M1LK-CH3RRY — TWG: The blue kit baby

Published: 2014-09-20 02:07:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 856; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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Description ---
Required information:
•Name: Bluekit|Baby Blue|
    •Reasoning: Blue- A nickname from her kittypet life; from her indigo pelt, Kit- Standard Kitten Suffix.
•Gender: She-cat
•Rank: Kit
•Mentor: ---
•Mate: ---
}Positive{ |Neutral| [Negative]

[(Passive) Aggressive]
[Rule Breaker]

•Age: 1 moons
•Pelt: Blue (Indigo variety) Tabby with White
•Eyes: Deep Orange
0-?? moons; Kithood
Born into a rather unfavorable kittypet life, Baby Blue was raised under several Twolegs who worked as cat breeders. The Twolegs kept cats aplenty and bred them to create rare pelts for people around the world. Although their task was impressive, the conditions in which they did the breeding were appalling. They had rabbit cages in the backyard where the queens were kept constantly raising or impregnated, toms always patrolling around them, looking out for someone in heat. Baby Blue was born to a rather aged she-cat; one of few who had made it that far in life despite all the litters. The tiny kit adored and loved her mother for being so respected in their home, and she loved playing with her litter mates and enjoyed the life of an easy going kittypet. However, as she grew closer to her first moon the twolegs (as with all kits the they raised) let Baby Blue explore the backyard outside of the cages. That's where she met someone who was apparently her brother. He was similar looking to her mother, and quickly the two became close friends as their kinship brought them close together. Baby Blue didn't really mind the home she lived in, but her brother had a completely different opinion. He had seen the world outside, a world free and wonderfully bright and hopeful, a place where one made their own life instead of automatically getting put to breeding work. Baby Blue was amazed by the stories, and wanting too to see the world she agreed to plan an escape with her brother. 
One day two toms began fighting over a queen in heat, a usual for Baby Blue's home. However, the fight quickly grew aggressive, so aggressive the twolegs guarding and working at the cages stampeded over to break it up. Baby Blue and her brother quickly took the opportunity to escape while the twolegs were away, her brother leading the way towards a nearby forest. The two ran for what seemed to be years, but eventually they reached a land that was just like how Baby Blue's brother described it. Her brother spoke with an official at this wondrous place, and the two were let into what they now know is called SnowClan.
Renamed from Baby Blue to Bluekit, Bluekit...

**To be continued!**

•Mother: Martha (Alive)
•Father: Jersey (Alive)
•Sibling(s): Has too many to keep track of, but a few that she was able to meet were Shake 'n' Bake (She-cat, Alive), Gabriel (Tom, Alive), Bobo (Tom, Alive), Alf (She-cat, Alive), and Bigpaw (Tom, Alive)

Physical Info:
•Build: Plump, Slick. Long legs, Small Tail and Shoulders.
•Fur type: Short, Mousy
•Size: Average
~40% American Shorthair
~60% Russian Blue
~5% Other/Mongrel 

Mate Info:
•Orientation: Undetermined
•Preferences: ---
•Looking for: ---
•Status: Closed for age, but open for To-Be's

•Likes: ---
•Dislikes: ---

= Just met
= Mixed Feelings
= Friend
= Good Friend
= Great Friend
= Best Friend
= Respect/Looks up to/Proud of
= Family (Either by blood or by spirit)
= Crush
= Love 
= Mate
= Discomfort
= Hate/Rivalry
=Friendly rivalry
= Scared Of
Example= Dead

Relationship with cat|Name|Relationship to cat
"Opinion of cat"


Roleplay information:

Loudpaw ran with all of his might, acting as if he was chasing the wind stinging his face. He cried, but the tears soon dried up as he smiled uncontrollably. He had been made an apprentice not even a day yet, but he was exerting all of his power as an apprentice to enjoy the outside world to his delight. Hearing the chirps of the birds in the trees and the rustle of leaves under foot, he couldn't help but smile bigger, his eyes obstructed by his enthusiasm to continue running. His paw misplaced, and he was sent flying as Loudpaw tripped. Over the edge of the Leafclan camp, and into a bramble bush growing at the bottom... Dazed not only with fright but also excitement, he quickly jumped out of the bush, his fur matted and ruffled by his set of actions.

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Character : M1LK-CH3RRY  

TWG/Application : PatchyFallenstar

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Comments: 81

M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to ??? [2014-12-10 21:34:10 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes, i'm terribly sorry ;3; I'm horrible at keeping track of notes, would it be all right if we were to continue through comments?

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Vritra-Rising In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-12-10 21:38:57 +0000 UTC]

I'll try. Did we start already?

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to Vritra-Rising [2014-12-10 21:41:41 +0000 UTC]

I'm not sure, I can barely remember... Perhaps it'd be good to restart?

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Vritra-Rising In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-12-10 22:31:03 +0000 UTC]

Yep. Do you want to start, or shall I?

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to Vritra-Rising [2014-12-14 01:29:24 +0000 UTC]

I would feel horrible making you start ;3;
I'll begin uwu
Bluekit awoke. A feeling of unrest was set in her being, stapled there by some unseen omnipresent being. 
Raising her head quickly, the indigo kit felt her heart beat rising with every second she laid in her nest. The nursery was quiet, a deafening quietness that only made her itch for movement intensify. Some voice in the back of her head commanded she moved. Go, go, go!
She was breathing heavily, and with a swift flip of her body Bluekit was on her feet. Just as quickly as she awoken, she shot out the nursery. By Starclan, the sun was still waking up it was so early! Her mind screamed, wake up, wake up, wake up!
With a tight turn she made her way out of the camp and into the freezing wonderland of SnowClan's territory, but she didn't stop there! Bluekit pumped her legs to continue onward, her mind buzzing as her eyes dilated onto the border beyond.

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Vritra-Rising In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-12-14 04:47:07 +0000 UTC]

Fernkit wandered aimlessly onward. She had woken up early this morning. With no cat awake in the nursery or in the camp, the little brown-and-orange tabby she-kit had decided to test her boundaries and ventured outside of camp. Then, of course, she got lost. But it was so pretty outside - she didn't want to go back. Plus, there were butterflies everywhere and scents to be smelled! Fernkit wasn't worried in the least.

Fernkit was nestled between Plushkit and Berrykit. Outside the nursery's walls, a magpie called in a throaty croak. Sounded more like a toad than a bird. Fernkit's lightly-tufted ears pricked, angling in the bird's direction. For a moment, she lay there, hoping the black-and-white bird would go silent. Cawww! Caww!! Grumpily, Fernkit raised her head, cracking open her eyes. Still dark out. Parting her jaws in a wide yawn, she extended her forepaws and sank her claws into the moss bedding, arching her back and bushing out her tail fur. Beside her, Spotkit stirred, mumbling something under his breath as a driblet of drool ran down his muzzle. Eww, Fernkit thought, getting to her paws as she stared at her sleeping brother's form with disgust.

Everyone was still asleep! We're like a bunch of dormice! There's so much we can do! The orange-patched tabby frowned before nosing her way out through the nursery's entrance. At first, everything seemed to be overlaid with a dusty yellow coloration. Dawn. Was the dawn patrol already out? Maybe she could track them! Spring-loaded with sudden energy, the tabby kitten with white markings scampered for MoonClan's entryway. Did Fallenstar decide to lead the patrol himself? Fernkit took in a deep breath. She still couldn't recognize every cat by his or her unique scents yet, but all who had passed through here were definitely MoonClanners. Hmm... Is that Whitepool's scent? She couldn't be certain.

Fernkit pranced through the entrance, tail held high. The first kit out of camp alone! She bet Spotkit wouldn't get anywhere near the entrance without Frogsplash coaxing him along. The silly mouse-heart. And that's how her journey began.

Now the brown-and-orange tabby was hopelessly lost. The air seemed cooler and less full of greenery here. What was all the white stuff? Snow? Snow! Silversoul had said it always snowed on the MoonClan-SnowClan border. I must be SnowClan then! Will I see a lynx? Fernkit's paws ached, the centers burning from overuse. She had never been on her paws for so long! The sun was peaking at the center of the sky. Sun-high. Frogsplash will be worried, Fernkit thought uneasily. Unless I bring home a mouse!

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to Vritra-Rising [2015-01-02 07:34:29 +0000 UTC]

The indigo she-kit finally felt tired, her muscles ached for rest and her breath was heavy with exhaustion. With a smile to her face as her mind cleared up of the sense of danger, Bluekit shuffled forth and fell into a lone shrub near by. She could at last finally sleep... Bluekit squeezed into the branches and made herself comfortable within the foliage. 

She was always like this at her former home. Bluekit, or rather Baby Blue at the time, was always giddy and running about with excitement, never really getting her full in the close quarters. Her mother told her she should stop eating so much if she wanted to calm down, but it was never that simple. Every regimen the twolegs put her on proved to be a fruitless attempt, and it was a miracle when one day she was let to run about to her hearts content. It was the day she escaped with her brother, the seemingly endless trip to SnowClan's camp. 

Her brother was always worried about her... And even now Bluekit could just hear his concerned filled voice fly through the camp, worried for the whereabouts of his kid sister. The restless feeling bubbled up within her again. She should get home soon, she shouldn't make her brother so concerned. Shimmying out of the shrub, Bluekit cleaned her pelt of leaves and looked around for some direction to begin in; she had lost her sense of direction in the run. However, the plains of SnowClan were pure white, not a single thing to show her where she was except the lone shrub she had rested her head in. 

The restlessness pushed at the back of her head, and chewing on her lip Bluekit began to worry immensely about where she was. What if she was no where near any place, she could be half way down the other side of the mountain; no one would go looking there, even if a search patrol was sent out. Deciding at once she should search for a familiar place, Bluekit started to head forward again. 

It wasn't long before she saw something, a figure in the distance. They were shuffling about, and hope rose quickly into Bluekit's chest. It was her brother! Or, at least someone associated with her brother. A search party perhaps, come to swoop her up and take her home. Laughing with delight as she ran forward to greet the figure, Bluekit was ecstatic to move forward and have the prospect of learning just who this figure was. 

But, as she got close enough to see who this figure was, just a fox length or two away, her hope fell quickly to the floor with her tail. This cat was not one she was familiar with, nor one that was much older than her, as she would have expected a search party member to be. Shuffling forth, Bluekit spoke with curiosity and concern, "Hello? Hello there! Who are you?"

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Vritra-Rising In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2015-01-02 13:18:15 +0000 UTC]

Eyes downcast and head and tail drooping, the little orange-patched tabby half-trotted, half-trudged onward. Does the world ever end? she thought miserably. Her paws felt like they were held over open flame forcefully. Or maybe like being punctured in the paw pads a lot with thorns, and, because they were untreated by the medicine cat, Mothtrail, they got infected and festered. And then she had to walk on them. Even the slightest bit of pressure blazed, though she favored her left forepaw. She just wanted to lie down, even if for a moment.

Frogsplash had hinted at the hardships of warriors. This must be how loners and rogues feel, Fernkit brooded, I mean, like, the world is never-ending. Especially if they don't have a home. Is it scary? Lonely? Dangerous? All of the above.

For once, the orange-patched tabby thought of being back in her nest with Frogsplash and her adopted littermates. Lilackit, Heatherkit, Coldkit, Berrykit, Plushkit, and yes, even Spotkit. Plushkit with her thick, soft fur. Ooh, Fernkit could just imagine being warm and snuggled up in a mound of kitten-fluff! She almost shivered with delight.

Maybe I should go home, she thought before freezing at the sound of thundering paw steps, the fur along her spine sticking up. Fernkit swung her head around, owl-like eyes stretched wide as moons, paper-thin ears lowering ever so slightly. And then a blue she-kit came bounding out of the shadows.

"Hello? Hello there! Who are you?"

Fernkit nearly sagged with relief - if she hadn't had the discipline to keep herself up. The pain became too difficult to bear and the little brown tabby with orange patches folded her legs beneath her and sank to the ground. Just another kit; not a badger, lynx, or fox. "Hi," she mewed, trying for a smile. But she was exhausted. "I'm Fernkit."

Wait, another kit? Who was she? What Clan was she from? She wasn't allowed out here - well, neither was Fernkit. Her leaf-green eyes tracked Bluekit's every move, never wandering, aware of and for any subtle movements. "Who are you?" she finally queried. She smelt of coldness, of snow. "SnowClan?" Fernkit guessed. "I'm from MoonClan."

Fernkit grinned embarrassedly. "Just - give me a moment. My paws hurt."

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CatMommaIz [2014-09-28 05:45:18 +0000 UTC]

Wait a sec how did I miss this cutie omg

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to CatMommaIz [2014-09-28 06:02:19 +0000 UTC]

Isn't she the biggest cutie patooty to ever be #w# I absolutely love this kid
so, uh, wanna do the do and rp some?

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CatMommaIz In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-09-28 07:22:07 +0000 UTC]

Omg I need to respond to RPs, bUT YES

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to CatMommaIz [2014-09-28 07:54:40 +0000 UTC]

Pfft, dear, don't take giant breaks like you did =3=
So, whos this fine lady going to meet ;3?

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CatMommaIz In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-09-28 07:56:56 +0000 UTC]

I was moving I had no choiiiice ;w;
Well maybe lil baby Quail or the med cat app herself Sapling

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to CatMommaIz [2014-09-28 08:38:53 +0000 UTC]

Oh dang son, congrats on a new home
Hmmm... Quail needs some lovin' ;3

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CatMommaIz In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-09-30 20:28:39 +0000 UTC]

Well then I'll give that cute booty baby some lovin' >:3

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to CatMommaIz [2014-09-30 23:58:50 +0000 UTC]

so, who should begin?

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PatchyFallenstar [2014-09-21 00:08:20 +0000 UTC]

I do have one concern though, the name Blue- is already being used in SnowClan, if it's not too much trouble can you change it? I'm so sorry D':

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-09-21 02:31:55 +0000 UTC]

It is? I knew there was another Blue-, but I didn't realize they were a Snowclanner. I can absolutelychange it, what do you think I should change it too?

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PatchyFallenstar In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-09-21 02:59:02 +0000 UTC]

Hold the phone; i think the aforemention character has disappeared and I still had them on the list. Weird!

So in that case you're totally good. I'm so sorry for the confusion! ^^:

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-09-21 03:13:16 +0000 UTC]

Hm, yeah, seems to be a former character of SenseiRain. Such an old character its with her old name =w= 

And all right, glad I didn't have to change! To be honest, I had no other ideas since her pelt is her most distinguishing detail...

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PatchyFallenstar In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-09-21 03:26:39 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I was like I swear this character existed but apparently she's deleted all trace of it >u>

I really like the name Bluekit for her. I think it fits her really well ;u; but if you want different names suggestions I'd be happy to help you out

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-09-21 03:35:38 +0000 UTC]

A shame, I would have loved to see another blue kitty in my clan ;3; Bluekit and them could have been such good friends.

Yeah, I did my best to make her a good name ;3 But of course, I'd love to hear your suggestions! I all ready made some suggestions on the Name Journal about different shades of blue, but if you've got more creative ideas I'm all ears.

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PatchyFallenstar In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-09-21 04:03:18 +0000 UTC]

I'll bet there's one or two around still

Let's see...not all of them have anything to do with "blue" specifically but I think these names might fit her:

-Bellkit (like bellflowers)
-Shallowkit (shallow like shallow water)
-Swallowkit (like the bird)

However I still really like "Blue" for her

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-09-21 04:20:53 +0000 UTC]

True, true... I guess I'll have to hunt them down and make a clan out of blue babies for my dear Bluekit!

Oh, those are some lovely names! I really like Bell, Lavender, Orchid, and Swallow owo)/ I personally really like the flower based ones, hmm... Maybe I will change Bluekit's name ;3 Or maybe I'll keep them for a rainy day or whenever Bluekit has kids. 

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PatchyFallenstar In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-09-21 04:46:42 +0000 UTC]

Do it! heehee

Whichever you prefer <3 I'll be happy to reserve any of those names for you.

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-09-21 05:01:28 +0000 UTC]

I'm gonna do it ewe

Hmmm... If I ever think of another character, I think I'd like to reserve either Lilac, Lavender, or Orchid. But as of right now I have no plans for any of them uwu Maybe in the far off future.

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PatchyFallenstar In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-09-23 17:18:05 +0000 UTC]


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PatchyFallenstar [2014-09-21 00:06:42 +0000 UTC]


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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-09-21 02:31:07 +0000 UTC]

Wow, I'm so flattered ;3;

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PatchyFallenstar In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-09-21 03:03:14 +0000 UTC]

Really though it looks so amazing I love the gradient and the linelessness of it. and those EYES! gorgeous! <3

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-09-21 03:11:17 +0000 UTC]

Well the lineless is usually how I draw; I've never been a big fan of lines unless I wanted to do something real sloppy. But yeah, I'm really proud of the gradient uwu I was inspired by Aspenstar , I really liked her cream undercoat yet I still wanted to have a darker shade of blue for Bluekit's undercoat, hence why I decided on a gradient between the two owo)/
And yeah, I really wanted to do semi-realistic eyes, and I'm hella proud of them ewe

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PatchyFallenstar In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-09-21 03:28:16 +0000 UTC]

It's great <3 It's a very unique style and I really admire that!

you and i should be friends ok >u>

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-09-21 03:32:19 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, I've honed it for about a 2 years now uwu (that's how long i've been on deviantart, btw)

Absolutely ;3 Perhaps we could rp some time in the future? When Bluekit is Bluepaw, of course... Or, when I finally get around to drawing my next character, Bigpaw

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PatchyFallenstar In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-09-21 04:03:59 +0000 UTC]

That's great!! I need a specific style for that long lol

Yeah that would be great!! I'd really like that

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-09-21 04:16:55 +0000 UTC]

Pfft, I've known plenty of people who have the same problem ;3 Although the lineless has kept with me through the ages, I have to admit the styles past that have changed quite a lot with me. I never seem to draw a person the same way ;3;

I'll be sure to send you a comment when the time comes uwu

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PatchyFallenstar In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-09-21 04:47:10 +0000 UTC]

Yeah people always seem to change with me too. haha it's weird how that happens huh

Awesome ;u; thank you~

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to PatchyFallenstar [2014-09-21 04:58:11 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I guess its just how you evolve as an artist uwu No two sketches are the same!

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PatchyFallenstar In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-09-23 17:18:22 +0000 UTC]


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RainningDoom [2014-09-20 15:40:26 +0000 UTC]

I hope I can met her one day, but I'm in Fire Clan so it will be a while before then~

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to RainningDoom [2014-09-20 22:41:20 +0000 UTC]

Pffft uwu Well, I have another character on the way who's an apprentice, perhaps then?

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RainningDoom In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-09-21 02:09:40 +0000 UTC]

Sounds good to me, I have an apprentice, warrior, and a kit, who will be soon an apprentice. (Then I'm using Wolfkit~)

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Shiningstarofwinter [2014-09-20 15:15:29 +0000 UTC]

Oh this little one is so cute!
We may have to RP her and Riverdancer sometime.

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to Shiningstarofwinter [2014-09-20 23:15:28 +0000 UTC]

Absolutely! Why don't you begin, my dear owo?

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Shiningstarofwinter In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-10-01 23:28:22 +0000 UTC]

Riverdancer peered into the nursery curiously.  She had heard that there were new kits and she very much wanted to see them.  “Hello?” she meowed softly not wanting to wake any sleeping kits.

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to Shiningstarofwinter [2014-10-07 06:46:23 +0000 UTC]

The young kit poked her head up from where her paws held it down, her eyes big with curiosity and her tail slowly twitching. "Hello?" Bluekit called back in response, her head swiveling around in search of the original voice. That's when her eyes say the shaded figure of someone huge, a warrior presumably. She gave a toothy smile to the figure, and with a more reassured voice she mewed again, "Hello."

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Shiningstarofwinter In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-10-12 01:25:16 +0000 UTC]

"Hi" Riverdancer meowed eagerly, it came out louder then she had intended in her pleasure. She padded in towards the kit. "I'm Riverdancer, whats your name?"

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to Shiningstarofwinter [2014-10-27 01:49:26 +0000 UTC]

"Bluekit!" She responded quickly and gleefully, standing up and showing off her lanky but well-fed figure. She was growing everyday, her brother told her, and Bluekit hoped she would grow into her body soon; she was so clumsy now a-days... 
But moving forward, the small child stepped into the light of the day that beamed into the nursery, and with her smile still wide she brushed up against the warrior, "It's nice to meet you."

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Shiningstarofwinter In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-10-31 02:38:50 +0000 UTC]

“Pleased to meet you too!” Riverdancer meowed. The lively kit reminded her of when she was a kit, she had been so terribly clumsy, always tripping over her long fluffy tail.  She was still a little clumsy sometimes, but was growing out of it.  The cool walls of the nursery were much like those of the warriors den and brought back so many memories.

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M1LK-CH3RRY In reply to Shiningstarofwinter [2014-11-10 09:31:16 +0000 UTC]

The tiny kit's purr died down as she saw the warrior day dream, "What's the matter...?" She mewled, "You thinking deeply about something? I can get that way, too." She smiled sweetly, moving past the warrior and towards the bright day outside and regaining her purr as she embraced the warmth of the sun. Although she did enjoy the life of the clans very much, she sometimes missed her old home. When the wind got fierce at night they at least let the kits inside... But with the nursery having a gaping whole in it for an entrance it was sometimes hard to stay warm when a big gust came rolling in.

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Shiningstarofwinter In reply to M1LK-CH3RRY [2014-11-17 00:57:19 +0000 UTC]

Riverdancer came back to the present, “Oh I was just remembering when I was a kit.” She purred with a laugh.  “I was always tripping over my tail.” She meowed. 

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