Type: Water
Pk: Manatee
Colour: White
Ability: Oblivious/Hydration
Hidden Ability: Sap Sipper
Cowby -->(Level 39+Spring or Summer or Autumn) Secow
SPA: Siempre van con sus madres a su lado. Su cuerpo rechoncho es para protegerse de los golpes y cuando recibe el daño rebota. A veces se les ve salir del agua para tomar el sol. Su pelaje es tan suave que muchos cazadores pokémon lo capturan y lo venden por sus pieles.ENG: It always goes with its mother together. Its chubby body is for protecting of the hits. If it is attacked its body will bounce. Sometimes they have been watched going out of the sea because they want to sunbathe. Its fur is so soft that a lot pokemon hunters catch them and sell the fur.
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