More about this project:
2012 -The year of Originality project - MarchI'm done with the February's part! Thank you very much guys, that you like my project, I'm really glad! You are help me with your comments a lot! As I will do my final exam animation in this half year at the school, I'm really busy, so I can't answer for your comments always, but I will try, I promise!
Thank you again!
I decided, that I will start a big, one year personal project: 2012- The year of Originality
:bulletgreen: What?
I always love original characters, original stories, admire other artist's creativity and originality, and I always wanted to create some fanart about their stories. As I don't have too much time, near the univer
As I have a terrible handache, and after the big 10hours travel I'm really tired, sorry, but I don't will write too much >.<
Yeah, again a bunny boy, but now, not the cute type, he is more a cool and mad bunny boy! And of course, I love this type of characters
If you go to the artist's gallery you will find great compositions, cool designs and characters, beautiful colored stuff, a little surreal style, but really cool! So watch around in her gallery!
S.p (c)
2012 -The year of Originality project
More about S.p:
Több infó a projektről:
2012 -The year of Originality project - MarchI'm done with the February's part! Thank you very much guys, that you like my project, I'm really glad! You are help me with your comments a lot! As I will do my final exam animation in this half year at the school, I'm really busy, so I can't answer for your comments always, but I will try, I promise!
Thank you again!
I decided, that I will start a big, one year personal project: 2012- The year of Originality
:bulletgreen: What?
I always love original characters, original stories, admire other artist's creativity and originality, and I always wanted to create some fanart about their stories. As I don't have too much time, near the univer
Mivel szörnyen fáj a csuklóm, és 10 órányi utazás után elég kimerült vagyok, így nem írok sokat, elnézést érte >.<
Azt hiszem ezt az Sp-t sokkal inkább bírom, mint a mi hazai verziónkat xD Egy újabb nyuszifiú, de most egészen más stílusban és kiadásban, méghozzá nem az aranyos, hanem az őrülten menő fajtában
Ha körbenéztek a rajzoló gallériájában, szép kompozíciókat, gyönyörű és részletes képeket, karaktereket, színezéseket találtok némi szürreál, de nagyon megkapó stílusban tálalva. A legjobb, hogy elég skicces vonalakkal dolgozik, mégis egész, és komplett képeket alkot. Mindenképp nézzetek körül nála!
S.p (c)
2012 - Az eredetiség éve
Több S.pről: