiled alive. This can trigger their Oni Fury

  • Loss of Kanabo - Oni are given a kanabo during their right of passage into adulthood. They must care and maintain this tool for the remainder of their life for their very souls will be infused within the kanabo which grants them their longevity. Oni are allowed to carry these tools with them at all times but are forbidden to use them unless in self defense due to strict regulations. An oni that has been disarmed or has their kanabo stolen without their knowledge enter a trance like state. They will refuse to eat, sleep, or perform any tasks essential to staying alive, and die a slow, painful death. Ichika will receive hers once she reaches the age of 21. 

Important Items: 

  • Legacy Academy ID - Her ID for Legacy Academy.  

  • Monster Green Card  - A special registration ID identifying her as a legal monster citizen of Osaka.

  • Residential ID - A special registration ID identifying her residence within Osaka. 

  • Smartphone - Orange brand Smartphone.

  • Laptop - Democracy of Gamers brand Laptop. 

  • Gourd Canister - Contains a special brew of sake for use in dispelling Oni Fury. Only the elder oni from her hometown know how to make the concoction. She returns once every two months for a refill. 

  • Academy Info

    House: Physical Might

    Chosen Electives: 

    • Advanced Mathematics

    • Art

    • Dance

    • Defense Against Dangerous Creatures

    • Metalworking

    • Woodworking

    Dorm Room: Room 5

    Roommate: None 

    Companion: None 

    Optional Info


    • Kaiju Adachi [怪獣, 足立] - Ichika’s father. A very diligent oni who takes his duties and responsibilities as species representative very seriously. He married into his wife’s family as it is in their specific clan’s culture to have a matriarchal household. He works very closely with government officials and public relations officers to ensure that he and his kin are well integrated into society. 

    • Shirayuki Adachi [白雪, 足立] - Ichika’s mother. Among family and close friends she is seen as a loving mother and a caring wife. She works as an actress promoting goodwill among humans and yokai. She is a fierce professional that tolerates no mistakes within her working environment. 

    • Ichigo Yamaguchi [イチゴ, 山口] - Ichika’s uncle, and the younger brother of Kaiju. He owns a fairly infamous hobby store and carries a sincere love for otaku culture and his niece, Ichika whom he supervised often. He hosts game sessions twice a month for tabletop role playing games.  


    • Ururu Watanabe [麗流, 渡辺] - A female Kappa. One of Ichika’s childhood friends whose family are also living as species representatives. They have been classmates since kindergarten up until middle school. Ururu has had Ichika’s back in many of her brawls during their rebellious phase. 

    • Gaku Nakamura [学, 中村] - A Human male. One of Ichika’s childhood friends in their neighborhood. He’s the son of Kaiju’s boss, who developed a precocious crush on Ichika's mom, Shirayuki, when they were young. He has a tendency to swear a lot.

    • Hinata Kageyama [日向, 影山] - A female Karasu-tengu. One of Ichika’s friends whose family are also living as species representatives. Her family moved to Ichika’s neighborhood in their 1st year of highschool. She joined the school’s volleyball team in that same year. 

    • Kyōko Fujimaru [京子, 藤丸] - A female Yuki-onna. One of Ichika’s childhood friends whose family are also living as species representatives. She’s a shy, bookish girl who has a secret crush on Gaku

    • Estella Ainoa Soriano Castillo - One of Ichika's friends in the academy. They participated in the scavenger hunt together for the Halloween event of 2021. They bond mostly through their shared love of rhythm gaming. 

    • Arthur Aidoneus McKnight - One of Ichika's newest acquaintances in the academy. They hang out a few times during work out sessions within Legacy Academy's gym. 


  • Hinata Kageyama [日向, 影山] - They once had a crush on the same guy in highschool and tried to win over his affection. The boy was too terrified by both so it ended in a stalemate for the two yokai, but they decided to compete over every other aspect in their life after the experience. In spite of this rivalry, the two remain very good friends. 

  • Crush: 

  • Any good-looking boy that passes Ichika’s standards.

  • Relationship Status: Single

    Sexual Orientation: Straight

    Physical Appearance: A tall, terracotta-skinned, one-eyed oni with brunette hair and a single green eye who smiles often. 


    • Anime and Manga

    • Exercise Routines

    • Hip-hop Dance

    • Math

    • Good Looking Men 

    • Video-games, Mostly “Ways of Wandcraft”, “Road Brawler”, and “Cabal of Champions” 


    • Soybeans 

    • Obake

    • Pants or sleeved shirts

    • Sitting still

    • Losing 

    • Cowards 


    • Ichika is left handed 

    • Among all the martial arts that she knows, her favorite is Muay Thai 

    • She has insecurities about her height and is secretly upset that her face and behavior scare off pretty boys 

    • She formed a highschool gang once with her childhood friends, but they were quickly disbanded once their shenanigans were put to a stop.They still keep in touch and play Ways of Wandcraft as a party once a week. 

    • She has written and published a few doujin series online. Her drawings have been roasted to hell and back but her (friends) few fans praise her writing and storytelling. Her uncle promotes her content on his shop’s website, much to her embarrassment. 

    • Her uncle first introduced three popular mainstream anime to start Ichika off with the culture. These three Anime are “Tamago, Breach, and Wand Peace”

    • Ichika once watched her uncle participate in a Fighting Game tournament called “Road Brawler.” She described the experience as “The one time Uncle Ichigo actually looks and feels like an oni.” Her uncle won third place. 

    • Ichika has performed with Ururu on several Pine videos, a social media app that allows users to create short videos to share online. 

    • One of her goals in life is to be able to pilot a mecha.

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    Comments: 1

    DrLurkenstein [2023-03-08 20:57:08 +0000 UTC]

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