rawrxsushii — LA 2020: Irigan Amanita

#filipino #legacyacademy #originalcharacter #roleplaycharacter #darkartsmagic
Published: 2020-07-07 09:16:50 +0000 UTC; Views: 1840; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 0
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"There's only one way to really learn if things work. If you live through it."

Basic Info

[ Full name ]  
Irigan Amanita
[ Additional names/Aliases ] 

[ Age ] 18                                [ Birthdate ] January 15
[ Height ] 5" 7' (170 cm)          [ Weight ]  117 lbs (53 kg)
[ Gender ] Male                        [ Year ] Second

Background Info
[ Personality ] 

Detached l Curious l Goal-Oriented l Callous l Liar l Apathetic l Bold l  Hateful l Calm (?)

Bullied, and isolated by his peers at a young age Irigan found it easy to be detached from others and his environment. He won't not speak to anyone unless he has to, and doesn't bother remembering names unless required. He keeps his head low and doesn’t like socializing with others. Irigan is a curious mind. He wants to expand his knowledge on magic and potion making, and be able to use it.  Irigan is very goal-oriented; so much so that if he sets his mind on it, nothing and no one will stop him from achieving that end. He abides by the dogma that "the end justifies the means" so he’s callous of others' time and safety. He lies constantly just to get what he wants. His apathy for others also extends to himself because he does not care at all about his hygiene or physiological needs in favor of studying. Some may consider him bold for being unafraid to try anything that may benefit him in the long run. He is also capable of holding a grudge against people that may have wronged him forever. 

After the body-swap incident with Mikhail, Irigan seemed to be slightly calmer, to the point that he is capable of holding conversation for some time before abruptly ending it. 

[ Biography ] 
Irigan was an orphan found in the middle of a forest, lying in a bed of poisonous mushrooms, completely healthy and unharmed, near an enormous old Balete tree. Rumors swirled about his parentage and was immediately considered to be a cursed child. He was bullied for the circumstances of his discovery and became distant with others. He kept to himself and read books in the library until he discovered readings on the occult. The sister’s banned him from the library and only handed him books he was allowed to read.

Less interested in reading now that the sisters controlled what he could, Irigan instead explored the forest that seemed to call to him. He spent more time in the woods and began collecting flora and even dead fauna from the forest to study, much to everyone’s disgust and dismay. The sisters tried to limit his new interest again that pushed Irigan to run away. While lost in the forest he met a woman named Araya, who offered him shelter from an incoming storm. In her small hut, Irigan discovered they shared a common interest in the occult and Araya offered to teach him what she knew. Irigan spent the entire evening casting spells and recreating potions written in Araya’s book; and to his surprise, he was a natural at it.

It even felt like he finished all of the spells in Araya’s book by the time the storm ended. He saw another book hidden under a table and wanted to try it, but Araya urged him to go home saying, “I would love nothing more for you to stay with me, but you do not belong here. I’ve kept you long enough.” Araya sent him off with two parting gifts, a maroon colored sablay with gold hand stitched writing and an empty journal. 

When he returned to the orphanage, Irigan was shocked, and a little horrified to discover that he had been missing for two years and the Sister just assumed him dead. Refusing to believe that time has passed when it has only been a night for him, he insisted on bringing them to Araya’s hut, which he couldn’t find. The bullying worsened after he came back. Now armed with the knowledge of magic he was confident he could finally get back at them. He tried to recreate a spell in the book Araya didn’t teach him from memory, and his infantile grasp on the advanced magic backfired. It plagued the town with an incurable disease and killed dozens. The Diocese was soon involved to hunt a witch, and Irigan, afraid for his own safety ran back to the forest.

While the town searched for him, Irigan found Sister Sophia waiting on a familiar Balete tree. She vaguely apologized for her mistakes in raising him, and that instead of keeping him away from the truth, pushed him towards it instead. She urged him to escape with the letter on her hand, and Irigan wholeheartedly accepted it to discover himself and practice his craft without fear of persecution.

[ The Academy ] 

Irigan was adamant about keeping himself away from the other people when he entered the Academy. He locked himself in the dorms, and only left for class or for supply runs. His general apathy for others earned him a bad reputation among students, particularly those that offered to help him with his spells/potions because they didn’t know any better. He was hated by Sean and Mikhail whom he also hated. Sean suffered after effects of radiation poisoning and lost all his hair. Irigan and Mikhail switched bodies after a spell backfired. Irigan blamed Mikhail for it and forced the latter to search for a cure. He promised to kill him after this was all finished. 
Ability Info
[ Species ]
Human(?) of Mora-Orbis
"Mora Orbis" is a universe where colonial empires of England and Spain triumphed through time. Due to the changes in power, this reality progressed slower in terms of technological achievement and retains the 16th century aesthetic despite being modern. In this universe, the supernatural exists but are perfectly hidden so much so that it is regarded as fiction. Humans in this realm have no affinity for magic, unless they are "descended" from creatures of the dark such as engkantos and duwende. 

[ Abilities ]
Black Magic 
Irigan has a natural affinity for casting spells in line with diseases, misfortune, and accidents. He's heavily dependent on a ritualistic magic and cannot perform them without ingredients, magic circles, and incantations. Most of the time, when Irigan casts magic he must remain in one spot to maximize the lifespan and effectiveness of the spell. 

Voodoo. A sub-discipline of black magic. Irigan can cause body pains and illness towards an individual he has an essence of. This may include blood, hair, or saliva of the intended target. The effects of the curse lasts depending on how much he was able to retrieve from the person. Each use of the essence burns more of it away, and decreases the impact of the curse. Subsequently, his ability to hex and curse others is tied to voodoo magic. 

Insect Manipulation. A sub-discipline of black magic. Irigan can manipulate insects, regardless if dead or alive through a spell. Currently, he is able to command one insect carcass and give it a single purpose before withering away. He can also control and perceive the senses of an insect. 

Potion Creation
Irigan's in depth knowledge of herbs, poisonous fungi, and flora, allows for him to concoct potions of both medicinal and dangerous purposes. He's more keen to create potions of destructive measures. He can be persuaded to create healing balms if absolutely necessary. 

  • MikMik - Powdered potion that causes hallucinations. It can be administered through oral means or inhalation. Irigan has no control of these hallucinations. Exposure to regular amounts (a fistful) lasts for 2 minutes, while larger amounts can last for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Buyo - A liquid concoction that burns through pieces of wood.
  • Mentos - A freezing potion. If ingested, the potion could freeze someone from inside and kill them. If applied externally, it would may cause blisters or 2nd degree burns.
  • Vixx - A cooling balm Irigan created to cover up wounds. Doesn't really heal. It just lessens the itch and irritation on the skin to avoid the need to seek medical help.
  • Kopiko - A stimulant brew. Grants heightened sense of awareness and processing time for 2 nights. However, it’s effectiveness has started to decline.
Obtained in the Academy
  • Witch’s Envy - Appearance changing potion learned in class.
  • Memory Altering potion - Learned from Estrelle the Blackbutt witch. Erases recent memories.
  • Unnamed Potion - Created by Irigan to imitate radioactive poisoning. Tested on Sean with inconclusive results. Lasts for a few seconds only, after effects show loss of hair and pain in the backside.
Poison Immunity
Irigan has an unexplained immunity over poisons crafted by hand from herbs and other fungi. Regardless of its administration, extra or intravenous, he doesn't suffer its effects. He is most likely to feel a little light-headed or have a bad stomach, but nothing averse. This is however not the same for venomous bites from animals and/or insects. 

[ Weaknesses ]

Primal Source Limitations - Irigan's ability to perform spells and dark magic is dependent on his ability to "eat away" the living energy of insects or flora. Without them, he cannot conjure spells. He also cannot perform magic without prior material preparations. 

Human Physiology - Irigan does not possess any enhanced abilities a normal human cannot do. His injuries would take weeks, possibly months, or years to heal without healing magic.

Reduced Physical Stamina and Strength - Irigan is as weak as a stick. His lack of sleep and already malnourished state further limits his ability to perform more taxing and powerful feats of black magic. Additionally, he is not very flexible and agile as a person. He has no means of defending himself when he is enacting a spell.

Uncooperative - He is impartial to cooperating with others regardless of the moment's necessity. This attitude of him often causes more harm than good. 

Susceptibility to venom - Despite being immune to poison, Irigan is still affected by venom and can die from them.

[ Important Items ]

  • Student ID
  • Sablay - Irigan's trademark maroon hablon shawl given to him by Araya. It has Baybayin writing woven into it which reads "Ligao" and translates to "Lost".
  • Hand stitched leather journal - A tome of sorts in which Irigan writes new recipes and spells he has created. It also has a collection of spells that he remembers from Araya's own spell book.
  • Smartphone -  Bought from a store in Marith with Inquinatus. He only uses it to order special made jars from a supplier in town, and to text Nidh.
Academy Info
[ House ] Dark Arts
[ Chosen Electives ] Botany, chemistry, basic alchemical principles, archaic languages
[ Dormroom ]  Dark Arts Room 7
[ Roommate ] Inquinatus
[ Companion ] A buncha jarred insects. Crickets, Gnats and Beetles

Optional Info

[ Family ]
Sister Sophia - Head Nun of the orphanage.
Araya - Mentor. Irigan feels oddly at home with her. 

[ Maybe Friends ]

  • Inquinatus - Irigan's roommate whom he maintains a neutral acquaintanceship with. He initially disliked him for being overbearing about his lifestyle and clothing choices, as well as being very talkative even though Irigan mostly ignored him. During Inqui's school arrest, Irigan had no choice but to suffer his presence, and his endless complaining. However, even though Irigan did not like this predicament it made him enjoy Inquinatus' company a bit, to the point that he sometimes yearns for it too. Despite not being one for eating, Irigan would only willingly eat food prepared or given by Inquinatus.
  • Horiuchi Fumio - They first met while Irigan was searching for books that may help solve his body-switch with Mikhail. Horiuchi complimented his reading skill, and offered to lend him some readings he might find useful. Irigan is quite fond of their meetings because the latter doesn't talk much and he too likes reading. He often goes to him for counsel but thinks divination and stuff is stupid.
  • Barden de Leon - Irigan approached Barden during the body-switch between him and Mikhail. He is intrigued by the older's magical knowledge, especially his mysterious book. He sees the older warlock as someone too guarded and brash, quick to punish before understanding a situation. In a way, Irigan finds some resemblance between them and doesn't know what to think of it. 

[ Enemies ] 

  • Mikhail Mathay - They initially started on a good relationship because of their country of origin but immediately fell out after a spell Mikhail helped Irigan with a spell that backfired (thanks Inquinatus). They switched bodies for a month, wherein he blamed Mikhail for the entire ordeal. Irigan thinks he's a careless idiot with power wasted on someone like him. He promises to kill Mikhail or at least make his life hell when he gets the chance.             

[ Crush]

  • Nidh Tatharphen - They met as mutual friends of Gilbert during a mushroom hunt. He was initially amazed by Nidh's innate control towards flora but soon found her company a comfort. He isn't quite sure what to make of his feelings for Nidh just that he's excited every time she sends him a message and asks to meetup to care for plants. 

[ Relationship Status ] Has an unhealthy marriage to filth
[ Sexual Orientation ] Staying the fuck away from everyone
[ Physical Appearance] Long unkept black hair, black eyes

[ Likes / Dislikes ]
+ Mushrooms
+ Learning about new flora and fungi
+ Being alone
+ Bitter, black coffee
+ Dumplings and Sinigang (the only two things he will eat a lot of)

- Taking a bath
- Cleaning
- People
- Mikhail

[ Trivia ]
  • His name, Irigan, was derived from Biringan a mystical city in the Philippine’s that is said to be where Engkanto's live and where the lost go. His last name, Amanita, considered one of the most toxic mushrooms in the world was given to him because he was found surrounded by them as a baby.
  • His voice claim is Clint Bickham (Kenma Kozume/Haikyuu!!)
  • He only speaks Filipino and understands a few Spanish. Since entering Legacy he has learned to speak English, sometimes he says it with an accent similar to Inquinatus.
  • Irigan has photographic memory.
  • He doesn’t understand technology, aside from the smartphone.
  • The names of his potions are named after real Filipino candies, delicacies, and miscellaneous brands.
  • His sablay is based off the graduation sash of University of the Philippines.
  • He has gained some weight since entering the academy.

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