rawrxsushii — LA: Marmon Daemn (2015)

Published: 2015-01-11 14:16:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 1953; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 23
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General information 
[ Name ]
Marmon Daemn

[ Alias/ Nicknames ]
Blue Frosting (Fray)

[ Age/ Age Equivalent ]
22 years old 1
1 200 years old

[ Date of Birth ]
November 16 (assumed birthdate)

[ Nationality ] 
Demon of the Fourth Circle of Hell

[ Species/ Ethnicity ] 
Demonic Culture *
Species and Ethnicity: Demon of Greed and Lust 
Hierarchical position: Middle class
Blood class: High blood

[ Height ]
Normal height: 5"11'
With heels/shoe lifts: 6"2'
Demon form: 6"8'

[ Weight ]

Normal weight:  153 lbs (69.40 kg)
Demon form weight: 186 lbs (84.45 Kg)

[ Personality ]

Greedy l Manipulative l Playful l Arrogant l Vengeful l  

Sadistic l Distant l Loyal

It isn't surprising that Marmon, as a demon of greed, manifests such sin. Marmon is greedy when it comes to any form of money and information. After he immersed himself into studying demon species' and started to crave for far more dangerous information, other demons even humans have paid him to learn what he knows. From then on he started to believe that information holds the power and the key over everything. He makes use of his need for information to gain money and so far, that has worked well in his favor. If he does not have the information a person seeks he will find out no matter what the cost. Marmon also sells his service, be it sexual(in reference to his lust properties) or an act. Currently, he takes a lot of gold coins from Yuki as she seems to have an abundance of them.

There are times where Marmon does not ask for money in exchange for the information he knows or his service. If the person that asks of him for his help has something of value he will make sure to have it. If the person tries to bargain another for payment, he will refuse until he gets what he wants. Marmon also manipulates other's image of him by taking on different personas when he meet's new people. Sometimes he will introduce himself as someone who's friendly and caring while there are times he will irritate them at first meeting(e.g Aura). In the academy however, this has become a less effective tactic as more and more student learn about his true character.

Marmon in reality is actually playful. He dislikes not doing anything and easily gets bored so he will do anything to not get bored. That includes teasing people he first lay eyes on whenever he is. Sometimes he will do stupid stuff, but he usually does that when there is no one around, usually in the dorm room when Barden isn't there. Marmon also likes to toy around with people and just simply mess with them, especially Barden. Yes that fucker is his favorite. 

Marmon also thinks highly of his abilities and believes that he's unstoppable due to his abilities. As a result he relies on it too much. He probably won't survive long if he losses his abilities. An example would be his future plans of venturing into the forbidden forest, Russell made it clear that the place is not safe however he repeatedly states that he can handle himself. His arrogance might be an after effect of hanging around a center pride demonrefer to Family another determining factor is his position in both the blood class and the class hierarchy. 

Marmon can harbor hatred for a long time and when he never forgets, and rarely ever forgives. He gets annoyed very easily especially if the person’s entire existence irritates him (e.g Helina, Alfred). As a demon, hiding or concealing anger is never a good sign. Marmon needs to vent it out through words or action to prevent letting his emotions take over before he ends up doing something he'll regret in the future. An example of how long he can keep vengeance towards another(person/race) is the reason behind his hate for humans.  

Marmon has developed a sadistic side after he snapped emotionally a hundred years backrefer to history. He enjoys watching people slowly spiral down into misery, seeing blood, and loves killing. He's also gifted in torture refer to History and lets his sadistic side take over when he does. Nowadays he has been holding back ever since he entered the academy due to its rules against shedding blood. Marmon's sadistic tendencies are sometimes triggered by his strong uncontrolled emotions and he goes away to do some killing. 

Marmon is not one to share his personal life story. In fact he won't care about yours until you're interesting enough for him to be bothered. Marmon doesn't want to state anything about his family aside from his younger brother, as Matoi always finds a way to get involved in his life. Yuki, is one of the very few who knows more about Marmon's past due to their relationship, if they weren't in one then his past will still be kept a secret. Marmon only considers a few students worthy of his trust and respect however he won't publicly name them. It is however noticeable by his demeanor around them, he's more active, free spirited and cares for them(again not publicly)

[ History ]
-Long version-
Tell me a story
-Short version-
Marmon is born from two high blood demons, a greed and a lust demon. Due to the treaty of the seven sin clans, Marmon is classified under the greed clan even if his abilities lie more on being a lust demon. His family is quite dysfunctional as his father was too busy to give him time and his mother was busy screwing other demons. In his early years, Marmon stayed in the circles of upper hell, enjoying life as a demon as well as learning to improve his shadow techniques. He finds the gate peering above the lust circle interesting but the lust demons prohibited him from going anywhere near it. Once he was old enough to pass through lower hell, he finds the last circle amusing and frequently visits it to watch souls be tortured in multiple ways. He is acquainted with a dilute blood demon named Crowley and first performed torture through his guidance. Crowley calls Marmon a weakling, he argues that he isn't and makes a deal with Crowley. Crowley teaches him what he wanted and soon was considered on of the best torturers of the last circle of hell. During this time he finally questions the reason for the gate in the lust circle, Crowley tells him it's the gates of hell. It is the exit out of this hell hole but only certain demons can exit hell in their true form. 

Marmon decides to ignore the lust demons protest and Crowley's warning and moves out of hell to see what Assiah is like. His body is suppressed into one of a shadow and wanders Assiah in that form. He marvels at what Assiah looks and feels like and has never been happier. He spots a frail human male being threatened by a group of older human males. He possess the body of this kid and slaughters the other kids.  Marmon wanders the small town until his vessel decided to ask for food. He steals food from an apple from a fruit stand and is caught by young girl. She buys the apple for him and proceeds to drag him to her house. The girl started to ask questions about him and Marmon answers her truthfully with the help of his vessels memories but he introduces himself as Marmon. He learns that her name is Vivian and she then begs her parents to let Marmon stay with them, and they agree. Not long after Marmon fell in love with Vivian but was unaware of it until it was too late. Vivian was falsely accused for the use of witch craft and Marmon was sent running after Vivian begged him to do so An exorcist that was part of the witch hunt, caught Marmon and tortured him before he  forced Marmon to watch Vivian burn. Fueled by his anger, he went on a rampage and destroyed the village that stole the first human he cared for and killed everyone in the village, including the exorcist. 

Marmon returns to Gehenna and vents out his anger for the human race on souls in the last circle of hell. Once his tantrum was over he finds out about Crowley's sudden jump in the hierarchy being titled the King of the Crossroads. Marmon then accepts Crowley's offer and now works for him, he finds himself again in Assiah dealing with desperate humans and their wishes. He's called out by his father and is reprimanded for working for a low blood turned high blood and reminds him that Crowley's sudden rise in power proved bad for business. He forbids Marmon from further interacting with Crowley. Frustrated by his fathers sudden interest with his life, he returns to the fourth circle and locks himself there, refusing to help his father with his business up in Assiah.  

Soon after he finds out about his half-brother in Assiah. He finally moves his sorry arse and decides to pay a visit, only to be disgusted to find his brother to be so weak and sheltered by his human mother. He follows him around and begins to notice the demon side of Matoi awaken, it was slow but it was happening. Matoi's mother refuses to tell him about what he needs to know and Marmon won't have his half-brother living as a weak human, he murders Matoi's mother and feels the intense hatred coming from Matoi. Marmon had his presence masked when he killed Matoi's mother so when he introduced himself to Matoi, his younger brother starts to trust him. And for the second time in his life, he felt like keeping him safe from anything dangerous. Not long after Matoi discovered his brothers secret and began to truly hate him. Matoi tried to exact revenge for his mothers murder but when he finally had a chance too, he didn't. Matoi lets him go off with a warning that when he see's him again he will kill him. Marmon apologizes and tries to get Matoi to see the reason behind his actions but Matoi won't listen. Marmon then returns to Gehenna having totally destroyed his relationship with his brother.

Marmon locks himself into his room until his friend Kato, a demon of Pride, drags him to the City of Dis where most demons reside. He becomes interested in the city and they both enter the royal palace, as they were qualified to enter. While exploring the palace Marmon spots a fallen angel named Penemue who shared information to him. Marmon stayed in the palace for a long time studying in the library/study of Penemue but soon, the information there didn't give him the same sense of satisfaction anymore. Marmon began to sell information in the lower districts of the city and makes a name for himself. He had connections all around and soon overhears about demons brewing a rebellion. Marmon joins said rebellion and sells information to both the enemy and the royal army. The rebellion lost but Marmon earned loads from it. 

The demon king of insects and the leader of the royal army, Beelzebub, discovered of Marmon's double game back then but kept quiet as the rebellion needed to be extinguished. Once it was dead, Marmon is captured and is sent to have an audience with the King of Hell, Satan. Beelzebub wanted him to be punished for brewing the rebellion but Marmon refutes him and says the rebellion would have happened without him anyway, he just wanted to use what he knows and make use of what's there and profit from it. Satan seemed amused by this and releases Marmon, his punishment is to serve Beelzebub for a year. It was mild but Marmon would take it any day. The punishment was far from mild however, Beelzebub made sure the year was hell for him. He spent less time being the demon kings lap dog and more time being the demon kings punching bag. Once his debt was over, he left without a word, after leaving a memorable present for their time together. And so the relationship of two demons, born of pure hatred for one another blossomed into fruition. 

After escaping and surviving a year of being Beelzebub's bitch(errand boy+stress ball), Marmon missed the hell out of his room and not-so literally promised to not leave it again. One night, Marmon's mom barges into his room unannounced and asks him to explain about a letter his father magically received. Marmon was just as confused as she was and was asking her to calm down. His mother however kept babbling about the letter and only picked on the letter being an invitation to an academy he has never heard of.

The crest of the letter catches his eye and suspects that Legacy Academy is the name of the said academy. It mentioned something about his legacy, which he highly doubts he has. He ignored the letter for days before curiosity gets the better of him and used his sources to find more about he can about this academy. He's found nothing of importance other than that the academy has no known location but it's an academy for creatures of the supernatural like him, all of which, are asked the same question, What is your Legacy?

Due to the lack of information laid out to him about the academy, he accepts the invitation. He might not admit it but another reason as to why he attended the school is to find this legacy the letter claims he has.

[ Attending the Academy ]
Marmon started out a really sadistic and apathetic student in the academy. He cared very little of what happened to the other students and almost killed two students on his first day. Overtime, he managed to keep his sadistic tendencies at bay by releasing them on other things besides students but he still enjoys antagonizing them for fun(watch out new students~) He also started genuinely caring about students that grew on him, he also got confused with unfamiliar emotions that came along with caring for multiple individuals. A year ago, Yuki asked him out to be his boyfriend. Having a terrible past with love, he originally declined but Yuki persevered and got him to say yes. Marmon didn't really regret it but there were problems at first, all of which they solved together. 

Quite recently Marmon has shown interest in spell-casting inching more towards the forbidden and dark magic but seeing as that is considered taboo in the academy he's been keeping them as notes for now and trying to get better in spell casting. For some unknown reason, all the spells he has performed always end up back-firing. 

[ Ability(ies) / Power(s) ]
Article Lust demons: Some lust demons have the ability to control time and are exceptional with the use of black magic. 
Shadow Manipulation (Downside refer to weaknesses)
Marmon has the ability to manipulate shadows at his will, be it his own or others. There are no limits as to what Marmon can do to his shadows as everything is up to his imagination. Marmon can connect his shadow to another person's shadow and control their movements, although this requires a lot of effort and he barely resorts to doing so. During pursuits/hunts/environment casing, Marmon may send out extensions of his shadow and he'll receive information about the surveyed areas. Marmon can also physically turn himself into a shadow and act like one. 

Shadow Constructs. Marmon materializes weapons for offense or defense using his shadow or shadows around him. During his start in the academy he was found of creating lances, knives and a scythe with them. But during his stay in the academy he has since stopped giving them definite form and mostly resorts to solid shadow blades instead and knives. Marmon can also make multiple shadowed copies of himself, all of which have glowing red orbs as eyes. A shadow copy he dubbed 'Marcon' is a decoy that looks exactly like him and has the ability to talk like him. Marcon works like a puppet, without Marmon, his puppeteer, he is useless.  Marmon uses his decoy in ways that can be considered smart, like a distraction. There are also times he uses it for stupid reasons like using it to cut class.

Shadow Travel. Marmon can use his shadows as a mode of transportation. It's either his shadow will eat him or he simply walks into a shadowed area and he's gone. Traveling long distances takes a lot of him so needs an adequate amount of rest before using it again. Transporting himself consecutively with passengers will drain him easily and can cause him to lose focus and pass out. Shadow travel is not suggested to those who are not used to dark matter energy(huge amount of black magic) as being exposed to it long might result to permanent blindness or death by poisonous gasses. Marmon usually asks first timers to close their eyes and not breathe to lessen the effects of such travel. Minor effects are headache and nausea. 

Spell casting (Acquired during stay in the academy)
Despite being born with lust properties, Marmon isn't exceptional in using black magic and has only started learning using it after he entered the academy. Marmon has recently found spell casting to be quite interesting and is planning to perform more deadlier spells in the future. Due to the policies of the school however, he might withhold those for the future. After being cured off the hex Barden gave him back in Valentine's 2016, he's taken spell casting more seriously. And as of current is able to cast the following spells: [tba]

Article Greed demons: Some greed demons have power over the mind and wind
Is an ability Marmon has not yet fully grasped. He only started using it after he entered the academy, after he read about a spell offering such abilities to its castor. So far, Marmon can only move small objects near him and suspend objects in the air without strain. There have been instances where Marmon has pushed away large objects away from him due to intense emotions (e.g anger and fear)
Marmon doesn't necessarily need wings to fly due to his lineage's affinity with the wind. He cannot however use the wind such as create maelstroms with it. The only way he can use the wind is through levitating himself that it looks like that he's flying. 

Article demons(in general): 
Healing - Marmon has faster healing properties than regular humans. It requires no energy from Marmon as it is a regular occurrence to all demons. A cut wound, no matter how large or deep, will heal in seconds. A burn(any form) will heal depending on how dreadful the burn is. Severed hands and limbs may be regenerated due to Marmon's blood class but it will take time and a spell to regain them. A severed head however is a lost cause. 
True form - Marmon's true form has similar abilities much like his dormant(vessel) form has, the only difference is that Marmon is faster, physically stronger and intense sunlight no longer affects his abilities to solidify shadow constructs. The downside however is that, doing so, strains Marmon so much that the demon form only lasts for five minutes and may leave Marmon in a comatose state for months. 
*Accessed only in context of a Faustian deal*
Reality Warping - is the power to make things and beings appear differently than how they are, by literally changing reality, or even constructing a new aspect. Marmon can do this in exchange for a soul as he is not powerful enough to do so without a soul in play. 
Resurrection - Much like the ability to warp reality, in order to perform a resurrection a soul need to in play. If a deal is made with a demon regarding a soul that has not yet crossed over(placed in heaven or hell), resurrection will not work.

[ Items / Belongings ]
Cross necklace - A metal cross necklace given to him by the first human that cared for him and fell in love with the night before she died. It has a very special connection with him and refuses to part with it. As cross' tend to hurt demons of high caliber such as him, he submerged the cross in river Styx so he may wear it. Even if doesn't hurt him anymore, crosses are a symbol of faith so he wears it inverted to signify his stand on religion. It doesn't have any magical properties. 
Barden's notebook - Marmon is not the one to take down notes during lectures. He has a notebook of his own but there are hardly any lecture notes in it, mostly bad doodles. He takes advantage of his roommates diligent attitude in class and asks him for notes all the time, surprisingly or not-surprisingly Barden allows it. 
Ink pen - A gift from his fallen angel friend Penemue, who has intense desire for knowledge and writing. It is a special pen that only works for the person Penemue has given it to. The ink pen may both write in regular ink and in invisible ink, which can only be viewed after heating the supposedly blank paper. The pen also has special properties to write words into the air, taking form of gold glittery light.
Void box/Shadow - A magical container or bag of sorts that is larger on the inside. It is connected with Marmon's shadow and can sometimes be mistaken as Marmon's shadow. The void box has a direct link between Assiah and Marmon's room in Gehenna. Basically it's where Marmon keeps all his items that he doesn't want anyone touching, and where he keeps all his school items. 

[ Weakness(es)/Downside(s)/ Allergies/ Health Concern(s) ]
Devil's/Demon Trap - A sigil trap for demons that is drawn on any surface that allows writing. It is a star drawn inside a circle that may or may not have Enochian/Latin writings in it. There are multiple kinds of devils trap but all of them affect demons in the same way. Like the name suggests, it traps a demon and prevents them from using their powers. Despite the fact that it may trap most demons if not all, its greatest weakness is that it is simply a drawing. If the drawing is in any way broken or altered, the trap will lose its power. The trap does not however, prevent demons from casting spells. 
Holy Water - Is an essential tool against demons as it hurts and burns them. There are however very few demons that are immune to holy water while some can endure great amounts of holy water. 
Salt - It prevents demons from entering a room, if a salt line is made in front of all entry points (e.g mirrors and doors). Salt also causes intense pain to demons, the effects of which are quite similar to Holy water. 
Iron - Much like the holy water and salt, iron can burn a demons skin. Iron can also be used as some sort of devils trap as demons cannot cross iron. 

Intense sunlight - Intense sunlight proves to be a nuisance in Marmon's ability to solidify shadow constructs. Even if shadows are present due to the sunlight, it is difficult for Marmon to keep them active and solidified for long as they die down under the intense light/heat which causes the shadow constructs to return to their primary state. It is still possible to form a construct under such circumstance, but doing so will cause a huge drain in Marmon's energy. 
Demon form refer to Abilities

[ Guide / Familiar / Pet ] 
N.A However Marmon does own a Hell hound named Anwyn, which resides in hell for most of the time. Anywn collects the human souls that have reached their expiration date and sends them down to last circle to pay their due. Marmon may call Anywn by whistling for him. Anywn also has the ability to use shadow travel. 

[ Homeroom Class ]

Dark Arts

[ Elective(s) ]
-until it opens, Marmon's considering the following-
Defense Against Dangerous Creatures
Botany & Herbology

[ Dorm Room ]
Full Moon Dorm
Floor 3 Room 5 (with Barden de Leon)

Optional information 
[ Sexual Orientation ] 
Pansexual Demiromantic 

[ Likes / Dislikes ]
+ Chess 
+ Cats/Any animal in the feline family 
+ Dark places 
+ The cold, just not too cold
+ People he find interesting
+ Annoying the hell out of people 

- Horses 3
- Dogs/ Anything resembling a hound
- Humans
- Angels
- Well lit places
- Anything that can hurt or kill a demon refer to weaknesses
- Helina. Mangus. Helina. Mangus. Helina. Helina. Mangus. These two. 
- Being annoyed by people 
- Rules and Regulations 

[ Family ]
Mammon Daemn.  Grandfather. Demon of Greed
Haman Daemn. Father. Demon of Greed
Elvira Salem. Mother. Demon of Lust
Matoi Kosaka. Younger half-brother. Demon of Greed.
Verinz Salem. Cousin. Demon of Lust.

Kato Affodil. Friend. Demon of Pride.
Amy. Friend. ????
Crowley. Mentor and friend. King of the Crossroads.
Vivian. Deceased. 
Michel. Deceased. refer to Interesting facts
Beelzebub. Special Bastard. Demon King of Insects. 

[ Friends ]
[ Crush(es) In a Relationship]

[ Eye color ]
Light Blue
[ Hair color ]
Prussian Blue

[ Other Random or interesting Facts ]
1 Time passes faster in Gehenna/Hell. They count age by years but do not necessarily age as they grow older unlike humans. A demon may continue to age or stay immortalized in a physical age much like how Marmon has been physically 21 for a long time now. Quite recently, he introduced himself as 22 years old, just so he can stay older than Barden.
2 Marmon is not, in any way, German but he pretends to be when he mingles among human beings that are unaware of the supernatural. He did stay in Germany for a short while to study about their culture to better immerse himself in the role. As he did so, he found out that Mammon, his grandfather's name, where his name was derived from means "money" in German. 
3 The reason why he hates horses so much is unknown. 

*Marmon's vessel(or the person you see him as) was named Michel. His consciousness died the same night Vivian died. Marmon only refers to him as 'the voice' 
*He knows how to speak German, French, Japanese, English and a little of Latin and Enochian
*He cooks rather well and enjoys it. There are only a few students in the academy who know of this secret hobby.
*He fancies novels that end in tragedies (e.g Shakespearean) and respects iconic humans that have terrorized their own kind. 
*To compensate with the rules of the academy of no killing, Marmon has developed a routine of slaughtering animals in the forest.
*He owns a customized demon sculpted glass chess set which has names taped on their heads, representing people/students he keeps tabs on.
*Ironically, even though Marmon is burned by salt, he is immune to it when it is mixed with food. 
*Marmon has a summoning and a binding spell which he made sure to erase in all demon context books. He however missed one book, Clandestine Competence, a book Barden owns. 
*Marmon wears eyeliner and he loves it.
*Prinzregententorte a cake with six thin layers of chocolate buttercream in between and Schaufele  a roasted pork or lamb shoulder, are Marmon's favorite foods. 
*Marmon just recently found out about Hydrogen Peroxide(a compound that can dissolve blood) and has been wanting to inject it into someone. 

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Comments: 13

the-howlingwolf [2015-02-07 00:45:57 +0000 UTC]

Crowley was his mentor -peers at-

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

VenomX3000 [2015-02-05 22:01:11 +0000 UTC]

He's come quite a long way now hasn't he?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Raindroplette [2015-01-18 11:25:54 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rawrxsushii In reply to Raindroplette [2015-01-18 12:06:40 +0000 UTC]

His eyes made me cry. So happy when I got what I wanted

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Vioqueen [2015-01-15 08:15:21 +0000 UTC]

why is Marmon so sexyyy?? D: OMG 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rawrxsushii In reply to Vioqueen [2015-01-15 14:22:18 +0000 UTC]

He is born to be smexy

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

n-shrio [2015-01-12 11:23:31 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rawrxsushii In reply to n-shrio [2015-01-12 12:52:12 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

n-shrio In reply to rawrxsushii [2015-01-19 13:05:45 +0000 UTC]

rawr pl s 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Sanxsasuke [2015-01-11 18:54:58 +0000 UTC]

he looks great!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

foxfire1 [2015-01-11 17:41:54 +0000 UTC]

Yuki:  did your rper need to include the sexual act part of the personality 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

rawrxsushii In reply to foxfire1 [2015-01-11 23:46:14 +0000 UTC]

Marmon: It was a phase..... Don't think about it too much

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

foxfire1 In reply to rawrxsushii [2015-01-11 23:47:05 +0000 UTC]

Yuki: o^o I'll try not to....

👍: 0 ⏩: 0