Madness-Made-Fresh — Kali's Parentage

#lionking #tlk #tlkinspired #thelionkinginspired #adoptable #lionkingstyle #lionkingoc #tlkthelionking #ocsoriginalcharacters #tlkocs
Published: 2018-10-26 04:08:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 433; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description Drawn, inked, and finished in Adobe Animate by Hina

They are available for breeding commissions. Here are the prices:
1-2 cubs = $1.50 USD
3-5 cubs = $2.50 USD
5-7 cubs = $3.50 USD

I adopted Kali from Carlene707  

Remember this guy?  Well, here's his mother's parentage.

This is Fujo which means "disorder", Kidogo which means "little" and Kali which means "harsh".

Fujo's Story:

Fujo was born a sickly cub and almost died shortly after he was born. Once he recovered, his mother coddled and babied him for fear of losing him again. She named him Fujo which means "mess" for he would get very messy after he ate, defecated, or wandered around the den and she would constantly have to clean him. Unfortunately, his mother's coddling left him spoiled and arrogant. Because he wasn't very strong, he would insist that the other cubs not play too roughly with him or play the games he suggests. However, the other cubs refuse to abide by Fujo's requests, even upon the insistence of his mother, and they bully him if not ignore him all together. Fujo would often complain to his mother who would do everything he wanted and ask the other cubs' mothers to ensure that their cubs play nicely with Fujo. The other lionesses worry that all the coddling has rotted Fujo's mind and stunted his growth physically, emotionally, and mentally. They were right.

When Fujo was a young adult, the pride leader announced that only a few males would be allowed to stay within the pride as part of the Lion Guard, a tradition that had started generations back by another far away pride that caught on like wildfire. Because Fujo was one of the young males not chosen for the guard, he and several other males would have to leave. Fujo whined and cried to his mother as he begged that she convince their leader to change his mind. His mother, not wanting to lose her precious baby boy, asked the pride leader if he could make an exception for Fujo, but the leader refused. Fujo pouted, moped around, refused to eat with the pride, and complained about illnesses and injuries he couldn't prove. In fact, Fujo did just about everything he could think of minus self-harm or self-endangerment to convince the pride to let him stay. He didn't want to leave the pride. How would he survive on his own?! Unfortunately for Fujo, he was forced to leave with the rest of the young males who all refused to let him join their group because he would "whine all day and slow them down".

Fujo stayed close to the border of his homeland for the first few weeks of being sent away. The guard would shoo him away, but he would be there the next day lingering. He was able to hunt small game, and find water, but it didn't satisfy him for he wanted to live in the pride and be dotted on by his mother. Whenever he saw his mother alone and near the boarder, he would plead to her that she let him back into the pride, but his mother always refused insisting that she couldn't disobey their leader's orders. Eventually she snapped at him and told him that he wasn't a baby anymore and that he had to make a life for himself. She was pregnant with new cubs and had to think about their needs. Outraged, Fujo snapped back and told her that he would die because of her and ran off. His mother wept as she watched him disappear.

He wandered for weeks as he went from pride to pride asking for residency, but everyone said no. Fujo was skinny, unkempt, and had a childish air to him which no lion wanted in a pridemember. Eventually he met a lion that was patrolling his territory and asked the lion to let him stay with his pride. The male said no. Desperate, Fujo boasted about how he was a great hunter, tracker, baby-sitter, scout, boarder guard, anything he could think of that would convince the male to change his mind. While some lions would find humor in accepting Fujo's claim and give him tasks to see if he were telling the truth or lying, this lion wasn't about to do that and politely declined Fujo again. Angered by so many rejections, Fujo challenged the male where loser has to leave while the winner gets to claim the land and lionesses for himself and the male agreed. It didn't take long for Fujo to lose miserably and cower on the ground as he begged for his life with a slash on his muzzle, a notch in his ear, and several cuts and bruises. The male told Fujo to leave and never return before he walked away.

Fujo found a place to recover and began to plot his revenge. He hated being rejected by everyone he met and he wanted somebody, anybody to feel the sting of rejection he had felt. Several days later, he smelled a lioness in heat near another section of the boarder and followed the scent's direction. He found a young lioness who was in her first heat and hadn't found a suitor while her pridesisters had. Fujo suggested that if she caught him something, he would mate with her. Once she brought back the meal, she asked him all sorts of questions about where he had come from and where he had been. Fujo made up stories of grand adventures and escaping dangerous situations, one of which was a leopard that gave him the scar on his face and the notch in his ear. He told her that he had a pride and that she was welcomed to join him and become his queen, but they should rest for the night before venturing back to his pride. The lioness agreed and the two mated before they fell asleep. Early the next morning, Fujo awoke and left the lioness alone knowing he had gotten what he wanted. Somehow, he felt strong enough to carry on and maybe find another pathetic lioness to seduce. That would teach any pride leader to know better than reject him.

Kidogo's Story:

Kidogo was an ordinary cub born to an ordinary lioness though she was a bit on the small side which is why her mother named her "little". She was a happy cub who loved to play with the other cubs and day-dream about the future, specifically meeting a male. Kidogo would fantasize about her future mate and even wonder what it would be like to be queen. However, her mother would always tell her to keep the expectations to a minimum. Kidogo was happy until she experienced her first heat and she and a few pridesisters went to the boarder to find males to mate with. One by one, males came along and chose Kidogo's pridesisters over her and she began to feel frustrated until she met a scraggly male with a scar on his nose and a notch in his ear. He told her of grand adventures and near-death experiences and agreed to mate with her. What intrigued her more was his claim that he was a pride leader and that he would make her his queen once they returned to his pride the next day. The next morning however, she found herself alone and to make matters worse the male she had mated with had challenged her pride leader a few days ago and his scars were a result of the fight. Bitter, Kidogo raised her cub Kali to not trust strangers and to be wary of males when choosing a mate. 

Kali's Story:

The day Kali was born, her mother named her "harsh" for life was harsh. Life was full of disappointments and she never wanted her daughter to feel that way. She taught her daughter how to stalk and hunt pray and, most importantly, to never trust strangers. Kidogo told Kali the story of how she met and was betrayed by her father to warn her from making the same mistake she had made. Kali grew into a strong and capable huntress and was well respected, if not feared, by the pride. The males of the pride had learned early on to keep their distance from Kali unless they wanted to find themselves pinned to the ground with sharp claws digging into their skin. When Kali experienced her first heat, her mother tried to persuade her to wait for the next heat before having cubs so she wouldn't be so inexperienced because she feared Kali would make the same mistake she had made. However, Kali insisted that she needed to let go of her fears and venture into the unknown.

She met a handsome male with green eyes and a few scars on his body who was willing to share his meal with her. Kali accepted the male's invitation and began a conversation with him. The male appeared to be nice and charming enough that Kali decided he would make a suitable father for her cubs. She mated with him and let him stay at the boarder until he was strong enough to continue his journey and sent him away. Kali has a son whom she names Janja.
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