Rip, I should of made the other a flat sale |D
If I make any more by chance, they SHALL be flatsales ;vvv; some even for non-owners!
Edit;; The markings don't actually glow or sparkle.
|| Sb;; 2000
|| MI;; 100
|| AB;;8000
^ To keep it going for a bit (;
End date;; 48 hrs after last bidder (it'll be judged at 12:00pm of that day)
Auction rules;
-Points only ;w;
-Reply to the highest bidder
-No retracting bids
-Have payment available when you purchase
-If payment is not received within 12 hours the adopt will go to the next person
-Purchasing means you agree to the terms and service
Kiamaras by pandoras-island
Design by shewolf28