Type: Normal
Pk: Calf
Colour: White
Ability: Rattled/Hustle
Hidden Ability: Adaptability
Vecalf -->(Happy+Female) Miltank
-->(Happy+Male) Tauros
ENG(To get Vecalf (Female), you will need to breed while holding the Sweet Incense)
SPA(Para obtener Vecalf (Hembra), tendrá que criar mientras tenga equipado el Incienso Dulce)
ENG(To get Vecalf (Male), you will need to breed while holding the Salty Incense)
SPA(Para obtener Vecalf (Macho), tendrá que criar mientras tenga equipado el Incienso Salado)
SPA: Cuando nacen van directamente a la madre, a Miltank, para alimentarse de leche. Suelen ir a dos patas como a cuatro, depende como caminen mejor.
ENG: When they were born they went directly to the mother, a Miltank, to feed of milk. They use to go over theirs two or four legs, it depends how they walk.
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